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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Alana dressed, had her hair braided, then left the room to make the journey downstairs for breakfast. When she reached the dining room she found Landon already seated. "Good Morning, Landon!" She greeted.
"Good Morning to you as well!" He says as he placed his drink down. He stood up and bowed to princess politely. "Did you sleep well, Princess?" He asked with more emotion than he had shown yesterday. It was only the two of them, so th
"Yes, thank you for asking, my lord." Alana replied. "And how did you sleep?" Alana took her seat at the table and poured herself a glass of fruit juice.
Ema is roused by her maid informing her that they have drawn a bath for her. The princess is warned of the heat, but says it doesn't bother her, stepping into the steaming, fragrant waters. After she is dried and made to smell like roses, the princess dresses in her everyday dress, before looking over her dress and mask. Her maid presents a crown to her, saying it had been her mother's.



After deciding how to do her hair,

Ema heads down to breafast.

His stomach growling, Erza heads down to breakfast, running into Jebidiah and Neva. "Cousin! How good to see you!" He exclaims, giving the suitor a one armed hug. "And you, Princess Neva." Erza bows deeply to the princess.
Neva smiled at him and curtsied. "Just Neva," she said sweetly. "It's good to see you too Lord Erza. I trust your stay has been satisfactory?"

Jebidiah grinned at his cousin and returned his one armed hug, watching the exchange between the Princess and his cousin carefully.
"Soundly indeed. The hunt had worn be down. I nearly died had it not been for your sister, Neva. A bear charged and she shot it before it could hurt anyone. I actually wish I could see how she is doing after that. She seemed upset after it. But I am talking with you not her, my apologies.. So I heard there is a masquerade tonight or some time soon. Is this true?" Landon sat down after her, and began to sip his drink once again.
"Oh, yes. We are all very excited. We have been planning it for ages. Do you enjoy parties, Prince Landon?" Alana asks. I wonder when everyone else will be down to eat? It was early still, but Alana was hungry and breakfast wouldn't be served until Ema arrived.
"Yes, but I fend them most enjoyable when you know everyone there. Alas here I barely know the people. I have not even met Ema yet." Landon's stomach growled lightly, as he tried to fill up on water. The training had left him rather peckish.
Ema walks into the dining hall to find Landon speaking with her sister. Perhaps I should marry them off to the suitors, and I can be free. She quickly dismisses her thought. She would never subject her sisters to an arranged marriage. "Good morning, Alana. M'Lord."

Erza smiles. "It has been lovely, Princess. I wish I could stay forever, but I have my own land to tend to. I will be leaving after the wedding and Ema has another man to help her run the Kingdoms. Perhaps it will be you, eh Jebidiah?" Erza elbows his cousin, winking at him. He was in an awfully good mood. His work was already done, and he would be dancing the night away in less that 5 hours.
"Perhaps," he said grinning over at his cousin confidently

Neva had to refrain from rolling her eyes. "We shall see," she said softly, knowing her sisters inclinations even if she didn't want Neva to know. "Shall we go to breakfast?" she asked rhetorically, changing the subject before she walked into the dining hall. "Good morning sister's, Lord Landon," she greeted fondly, curtsying. She smiled at Landon again and moved to sit by him at the table. "I trust you are well, my lord. I did not get a chance to speak to you after the hunting trip."

"She's fairly feisty isn't she?" Jebidiah asked rhetorically, watching her go. "Is her elder sister like that, cousin?" he asked, genuinely curious as they followed behind her slowly.
Landon again stands, and bows fully at the waist for Ema as she walks in. "Good Morning Princess, you look stunning today." He said it all with a smile. Of course he would have said it no matter what she looked like, but she was actually worth it. She honestly did look stunning. He then quickly turned towards Neva, "Yes, I am thanks to you. You saved my life, and I am thankful." He noticed she was headed to sit down next to him so he stepped out and pulled her chair out for her.
"Thank you," she said smiling at him with a friendly smile. "And since we have established so early in the conversation that I saved your life, you can make it up to me by dancing with me tonight at the ball," she teased, grinning as she held in her laughter. "And no you don't have much of a choice, m'lord." She waited for his response, as she continued to hold in her laughter.
Ema smiles. "Thank you, sir." She sits at the head of the table, signalling for the servants to bring in food. "Tell me of the hunting trip; how did it go?"

