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Fantasy Assassin Academy for the Wicked and Magical

Ebony watched the girl with a raised eyebrow, holding the katana by her side, "your anger...seems to control you." She mumbled watching the girl with slight confusion.
Danielle just had lunch and is currently quite annoyed at the prospect of high intensity training with a full stomach. She trailed her finger on the wall until she finally made it to the training hall. She pushed the doors open and stepped into the hall, she could hear a few voices chatting away quietly. She clicked her tongue and listened to its reply. There was what seemed to be a weapons rack and a few people gathered around it. Quietly walking closer she realized there were three males and two females, judging from their voices. The faint scent of blood and alcohol told her someone cut themselves already.

"Excuse me, am I right to believe this is the weapons training class?" She asked quietly, approaching the group just as a girl started shouting. She quickly stepped back and clicked her tongue again to see if the girl was shouting at her. Thankfully she wasn't.

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Matt looked over, "Yup, you completely and utterly right!" He gestured to all the weapons. "Come join us! We're just bonding over here."
Foundry said:
Matt looked over, "Yup, you completely and utterly right!" He gestured to all the weapons. "Come join us! We're just bonding over here."
Garnet said:
Danielle just had lunch and is currently quite annoyed at the prospect of high intensity training with a full stomach. She trailed her finger on the wall until she finally made it to the training hall. She pushed the doors open and stepped into the hall, she could hear a few voices chatting away quietly. She clicked her tongue and listened to its reply. There was what seemed to be a weapons rack and a few people gathered around it. Quietly walking closer she realized there were three males and two females, judging from their voices. The faint scent of blood and alcohol told her someone cut themselves already.
"Excuse me, am I right to believe this is the weapons training class?" She asked quietly, approaching the group just as a girl started shouting. She quickly stepped back and clicked her tongue again to see if the girl was shouting at her. Thankfully she wasn't.

Ebony rolled her eyes at the comment of bonding before glancing at the girl who'd just arrived. "Bonding is...one way to put it." Folding her arms she nodded to the girl in a gesture of greeting.
Danielle turned to the male's voice and raised an eyebrow. She opened her mouth to make a somewhat snarky comment on the prospect of bonding when a girl beat her to it. She missed the girl's greeting and waved to her instead. She turned to the weapons rack and clicked her tongue to find a weapon best suited for herself but realised it was empty. 'So that's what the girl was shouting about.' She thought to herself.

"I should probably introduce myself before class starts." She announced turning to the group.

"My name is Danielle. Nice to meet you." She said.

@JustCallMeAimee @Foundry
Ebony ran a hand through her hair, holding the sword by her waist she looked over the girl quietly, "Ebony Blanc." She told the girl in return. Offering no other gesture in greeting besides the previous nods and the articulately pronounced indignation of her name.

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Suddenly, a mysterious voice appeared from the speakers...

"Hello students, I am your principal, Mr. Y" It said.

"It's nice you're making friends and all, that will come in handy for later. I've been watching you train, work, eat and sleep. Every interaction has been recorded and noted. You'll find out why soon enough"

"To your relief, your training ends here, just for today. You all have an assignment. Report to the main hall immediately. I won't be there to assist you upon arrival, so make yourself comfortable for a while. I'll be there to talk to you soon..."

"What the fuck! They're bloody watching us!" Ajax obviously annoyed. He valued his privacy, and he didn't appreciate it when someone viewed him without telling him. Anyway he started flying towards the main hall. Already he pretty much learned where everything is and it should only take him about 5 minutes flying. Once he got there he was surprised how empty and large it is. "Huh, looks like I got here first!"
Kal was pissed off. She was being spied on, and she'd only just got the time to train. She quickly dropped the dummy she was attacking and bolted toward the hall. She got lost a few times, running into classrooms and through the toilet a few times, but she got there eventually. And when she did there was only one person in there. She recognised him from the training hall.

"Hello again.... Uh... What's your name again?"

