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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Massacre's head briefly started aching, as if something was trying to force the symbiote off the Rhino... But then the pain passed, and was replaced by the unmistakable symbiotic voice of, well, another symbiote. No matter how impossible it seemed. The hulking Massacre turned to the voice, a mixture of rage and curiosity built up. His eyes gazing at the person, pointedly ignoring the human with a shield.

"I CAN AND I HAVE, WILL YOU STOP ME LITTLE SYMBIOTE?" Massacre then loomed over Ivory, and began communicating with the symbiote itself, and not the man. "No, you will be consumed... Like all the worthless humans that inhabit this putrid city!"


SheltonMultiChara said:
May I join?
The RP hasn't closed, so just submit a CS and wait for acception off @sitanomoto
Savage began doing his best laugh once again, "Man am I glad I did not turn out like you, I would have wanted someone to shoot me if that were the case, look pal, you had your fun now just-"

Savage was cut of as Ivory put everything he had into a punch, before rolling under the hulking symbiote, hoping to find a weakness to exploit.


SheltonMultiChara said:
When you mean CS, you mean current starter?
(No character sheet)
SheltonMultiChara said:
When you mean CS, you mean current starter?
((CS=Character Sheet, just fill out the template in the 'Character Sign Up' tab at the top. Also, don't ask another question in this tab. This is the roleplaying tab, not casual discussion. The questions and chat tab is 'Out of Character Chat, another tab at the top.))

Massacre didn't see the punch coming, but shrugged it off nonchalantly, physicality was his strength. This poor excuse of a symbiote was no more than a pest, needing to be squashed.

"YOU DARE?! YOU THINK YOUR WORDS... MEAN SOMETHING? YOU HOPE TO BE A SAVIOR TO THIS WORLD? THEN YOU WILL JOIN IT IN DEATH!" Massacre roared, striking immensely powerful blows into Ivory's direction, any that missed creating large holes in the ground.
Steph had left the stark tower as she felt another annoying disturbance, really could they go a week or so without attacks from villains they were worse than roaches at this point. With way she knew what she had to do and was once again at the nameless city where the wall remained unchanged. She was sure the human part of the boy would one day be consumed by the symbiote if he didn't get control but the idiot seemed to think all was fine with letting them have his body, that was how all possessions started you give them an inch and they will take a mile.

" Wake up we have work to do" She said to the sleeping boy.
Cyrus followed Conner towards Massacre, He laughed a bit, "Well aren't you the ugly brute?" He transformed back into his normal clothes, "Bring it."

Kalin woke up and saw Steph, "Work? What on earth are you talking about?"
" You mentioned looking for symbiotes, well we have one attack again " Steph said with a bit of a sigh " SO consider this your real test coming up against what symbiotes can become if not controlled "[ She said still wanting the human to be in control of his body not the symbiotes.
It took a moment to regain his composure after his feet touched the ground, and was surprised at Ivory's sudden outburst. There goes any sense of surprise we might have had. Looking at the large symbiote creature it looked..larger than he remembered. Though he'd only seen it from afar. Connor caught sight of Finn before grabbing the comm he'd thrown to him, before Finn ran off.

Then the fight was starting before he could even react, Ivory was rushing at Massacre and Massacre was fighting back. So Connor was rushing in, pulling the shield off his back and raising it up. He was quick to use Ivory almost as a stepping stone to gain a little altitude, angling just to the side as he came back down towards Massacre's large form he brought the shield down in an attempt to bash it into the symbiotes face, all the while trying to dodge the large horns on it's head.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((CS=Character Sheet, just fill out the template in the 'Character Sign Up' tab at the top. Also, don't ask another question in this tab. This is the roleplaying tab, not casual discussion. The questions and chat tab is 'Out of Character Chat, another tab at the top.))
Massacre didn't see the punch coming, but shrugged it off nonchalantly, physicality was his strength. This poor excuse of a symbiote was no more than a pest, needing to be squashed.

"YOU DARE?! YOU THINK YOUR WORDS... MEAN SOMETHING? YOU HOPE TO BE A SAVIOR TO THIS WORLD? THEN YOU WILL JOIN IT IN DEATH!" Massacre roared, striking immensely powerful blows into Ivory's direction, any that missed creating large holes in the ground.

Each blow caught Ivory, he only managed to dodge the last one, but fell into the crater created, he went to get up and give him a piece of his mind, but his bandaging fell off, and his wound opening once more, he proceeded to bandage it.

"Great job Ivory really, I was just about to make it so no combat was needed, but no, fighting him with an injury is defiantly better"

"Shut up Savage, we need to think, there are no chinks in his armor plate thing, nothing we can exploit, we just have to use some of the strategies we where taught" Finishing bandaging himself, he rushed forward, "I KNOW I'M NO SAVIOR, BUT IF I CAN BEAT YOU, THEN I CAN AT LEAST SAY I DID ONE THING RIGHT WITH MY LIFE!"
Joan watched as a group of heroes head towards the bridge. "actually, I am curious as to what they are doing." she said as she followed them to the bridge, upon arrival, she hides to watch what was about to unfold. To her surprise, she saw a symbiote for the first time, in the shape of Rhino. "Good heavens, this one spells trouble more than my hunger does, maybe I should lay low until things die off, then go away into a hiding spot." she muttered to herself. Phoenix finally finds a store that sold tough glass, and gave the manager the address of delivery, along with the payment up front, and a tip. "Finally, I can head home and make some ssssserum to sssssssate my thirst for blood." he said to himself as he walked to the tower. @Archangel Galdrael @sitanomoto @TKolord @Karcen @Anyone else I have Missed.
Kalin nodded, "Don't worry I'll prove myself." He stretched a bit. "So are we leaving now?"
Shelton could hear the diversion elsewhere, but couldn't make it out. He sighed and opened up his backpack. He had a feeling that something was out to get him, but he then forgets that comment. Shelton ran off to where the yelling came from and listens out to any fiery actions that can be dished out in any moment.