Erza chuckles. "No, she is much quieter, though she has her moments. Very.... ladylike, Ema is." Erza walks into the hall, a bit dissapointed when he doesn't see Elise. He sits next to Ema, leaving the seat across from him, on the other side of the princess, to his cousin.
"It would be my pleasure to have a dance with you, Princess Neva. You shall just have to discover which person is me under the masks." He said smiling back, with a light chuckle at the end. He saw the servants come in with the platters of food and lay out the dishes all over the table. The smell of food wafting up to his nose. Despite the smell he responded to Ema saying, "It went well, Peter caught a 12 point Buck, I had managed to down an Elk, but your sister felled a bear lurking for the Elk meat. She saved us a few scars."
Neva laughed. "I thought I'd already proven that I was good at hunting," she teased him "I doubt it will be that hard to find one man." She continued before scanning the food on the table.

Jebidiah listened attentively, getting his first glance of Ema at the head of the table. He sat next to her, opposite his cousin and waited for a chance to introduce himself or to talk to her quietly.
Ema gasps."Neva! Are you insane? Taking on a bear... what if you hadn't killed the thing? You could have gotten you all killed!" Ema realizes that her inner mother is coming out, and it sounds so much like their own mother it scares her. She misses her mother dearly, but had always said she would give more freedom to her own children.
Karleen burst in, shouting, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU PATHETIC WORM! GO SERVE BREAKFAST NOW! BEFORE I FIND THE WHIP! ABANDONING YOUR DUTIES TO THE ROYAL FAMILY IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH!" she turned, digging into a closet, where stuff was stored, along with her dreaded whip.

Kurt jumped up, getting to his feet, sprinting out of the room before she could raise her whip. He turned, continuing to run down the hallway, before turning to the right and skidding to a halt in the Dining Halls. He headed over to the kitchen's grabbed a tray of sausages, and headed over to the table, where he set the tray down. Dispite the near beating he almost recieved, he was still smiling, mainly in anticipation for tonight's dance. He got up, going to head back to the kitchens, when he saw Ema. He froze for a moment, stunned by how she looked. he realized he was sitting there, probably looking stupid, so he resumed walking, but a bit more hurriedly, and with his face a bit red.
"You went on the hunt?" Alana gasps, when Ema finished her tirade. "And killed a bear? How exciting!" Women generally didn't accompany men on hunts. Alana hadn't even considered it an option. She had always wanted to though. She was pretty good with a longbow, though she'd never get a chance to put that skill to use. She might have gone hunting instead of shopping had she known her sister would.
"I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. The bear was about to lunge for two of your suitors," she blurted out, her eyes wide. "I just couldn't let them be hurt like that." She looked down at her plate and frowned. She sounded exactly like mother, who Neva had never particularly gotten along with but whom she loved all the same. Neva glanced up, spotting Kurt out of the corner of her eye and it caused her to regain some of her previous mischievous attitude. She turned to Alana as she spoke and giggled. "It was, although I didn't actually intend to join the hunt but I'm glad I did. I can see why father used to go on so many," she said excitedly.
Landon tucked Neva's chair into the table for her, and then sat down in his own. "I won't be as obvious as a bear, and I hope you do not mean to send a bolt into my chest." He whispered to her. Then to the eldest daughter he said, "Princess Ema, if I may, she was never in any danger. I would have sooner died then let another bereavement fall upon your family."
Neva leant over discreetly and whispered "Depends how good your dancing is," as she tried to hold in her laughter.
Ema bites her lip, then turns to Jebidiah. "Lord Jebidiah, I assume. How wonderful it is to meet you. Your cousin has done nothing but sing your praises." She sees Kurt staring and smiles, the smile for him, though it appears that she was smiling at her suitor. "And thank you, Landon. I appreciate your protectiveness. "

Erza sits back, chuckling quietly at the sisters.

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