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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you're family have this energy about them. So full of life and energetic. It's that that I find beautiful. And that's before you even start on physical beauty," he said grinning.
Kurt rolled his eyes and snickered, This guy, he heard his next comment, and practically choked trying to stop himself form laughing. This guy is ridiculous. How could anyone blame Ema for not wanting to marry any of these guys? He gets a straight face again, waiting for his next order.

Ema signals Kurt over. "Sir, could you please inform Karleen to meet me in the library? I have some things to discuss with her." She smiles, rising. "It was wonderful meeting you, Jebidiah. If you will excuse me, everyone." Ema smiles at those at the table, and then at Kurt when they could not see her face. She heads out, going to the library.

Erza rises and bows to the princess as she leaves. "I believe I am full. Would anyone wish to join me for a walk in the gardens?"
Kurt comes over, standing next to her. "As you wish, princess Ema," he said, noticing her smile, before smiling back with a wink, and turning away, leaving the dining hall.
Neva giggled, noticing their obvious feelings for one another. She hoped that the suitors didn't notice, but she knew her sister well. She wished that marriage hadn't been forced on Ema, and that she could marry for love rather than title. She briefly wondered what the laws were on marriage for an heir to the throne. If she just had to get married then Neva couldn't see why Ema couldn't just marry Kurt. It was obvious that they felt for each other and she had seen them around the castle together. But if the law were more specific then Ema could lose her home or her crown if she chose to marry Kurt. Either that or she would lose her true love. Neva's face fell and tears threatened to spill onto her cheeks at her sisters loss. Life could be so cruel.

Determined to check the laws for herself, she stood and curtsied. "I'd love to go for a walk, Lord Erza," she said sweetly. "But there is something I must see too in the library."

"We shall see each other soon, Princess," Jebidiah said to Ema, kissing her hand before he too got up from the table. He bowed and left the room, returning to the room he'd been given upon arrival.
Ema sits in the Library, by the window looking out over the lake, waiting for the head Servant to come in.

Erza nods. "As you wish, m'Lady." He goes out to the gardens by himself, enjoying the sun. It was nearing midday, the ladies will have to begin preperations for the masquerade soon.
Landon heard the news of his father arriving here. He simply nodded a reply, and then fell silent. He picked at his food barely eating much. He did not expect his father to actually show up here. This was supposed to be a test to see if he was worthy. Why would his father come and interfere? It only made matters worse that now Jebidiah was here heavily competing for the future queen. As he was thinking of this, Landon's back straightened and regained a more formal atmosphere. However he remained looking down at his food. He could not muster enough to actually swallow anything.
Azura made her way through the castle halls towards the dining hall. She knew she was either very late or had missed breakfast altogether, yet wondered if everyone had left already. Nearing the doors, it seemed that there was little activity inside, probably only the servants cleaning up. So she proceeded to the kitchens, hoping to find something to eat. It wouldn't be her first time entering the kitchen after missing breakfast, luckily the servants were usually all cordial towards her, although she suspected it was simply since she was one of the princesses and they worried that she could have them fired. She wouldn't, unless it was for something extraordinarily awful. She entered the kitchens, greeting a few servants whom were quite friendly towards her, and received a little food which she ate while chatting with some of the serving girls. They would get in trouble if she kept them too long, however, so she ate quickly and left. Passing the dining hall once more, curiosity got the better of her and she peeked in to see if there was anyone left at the table.
Neva hurried into the library and began to search for the documents she needed. She greeted her sister when she saw her, searching a nearby section. "Hello Ema," she said flashing her a smile before she turning back towards the shelves of documents and scrolls.
William Hallows woke up, a few hours after he had arrived. He quickly cleaned himself, and changed into the white tunic over his chain mail armor. He marched down and into the dining hall. He saw his son sitting there alone picking at his food and frowned. He walked over quickly.

What are you doing?" Despite, Landon hearing the echo of steps on the cobble floors, he was still startled. He immediately stood up recognizing his father's voice. "Sir, I-I was eating." William shook his head, "No you weren't. You were sitting there like a pathetic self-loathing scoundrel. Why aren't you courting?" William called a servant to take away the food saying, "Clean up, and clear out. We wish to be alone." Landon did not make eye contact. Keeping his gaze at his father's chest. "I apologize. I will do so now." Landon turned to go out towards the library, but his father grabbed his shoulder with a tight grip and yanked him back. "No! You won't leave until I give you permission, Landon. Look me in my face, coward." William's face was one that might have been handsome as young man, but has since been scarred and aged. His eyes though seemed still young and full contempt. Landon hesitantly met his gaze. "Good son... now tell me how has it gone so far?" Landon swallowed deeply. "I meet all of the sisters so far. I went on a hunting trip and shot an elk. There is a dance, and am going to have a dance with the Princess." William raised his eyebrows in a pleasantly surprised way. "Ahh, Princess Ema?" Landon looked back down and shook his head slowly. William's partial smile lowered to an angry frown. "Really soon that is unacceptable." William took his hand of Landon's shoulder. William took a deep breath. Landon braced himself, for a while he thought he would be okay. Then it came. William whipped the back of his hand across Landon's face. William grabbed Landon's chin and lifted his head to make eye contact. He pointed his other hand at Landon. "Now, I know that you know which Princess is which. I have taught at least that much. Now do not fail." William pushed Landon's head away towards the door, and turned away to return to his room. William had other things to attend to. Landon turned as his head was pushed. He felt under his right eye and felt a little blood from the cut. Landon sighed and turned towards the hallway. He walked down the hallway his head down, and hesitantly opened the door to the library.
(Thanks for the long post.... my eyes needed the exercise xD )

Neva pulled out a large dusty book and walked over to the table. Setting it down carefully, she began to scan the text for any hint of what she was looking for.
"Hello, Neva," Ema says, watching her sister go back into the legal section. She wonders what she could possibly be looking for, but does not move from her post, as she needed to wait.
(Was it too much?...I can't read sarcasm well.)

Landon walked through the isles of books. There were so many all over. He wished he had grown here. So many things he could learn.
The princesses must be much smarter than they let on to be. Some of them were dusty, but only lightly. It was obviously kept up with well. He saw several books on the history of the Hallows. They intrigued him, but the pain on his face reminded him of what is supposed to be doing so he moved on.
"Are you ever going to tell me about your feelings for a certain someone," she said simply, finding the section about marriage laws.
Neva looked up from the book and raised an eyebrow. "Ema, I'm your sister. I know how you feel about him," she said before looking back down at the book. "Does he know how you feel?"
Landon continued on in the library until he heard the two sisters talking of feelings. He stopped in the isle he was in. He wanted to hear this. It might help eventually. Besides he had time, no one else was coming in. He also wanted to give his cut a bit of time to rest and heal.
"Updated marriage laws," she said simply. "To try and help you get out of this arrangement. I want to see if you can marry anyone or if they must be of noble blood. And the consequences if you do. I just want you to be happy. "
Landon heard the pause and breathed in quickly through his nose to try to prevent further movement from breathing. However besides air alone, dust went. Landon tried to fight it for a bit, but eventually sneezed. He covered his mouth, and showed himself. He would have been found out with the sneeze. And if he tried to hide it would only seem worse, at least this way it could appear he meant to to walk in.
"There is no harm in researching it," she said softly. "You know that whatever choice you make, I will support you right?" She got up and moved over to the window, putting an arm around her sister's shoulders. "If you really love him then there is nothing you can do to change it," she whispered. "But I will find a way for you to be with him because I know you'd do the same for me." She returned back to her book and turned as Landon sneezed. "Hello m'lord,"

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