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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Ema smiles. "I have informed the staff that I shall not be disturbed with matters of the kingdom for the rest of the day, as I didn't want to ignore my guests on their first day in Roen." She informs him, turning to make her way back down the staircase.
Neva spotted her elder sister, walking down the staircase towards her. She straightened her dress, it's pale yellow fabric hugging her curves as it's gold thread glittered in the light. Her hair was curled delicately over one shoulder, pinned up at one side, the dark blonde colour going well with her dress. "Ema," she greeted, curtesying and smiling happily before she walked slowly to her side. She linked her arm around her sisters and whispered lightly to her. "I hope you are fairing well, sister."
Peter saw the almost-queen's sister and recognised her immediately. He bowed to the younger sister "your grace" the younger sisters were always an option to his mother, but Peter preferred being king. All the same, his job will not be to woo only the future queen.
Ema smiles at her sister. "I am well," she says, and gestures to Lord Inden. "I have been showing Lord Inden and his sister to their chambers." The princess proceeds to introduce Neva to the Lord and suitor. Ema lowers her voice to a whisper. "Remember to apologize for not greeting him at the gates."
Neva curtsied, smiling sweetly. "Lovely to see you again, Lord Inden," she said softly. "I must apologise for not greeting you and your family at the gate, I was held up with other matters. But I am so glad that you're family are here,"
Alana brushed the dirt off her hands and stood back to look at the newly transplanted rose bush. It was still small, without any rosebuds to speak of, but Alana hoped that come summer it would bloom with dozens of pink and yellow flowers. She put her hands on her hips and nodded with satisfaction. Was I supposed to be somewhere? She thought for a moment. Lord and Lady Inden! Alana brushed as much dirt off of her hands as she could, ran her fingers through her hair and straightened the sky blue gown Ema and gotten for her. She turned and half ran through the garden and into the palace.
"I understand completely princess. And it is completely alright. As for my family, me and Elise couldnt be happier to be here. We love Roen, its all quite beautiful here." Peter smiled wide at both of the princesses. "Including the people."
Ema blushes. She seems to be blushing quite a lot around this man. The princess was just about to say something when she hears running footsteps; she knows it's Alana. Biting her lip, she gets ready to be faced with a dirty face and dress.
Neva giggled and grinned. "I happen to agree," she said happily. "The scenery is beautiful," she agreed, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I do hope you and Elise intend to stay with us for a while, I know my sisters and I will all enjoy having you here," she said as she glanced at her blushing sister. She turned her gaze to see Alana, and her hand shot to her mouth to hide her smile.
Alana slows to a stop when she sees her sister. She curtsies, first to her sister then to the guests. "I do hope you'll forgive me for not meeting you at the gates, and for my appearance. I was in the gardens and I lost track of time." Alana says quickly, before either of her sisters can say anything. She glances nervously at them, watching for their reactions.
Peter laughs first at what neva says, and it encourages him. He is glad his charms are working. When Alana, the youngest sister entered the scene he tried to conceal a laugh. Roen was the complete opposite of Inden! "The garden you say? Well I should much like to see that." Peter couldnt help but think that if he did end up living here he would discover it is a complete mad house.
Seeing the castle so close was amazing to Bolton. "The castle is big isn't it?" he asked the knight. "Yeah" the man said in a gruff voice. Bolton knew the castle was big, but he thought the small talk with his guard would help him be less nervous around the nobles and royalty. When the carriage stopped, the knight stood up and nodded towards the suitor. "Thank you, knight" he said while exiting the carriage. Bolton barely heard the man mutter "I'm no knight.. Not anymore". After taking the crate of clothes off the carriage, he thanked the coachman and waved them goodbye.
Ema knows her mother would have been angry with Alana. But she can never bring herself to be too angry with her youngest sibling. "Go wash up, then meet us in the gardens." She tells her sister. "Shall we?" Ema asks the others, motioning in the direction of the gardens.

Just then, a servant comes up to her. "Ma'am, Bolton Wers is coming up the drive."

"Thank you. Will you show him his room then escort him to the gardens? I would very much like to meet him."

The servant nods and runs out to meet Bolton. "Lord Wers, my mistress wishes that I show you and your things to your chambers, then to the Gardens, where she, her sisters, and Lord Inden will be waiting."
Peter holds his arm out for Alana. "Oh I almost forgot. Does the castle include a music room?" He asked, walking with the girls. Peter hoped his nervousness didnt show to the princesses. He knows he let it get to him earlier when he asked Ema about taxes.
Bolton answered in a slightly surprised tone "Oh.. That's fine". After a short pause, He then stated assertively "I wish to help carry the crate. It's my things so I should at least help."
Neva smiled at her sisters and Peter. "One of us should go and greet Lord Wers, I'll go and meet him at his room and show him to the gardens," she said to Ema as she curtsied to the others. "I'll be back shortly." She walked slowly towards the room she knew had been assigned to Lord Wers before standing outside somewhat awkwardly. She twirled a finger around a strand of hair as she waited for him to arrive.
Bolton and the servant picked up the crate and walked awkwardly to his room. "Is that the room?" he asked the servant. "Yes. It seems Princess Neva is waiting for you" the servant answered. After gently placing the crate down in front of his door, Bolton bowed and repeated what his father told him to say "Princess Neva. It is a pleasure to meet you."
"Likewise Lord Wers," she said sweetly, curtseying politely. "But please just call me Neva," she smiled at him brightly. "My family are so glad that you're here," she continued, looking up into his eyes.
(OoC: Sorry I was creating a character sheet for another roleplay)

Ema nods to Neva as she leaves. "Yes, there are two, actually. We have any instrument you may wish to use, Lord Peter." She says, walking through the gardens with him.

The gardens were large, with a central fountain that has a statue of a mermaid in the center. Around the fountain, the paths lead around in a style reminiscent to a labyrinth. The flowers seem to be randomly placed, having all styles and colours of roses, lillies, and other flowers. In the back, there is a small grove of peach trees with a swing the girls used to play on.
"I would love to perform something for your majesties later, perhaps after dinner?" Peter enjoyed walking gardens greatly. They have a large one in Inden, but not as large as this.
Looking over at his crate of clothes, Bolton tells the servant "I will be going with Neva. I hope you don't have too much trouble with my clothes." "I suppose we are going to the gardens?" he asks trying to retain his composure.
Neva nodded and smiled sweetly. "I can wait if you'd rather attend to your possessions, Lord Wers," she said sweetly as she rocked back on her heels. "I don't mind waiting."
Lord Inden realized he should've plucked a rose for her. "Princess, you now have me at a disadvantage. I enjoy music in my free time. What do you ladies enjoy?"

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