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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"Thank you, Neva" Bolton said with a sigh. Trying to hurry he took off a couple boards with a quick pull. "This crate is worn so it can be broken relatively easy" he explained as he tore off more of the boards from the top. Grabbing armfuls of clothes, Bolton ran in and out of his room placing his clothes in a chest by the bed.
"You write!" He exclaimed happily, "and what does the future queen of Gaen write about?" He asked playfully.
Neva smiled and waited patiently, folding her arms behind her back as she watched him put his things away.
"The world will never know." Ema teases him, walking a patch of calla lillies, bending to smell them. "These are my favourites." She comments.
"That's all of them" he laughed. Looking at the broken crate, boards, and debris on the floor, Bolton felt uneasy. "Would it be alright to leave the servants to clean this up. I would, but I don't know where to throw it away." he asked the princess with concern in his voice.
Peter bent over to smell one. "You know," he said, plucking one and gently placing it behind Ema's ear, "The gypsies belive the Calla Lilly has special powers. They place them above children's beds. In hope they will grow to be beautiful as they grow up." Peter mused quietly.
"I can show you if you'd like," she said. "I sometimes feel guilty about leaving servants to do things like this too," she said shyly, as her cheeks turned pink. She moved into the room and bent down slowly so she didn't crease her dress. She picked up a few pieces of broken crate, and gathered them in her arms.
"Thanks" he smiled while filling the crate with boards. Bolton picked up the now light crate and told Neva in a joking manner "Lead me, my princess, to the place of which you put trash."
Peter laughed gently and shrugged. "My aunt enjoys studying other cultures. Personally i think its superstitious nonsense." Peter continued walking.
Neva grinned and giggled. "Of course kind sir, do follow me," she continued in his jokingly manner before turning more serious. "It's really nice to meet someone who is independent," she said smiling at him. "I mean we pay them to clean up after us but that doesn't mean that we should make their lives as hard a possible right?"
"Perhaps," she allows, following him. She picks up her skirts when they reach the peach trees, making her way to the swing. Slowly, she pumps her legs, swinging only slightly. "Maybe she's right."
Peter sits down next to Ema. She smiles gently and nodds. "Perhaps." He pauses, pondering it. "But I suppose only the gypsies know."
"Yeah. That is true." Bolton replied absent mindedly. He was thinking of the family crisis and the loss of money. His family no longer had any servants. Cleaning was done by the family. "Being independent is taboo to some of the upper-class." he commented trying to not say anything insulting to nobles or royalty.
"Ah but it is so nice out here." Peter commented, putting his hands behind his head. "But a real meal will do me good. I dont know if you've done a lot of traveling your majesty, but the food they serve on transport ships is... hard to get used to." Peter chuckled lightly,
Neva scrunched up her nose. "I can't imagine being so...." she trailed off looking for the word. "disrespectful of others feelings. The lower-class are people too, no matter how much money they have," she said softly, swallowing hard as they made it down to a small room by the stables. "Here it is, no use wasting it when it can be used to fuel a fire for a few hours," she said setting it down next to a large pile of logs. "Oh my, I forgot to ask if this would be ok. We can take it elsewhere if it isn't suitable," she said blushing bright red.
(sorry I left so suddenly, I looked at the clock and realized I was going to be late.)

Alana didn't want to interrupt the conversation between Peter and Ema. She thought they were getting along very well. She decided to go and check on her chrysanthemums.
"This place is fine." He smiled as he lowered the crate by the pile of wood. "Better it being used than thrown away" Bolton said looking at the wood pile. Remembering that they were supposed to go somewhere, he asked Neva "Should we go meet the others in the garden?"
"Yes of course, I'm sure you're eager to meet Ema," she said nodding as she remembered her place. "This way my lord," she said as she began to walk in the direction of the gardens as she brushed splinters from the front of her cream dress.
Following Neva, he could relax a little and think to himself. 'Neva seems like a great person,' Bolton thought, 'but my parents want me to marry the queen-to-be.' As he walked slightly behind her, he kept thinking about this conflict.
The chrysanthemums were looking a little parched, in Alana's opinion. She'd have to get the gardeners to water them more. She heard Neva's voice filtering through the bushes. She went to go meet Lord Bolton.
As they reached the edge of the gardens, Neva turned to him and looked up at him concerned. "Before we go in and I introduce you to my sisters, I have a favour to ask of you. Not that I've really done anything to deserve one but I ask it all the same. My elder sister is a beautiful, wonderful young woman, and she deserves the chance to fall in love and marry someone who can love her for who she is. So I ask that you do not try to pressure her in anyway. If she chooses you then congratulations, but if not then please do not make her less happy for her decision," she said looking up at him as she examined his expression. Turning away she spotted her younger sister, Alana. Neva grinned, her happiness returning. "Sister," she said happily, as Alana walked over. "Allow me to introduce you to Lord Wers. My lord, this is my next younger sister, Princess Alana."
Alana curtsied and offered her hand, with a polite, "Lord Bolton, I presume? How was your journey?" Alana sized Bolton up, raising an eyebrow at his worn clothing. She'd heard that the Wers family had fallen on hard times when she'd been (eavesdropping) listening in on her sister's council, but she wasn't sure as the Wers were a very private family. All in all, Alana though that Bolton was rather handsome, with his dark hair and striking eyes. She fought a blush, reminding herself that he was here to marry Ema.
(sorry i had to help out irl)

Ema laughs. "The servants will come and get us, I'm sure." She says, seeing Neva and a young man enter the gardens. The soon-to-be Queen stands. "I should go and greet him." Ema says, curtsying and heading down the path. Finally, she reaches her sisters and Bolton. "Neva, Alana. I hope you two were being polite," she says, curtsying to Bolton. "I'm Ema."

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