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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"My apologies, however, do I know you?" Landon asked a man in all black. It as strange how the man just called out his name, and seemingly knew. Either way Landon knew nothing of the man who just walked in.
Ema grins. "Yes." She takes his hand, the one that was not in hers, and places it on the small of her back before placing her free hand on the nape of his neck. "Step forward with your right foot, bring your feet together, step to the side with your left foot, bring your feet together. Step back with your left, bring them together, then go back to the beginning. Feel the music and go with the pace of it. Don't be afraid to turn us while we dance." She whispers, so that the nearby couples would not hear.

"I apologize, myself. Lord Erza Garth, at your service." Erza bows with a chuckle.
"Ah well it seems you already know me, very well, as to the man who had just walked in in the silver and black doublet? I have no clue. Ne'er seen him in my life." Landon remained sitting but bowed his head in a polite way. It was a masquerade ball any how, it was not that formal.
Kurt looked rather confused, but decided go give it a try anyways. He began to follow her instructions, stepping forward with his right foot, bringing his feet together, stepping to the side with his left foot, bringing his feet together, stepping back with his left foot, and going back to the beginning, and repeating the cycle, slowly rotating clockwise as they did so. He was surprised he hadn't tripped yet, but didn't want to jinx it."Thank you," he whispered to her, before continuing, in a hushed tone, "Using my spectacular geometric wisdom, I hold it my belief that we are moving in a square of sorts, is this right?" He asked her, jokingly, but still wanting to know nonetheless.
"Nor have I... Yet there he is, dancing with our princess." Erza nods to where the two now stood. 
(Sorry didnt see the post.)

Ema nods with a light laugh. "It is called the box step." Ema follows his steps, looking up at him as they dance. "We are creating a box."
(Finally back)

Bolton's dream part 3

It felt like years had passed while he climbed the never ending stairs. "Why do you continue to climb?" asked a familiar voice. "You will never find what you are looking for." It continued. Bolton fell to his knees, tired from the voices and the soulless task he was devouted to. He knew he was in a dream. He has known since he saw the coliseum. "All I wished to have.. was a purpose." Bolton answered with an almost impassive tone. The world vibrated around him and the stairs began to crack. The voice whispered with a tired inflection "You have no purpose." The stairs around Bolton shattered and fell into the void. He was frozen from the flooding emotions. "What am I to do?" was forced out of his mouth. The voice didn't reply to his question, but instead inquired "What do you want to do?". Bolton stood to his feet and gazed ahead into the dark. "I want to wake up." he answered with a new found resolution. The void had began to crack and let rays of light burst through. The light from the cracks focused on a single point in front of Bolton and from that point a swirling vortex of light appeared. "Go." said the voice with joy. Bolton acknowledged the voice with a nod and walked to the light with a genuine smile. He extended his arm and touched the water-like light. Immediately after his hand entered the light, Bolton was thrown back into reality.

Bolton 2.0 wakes up

Bolton rushed out of bed and scanned the sky to see the time. 'It's late.' he divulged to himself. 'I should get something to eat.' Bolton decided after hearing his stomach growl. 'And a bath' he continued while grabbing a new pair of clothes.

Bolton found himself at the entrance of the ballroom and was utterly confused. 'A masquerade?' he thought in shock. Noticing that he had no mask to wear, Bolton was about to leave, but he was quickly given a platter of glasses full of wine. "Go serve these to the nobles" the man ordered before disappearing in the crowd. Looking at the wine, Bolton decided he would at least participate in the masquerade.

Bolton walked around aimlessly handing out wine to those who should take it. Every time the platter was almost empty, he would be given a full platter by the same disappearing man.
"Aye that he is." Landon honestly was a bit confused by the man just pointing out what they were doing. Maybe he will make a point eventually he is a lord after all. The fact they were dancing only minorly intrigued him. There were many maksed people here. It could have been just one dance, or some one she met on the way in.
(Wut post?). "Oh, that makes sense," Kurt says, chuckling. "But I had thought it was a triangle?" He asked, jokingly. He looked down at her, seeing her grey-blue eyes under her mask, and was caught in them for a second.
"Where is your pride, man? Are you not courting that very girl? Does it not anger you to see some stranger pressed against her?" Erza honestly has no ide why he was encouraging Landon instead of the suitor from his own house. Yet there he stands, egging on the young man, hoping to... do what? Anger him? He was unsure.
((Your post. My notifications are weird since I'm on my tablet.))

