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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"Excuse, princesses. It was just some the dust in the room that happened to make me sneeze. My apologies if I disrupted your discussion." Landon bowed politely, and gracefully in response to both of them. He stepped closer so that he was in full view, he did not want to hide anything.
Neva smiled and said "No need to apologise to me, m'lord," she said simply as she found what she was looing for. "Finally," she said as she began to concentrate on the current laws. She frowned. "Oh," she said softly.
"What?!" Ema syas, coming over to look at the book. "What did you find?" She realizes that she's ignoring Landon, but it seems she doesn't care about that as much as she does finding out whatever Neva found.
"There would be consequences," she said softly as she scanned the page with her finger. "Ruling laws state that both must be of noble blood, but provided you have no intention to rule it wouldn't matter. If you do decide to step down, it would be up to the head of our family as to whether or not you could marry him," she said looking up sadly. "I'm so sorry Ema. I know it's probably not what you wanted to hear."
Ema bites her lip. "Excuse me. Lord Landon. I apologize for my rudeness." At that, she retreats to her room, it was nearly midday, she had to be there anyway. She allows her ladies to dress her and do her hair for the ball, a look of indifference on her face the whole time.
"There is no need to apologize, Princess Ema. Do what you wish." Landon was in no place to say that she could not stay, and she seemed like she did not like idle talk much anyways. So it was best just to let her do what she wishes. "Has Ema already made up her mind on whom she wishes to marry?" He asked as he walked over next to Neva. It was only the third day with suitors and only one had been there the full time. Ema definitely was not the girl to be wooed with ease. And it was not a suitor, because all of those were of noble lineage.
"Not at all," Neva said deflecting. "It's for a friend of Ema's. Another Princess." She shut the book carefully and moved to return it to the shelf. "I just hate that laws are so strict, shouldn't everyone be allowed to marry for love?" Neva sighed and looked down at her shoes. "If you'll excuse me Lord Landon, I must go and get ready for the ball. I fear I will already be late as it is." She curtsied and looked up at him, the sadness still lingering in her eyes. "I ask that you do not tell anyone about what you heard here," she pleased with him. "Please. I do not wish anyone to get hurt but I fear that is what will happen if rumours start."
"Oh.. Yes.. Of course" He said in replay. He was startled by the harshness of the last statement, but still bowed slightly back to her. He saw her face was sill slightly sad. He bit his lip, wondering if should ask. He looked at her and took a breath. "Are you alright, Princess?"
"Not really," she said sadly. "I wish we weren't Princesses," she continued. "Life would be a lot simpler. We'd be allowed to marry who we want to instead of who we should."
Landon was nervous he had not actually expected her to reply. Let alone with anything honest. "I suppose you all could nothing is stopping you other than what people think of you." He felt the pain of theirs. He went through the same thing, except it was not only what others thought that stopped him. His mother was... very against... the young lady who had caught Landon's affections. He would grow to emotional. He continued on seeming well worded though his voice spoke with more honestly than anything else he had since up until now.
"It's not really what people think of us that get's to me, it's what people expect us to do or to be. Like most people would expect us to be spoilt, material-obsessed, unintelligent and docile but that's not who we are at all. But people don't really understand that," she said softly before looking into his eyes. "Who was she?" she asked curiously, seeing the same look in his eyes that he saw in Ema's. "I don't need a name but...."
"Lilian...i-was her name" His mind faded off, as he made the tense correction quickly. Though his eyes might have been looking at Neva, his mind was obviously somewhere else. He did not like like to think of here much anymore. It is supposedly good to remember the dead, but if he does he couldn't help but remember why she did.
Neva took hold of his hand and squeezed lightly. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "I can't even begin to imagine how it feels to love and then lose someone, but the one thing I do know is that I never want Ema to go through that. I would do anything for her."
Ema sits in her chambers on her bed. She had sent out her maids, and has Kurt's things ready for him. Did she want to step down from the throne? Was she willing to do that? Her thoughts were troubled. It was several minutes before she realized she had never talked to Karleen. Quickly, she calls in one of the servants, telling them to tell her that Kurt McBriar was excused from his duties for the rest of the day, as well as tomorrow.
"Nihil Ante Familiam" is all he mustered up to say in response. The squeeze had him look back up into Neva's eyes. Landon hated to seem week. If anything in front of a princess. His eyes were sad, but he had no tears in them. He was biting his lip half from nevousness, an half from sadness of the previous thoughts.
"I suppose that motto would depend on what you class as family," she said before looking towards the door. "I should go and get ready. I have practise my crossbow aim. I'll see you tonight?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood with her joke.
( Sorry the website was backing up fr a while and I couldnt reply)

"I will be there in disguise." He replied with a forced smile. He stayed there for while before began to exit himself. He would have to go get ready. His costume were his family colors.
Maybe not the best disguise, but hopefully no one would notice that much. He walked to his room and got his clothes laid out.
Neva entered her room and her maids surrounded her, fussing about how late she was. They quickly pushed her into a bath, glad she had washed her hair that morning. Afterwards, she dried and sat by the fire as they began to work on her hair. The maids began to suggest dresses, but Neva knew exactly which one she wanted to wear. She stood and selected the dress, brushing the soft fabric through her fingers as she showed it to the two maids. They both smiled at her and she felt reassured. Moving back to the fire, she allowed them to finish her hair, slotting preserved cream flowers in between the curls and securing them.


When they were done, she began to fasten her corset. She breathed in, hating the contraption as it squeezed her body into a 'more desirable shape'.


They helped her with her dress, layer by layer until she was fully dressed before they began to paint her lips a delicate shade of pink by melting bees wax and oil on a spoon. They added a small amount of blush to her cheeks before tying her mask in place.


Taking one of the secret passages, she made her way to Ema's room and knocked on the wall. "Ema?" she asked. "May I come in?"
Ema stands, opening up the passage way. "Of course." (I've already posted these, but I want to again, so :P ) She was already ready, though her mask sat on her bed.


"Oh! I have a tiara for you." She retrieves a box, and hands it to her.


Also on the bed, by her mask, were Kurt's things.

"Well don't you look beautiful," she said sweetly as she slotted the tiara onto her head. "Thank you Ema," she said. "You look like mom," she commented, looking her up and down with tears in her eyes.
Ema hugs her sister. "You always were the spitting image of her; still are. You look so grown up." Ema steps back, holding her at arms length. "No crying. Tonight is for fun only."

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