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Fantasy Assassin Academy for the Wicked and Magical

KebabQueen said:
Kal looked at Ajax angrily.
"Not all of them may have been murderers, some could have done barely anything wrong.. This place is sick! SICK!

But you're right... We should go.."


Kal snapped at Ebony

"I do not have anger issues! You don't even know me! You're the psychopath here, not me!"

She stood there for a while, calming down.

She looked at the child who had fallen over. She noticed she had bandages all over her face. A flush of guilt fell upon her.

"I'm.. I'm sorry.. Okay? I didn't know.. I'm sorry"

Kal fell to her knees. She didn't deal with death easily. She wondered if she even had it in her to be an assassin.

@Daniel reaving @JustCallMeAimee
JustCallMeAimee said:
Ebony looked up at Kal as she was helping the girl to her feet, "leave her be." She said with a slight scowl, "does it look like she's done it on purpose?" Her expression relaxed and she proceeded to help the girl, although was on her guard incase.
"Ignore her." She told the girl straightening up, "she has anger issues, not that she'll admit it."

@Daniel reaving @KebabQueen
Silith nodded slightly to the girl who showed kindness to her and leaned into her a little like a scared child would before she heard the intercom then looked around even though she couldnt see as she felt the diying souls all around her and truthfully she was happy about the deaths. 'More for me.' She thought to her self as she walked over to the girl who was mean at first and hugged h er before she turned to the diying and started over to them slowly as a dark aura started to radiate off of her
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Ebony lent down next to her, "and you don't know me." She stated looking at Kal sternly, "I am not a psychopath, stop calling me one." She sighed under her breath, despite how calm she came across she was angry. But she felt sympathetic towards you girl, "I understand that this is hard..." She looked towards the tables, "but to survive in this world you can't let these things affect you."

"I- I don't know where to go-"

She was interrupted by the kid, who seemed to be hugging her. She hugged back, feeling happier.

Karl turned to Ebony, staying silent for a bit

"Fine. Fine! You're not a psychopath. Sorry. This place is just so shit, I'm going to die early in here"

She walked towards the tables and tried to get past her disgust. She gathered the bodies and piled them up. She set them on fire, cremating them.

She turned towards the others.

"Maybe the cafeteria would be a good place? I have no idea.."

She began walking wherever.

@JustCallMeAimee @TheMilkMan @Daniel reaving
"Hey don't say that! You won't die and i'll make sure of that." It was getting quite obvious that Ajax had a crush on Kal. "But yeah the cafeteria sounds like a good idea. We can barricade ourselves in there if we get there before anyone else."
KebabQueen said:
"I- I don't know where to go-"
She was interrupted by the kid, who seemed to be hugging her. She hugged back, feeling happier.

Karl turned to Ebony, staying silent for a bit

"Fine. Fine! You're not a psychopath. Sorry. This place is just so shit, I'm going to die early in here"

She walked towards the tables and tried to get past her disgust. She gathered the bodies and piled them up. She set them on fire, cremating them.

She turned towards the others.

"Maybe the cafeteria would be a good place? I have no idea.."

She began walking wherever.

@JustCallMeAimee @TheMilkMan @Daniel reaving
TheMilkMan said:
"Hey don't say that! You won't die and i'll make sure of that." It was getting quite obvious that Ajax had a crush on Kal. "But yeah the cafeteria sounds like a good idea. We can barricade ourselves in there if we get there before anyone else."
Silith helped as best she could and found one alive. When she did she slowly put a hand onto his neck and the man screamed as she collected his soul then went back to the others and slid her hand into the womans that had been mean. And looked around slowly wanting to travle with them
Kal looked at him, slightly confused. She could feel his emotions radiating off of him, she decided to keep quiet about it for now.

"Baricade ourselves?" Kal started laughing "this isn't the zombie apocalypse! We're in school, dummy!" She smiled and smacked his head playfully.

