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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Spice finished the nibbles on her plate then gets up and says" It's not bad food but it's basicly an asswhipping ride for the captain so, lets go and see where wei-kun is there's a cafe where waiters serve you personally i wonder if he's trying to it out as a change of pace and to earn some extra cash". Spice grabs some dry food to give to the poor and wraps it in a cheap hanky and looks at the others for a moment then turns her attention back to sera and playful grins. ' unless given no choice i'm going to do the night shift, the money's good but not enough to warrant extra hours when i'm not in my best state of mind and it's been so long and if he's in town and working that kind of job i really want to go there'.

Sera Lightbane

Sera nodded after finishing her food and stood. "
Sounds good to me. There's plenty of other guards here anyway." She replied before walking over and doing the same. She doubted she actually got anything to eat at the cafe seeing as she had just ate, but it'd be nice to see Weilow for a bit. Anything would be better than watching what amounted to the Captain being an attention whore. "Let's go." She told her, offering one last glance to the fight, before walking to the exit and leaving altogether.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera nodded after finishing her food and stood. "
Sounds good to me. There's plenty of other guards here anyway." She replied before walking over and doing the same. She doubted she actually got anything to eat at the cafe seeing as she had just ate, but it'd be nice to see Weilow for a bit. Anything would be better than watching what amounted to the Captain being an attention whore. "Let's go." She told her, offering one last glance to the fight, before walking to the exit and leaving altogether.
Spice playfully rubs her face against sera's then gracefully moves back and starts walking towards the exit, as she's walking she says" Just out of curiosity i wonder what you would look like in a maid outfit, i'm sure the cafe would be swamped with men wanting to be served by a sexy women like you and as long as it's just a kiss on the cheek or a hug i'm not going to get jelly because i know what the score is my dearest sera chan".
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Spice playfully rubs her face against sera's then gracefully moves back and starts walking towards the exit, as she's walking she says" Just out of curiosity i wonder what you would look like in a maid outfit, i'm sure the cafe would be swamped with men wanting to be served by a sexy women like you and as long as it's just a kiss on the cheek or a hug i'm not going to get jelly because i know what the score is my dearest sera chan".

Sera Lightbane

Sera arched a brow at Spice, was she hinting at her getting another job? Or something else? Nevertheless she chuckled and shook her head, "
Not interested in the slightest, I have enough work as is. Besides..that kind of thing doesn't interest me." She replied. "Although...you'd do better than me. You have the better figure after all. Though..I think you'd maim them if they hit on you." She told her, giggling at the mere thought of it.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera arched a brow at Spice, was she hinting at her getting another job? Or something else? Nevertheless she chuckled and shook her head, "
Not interested in the slightest, I have enough work as is. Besides..that kind of thing doesn't interest me." She replied. "Although...you'd do better than me. You have the better figure after all. Though..I think you'd maim them if they hit on you." She told her, giggling at the mere thought of it.
Spice pretended to pout as they walked out the exit then gently laughed and says" It would have to be some pretty strong hitting on for me to get to do that besides i leave the roll of queen bitch to asaki she's the perfect person for the roll, that aside though you should give your self more credit your figure is pretty good as me as maid well that could be bit of fun".

Yumiyasa Shirotsumibachi It was a warm day in the capital, it was coming close to dawn, no wind was picking up though, yumiya walked through the busy streets seeing people from different shape and size, as he was carrying a book in his left hand, and his right hand tucked into his pocket. Minding his own business.

There were ladies gazing at his looks commenting on his looks, suddenly he was bumped on the shoulder by a random stranger, he began to turn around slightly apologizing, but it didn’t turn into his favor. He was surrounded quite frankly against two others that was with him.

Guy 1: “Hey watch where you're going you jackass” He barked, the male looked rather built, but was quite shorter than yumiyasa approximately 5 feet 6 inches tall, against yumiyasa that is 5 feet 8 inches tall.