"..." Shelton felt silence come before him, as he listens attentively to the man who exuded his tone a minute ago.
SheltonMultiChara said:
Shelton could hear the diversion elsewhere, but couldn't make it out. He sighed and opened up his backpack. He had a feeling that something was out to get him, but he then forgets that comment. Shelton ran off to where the yelling came from and listens out to any fiery actions that can be dished out in any moment.
"..." Shelton felt silence come before him, as he listens attentively to the man who exuded his tone a minute ago.
(Uhm, sorry m8, but the creator of the thread has to approve your character first)
SheltonMultiChara said:
Shelton could hear the diversion elsewhere, but couldn't make it out. He sighed and opened up his backpack. He had a feeling that something was out to get him, but he then forgets that comment. Shelton ran off to where the yelling came from and listens out to any fiery actions that can be dished out in any moment.
"..." Shelton felt silence come before him, as he listens attentively to the man who exuded his tone a minute ago.
(Your character needs to be accepted by the manager of the Roleplay first, who is currently offline.)
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]

General Roland

The General scoffed and folded his arms at the woman before him, not believing the venom pouring from her lips. "Then you'd better carry on destroying things girl, I have my orders, and they're to catch the Symbiote! Nothing more! If you think I'd start a civil was with the Avengers... You're insane!" The proud General straightened himself, not caring whether she harmed him or not, but still inwardly worried about her reaction.

((If Hypnas knows about the good symbiote Savage, she could use him as leverage, which would get Roland to agree with the proposition.))

Hypnas smiled. "How about this?" She said. "I happen to know the location of at least one symbiote who might be able to help you. You help me take down the heroes, I'll help you catch the creature."

Cassie glared at Aedan, but there was a playful glint in it. "Me and my big mouth," she said with a smile. "That does sound-" Her eyes turned stony when Kyu said the words "publicity stunt." She whipped her head towards him. "What do you mean, publicity stunt?" She asked, almost spitting venom.
" yes" She said holding her hands up as they started glowing.

There was a flash and the ancient city was gone replaced with New York, and nearby there was massacre and those fighting him. Steph had made sure to keep some distance to let any disorientation wear off before the boy fought the monster.

" Now let's see how you do " She said pointing to massacre.
"This symbiote is one feisty tiger. He just does not stop at all." Joan said with pleasure as she watched the fight, seeing what the Savage symbiote does. Meanwhile, Phoenix returns to the tower. "Mr. SSSSSSStark!!!! I Placed an order for ssssssome Glasssss! It should be here in an hour!!" He called, and then went to sit in the kitchen to read a magazine that was laying on the counter. @Archangel Galdrael @LokiofSP @Anyone else I missed.
Kionu runs across the roofs and finally stops midway up stark enterprises. She doesn't look tired as she leans on against the tower and crosses her legs
Shelton walked around a pathway, sensing a voice from somewhere. It was one of his alter egos, Xeno. Xeno beckons over yonder, where the sun began to set and the cold air started to arrive. Shelton smelled the sweet scent of stoke, which he always like. Shelton licked his finger tips and held it in the air, testing the light and gentle breeze.

"Ah, what life I'm having, hey...maybe I can make some friends here." Shelton spoke to Xeno, who drifted off into space.

"Oh..." Xeno regained consciousness. "Yeah, just be wary ok? I'll keep a slight watch of the unprecedented."
Kalin sighed, "well then. Let's get this show on the road." he jumped down running towards the hulking beast, "In the name of the life foundations I place you......" by the time Kalin reached massacre he looked up, "your allot bigger than in the picture."
General Roland

The General stared at the girl, as if trying to see through it as some kind of facade. "You get me the symbiote, I'll get you the h-" His speech was cut off by an animistic roar in the visible distance, the General turned, visibly shocked to see what appeared to be Massacre himself combating several heroes. With no option, he turned to the woman, almost as if the man so acquainted to giving orders, was awaiting them.


Aedan paced over to the window, gazing out across the window, and now feeling a hint of sympathy for the poor boy who'd been doing so well. Strangely enough, he had a bad feeling... Military? Symbiotes? It didn't add up nicely. Certainly, he felt more than a little worried about he heroes outside.


The shield that struck Massacre's face - narrowly missing his piercing horns - caused him to let out a roar of pure anger, he then ignored Ivory, who he had knocked down with his earlier flurry of vicious strikes, in favor of focusing on Cyrus and Connor. "I'll break you WORMS!" The Symbiote cried, as it shot large blackwebs from it's large arms towards the two men. In an attempt to incapacitate them, and then bludgeon them. He then felt the brief hammering pain within his mind once more. Before he regained his composure, and stared at Kalin, now verily enraged by the symbiotes that opposed him. "ENOUGH!" Massacre roared, ignoring the web he previously released, he lunged for the new symbiote, attempting to grab him and slam him down onto the concrete. "
Kionu looks up and her claws come out as she climbs to the balcony at the top of stark towers "finally I'm here...."

She walks from starks suit landing pad and towards the glass door

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