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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Alana felt a moment of remorse when she saw that her comment had interrupted the conversation between Ema and Bolton. Just a single moment. Then she relished the attention that the handsome older boy was giving her and said, "But wouldn't it be wonderful to? You've probably traveled more than I have."
Ema smiles. "Oh, please try, at least." She says, though his attention had already moved to her younger sister. She was glad they got along,though it made her thin that Bolton had no desire to be here.


Ezra swallows the food he'd been chewing. "I apologize, m'Lady. My mind is still encompassed by the boring everyday things of running a kingdom. May I say, you look stunning this evening." He adds the last bit onto the end, suddenly realising she had changed.
Elise's heart fluttered a little. "Thank you Lord Erza. And you know, while you're here you really should try to enjoy yourself." She smiled at him. She leaned in and quietly said, "it's not every day you get to see four boys fight over one girl."
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"Traveling to places is always a wonderful experience. I planned on running away at one point to travel around the islands and maybe beyond, but I decided to stay with my family for a few more years." Bolton said in polite tone. "This is interesting as well. Staying in a grandiose castle. It is a privilege most don't have and I thank you all for being friendly to me, a stranger."
"I think we've all wanted to run away at some point. When I was nine, I thought it would be a great idea to join a gypsy caravan. I'd had a disagreement with my mother and she'd grounded me. Ema brought me home, before I'd really made it out in the city." Alana laughed for a second, then sobered. "I can't even remember what the argument was about, now."
Peter had been trying to find a place to enter the conversation but couldn't find any. He turned to Azura and quietly said, "your grace i dont think we've properly met yet, im Peter Andrew Inden. Its a pleasure to meet you." Peter noted that while she was the most quiet sister, she was the prettiest.
"A princess running away from a castle to live with gypsies." He smiled. "The fact remains that we failed in our plans to escape." he chuckled, but thought about where he would be if he had ran away. If it would be better than the moment now.
"You don't need to be so formal," Azura said kindly, with a gentle laugh. "My name is Azura." She smiled at him. "Inden hmm? What's it like there?" she asked dreamily, staring off into the distance. "I've never traveled much, so I only know what the history books have told me."
"Azura." He said, testing it on his tongue. "A very beautiful name for a very beautiful girl." He said, smilling only slightly. Elise gave him. A look of disapproval. "As for Inden, the north end is okay but the south is like nothing you could imagine. The land is flat as far as the eye could see, with gently waving grass that resembles gold."
"It is different here. I'm used to training and studying at home. I hardly conversed with anyone besides my teacher." he explained in a cold tone. He smiled once again and said "I'll try my best to adapt to this kind of living."
"Thank you." She smiled politely back. But noting his half smile, decided that he most likely preferred Ema anyway. She was the Queen-to-be after all. Oh well. "That sounds beautiful. Do you prefer one end over the other?" Azura asked curiously. She decided that she would probably like both ends equally as they seemed so different that you could never truly compare them.
(sorry, i drifted off to sleep)

Ema watches everyone interacting, silently pushing her food around her plate.


Lord Garth watches peter and bolton skeptically.
Peter thought about it. "The north has its charms but i thing the soutb side is more.... well it is much more beautiful." Peter took a sip of the wine that was provided. "Tell me azura, what do yoy enjoy doing?"
Kurt leaned on the wall of the dining hall, waiting for the order to bring more wine or whatever the hell the royals were drinking. He heard Peter's comment about Azura, and attempted to not burst out laughing, If these suitors hold the future of our Kingdom, I'd like to go elsewhere. He snickered, but no one could hear him. "I'll try my best to adapt to this kind of living," Gee, your life must be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO difficult. Kurt thought to himself, rolling his eyes. He heard one of the "Chief Servants" call that another round of wine should be brought in, and he got up with a sigh, leaving the room, heading down the hallway.
"You didn't have any friends? That must have been lonely." Alana said, thinking about her own childhood. She'd had her sisters, as well as friends, servants children and visiting nobles children mostly, and a half dozen different tutors.

"Where are you headed, Kurt?" Will asked, looking up from where he was scrubbing the floors. "Give me a hand with this?" He said with a winning smile.
"Going to get another round of wine for our royal snobs." he said, rolling his eyes. "I would, but I've been ordered by the Old Hag Kareen to stay there to fetch wine again and again," he sighed a sympathetic look on his face. "Once the meal's over I think I could help." He offered, before continuing on. He opened the door to the Wine Cellars with his key, and headed down, pulling a few bottles at random from where they were stored. He didn't know much about wine, and didn't care. Once he had assembled the bottles, he put them on a fancy silver tray, and headed back to the dining hall, closing the Wine Cellar door behind him. He came back into the room, and placed the tray of wine on the center of the table, before heading back to his position.
Ema's eyes follow Kurt as he walks back to stand against the wall. She'd always admired him, from afar, though she was pretty sure he hated all of her family.


Ezra smiles at Elise. " I do believe they would rather go after the other sisters!" He whispers.
Will shook his head at his friends sour mood and kept at the scrubbing. He always preferred working in the stables, although technically that wasn't his job.
Elise looked around and realized he was entirely correct. "All the same, they want the throne. Maybe love matters more to Bolton but i dont the the others feel that way. Who do you think will get the throne Erza?" Elise's head snapped back to look at Erza. "Im sorry, I meant Lord Erza."
Azura's eyes lit up at the question. She enjoyed telling others about her interests as it gave her an excuse to talk about them. "Well," she began. "I absolutely love reading. I will read almost anything, but my favourites are old legends and tales, and books about science. I especially love astronomy, and sometimes will sit on the roof at night to look at the stars," she confessed, blushing slightly. "And I enjoy music, although I am not especially gifted at playing anything in particular. I love listening to it though, and have a little skill with a few instruments." She smiled, remembering some of her favourite musical instruments. When she refocused on the conversation she asked, "What about you? What sort of things do you enjoy?"
Peter listened intently when she was talking. But when it was his turn he shrugged. "I enjoy intrigue above all else, knowing all about families history and thier secrets. I play a little too. But to be honest im not that well. Princess Ema wants me to play after dinner."
Ema speaks at this. "You offered to play, if I remember correctly, Peter." She seems a bit put off at something, and takes a sip of her wine.

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