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Fantasy Assassin Academy for the Wicked and Magical

((Yeah, I will, just in a minute))

Kal diverted her attention to Ajax

"Really? That sucks, he sounds like a dick anyway, you're probably better without him"


She then turned back to the girl with a look of disgust.

"Fantastic, I'm sure you're one of many also. Good talking to ya psycho" she said, searching for another bag of food. Nothing.

Kal wasn't quite sure if she was being serious or not, but she decided not to dwell on it for now. There were more important matters at hand, like where to get bacon from.

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KebabQueen said:
((Yeah, I will, just in a minute))
Kal diverted her attention to Ajax

"Really? That sucks, he sounds like a dick anyway, you're probably better without him"


She then turned back to the girl with a look of disgust.

"Fantastic, I'm sure you're one of many also. Good talking to ya psycho" she said, searching for another bag of food. Nothing.

Kal wasn't quite sure if she was being serious or not, but she decided not to dwell on it for now. There were more important matters at hand, like where to get bacon from.

Ebony wanted to tell the girl that she was wrong. That the things she'd done weren't her fault she that she had no choice, but she didn't. Instead she nodded at the girls remark almost as if agreeing.
Matt was not surprised that somebody was watching them. He always assumed that someone was watching him. He put back his knives and walked to the room.

((Going for another 3 hours. Schedule is really choppy today!))

A noise could be heard from the speakers

"Hello students. I'm sure you are all curious as to why I've brought you here. Well, in truth. I brought you because..."

there was silence for a little while, creaking and rusting could be heard from behind the walls and doors

We're having a party!!"

Trays and trays of party food, drinks, balloons the lot were brought into the hall. The looks on the students' faces were picture perfect, full of pure delight. Many ran towards the trays of food, some stayed put. Either way, the smell of the food was enticing

"Help yourselves students! You've earnt it!"

The speakers silenced.

Kal looked unsure, she stared at the food.

"I'm not sure about this... It looks like a trap or something to me.." she said to the two of them.

@TheMilkMan @JustCallMeAimee
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Foundry said:
Matt was not surprised that somebody was watching them. He always assumed that someone was watching him. He put back his knives and walked to the room.
((Going for another 3 hours. Schedule is really choppy today!))
((Welcome back to the crib!))
Kal looked at him, a little fearful.

"Don't go do it dude. You can have my bacon crumbs if you really don't think you can last it"

She offered him some bacon.

Ajax looked at the bacon hesitantly "I think i'll pass. I'm not that hungry. What do you think this is? Surely if its some kind of trap then they must have had a plan b."
"I don't know! I just don't trust them... Still don't go dude"
Kal leaned back, proud of herself feeling like she'd saved a life

"Good, good.."

With that, she chucked the crumbs if bacon down her, and focuses on the people eating at the tables.

She noticed one of them coughing profusely

Ebony's eyes narrowed slightly as she watched, "the girls right." She glanced at Kal then back at the table, people had begun to stumble and many looked pale.
Ajax was starting to get nervous. "What if this is a test to get rid of the idiots. What if they only want the smartest of us." Ajax said to the two of them.
Kal looked a little disturbed

"That's exactly what I was thinking. Kill off the weakest links before we get truly started. Nobody slowing us down..."

It wasn't long until everyone at that table was coughing and vomiting blood. They were all white as a sheet, many were losing their hair.

@TheMilkMan @JustCallMeAimee
Ajax leaned back, realising that there was nothing to be worried about."Well, they're getting a taste of their own medicine. Or at least most of them are."
A black limo pulled up to the school and the back door opened before a girl got out. Her face bound up to the nose and a blinder over her eyes as she slowly got out and her head moved around as if she was looking around before she started slowly into the school being careful not to run into any one that was walking by and when she got to the door she accidentay ran into it whith a muffled mff at the surprise of the door then she slowly opened it and started in. Oh how she wished she could see right now, it was so embarasing to have ran in the door but she was inside now and her head swivled a little as if she was looking around again before she took a step forward again and fell to the ground because she tripped on some ones foot
"That's one heck of a poison." She mumbled under her breath and folded her arms over her chest. One thing she'd learnt from experience; if someone offers you food or drink ingest it at your own risk.

Ebony looked down at the floor as a girl stumbled over her, she sighed under her breath and reached down to help her up, "you okay?"

@Daniel reaving
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Kal glared at Ajax, shocked

"They didn't deserve this! It could have been you, if I hadn't have warned you!-"

Kal was interrupted by a small girl at her feet.

She looked down at her, slightly annoyed

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" She shouted.

@everyone in the roleplay, too many people to tag lol
"What do you mean they didn't deserve this? Imagine how many innocent lives they all took together. I mean i'm not saying i never killed anyone but still."
KebabQueen said:
Kal glared at Ajax, shocked
"They didn't deserve this! It could have been you, if I hadn't have warned you!-"

Kal was interrupted by a small girl at her feet.

She looked down at her, slightly annoyed

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" She shouted.

@everyone in the roleplay, too many people to tag lol
Silith slowly got to her knees and her head swivled up twoards the sound of the voice as her bindings gave of a sinister look as she sat there looking up at the girl. Why was she so mean? She wouldnt be if she knew who this little girl on her knees infront of her was but it wasnt like she could just say hey im geath if you dont mind. Silith slowly got up silently and her head hung low as if she had done something wrong

The speakers flickered on

"Hello! Me again! Liked our little gift to you? We call it vaxide. One do the world's deadliest poisons and the easiest to disguise. Just our little way of getting rid of the dead meat so we can focus on the students with potential. Poor little things, so naïve. Don't think this our onky test either, except the next one won't be so obvious. So keep alert kids! Your real training starts now!"

The speakers went silent​
Ebony looked up at Kal as she was helping the girl to her feet, "leave her be." She said with a slight scowl, "does it look like she's done it on purpose?" Her expression relaxed and she proceeded to help the girl, although was on her guard incase.

"Ignore her." She told the girl straightening up, "she has anger issues, not that she'll admit it."

@Daniel reaving @KebabQueen
This wasn't their test? At least Ajax was right about this being a test. He looked at Kal "I don't think we should stay in this hall. Remember our deal? We stick together."
Kal looked at Ajax angrily.

"Not all of them may have been murderers, some could have done barely anything wrong.. This place is sick! SICK!

But you're right... We should go.."


Kal snapped at Ebony

"I do not have anger issues! You don't even know me! You're the psychopath here, not me!"

She stood there for a while, calming down.

She looked at the child who had fallen over. She noticed she had bandages all over her face. A flush of guilt fell upon her.

"I'm.. I'm sorry.. Okay? I didn't know.. I'm sorry"

Kal fell to her knees. She didn't deal with death easily. She wondered if she even had it in her to be an assassin.

@Daniel reaving @JustCallMeAimee
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