She stood up "well, we should get going"

She looked at the small girl. "Looks like you're coming with us, haha" Kal then looked to ebony

"You should join us too.. Uh.. What's your name? I didn't get it. I'm Kal"

@TheMilkMan @Daniel reaving @JustCallMeAimee
"Barricading your self in there? I wouldn't do that." She straightened moving to go with them, "a trapped person, is a dead person." She stayed bluntly, Ebony looked at her and shoved her hands in her pockets, "I'm Ebony."
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"Well you never know, they might be after us. But i guess majority wins." Ajax noticed that almost all the other surviving students were still in the hall, probably in shock.
Silith stood there holding kal's hand as she stood bext to her silently and looked around as they all spoke to each other and silith nodded when kal said that silith was comming with the. It felt nice to be around nice people
"Let's go to the cafeteria anyway" Kal said, joyfully "I'm fucking starving, and I don't think they've poisoned the food" she kicked the doors open and started to walk out the hall.

she looked down to the girl still latched on to her

"Hey kid... I'm Kal, what's your name?" She asked, trying to sound as friendly as she could. She wasn't even sure the kid could talk, but it was worth a try.
KebabQueen said:
"Let's go to the cafeteria anyway" Kal said, joyfully "I'm fucking starving, and I don't think they've poisoned the food" she kicked the doors open and started to walk out the hall.
she looked down to the girl still latched on to her

"Hey kid... I'm Kal, what's your name?" She asked, trying to sound as friendly as she could. She wasn't even sure the kid could talk, but it was worth a try.
SUddenly the thoughts silith came into kal's head as he looked back to her and waited for her to notice it was silith putting her name into kal's head as she walked with her down the hals. She couldnt wait to see her new friends with her own eyes and speak to them with her own voice
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"No guys" Kal said.

"Her name is... Silith?"

That's what I'm getting.

Karl stood there slightly confused. She wasn't too sure about what just happened.

"Is that right?" She tugged the girl's arm lightly to tell her she was talking to her
Kal didn't know how to respond to that question

"Because she told me, I think... I think she's telepathic or something... "Oh my God I am so freaked out right now" she whispered to Ajax.

@TheMilkMan @everyone else in the roleplay
KebabQueen said:
"No guys" Kal said.
"Her name is... Silith?"

That's what I'm getting.

Karl stood there slightly confused. She wasn't too sure about what just happened.

"Is that right?" She tugged the girl's arm lightly to tell her she was talking to her
TheMilkMan said:
"And how would you know that?"
Silith nodded when her arm was tugged and looked to her as she nodded some more then leaned into her like a child as she walked with her
Kal relaxed slightly at that statement.

"I guess you're right" she said in a low voice

Kal looked down to Silith, watching her nod

"Hello silith.. That telepathy thing you've got going on is pretty cool.." She said nervously, scared that Silith would send more graphic things to her

Oh shit what if she heard that? She though. She tried to look away from Silith, trying to distract herself

"Let's go"
They came upon a room with many tables and benches. "Well it looks like we're here. Although i am surprised that no one else is." He looked at the food hesitantly "Better not touch the food, they might have poisoned it as well. Remember, they said the real test has just begun."



Damon had been walking through the hallways, scraping his claws on his armoured vest. He hadn't bothered coming to the hall when all the other students were called. Damon knew what a big meeting meant anyway; same things happened at his old organisation. They had to kill someone, they knew what they were doing at all times. maybe even some pathetic 'test' to see what they were capable of. All that pointless stuff.. 'Hmph, this place is pathetic. Most of the students here are just inexperienced teens who had one or two kills and think they're some 'master assassin'.' He could hear talking coming from round one the corners. 'I guess the meeting's over.' Damon huffed as he turned the corner, noticing a few students heading towards the cafeteria. 'No surprise here, more inexperienced teens.. probably got lucky on their first kill and had help.' Sighing, Damon headed towards the cafeteria as well. "So, you lot the new recruits?" Damon asked as he leaned on the door to the cafeteria. @Anyone
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Kal sat down on the table.

"What about the unopened chips? Do you think they would produce them themselves just to poison them? There are even famous chip brands here... I don't think all the food is poisoned, and besides, I'm not sure they'd use the same trick twice"

Nevertheless, Kal ignored the food, although it looked delicious.

She noticed another man come in, she'd never seen him before

"Yep, that's us" Kal said, acting casual "we haven't even been here 5 hours and a good chunk of us are dead" she told him

@iChaotic @TheMilkMan

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