Yumiyasa began to look down at the guy in an unpleasant look

Yumiyasa: “Excuse me? It looked like you bumped into me little one” The two taller versions stood before him, yumiya began to close his book, and put it away, one picked up him up by the collar, and threatened him to beat him up, but that didn’t slide, as he kicked him off of him in the chest. Managing to drop yumiyasa, he then began to enter in a fighting stance, as the three charged right after him.

Each of the punks began to throw punches, and kicks at him. Yumiyasa simply dodged all of, yumiya would grab both of the tall punks arms, and yanked them towards his way, crossing both of them together resulting into their heads bashing against each other, and releasing them afterwards. The shorter male appeared with a gun, and started shooting. He was quite surprised that the short male was hiding an imperial arm that was shooting out blue shards that yumiyasa had ducked, dodged, and flipped out of the way to prevent him from getting it. While in the are, the first guy that got hit in the head grabbed his legs, and pulled him towards his direction, and landed a punch in his face, destroying his glasses.

The three tugs stood before him, the tall long blond hair male performed a clean leg sweep by turning his body, making all of them fall down on their buts. Yumiyasa began to reach for his pen, and notebook that was both in his pockets, and began to write things down which only took him several seconds before the short guy fired his blue shards at him. While running he ripped out a page that he wrote in, and a sword appeared before him, the sword started deflecting all of his shards, still the other two was bold enough to charge at him unarmed which resulting their bodies being cut in half, the short male watched in horror, as yumiyasa flicked the blood off of his sword. “Now then, it’s time for you to go back to sleep” yumiya says right after appearing on the side of the male uplifting his blade, and slices his body in half. His sword would dematerialize after it’s use. A sigh came from yumiya “Well time for me to go get a new pair of glasses, tch idiots who do they think they are trying to come, and bully a grown man like me.” He says walking out the seen unhappy.

Yumiyasa Shirotsumibachi

@Sinister Clown

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HimeragiSeiker said:
''Well as long as it benefits me. Just you bringing the documents gives me the benefit at looking at prisoner records. And with you, a worthy bodyguard.''
...☫She said as she walked with him☫...
"How about you can be mine"He said jokingly. "I should get going to get the documents wait for me on steps of the mansion just stay here"He said.He admiring her personality and smiling at her.
MrNeko said:
"How about you can be mine"He said jokingly. "I should get going to get the documents wait for me on steps of the mansion just stay here"He said.He admiring her personality and smiling at her.

...☫She said before she went to the steps and sat there smirking at him as she started to plot in her head☫...

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Spice pretended to pout as they walked out the exit then gently laughed and says" It would have to be some pretty strong hitting on for me to get to do that besides i leave the roll of queen bitch to asaki she's the perfect person for the roll, that aside though you should give your self more credit your figure is pretty good as me as maid well that could be bit of fun".

