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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

giraffesarebetter updated Clash of Kingdoms with a new update entry:

Still just putting this at the top of the list. Have another picture. this one's a cute lil bun

Read the rest of this update entry...
Peter gets up as well and follows her. "Lord bolten!" Peter exclaims. He holds out his hand for him to shake. "Its a relief to finaly meet you!"
Bolton was about to say he would never do such a thing, but the mood changed before he could. He kneeled and kissed the young princess's hand. Standing back up he beamed "Yes, you presume correct. The journey here was nothing special. The highlight of the trip was seeing the castle on the horizon." Out of the garden, Bolton sees a lady approach the group. She curtsies to him and introduces herself as Ema. He bows and repeats his new catchphrase "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Ema." He is met by another person, but this time it seems to be a suitor. Bolton shakes his hand and replies "It's nice to meet you as well. Even if I don't know your name. It is always a pleasure to meet new people."
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"Ema, if you'll excuse me I'd like to go inside and freshen up before dinner." Princess Alana said suddenly. Then without really waiting for an answer darted around a corner and into back into the palace.
"Please. Just Ema. And the pleasure is all mine, sir." Ema looks Bolten up and down, discreetly, so he won't notice. Though his clothes are worn, they aren't rags. They add a bit of roughness to his appearance that flatters him.

"Oh. Okay..." She says to Alana, watching as she runs off.
"Im sorry, my name is Peter Andrew Inden. My father is a great admirer of your fathers." Peter said, putting his hands on his hips. "Tell me, what do you hunt om wers? Ive always been curious. Lord Ezra manul Garth and myself have been planning a little hunting trip, you should come along."
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Alana slowed to walk once inside the palace. She leaned against a wall, putting her hand over her hammering heart, and tried to collect her scattered thoughts. What's wrong with me? She wondered. Alana had never felt so flustered as she had during her incredibly brief conversation with Lord Bolton. "Pull yourself together, Alana." She told herself sternly. She straightened and started climbing the stairs to royal wing, telling a passing maid to have hot water sent to her room.
Bolton thought of Peter's question for a second and replied "I don't hunt so I don't know all of the wildlife used for it, but I know that there are some places in Wers with big cats, deer, and bears." "The most I have hunted is a hare. If that gives you any perspective." he laughed.
Azura was wandering aimlessly throughout the halls of the castle, when a hurried servant paused briefly near her. "My lady, I have been informed that the suitors from Inden and Wers have arrived." Azura nodded distractedly at this new information, and the servant decided that it was a satisfactory answer and hurried on. Azura was aware of the arrival of the guests, but had missed greeting them on purpose. She had deemed it an unnessecary waste of time, better spent in the castle library. However, curiosity had gotten the better of her, so she was now on her way to see if she could at least catch a glimpse of them. She spotted her sister, Alana, hurrying through the halls. She may know of the whereabouts of the suitors. Maybe I'll ask.
Peter laughed in a good natured way. "You must accompany us all the same!" Peter put his hand on his shoulder. He thought that even though they were competing, there was no reason to be rude about it.
In her distracted state, Alana quite literally ran into Azura. "Sorry, Azura." She said. "Did you know that Lords Erza and Bolton and the lady Elise are arrived?"
"So I've heard. Do you know where that are at right now? I'd like to catch a glimpse of them." The suitors had been a topic of discussion amongst everyone for ages, and even Azura had gotten caught up in it. I might even like to meet them.
"I wouldn't mind going on a small hunt with new friends." Bolton chimed to Peter. 'Have I ever had friends?' he thought to himself. 'Am I just acting this way to spare everyone the cold and boring me? Or is this me the real one?'. He decided to set that aside for the moment and pay attention to what was happening around him.
"They were in the gardens, last I heard." Alana blushed slightly after she spoke, thinking about how she must have appeared, filthy from gardening, her hair a mess; which was strange considering she almost never worried about her appearance.
Azura smiled at Alana. "Thank you. I assume Ema is with them? And what about Neva?" Azura noticed Alana's blush and, somewhere in the depths of her mind realized that it was strange, however she didn't give it much though as she was trying to imagine what their guests would be like.
"It will be a good opportunity for the princesses to get to know my sister as well. She is very exited to be here. Speaking of which, im sorry she isnt here to meet you. The journey was very tiering for her..." Peter stoped, realizing he was babbling.
Neva stared after Alana, concerned. She turned back to the groups conversation, trying to seem interested in what they were saying. "It's quite alright," Neva said with a kind smile. "We can meet her soon, I look forward to it in fact. I'm sure we'll all be great friends."
"They are both there. I am going to go get changed for dinner." Alana told her sister. She hesitated, as though about to say something, before turning and continuing down the hallway to her rooms.
"It's fine. I'm sure I will meet her at another time." Bolton replied looking up at the sky trying to tell what time it was.
Azura nodded. "Thank you. I'll see you at dinner then." She then began the walk towards the gardens, in no hurry. Azura though about Alana's words for a moment. Get changed for dinner... Maybe... She glanced down her own outfit. The deep green of her gown was vibrant enough, and the gold trim made it an acceptable outfit, she decided. Passing by a reflective surface, she glanced at her hair. It was wavy, but messily so. Not neat waves like her elder sisters would have had. She shrugged, good enough. Besides, this way it looks like I'm not trying as hard as everyone else undoubtably is. And it isn't that bad.
When Alana reached her room, she found her maid ready and waiting with hot water. "Help me out of my dress so I can wash. And then I'd like to change. The purple dress, I think." Her maid stepped forward and started to undo the ties of her dress with a practiced efficiency.

"Dressing to impress, your highness?" She hummed, as she worked.

"No." Alana said quickly. Then she amended, "I suppose. I am expected to make a good impression on our guests. I certainly didn't do that today." When Alana was wearing only her underthings she scrubbed her hands, face and armpits with hot water. When she was dressed once more, in a purple and gold silk evening gown nearly as flattering as the dress she'd ruined that morning, her maid started combing her hair, and styling on top of her head. To finish the maid dabbed a bit of rosewater behind each ear saying, "You are a young lady now. You should smell like one."
Elise was finally done unpacking, and she had on her fancy evening dress, (a decadent gold and silver thing.) She looked out the window to see a large group of people standing about in the garden, so she decided to go out there and join the living. She got directions from a maid to the gardens but on the way she ran into one of the sisters "ah. Your highness, its good to see you again." She curtsied.

Peter noticed that Bolton was wearing clothes that wernt of his rank and recalled his father saying something about a bad business deal the Wers had made. To tell the truth, peter's father did not admire bolten's father.
"Princess, prey tell where HAS Garth run off to?" Peter adressed Ema.
"I'm not quite sure, but he'll be around for dinner. Follow me, I'll show you two to the dining hall." She says, then turns and begins guiding them through the castle to a large room, the table set in silver.
Azura curtsied to the lady she had just met, who also appeared to be on her way to the garden. "Nice to see you as well," she replied politely. Her name had escaped her, and she didn't know whether or not it was rude to ask. Oh well, she mentally shrugged. "My apologies, but your name has escaped me, Lady...?"

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