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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

(I just did the google image search to find out who he was)

Yes, I suppose it would be.." He swallowed nervously. He has not sure whether or not to trust Erza. He is family of an opposing suitor, too. What is the worst thing that could logically happen. Sometimes, he actually wished his father was here.
"Of course," he said, chuckling, before hearing her question, "Sure. What would you like?" He asked, looking down at her. (TOO MANY VIKING DUDES!)
((Since we're on the topic, did anyone else notice that Hiccup pulled a Longbottom?))

Ema shrugs. "Water or wine. Whatever is closer." She says, moving off the dance floor.

Erza watches the two. "Move quick if you move at all." He murmurs. "Now, if you will excuse me." Erza approaches Azura. "Princess Azura?" He asks, with a bow. "Accompany an old man for a dance?"
Azura was startled when someone approached her, but recognized his voice to be Lord Erza's. "I'd be honoured," she smiles. "And you're not that much older, I might add." She returns his bow with a curtsy before saying, "I'm impressed you found me in this crowd. There are quite a few guests here."
(IKR! Hiccup pulled a long bottom!). Kurt nodded, walking away from Ema, hunting down a servant with wine or water. He found a servant, and approached him, "Could I have two glasses of water?" He asked, before he stopped, confused, "Lord Bolton?" He asked, examining the suitor.
(Sorry that ive been gone, i was at a music festival)

Elise was on her way to breakfast when she passed a servant who looked exactly like her late husband. It hit her hard. She began to cry. There was a lump in her throat as she ran back to her room. She had some fruit taken to her room and she ate in privacy. She soon fell asleep, tears drying on her face. She woke up in the afternoon. She quickly fixed her hair and her outfit.



(Sorry, im not smart enough to know how to use spoilers.)

She tried to sneak into the room quietly but feared her lateness wouldnt draw attention to her. She didnt really want to talk to anyone right now, plus someone might tell that her eyes were raw under her mask. Elise stood by the door, looking across the scene.
Bolton was accumulating empty glasses from the nobles. The platter had been filled with them for an abnormal amount of time. 'Where is the disappearing man?' He thought with concern. Like a godsend, he appears and trades with Bolton. Ecstatic, he starts serving before the man could dissolve into the crowd.

After serving a group, Bolton was approached by a man asking for two glasses of water. The man stopped after walking closer and asked if he was Lord Bolton. "Yeah." He answered. He continued on with a normal tone "There is a water server somewhere to your right. I only serve wine."

to close it and the same thing without the slash to open it)

Landon went to look for them on the dance floor, but they had already left. He sighed. He looked around for a while until the point where he actually found Ema. He approached her, and bowed. "
Good Evening, Princess Ema." His white smile could be seen at the bottom of his mask. He was happy that the other man was gone at least for a bit. It would be easier and more enjoyable that way.
((Sorry I vanished until now. I had an errand to run this afternoon, that turned into an entire day out of the house. I am reading through what I missed.))
"Good evening. I believe you have me at a disadvantage, Lord...?" She asks, smiling back and curtsying.

Erza chuckles. "I am as many years older than you that your youngest sister has been alive, Princess." He says, holding her a respectable distance away as he begins to dance.
Elise noticed a figure with the maske Erza baught yesterday. She walked up to Erza, thinking that he might comfort him a small bit. She hoped he didnt notice her raw eyes. He didn't knkw what to say, however.
"Hallows, Landon Hallows, Princess." Every once in a while he would forget he actually had a mash on. He had one on so often anyways himself, and only
"I suppose, now that I think about it," she replied, following him in the dance. "Although you do not look it." She wasn't consciously trying to flatter him, simply speaking what she thought to be true. And she hoped he wouldn't take it as such. Noticing a figure walk up as they danced, Azura couldn't figure out who it was. These masks. They almost cause more frustration than they are worth.
"Ah. Forgive me, my lord." She says, curtsying again. "I should have know. You were your house colors."

Erza knows, he'd bought the mask. "My apologies, princess." He says, halting their dance so he can bow to Lady Elise. "M'lady. If you would save the next song for me, I would love to have a dance with you as well."
Elise nodded gently and quietly said "That would be lovely lord Erza." She didn't mean to interrupt them, she was trying to wait till he was done.
Ohh, it makes sense now. That must be Lady Elise. And as she glances at her again, Azura can recognize Elise's eyes beneath the mask. "You could go now, if you wish," she says quietly so only Lord Erza could hear.
"I will finish our dance, m'lady." He says to azura, just as quietly. He begins to do just that, though his eyes were on Elise the whole time. He was relieved when the song finally ended. "Thank you for the dance, your grace."
Alana came into the ballroom late. She'd had a difficult time getting her hair pinned up properly. She wondered if anyone would be able to recognize her. She'd spent days picking out her dress and mask, and hoped that no one would.

She knew she would be more recognizable than she had hoped, due to the tiara her sister had given to her that morning. But maybe she would be confused for one of her sisters, or perhaps some visiting royalty.

Elise let out a breath as soon as the song ended. Erza would be able to comfort her. She curtsied to the leaving lady, who she guessed to bu azura.
"You're very welcome," Azura replied with a smile and small curtsy. "I'm not that bad am I?" She laughed teasingly. She'd noticed the way he watched Elise and found it quite endearing. "Now go, dance with Elise like you so desperately want to." She waves him away jokingly, and turns to leave them in peace, smiling happily to herself. She wished she had something like that, and the thought brings her mind back to Peter. Her smile faded. If he were here, I probably would. Although after being so cold towards him... It crossed her mind to ask Elise later if he might return.
Alana took a goblet of wine from a passing servant, and waited at the edge of the dance floor to be asked to dance. She sipped her drink, smiling in spite of herself. She hadn't been to many dances or masquerades yet, being only fourteen, and the ones she had been too she hadn't been asked to dance very often. She was the youngest of four sisters, it was to be expected. That would all change, now. She was of an age to be married, same as her sisters, and though she'd likely marry last once Ema choose a suitor, she'd have suitors of her own.
Neva was dancing with a tall man from a neighbouring country when the song ended. She curtsied politely smiled at him before walking across the room to get a drink. So far she had been called Ema more times than she could count and honestly she found it amusing. The there was only 10 months between the age of her elder sister and herself, and although they looked similar she couldn't help but laugh each time they did.

Jebidiah entered the ballroom and spotted Neva immediately. Walking over to her he bowed and greeted her. "Hello Princess," he said after a moment and Neva giggled. "I thought I told you to call me Neva," she said smiling, letting him out of his misery.

"Of course, Neva. Would you care to dance?" he asked, holding out his hand for her

Neva nodded and took it as he led her towards the dance floor. She'd always loved to dance, and together they danced perfectly in time to the music. After their dance ended, Neva curtsied to him again and smiled brightly.

"My younger sister, Alana has yet to be asked to dance. Would you mind?" she asked quietly so no one else would hear. Jebidiah smiled charmingly and nodded.

"Which one?" he asked softly and Neva pointed her out as she began to walk across the room.

Jebidiah walked up with Alana and bowed. "Hello Princess Alana, I don't believe we've met. I'm Jebidiah Garth," he introduced, kissing her hand. "Your elder sister pointed you out to me and I have to say I'm surprised I didn't notice you when I walked in. You are very beautiful tonight. Would you agree to a dance with me?"
(Sorry, I fell asleep last night. xD ). Kurt nodded, "Thank you, Bolton," before disappearing into the crowd to find the servant with water. "Could I have 2 glasses please?" He asked, smiling. The servant nodded, handing him the glasses. He wanted to be kind to his fellow servants, because he actually was one, and knew what they felt.

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