Sera Lightbane

Sera grinned and nodded, maybe it would be fun. Though, she wasn't going to do it if Spice wasn't. "
Yeah, I guess you're right. I was kidding anyway, I know you're really nice...unless you get woke up really early. Then you can be kinda cranky." She replied. "I still think you look better than me, personal opinion I guess. Buut if you're serious about the whole maid thing, I'll do it if you will." She added. Soon enough she came across a beggar, who she gave the food she'd taken from the party to alongisde a reassuring smile. She could be nice to other people when she wanted to, she just generally wasn't.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫She said before she went to the steps and sat there smirking at him as she started to plot in her head☫...
He began to go to the destination.He soon left the city and headed to the caverns where the employer was located at."So I must be pretty close by now I've left the city and then I'll kill him."He soon arrived at the cavern and then he ran inside and looked for the employer.He found the employer "So you must be the boss of this location time to put you out of your misery"He slashed his waist splitting him apart leaving a mess of blood on the ground he grabbed the documents she told him about and began to leave.
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MrNeko said:
He began to go to the destination.He soon left the city and headed to the caverns where the employer was located at."So I must be pretty close by now I've left the city and then I'll kill him."He soon arrived at the cavern and then he ran inside and looked for the employer.He found the employer "So you must be the boss of this location time to put you out of your misery"He slashed his waist splitting him apart leaving a mess of blood on the ground he grabbed the documents she told him about and began to leave.
...Soon men started to rush the cavern. Only 4 however. Looks like the others were killed off by the other guards...
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera grinned and nodded, maybe it would be fun. Though, she wasn't going to do it if Spice wasn't. "
Yeah, I guess you're right. I was kidding anyway, I know you're really nice...unless you get woke up really early. Then you can be kinda cranky." She replied. "I still think you look better than me, personal opinion I guess. Buut if you're serious about the whole maid thing, I'll do it if you will." She added. Soon enough she came across a beggar, who she gave the food she'd taken from the party to alongisde a reassuring smile. She could be nice to other people when she wanted to, she just generally wasn't.
Spice uses sera as a leap frog just for the hell of it and lands on her feet like a cat and says" Sure i'll do it just for shizts and gigles mostly and who knows maybe wei-kun will take a pic which we can treasure forever, after all your life expectancy just went up big time half dragon's live a hell of a lot longer than humans do". Not long after they got to the cafe and it's packed with a mix of women and men, as expected wei-kun trying to escape the affections of the single women in the nicest way, spice gently laughs at this and gives a look to say gezz even though you have us your still as popular as ever.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...Soon men started to rush the cavern. Only 4 however. Looks like the others were killed off by the other guards...
He left the area and began to head to the city with the documents.He got really tired when he got near the gates dropping to the floor and taking deep breaths.He soon got up and began to walk to the mansion still taking a lot of deep breaths.He arrived at the mansion and went to seris and handed her the documents "Here....I got them for you....I'm tired"
MrNeko said:
He left the area and began to head to the city with the documents.He got really tired when he got near the gates dropping to the floor and taking deep breaths.He soon got up and began to walk to the mansion still taking a lot of deep breaths.He arrived at the mansion and went to seris and handed her the documents "Here....I got them for you....I'm tired"
''Hm, I thought you were fit...?''

...☫Seris said in a slight disappointment that Yutaka was in this kind of condition. She sprinted from the cavern to the spire which was a longer distance that what Yutaka did. She soon took the documents and examined it before speaking and looking at Yutaka with praise☫...

''But...good work.''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hm, I thought you were fit...?''
...☫Seris said in a slight disappointment that Yutaka was in this kind of condition. She sprinted from the cavern to the spire which was a longer distance that what Yutaka did. She soon took the documents and examined it before speaking and looking at Yutaka with praise☫...

''But...good work.''
"I'm not tired my scythe slowed me down I'm fit I can run long distances without getting tired but this time I think its just because haven't drank water."He said putting his scythe down and looked over her shoulder to look at the documents. "I'm glad your happy over the documents my fair maiden I'm glad I've worked for you may we stay together"He said looking at her."What are the documents about?"He asked
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MrNeko said:
"I'm not tired my scythe slowed me down I'm fit I can run long distances without getting tired but this time I think its just because haven't drank water."He said putting his scythe down and looked over her shoulder to look at the documents. "I'm glad your happy over the documents my fair maiden I'm glad I've worked for you may we stay together"He said looking at her."What are the documents about?"He asked
''Prisoner records...''

...☫She said before putting them back in the bag but holding it now. She soon looked at Yutaka and smiled at him☫...

''Well...let's get inside. It's getting late''
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
Ciri nodded, fully enjoying the attention, though her focus was on food. Yes! Food! Mentions of food didn't make her stop eating her gummy worms though, exiting the room did. Putting her pouch of gummy worms back in her pockets she wiped her hands on her dress. Though, instead of doing the expected and hopping down off of the bed she stood up on said bed, ran, and lept onto Fujio's back. She didn't go full speed, she didn't want to knock him over after all. Once on said back she quickly and gently latched on followed by giggling. "
Awesome! Let's go!" She replied excitedly. "What do you want to eat if Santios hasn't cooked already?" She asked.

