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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

He continued laughing, but if it was good enough for her, it was good enough for him. "Why thank you, Princess Ema," he answered, in the same tone, smirking. He held out his hand, and asked, "Shall we?" A glint in his eyes.
Landon talked with many people of various things. One such story of him, after nobly striking an elk down with one quick shit from his bow to its neck. Then as he was carrying it back by himself, a furious black bear charging at him. "Now myself not being one to be intimidated quickly drew the only defense I had left. A one foot long blade glimmering in the pale moon light. Fog moved in and both of our forms became obscured into shadows. I barely evade the first strike as the bear tore by me. It roared as it turned and charged again. This time I was ready. I tore the arrow out of the dead elk. Just as the bear came close, I side stepped and lunged the arrow into the bares side. I swung myself onto his back quickly straddling it like a horse. I thought I had it then but this bear was smarter than that. It quickly reared and rolled over pinning me to the ground, and snapping of the arrow shaft. I could have sword I was done for. The bear was over me. It opened its mouth to bite me, and in a last ditch effort I grabbed its mouth to hold it open. It shook and used all its might, as did I trying to save my own life. With the last bit of energy I had I swung it to the side quick enough to grasp my blade once again. I quickly dove on top of it to finish the deed. You can ask the castle tannery. I brought it in yesterday." People ooh'ed and awe'd at his valiant story. Such a brave and strong man must be suitable kind, no?
Neva giggled and rolled her eyes. It was as if Neva wasn't even in the room, and that was exactly what made her happiest. The way he looked at Ema was the way that she wanted someone to look at her one day. She gracefully made her way down the hall to the ballroom and paused outside the door, taking a deep soothing breath.
"We shall." Ema says, taking his hand and winking at her sister.

Lord Erza comes down to the ballroom, a smile on his masked face. He was wearing the mask he had bought with Elise, a black doubket, black trousers, and black boots. He looked quite plain in the abundance of colors, though his plainness made him stand out.
Neva giggled and winked back as they entered the ball room. Neva scanned the crowd, looking for anyone she recognised.
He walks out of the room with her, a bright smile on his face. He truly couldn't remember ever being happier than he was, walking here with her, her hand in his. He turned, looking into her beautiful grey-blue eyes, a smile on his face, "I love you," he confessed.
Undoubtedly the story had started rumors throughout the hall, but what fun was a masquerade unless you used it to your advantage. "Ahh my trip from the Axelian Islands. The sea was angry that day. Most of my crew either had been killed in the Native Wars, or were bed ridden by disease, and injury. I had 2 cabin boys, and a peg leg with me on that voyage. Rogue Waves over 60 meters tall were crashing down onto Man-Of-War. I tried everythin' I could to keep the ship upright. We were rolling with the waves, in a losing fight with the old mother. I had the cabin boys roll up the sails. They barely could took up long enough. Nearly 5 minutes solid of fighting the cross wind with half a sail still up. Old peg leg had to strap himself in or else he'd be taken with the tides. Wave after wave we crashed through. Lightning striking every which way, surely our day had come. I was not ready to die that die, no. I had to fight. Ordering the boys to give me the main sail, I began charging through the waves. Fish flopping on the deck plain enough to make any fisherman happy for a year. Of course since I am before you here I made it out of that storm. Many did not. Never seen so many sea man praying in all my life." Now it was just getting fun.
Ema was sure she'd never blushed harder than she had just then. "I-" she stumbles over her words, wanting so much to just say 'I love you too,' but not able to.

