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Fantasy Assassin Academy for the Wicked and Magical

Matt shrugged, and said "Whatever floats you boat." He had gloves on to conceal his metal arm; he had nothing revealing his bionic parts. He started to practice hand-eye coordination, juggling the two knives.
Ajax was quietly training near them, listening to the entire conversation, from the beginning. Stealth wasn't his thing, with his wings, and Battle axe being quite hard to hide. They were probably just not paying attention to him. He's only been at the academy for about a week and still didn't know anyone or have any friends. He walked over to them and interupted their conversation. "Aren't you guys forgetting something? Or do you not have powers? Surely you don't need your hands for them."

@KebabQueen @aristocraticMobster
Kal smirked "you're right, it is"

She grabs a second sword from the wrack and turns to face him, she had no idea what she was doing or what she was about to get herself into. She could sense a stand-offish aura from the boy, she decided to imitate it.



Kal turned to face him. "You're right about that, thanks for reminding me... Wait, where did you come from? I didn't even see you!"
"You're kidding me right? I'm about as stealthy as a whale riding an elephant in the pentagon." Ajax was surprised to say the least. She must have not been paying much attention to him. "So anyway, what is your name? And back to the subject at hand, what powers do you have?"

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Kal look confused.

"Is that stealthy or what? I have no idea what you're talking about dude." Kal burst into laughter for a bit.

"I'm Kal, and I can shoot fire from my hands. Not the grandest or most elaborate of powers I know, but it's what I'm stuck with. What about you?"

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"Wow, we're quite similar! Although instead of shooting fire out of my hands, I can set it on fire with my mind" He turned to look at one of the training dummies and it instantly burst to flames." I can also teleport to a place i'm looking at as long as its not too far away, and last but not least, you probably guessed this already by my wings, I can fly."

kal gulps. "Well, your powers really trump mine" Kal produces a small flickering flame in her palm. "Wish I could fly..."


((Hey I got a go now, but you guys can just continue without me))
"Well at least you have powers! Just think about it, most of Earth can't even imagine having powers." Ajax tries to make her feel better, to no success. "Well, i better get going, see ya" He started walking towards the doors.

@KebabQueen (See you tomorrow)
Ebony stepped into the room, she was silent as death and looked upon the people in the room with a blunt expression. Shoving her hands into her pockets, Bone walked across the room aiming straight for the weaponry. She reached for the first thing that caught her attention; a Katana.
As he is heading towards the door, he notices a cute girl walking towards the weapon rack. "Well it looks like i'm not leaving after all." He looks at the floor next to her and suddenly appears next to her. "Hey."
Glancing up at Ajax she artfully raised an eyebrow at him, "hello." She acknowledged the young man before reaching for said katana and weighing it out in her hands as if testing it.
Ajax was almost offended at her lack of acknowledgement at him and his sudden appearance."Don't tell me you're not one bit surprised at me just appearing there. Surely you must be at least a bit shocked!"
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Ebony turned her red eyes back to him and shook her head quietly, "thinks like that don't surprise me." She stated bluntly. Giving him a quick once over. I should really play nice she thought and offered her free hand to him, "Ebony Blanc."'she said quietly and glanced up at him.
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Aydin stares the girl down. "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight." He says raising his glock with a steady hand. He wasn't trying to make trouble. He just really doesn't get along with people. Any person. He wished he had his kitten Gravestone with him. Much better company.
Ebony drew her attention to the other people in the room aswell, her eyes ruby like as she watched. Her eyes clocked Aydin who seemed to be indirectly causing a possible argument. Slowly she rolled her eyes and returned her attention to the man infront of her. She sighed softly dropping her hand.
"Well Ebony, nice to meet you! I'm Ajax by the way." He noticed her drop her hand as if hesitating. "So, what did you do to get here?"
Ebony seemed a little taken back with how direct he was to know how she'd gotten here; frowning Bone looked away, "the things I've done...they're not to be boasted about." She shrugged softly leaving him with the vague answer. She looked up at him and tilted her head slightly, "what are you?" She asked.
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Aydin holsters his gun and walks away passing by Ajax, his steel grey eyes glanced sideways at him. Why do people want to know what others have done? He really didn't understand people. At all.
Matt finished juggling the knives and put them away. He surveyed the room to find another person, a silent person. Hm. He walked over to him, and said, "You good with that gun?" Guns, after all, were his specialty, and he liked to find others that had their own methods and learn from them.

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Aydin jumped slightly at the voice, being ducked in by his own thoughts. "Yeah, better with the sniper rifle then the glock." He says softly wondering why this guy was talking to him. "Explosives are my speciality though." He says shrugging.

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Ebony looked at the passing man and then the other who had joined him. Glancing away she sighed through her nose.
Kal ran into the training call obnoxiously. She'd been asleep for ages, missing hours of potential training time. Shoving past a few people, she bounded toward the sword wrack. To her absolute horror, there were none left.

"SHIT!" she screamed, before running up to a dummy and savagely attacking it with her fists and feet.

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