Sera Lightbane

Sera liked the idea, really..considering the fact neither of them had gotten time to spend with Weilow lately with all of them being busy. But such was life, unfortunately...and she really disliked it herself. Sadly though they were already late as it was, or Sera would of immediately agreed. "Afraid not, we're already really late. If we had managed to get up earlier I would of definetely went, Weilow definetely needs a break." She told her before sighing and shaking her head. "I'd rather not get in trouble though so we better get moving. We can definetely see if he's free when the party is over, maybe go out for dinner and relax for a while." She added before walking for the exit. "C'mon let's go."

Rin Suzajamori

@TripTripleTimes @National @All ya

Rin had barely noticed Ryougin shift over, or whatever the hell he did, and take a cookie. Probably wouldn't have at all had Yasumi said nothing. Shrugging she decided to say nothing, considering he'd already bailed. Though she nodded when Yasumi said she hoped it started. "Yeah, same here." She told her. Faster it started, faster it ended, faster she could do her job, and ultimately faster she could stop caring what happened. A few minutes later she found herself being called a pig, or rather lumped together with the rest and labeled as a pig, by some bitch she hadn't bothered to remember the name of. Seems it was for good reason to. Though before she could say anything Polin and Issac had already chimed in. "Thanks for that. I'll remember who to 'accidentally forget' to help when you get wounded." She told her. "Overconfident bitch.." She added before simply sighing and turning back to the fight. Day two and yet another person to hate. Things were going real nice so far.
Fujio stumbled forward as Ciri's little body flung onto his back. Her smaller arms wrapped around his neck and he began to walk down the hallway. He didn't really care if the other assassins saw what he was doing as this was a rather normal thing for them. "Hmm, if Santios hasn't cooked yet then I suppose that we can cook up something quick and simple." He said with a small smile as she spoke, taking up one of his hands and patting her head. "Maybe we can make pancakes or eggs and sausage? Whatever you want we can have." The trip through the base came to an end as Fujio arrived at the kitchen. Setting Ciri down on a counter he gave the girl a warm smile before walking to the pantry. "Tell me ingredients and I'll get them out!"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Prisoner records...''
...☫She said before putting them back in the bag but holding it now. She soon looked at Yutaka and smiled at him☫...

''Well...let's get inside. It's getting late''
"Alright beautiful hehe let's get inside would you like anything to eat?"He asked taking her inside of the mansion.He noticed that his father wasn't home because their wasn't any loud noises that were usually from his father. "Hm my father is home oh well he's probably out in the north or somewhere"He said taking her to sit down.
MrNeko said:
"Alright beautiful hehe let's get inside would you like anything to eat?"He asked taking her inside of the mansion.He noticed that his father wasn't home because their wasn't any loud noises that were usually from his father. "Hm my father is home oh well he's probably out in the north or somewhere"He said taking her to sit down.
''Maybe just some bread will do please.''

...☫Seris asked since she wasn't that hungry. Just hungry for a snack. She soon sat down and waited for her meal☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Maybe just some bread will do please.''
...☫Seris asked since she wasn't that hungry. Just hungry for a snack. She soon sat down and waited for her meal☫...
"Alright I'll go get you a piece of bread"He said going to the kitchen and getting what she asked for."Here you go fair maiden a piece of bread for you."He sat back down and put his scythe on the table."So what will you do with the documents? Your beautiful also have this rose"He said giving her the rose.
MrNeko said:
"Alright I'll go get you a piece of bread"He said going to the kitchen and getting what she asked for."Here you go fair maiden a piece of bread for you."He sat back down and put his scythe on the table."So what will you do with the documents? Your beautiful also have this rose"He said giving her the rose.
''The documents...it'll just give me a bit more of information...''

