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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Jebidiah's smile brightened and he led her over to the dance floor, as the music started. He began to dance gracefully, looking down at her with the same charming smile.

Neva whispered in Kurt's ear having snuck up on him. "You know, you fit in better than I thought you would," she said to him softly, smiling kindly.

((It's like 11:43am for me xD ))
(Yeah, but it's 6:44 xD ). Kurt turned, finding his way back through the crowd. He thought of his dance with Ema, and a smile came to his face. He stepped back, as a drunk noble meandered by, before continuing. 
"Do I?" He asked, turning around, a friendly smile on his face. "Honestly, I haven't a clue which noble is which under these masks," he sighed, "Neva, right?" He asked.
Alana followed Jebidiah's lead as well as she could. She was the most clumsy among her three sisters, and never liked dancing much as a result. She did her very best not to step on Jebidiah's toes and hoped he would be to kind to say anything. 
((It's ten till four here. I curse the day I ever discovered netflix.))
((I love how Kurt genuinely ignore me at almost every turn xD ))

"That's right," she said smiling. "But I think that's kind of the point. A bit of mystery is never a bad thing," she said with a smile. Neva turned her head and watched her sister. It was an odd occurrence to behold, having not seen it with her eyes except through the words of stories but she couldn't deny that that's what it was. "You certainly have caught the attention of more than a few tonight. There are rumours that you are a far off prince from a neighbouring country who has come to sweep our fair princess Ema off her feet." She laughed and grinned at him. "Not that I would encourage such rumours," she said with a wink.

Jebidiah could see the concentration on her face as she dance and Jebidiah smiled at her efforts. "Relax," he said in a low voice as she stepped on his foot. Hips lips twitched as he did his best not to laugh. He twirled her before slowing down their pace to make it easier for her. "You're doing amazingly," he complimented with a smile.
Alana blush, cursing her fair complexion as she did so. She wished she could hide her embarrassment, rather than having it show up quite so plainly on her face. "Thank you, my lord." She said after a moment. She made a face. "I don't dance much."
Kurt rolled his eyes, "If you say so," he said, jokingly. "Well, the truth would probably get me hanged so I am quite alright with this whole prince from a faraway land thing." He said, smirking. He heard her last comment, and laughed, "Thanks Neva,"
Neva laughed. "I would not let you get hanged," she confided in him in a low whisper. "I would stage a prison break long before that. I can't let Em lose you too," she said looking over at him with a soft smile. "She loves you."

He chuckled at her embarrassment. "Well then, they say that practise makes perfect. I think that tonight is an excellent opportunity to test that don't you think?"
(:3). Kurt laughed some more, "Why thank you, Neva. "A dungeon breakout just for me, I'm truly flattered," he continued. His face goes a little red, "She does?"
"Of course she does," Neva said smiling at him as his face turned red. "How can you doubt it, just look at her when you're around. She lights up. I haven't seen her that happy since we were children," she commented, looking over at Ema with her brightest smile.
"Oh... Thanks!" He said, grinning. He suddenly realized, that the fact they loved each other, would make Ema's wedding terrible for the both of them. He inwardly sighed, I just hope the guy she's stuck with doesn't entirely suck.
Neva could see his face fall slightly, and followed his thought pattern. She placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Don't think like that," she said. "I know exactly where your thoughts have gone and now is not the time for such thoughts. Tonight is a happy event. And because it is such, you owe me a dance later," she teased. "I'll even let you step on my toes."
"Thanks, Neva," he sighed. He attempted to clear the thought from his head, and it worked momentarily. He smiled, "Tonight is indeed a happy night," he said, before rolling his eyes at her next comment, "Alright then, Neva, and trust me, I'd probably step on your toes anyways." He finished, with a smile.
Neva laughed. "Good thing I'm prepared for it then," she said happily. "Go on, go back to your beloved and I'll find you for a dance later," she said sweetly before curtsying to him.
He laughed, "Thank you, for your sage words, Neva,". He said, sincerely. "We'll have your dance later, I promise," he said, smiling, before bowing back to her, and turning around, heading back into the crowd to find Ema and give her her water. (Neither she, nor Landon are on, so meh)
((I fell asleep and like 3 pages of stuff happened Dx ))

Ema, excusing herself from Landon's presence, makes her way around the ballroom. For a moment she was sure that she saw Lord Bolton serving wine, but decided it must surely be a trick of the mind. She sees Alana dancing with a tall man, Neva wandering, Azura dancing. Everyone appears to be having a ((forgive the pun. I'm awful xD )) ball. Even the servants appear to be enjoying themselves, when they aren't being treated rudely by some of the more entitled nobles.

Lord Erza holds his arms out for Lady Elise, noticing her eyes but wondering whether or not he should say anything. "You look radiant, my lady."
(I fell asleep too xD . Nice pun, by the way. :3). After walking around for a bit, he suddenly and accidentally bumped into Ema, but manages not to spill the water, "Oh, hello Ema!" He greets her, smiling, "I have the water," he says, handing a glass to her, a smile on his face.
Neva smiled and curtsied before going to fetch herself a drink. She sipped from the cup gently, enjoying the taste.
She takes it, taking a greatful sip. "Thank you," Ema says, after recovering smoothly from the bump. "Is it just me or does that man serving wine look like Lord Bolton?" She asks, pointing him out, not knowing that Kurt had, in fact, already talked to him.
"You're welcome," Kurt replied, taking a sip from his own glass. "Oh, him? That actually is Lord Bolton," he said, a smile on his face. "I guess he's my replacement?" He said, smirking.
"I-well. Why would he do that?" She wonders alound, then shakes her head. "Nevermind. Let him do as he wishes. Are you having a good time?" Ema smiles up at him, her eyes meeting his through their masks.
Kurt shrugged, laughing, "I heard he hit his head pretty hard, maybe someone told him he was a servant afterwards and he believed them?" He guessed. "I'm here with you, aren't I?" He asked, looking down into her eyes, "What more could I ask for?"
"Like what?" He asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow, looking down at her. He had no idea what she could've meant by her comment.
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"You could ask to not be a servant. You could ask for riches beyound your wildest dreams, tosee the world, to have a real father-" she cuts herself off at that, covering her mouth with her hand. "I didn't mean that."

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