Ema giggles. "Your smarts are surely much greater than my own. Perhaps you are correct, and I am not." She'd looked down breifly, as she laughed, and when she looks up, she finds him staring. Her cheeks, already slightly pink, darken.

((I don't know, ask Landon.))
"She barely knows my name, that or acknowledges me. How would cutting in help me in anyway for her to like me more?" Landon stood up and finished off the remaining wine in one swig. He placed the empty glass on a tray being carried by a servant who looked surprisingly like Lord Bolton. He wondered if he was alright, he had seen him since te hunting trip. Those thoughts only stayed in mind for a short while as he looked up seeing Erza there, and his happy notions fading away.
Kurt laughed, "No, you're way smarter than I am, Princess." He noticed her notice his staring, and his face also went redder.
Ema shakes her head. "Twirl me." She whispers, stepping closer and sliding her hand from his neck to his shoulder."

Erza shakes his head. "You've never done this before, have you boy?"
"Courted like this? No." He did not want to bring up Lilian again. Today had been the most he had thought of her in a long time. This courting of a princess who you barely know is difficult. So different. He had heard once that being muscled makes them attracted to you. Obviously not, because Landon has only one and she ended up murdered for it.
Kurt had absolutely no idea what "Twirl me" meant, so he asked her, "Is that some sort of dance?" He asked, smiling slightly.
Ema laughs. "It's part of a dance. Just... pull me closer then put your arm out, this one." She squeezes his hand. "Then pull me close again." That was probably not the best way to describe it, but she could not think of another.

"It is all the same, son." Erza says, watching the princess dance with her handsome stranger.
He raises a doubtful eyebrow, but attempts anyways, pulling her closer, then putting his arm out, the one she squeezed, then pulling her closer again, and continuing the process. He smiled slightly, looking down at her, "How'd you ever become so good at this dancing thing anyways?" He asked, laughing softly.
Ema spins outwards, then back in, smiling. Her hand find sits way back to his neck, and she stays closer than before. "Lots of lessons. It was required. Neva is the best, though." 
"Funny, because now you're the one giving me the lessons," he joked, a smile on his face, standing closer to her. "I find it hard to believe that someone could possibly be better than you are at this." He added. (I have no idea. xD )
(Gerard Butler)

So then I what should I do now? They are both already dancing. Well she is - he looks like he has cement feet right now." He replied to Erza. Erza seemed smart. He was a lord after all. A slight intimidating edge, though not too much. Erza was shorter than Landon by about an inch.
((YES THANK YOU! The guy from 300 xD ))

Ema smiles. "I am merely average in my dancing skills." She looks up at him through her lashes. "Perhaps I should continue giving lessons after tonight, however." She teases.

Erza chuckles. "After this song, go cut in, ask for a dance. It would be rude of her to refuse."
(He also voiced the Viking dude in How To Train Your Dragon lol.)

As she watched the people dancing and mingling, Azura noticed one of her elder sisters. The tiara she wore gave her away, and since she knew her sisters quite well as most sisters do, decided that it was most likely Ema. She was dancing with a handsome man, very noble looking, but someone Azura had never seen before. She was puzzled, but decided that it was probably some young noble Ema was simply going to dance with once. She was the Queen-to-be after all, and would doubtless be in high demand throughout the night. Azura enjoyed watching the two of them, they appeared to be enjoying themselves. Seeing her sister happy made Azura smile to herself as she watched.
"Average? My lady, you are too humble," he said, jokingly. "Agreed," he answered, smiling. "I certainly need them. But I must continue to give you lessons in smarts as well." He said, a smirk on his face.
((There are quite a lot of viking dudes in HtTYD...))

Ema nods. "Of course. A princess can never have too many smarts." She bites her lip. "Would you like a drink? I'm parched."

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