...☫She said before taking a bite. She soon looked at the rose and chuckled a bit☫...

''Remember the last time you gave me a flower?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''The documents...it'll just give me a bit more of information...''
...☫She said before taking a bite. She soon looked at the rose and chuckled a bit☫...

''Remember the last time you gave me a flower?''
"He he I know what happened when I gave you that flower you burned it"He chuckled. "Try not to burn this one alright.What kind of information are you looking for exactly?"He asked her holding his hands together.
MrNeko said:
"He he I know what happened when I gave you that flower you burned it"He chuckled. "Try not to burn this one alright.What kind of information are you looking for exactly?"He asked her holding his hands together.
''Just...information about the prisoners..''

...☫She said as she kept eating. Soon the rose caught a flame but it didn't seem to be burning. Just flaming and not being burnt☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Just...information about the prisoners..''
...☫She said as she kept eating. Soon the rose caught a flame but it didn't seem to be burning. Just flaming and not being burnt☫...
Which prisoners exactly?"He asked wondering why about the prisoners.He looked at the rose not being burnt but just flaming. "So your not going to burn the rose?"He said looking at it then back at her.He looked around for a bit everything looked normal no one but him and her were home.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Spice uses sera as a leap frog just for the hell of it and lands on her feet like a cat and says" Sure i'll do it just for shizts and gigles mostly and who knows maybe wei-kun will take a pic which we can treasure forever, after all your life expectancy just went up big time half dragon's live a hell of a lot longer than humans do". Not long after they got to the cafe and it's packed with a mix of women and men, as expected wei-kun trying to escape the affections of the single women in the nicest way, spice gently laughs at this and gives a look to say gezz even though you have us your still as popular as ever.

Sera Lightbane

Sera stumbled when Spice decided to leap frog over her, nearly falling and faceplanting into the ground but managing to steady herself. She shot Spice a frown before sighing and quickly changing it to a smile when she said she'd do it. "Sounds good to me, hopefully Weilow is there like you said. It'll be even more fun doing it while he's there." She replied. Soon enough they reached the Cafe, and sure enough Weilow was there. Sera immediately ran over to him and hugged him, "Weilow! It's been a while, how have you been?" She asked him. It'd been quite a while since they'd been able to see each other lately due to all of them being busy, so she was glad Spice was right about him being here. Of course, several of the people in the cafe recognized Sera as a more...emo guard so it was shocking to see her act like that.

Kayzo said:
Fujio stumbled forward as Ciri's little body flung onto his back. Her smaller arms wrapped around his neck and he began to walk down the hallway. He didn't really care if the other assassins saw what he was doing as this was a rather normal thing for them. "Hmm, if Santios hasn't cooked yet then I suppose that we can cook up something quick and simple." He said with a small smile as she spoke, taking up one of his hands and patting her head. "Maybe we can make pancakes or eggs and sausage? Whatever you want we can have." The trip through the base came to an end as Fujio arrived at the kitchen. Setting Ciri down on a counter he gave the girl a warm smile before walking to the pantry. "Tell me ingredients and I'll get them out!"

Ciri nodded and smiled before leaning her head on his shoulder while he patted her head, once again completely enjoying where she was. "
Sounds good to me." She replied. Secretly she hoped Santios hadn't cooked, she liked cooking for Fujio after all. It was yet another way she could spend time with him too. "Sausage and eggs!" She declared childishly when he mentioned food choices. "And chocolate pancakes!" She added inmediately after followed by a giggle. Couldn't forget the pancakes, especially of the chocolate variety.

When she was sat down on the counter she immediately set to getting pans, spatulas, bowls, and some mixing spoons. "
Flour, sausage, sugar, lotsa eggs, and some chocolate chips." She replied while she neatly arranged the afforementioned utensils and such on the counter.
''No. It'll just stay a blaze.''

...☫She said as she continued to examine the documents and ignoring the question about the prisoners☫...


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