"Well I'm both suprised and not at the same time." She shrugged questioning her self on how that was possible. Due to the fact that she didn't care about timing, like the others seemed to, she walked to the hall with her hands in her pockets.
"Oh right i forgot to tell you my name, I'm Ajax. And you are... let me remember....Ken? No thats not right. Oh yeah Kal!" He was embarrassed that he didn't even remember her name even tough they haven't met that long ago. "Why do you think they called us here?"
Kal looked disgusted for half a second.

"Ken? Do I look like a gay-ass piece of plastic to you?" She said rudely, but joking at the some time.

"Ajax, nice name. Reminds me of the matrix for whatever reason, and I don't know. Ugh, I saw this coming. I bet we have to hunt someone down in the school or something. Great, I trained for like 10 seconds. I'm dead" she said with woe in her voice. She slumped down the wall and sat in the floor.
"Sorry, my memory is not that good." Now Ajax felt even more embarrassed as he did not get that she was joking. "Don't worry, if you want you can team up with me if thats the case." He offered Kal his hand.
Kal looked up to Ajax.

"I can get up myself" she said, pushing herself off of the ground. "But thanks for the offer, I think I might take you up on that one. I don't admit it but I'm terrified of this place"

Kal felt safer, having an ally with her. But that didn't change the fact that there were mass murders in this place. That scared her, even if she was one of them. She was more surprised that nobody else was even here.

"Great, i'm finally making friends" Ajax thought to himself. "I just hope they hurry up. I'm not realy that patient."
Ebony pushed through the door looking inside before walking completely through the door. She wasn't afraid of what they were going to do, more of what was going to happen to people.

The door swung closed behind her and she glanced at the two who'd already arrived.
Kal began to tap her shoe impatiently.

"Where is everyone?!" She shouted into the halls. Just as she said that, a few dozen students spilled in. Nobody she recognised, maybe one or two were in the training hall, maybe some were in the classrooms.

Kal turned her attention to one of the girls she spotted in the training hall earlier, when she was attacking that dummie. She turned to face her.

"Hello again, stranger" she said to her. Then she remembered that comment she made, about her anger.

"And my anger doesn't control me, for the record. Just a bad day, that's all" she shrugged and leaned against the wall, taking out a packet of spicy bacon rashers from her pocket. Delicious.

@JustCallMeAimee @TheMilkMan
Ebony looked at her with those large red eyed and nodded slowly as if trying to work the girl out, "I apologise for my misplaced judgment." Although this statement didn't sound apologetic it really was, she looked at her with a blank expression.
Kal chuckled inwardly at the apology.

"Apology accepted, although I wasn't that bothered to begin with. But whatever, I'll take it"

She took her bag off her shoulders and sat on it. Her skirt was already dirty as hell from tackling that dummy. She continued to eat the bacon.

"So why are you in here?" She said, with a mouth full of food.

She tilted her head and looked at her for a moment before answering, "various criminal acts, and you?" She asked after providing her answer.
Kal narrowed her eyes

"That was a bit of a vague answer, don't you think?" She said, annoyed.

"I killed a few cops" she said bluntly, stuffing her mouth with more bacon.

"I'm only interested because I want to know how many evil sadistic psychopaths I'm talking to. So again, why are you here specifically?"
Well then, I'll be labled psychopathic she thought before looking at the girl before raising an eyebrow, "I'm a multiple time murdere and I've done a few other things, but unwind go into more detail that that."
Kal smirked.

"I don't like cops, they killed my dad, so I killed like 20 of them. Detailed enough?"

"So what are these few other things you speak of? As long as one of them wasn't hunting down your ex, torturing them, and then killing them, I'm sure you aren't... That mad." She chuckled before finishing off her bacon strips.
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"Well at least you had a dad. My parents ditched me on earth for dead right after i was born." Ajax interrupted as there was nothing else for him to do.

((Since all the other players are offline should we just say they are in the hall, so we can continue the story))
"It's a long and complicated story." She waved the girls question off with a shrug, "but if you're going to base my sanity on the crimes I've committed, then yes you can class my as psychopathic."

She glanced at Ajax and thought at least yours had the curtsy to dump you instead of using you.

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