Lord Erza sees one of the princesses enter, though he was not quite sure which one.
Neva spotted Lord Erza and moved over to him gracefully. She curtsied and smiled at him kindly. "Hello Lord Erza, it is good to see you," she said politely. 
(Gotta go in a minute... Sorry!))
Neva giggled. "Well done, m'lord," she teased. "But if you're having trouble you could always just call each of us Princess for the evening," she continued to teased him, grinning from ear to ear.
Erza smiles. "I believe I have already spotted Azura somewhere. Alana and Ema are yet to enter the ballroom. I believe I will be able to discern the two."
"Ema looks so beautiful," she commented with a soft smile. "Like our mother, she will no doubt be the easiest to spot."
Landon sipped the old wine. It was very well aged. He did not want to have too much of it however, he still had to be coordinated enough to dance, or dodge a cross bow bolt. Whichever it maybe, he refused to over indulge in the wine, no matter how good it may be.
Kurt's smile faltered, as his confidence did as well. He didn't say anything, but his mind was already berating his heart's decision. Too soon yet again. I really suck at this sort of thing.
Azura stood off to the side of the ballroom, watching as people mingled. The bright colours and exotic masks made everyone look like strangers, even though Azura knew that she'd met most of the nobles present some time before. But the guests seemed to be having a good time so Azura knew that the ball was a success thus far.
Ema sees everythingfall on his face and hugs him quickly, her arms around his neck. "I love you too." Her words are soft, a mere whisper, and she thinks he may not have heard them, but she'd said them. 
Erza nods. "I was about to say that you looked like your mother, Princess. You've taken my compliment and applied it to your sister." He chuckles lightly. "In truth, all four of you girls look like your mother, though you and Ema are nearly exact."
Landon had to sit down away from the dancing, and story telling. He sipped lightly to soother his dry mouth. He looked over the crowd. So many people, he'd have no clue which were the princesses. So they would have to recognize him if they wanted to speak. His hair was different and most of his face was covered by the mask. They would have to identify his physique, and possibly if they knew enough his family's colors.
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He smiles slightly, hugging her back. After a moment or two, he said, "I believe there is a masquerade ball we should be attending?" He suggested, jokingly, before adding, "It would be so unladylike of you, as the Eldest Primcess to not attend," as he released her.
Ema smiles, stepping back from him, her face red. "Yes, of course. We should probably go." She bites her lip looking at him out of the corner of her eye. The darkest corner of her mind brings up the problem of him being a servant, lower class, employed by her. She pushes them away. Ema would not think of these things tonight.
"Indeed." He responds, his face equally red, before entering the ballroom with her. He had hoped people wouldn't recognize the both of them, or Ema's life and reputation would be ruined. He couldn't do that to her, but he was also determined to make this night the best he could for her. So, he didn't plan on worrying about getting caught tonight, tonight was for having fun with the girl he loved. He wasn't watching anything around them, as all of his attention was on her right now, he noticed how beautiful he looked tonight, not for the first time, and wondered if he should say anything about it, "You look stunning," he said, a grin in his face.
"Would you like to dance?" She asks, after surveying the room. She picked out her sisters instantly, though Alana seemed to be no where to be found. Surely, she would be recognized. Although she was a bit worried about Kurt being recognized as well, she knew most would see him and think he was some random noble thay had met long ago, and think nothing more of it.

Erza sees Ema enter with a man he did not recognize. He appeared to be a high up, even in the nobles. Perhaps a Prince, from a neighboring country?
(I edited my last one a bit. :3). "With pleasure, my lady," he responded, extending his hand to her. He was trying to be as fancy as possible, but he didn't know what he was doing, he was a servant, not a noble. He also realized, that he had no idea how to dance, but for her, he would attempt to wing it.
Ema grins, taking his hand as the head out onto the dance floor. "Do you know what to do?" She whispers, coming close enough to him that their torsos touched.

The fact that Erza does not know the man bothers him. Spotting who he thought to be Landon, he walks over. "Lord Landon, please. Do you know the man who just walked in with Princess Ema?"
Kurt grinned, before replying, "Not in the slightest". He gave her hand a little affectionate squeeze, before continuing,, "Do you?" She was so close to him right now, he felt se strange urge inside him, to lean forward and kiss her, but he resisted it, as he was unsure how it'd make her feel.

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