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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Bolton followed Peter and the girl to the music room. He was thinking about what just happened. He kept replaying the scene to find any reason for the anger expressed. He knew the reason though. To live under a group and serve them since birth would make any person prejudice to that group.
Ema bites her lip. "Just getting you out of there. You obviously need it, as do I." Her fingers intertwine with each other and she looks at the ground.


Erza nods. "Indeed. Tell me, what is your favorite instrument?"
At her younger sister's statement, Azura turned and said, "That would be a wise idea. Disobedient staff tend to cause problems. Although," she added thoughtfully, "Hopefully he won't be treated too harshly. It would possibly make his behaviour worse. And then who knows what might happen." She suddenly changed her tone to become significantly more cheerful. "Here we are! Everyone, make yourselves comfortable." She turned and smiled at the group.
"Well, in that case, thanks." He said, smiling slightly. "But why would you need it too?" He asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically, going around looking for things to clean, as it'd be strange if he came into the kitchens to help with something but not actually do any work. Maybe she's hiding to hide the fact that she's drunk? But she doesn't seem drunk.....
Alana took a seat on one of the couches. "You'll play for us now, Lord Peter?" She chirped, crossing her ankles and folding her hands in her lap, playing the part of the demure young lady, if only for a few moments.
Ema shakes her head. "It's rather hard, sometimes. I know I could have it much worse, and that I am lucky to be born into what I was born into. But, in it's own way, it's hard." She looks up at him. "You don't have to do anything. No one will question me."


Erza speaks up. "I would ask Princess Ema before doing anything that could cause punishment."
Elise thought for a moment and said to Ezra "I enjoy the mandolin, becuase thats what my brother plays."

Peter went to the corner of the room and picked up a mandolin. He strummed it a few times. It was flat, no one had played this is a while. "Just a moment i need to tune it."
"But they'd question me," he sighed, "Especially after what I said." He shook his head, grabbing a wet rag and scrubbing random stuff. "I can sort of see what you mean. You feel trapped by your heritage? Don't want to be forced into a marriage?" He asked, looking into her eyes. She has beautiful eyes... he thought to himself, before trying to think of something else.
"Who would want to be forced into a marriage?" Feeling bad just standing around watching him, she grabs a broom and starts sweeping. The action only occupies her hands, and she still finds herself watching him. Enough. She tells herself and forces her eyes on the floor.


"Wonderful answer. I prefer the harp, myself." Erza smirks at the lady, standing near her.
Azura spoke up. "If this is something worth punishing, I do not wish to see what the world is coming to. But if you'd like, I'll speak to her later." I hope she's okay though. Hopefully she doesn't do anything she'll regret. I know from experience how emotions cloud judgment. I hope she doesn't end up with similar experiences. "I apologize for this evening's ah... events. Ema has had a lot of pressure placed on her recently. She is strong however, I'm sure she'll be alright."
Peter finally tuned it and sat down in a chair to begin playing. "Is everyone ready?" He starts playing a tune probably all of them know. (This is what he plays: cantiga)
Alana winced a little at the sound of the mandolin being tuned but tried not to show it. She wondered what her sister was getting up to. She hoped she still wasn't in the kitchens with that servant. In a castle even the walls talk, and Alana had seen Ema looking his way before. It wouldn't do to have rumors flying about the future queen and a servant.
"No one of course. But you have to. For your country or some crap like that. Well, have you ever actually thought of just saying no? I mean, you are the king's eldest child, what you say means something around here." He offered, attempting to see what kind of person she was. He looked at her, watching her sweep, and was about to thank her for helping, when he noticed the awkward eye contact, which he held for a bit, before looking back down at his work, his face a smidge red.
Ema bites her lip. "Well, yes, of course I've thought of it." She stops sweeping to open the door to the outside, then sweeps the pile of dust out into the grass. "But if I did, I would be breaking an age old tradition. If the king dies and ha no heirs, the four great houses of Gaen choose suitors and they compete for the eldest daughter's hand, they marry, become King and Queen, and have little heirs together. That's just the way it goes." As she speaks, her tone becomes more and more annoyed.


Erza nods along to the song, mulling over the recent events.
Bolton smiled hearing the familiar song. It seemed to comfort him and ease his nerves. After the song ended, he clapped and said "Great performance, Peter."
When Peter had finished the first song Alana clapped her hands in delight, crying "That was beautiful, Lord Peter!" Alana loved music. Although she wasn't very good at any musical instruments herself, she had started lessons with the mandolin, the harp and the piano. She'd given up all three rather early on, though.
As he starts playing, Azura becomes fully immersed in the music. Focused on nothing else, her imagination runs rampant, and her mind wanders. The music soothes her, and lets her escape from the stress of the day. I wish i could play so beautifully. I must find someone to teach me the mandolin. When he finished, Azura claps gently, still in awe.
Peter laughed and took a bow. "Why thank you. Thats one of my favorite songs, my mother used to sing it in latin for me."

Elise clapped quietly. "I told you my brother was gifted. He's a musical luminary."
Kurt drops the nasty looking rag, and grabs another, cleaner one, and continues scrubbing, nodding to what she's saying. "I see the predicament you're in. Is there any way I could help?" He asked, genuinely wanting to help.
Peter turned to her "yes that would be lovely Azura. Please." He got up and put the mandolin back in the corner. "What do you perfer to play?" He asked, moving back to his seat.
She smiles. "I suppose you could ruin me." Ema says, without thinking. Quickly, she scrambles to cover up her mistake. "I mean, I... nevermind."
Still standing in the entrance, Bolton watched the group as Alana and Peter asked Azura to play. He was thinking about retiring to his room soon, but he decided to postpone it until after one more song.
"Ruin you? What would that imply?" He asked, curiously, smirking slightly. Does it mean what I think it means? He asked himself.

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