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Fantasy Academy of Possibilities

Shae saw Rhea and Oskar, skipping over she smiled at the girl. "Hi! How are you doing?" Her bluntness a little out there but she wanted to make connections; And this girl looked so uncomfortable that she was dying to make her happy.
Rhea wished she could just go *poof* but, alas that was not a power she possessed. She possessed many powers but, that was not one.

"....you can...understand them?"

She gave Oskar a suspicious look.

'Someone is suspicious......'

'Yes, so what if he can he understand us? You need to make human friends...'

'The bird looks tasty....'

Rhea glared at the two wolves.


She jumped when Shae walked up. She let out a slight yelp.

"Ah......you startled....me."

She started patting Shade's head, a nervous habit of hers.
Oskar nodded, "I can understand all animals." He listened to the wolves and then his face turned to a frown, "Black is not for eating." Oskar jumped when Shae appeared and just mumbled a high back. "Someone's acting jumpy." Black chuckled in his birdy way. "Shut up." He shooed the bird of his shoulder.
Shiori was running around. "C'mon! I want to ride a bird!" She yelled, grinning. It was wonderful outside. The sun was out, there was a cool breeze, it was warm outside, which went well with the breeze. Shiori checked her phone. "This weather will continue until Wednesday." She said, then she turned her phone off. It was quiet out as well, there were only a few students out there, talking or enjoying the weather. "Ahh... This is the life. To think we'll be flying makes it better, the wind on our faces." She said, smiling slightly. The sun light reflected off of everyone's face, and was showing through the windows. "Who would want to have their window curtains closed?" She asked, to no one in particular.

Shiori's eyes turned green, with a mixture of blue. If they were near a beach, Shiori would lay on the sand, and bathe in the sun. She did love the beach, she lived close to one when she was a young girl.
"Sorry.." Shae murmured reluctantly her shoulders slumping slightly, then with a sudden burst of energy she perked back up a childish gleam in her eyes. "You guys should come out and join us!-" Her face froze realizing she was being insistent, "Er.. Only if you want to" She added sheepishly shifting backwards towards the door; Flashing a small awkward smile she dashed out, bumping her shoulder against the frame before righting herself and continuing her jog.
Song came up behind Shae and grabbed her shoulder. "Come on! Let's go flying!" She said excitedly. She then looked at the people she was talking to. She bent down and examine the wolves. Hey! What are your guys' names? She telepathically messaged smiling. She giggled a little.
Shiori turned around. "Hey! Song! Shae! Let's fly now! Oh. Who's that?" She asked, walking up to them. That's when she noticed the two wolves. "Hmm. You guys seem rather loyal to your owner, eh?" She said to them, smiling. Shiori looked up. "You guys should really come, it's beautiful today." She said, still on her knees from talking to the wolves. She looked back down. "I would love to know your names." She said to the wolves, also showing a sign of respect.
Peaking around the door frame she sighed, not wanting to walk back in she leaned against the wall her pony-tailed hair swaying in the growing breeze.
Shiori waited for an answer, so she looked up at the clouds. They were white and fluffy, and there was no grey clouds in sight. Letting out a sigh, she took her hair out of the long pigtails it was in, and put her bows on her hair clips. Her black hair moved along with the breeze. It reached all the way down to her knees when it was out. She felt free, and she smelt a small amount of salt in the air as well. "A beach is nearby. May we go to it?" Shiori asked, her eyes fully green.
Rhae smiled when Oskar bickered with his bird, it reminded her of her arguments with Shade and Fang.

"I see, I only understand......wolves I was raised....by them."

She froze up with the sudden group of people interested in her wolves.

"They are not my pets, they are my siblings."

'Ya do we look like obedient wolves to you?'

Shade howled.

"their names...... are Shade and Fang."

She paused a lot when she spoke, it was nervous habit of hers.

She felt surround by people, she was nervous. The last time she had been around a large group was

the hunters.....

She shook her head, trying not to show that she was freaking out.
Shiori heard the wolves and Rhae. "Hmm? I hope they don't get on your nerves TOO much." She said, looking at Shade and Fang. Shiori saw Rhae shake her head, and tilted her head to this side. "You okay? Did someone try to hurt you...?" Shiori asked, with a little venom in her voice. She hates seeing someone who had a bad past with a group, the pain in their eyes just hurt to look at. Eyes now black, Shiori thought back to her experience with them...
Shae decided to go down to the beach to wait for them, walking she looked down at her feet in surprise; seeing she had no shoes on. She must have kicked them off when sleeping and not noticed until now, shrugging she continued walking releasing her hair as well so it could dance in the breeze.
Rhea didn't like all the crowd she gently pushed Fang a bit and walked out. well she didn't really walk. She actually ran. She made her way to the open area.


She let out a loud howl, Fang and Shade ran out the building when she did that. She plopped on the ground and pet her wolves when they arrived.

'You avoided that girl's question because of the hunters didn't you?'

'I would rather not talk about what the supposed parents in my life did to get me back, they only cared about the fancy diners. Not me, that's why they shoved me on those horrid nannies'

Shade liked her face, she had not thought about her actual parents in a while.

'Do not dwell on the past, you have a fresh start!'

'I don't want to think about anything.'

She leaned back and looked at the sky, she just needed time to get used to this new life, time. After a while she would get used to this.
Shiori sighed. We're they going to fly, or not? "Uh... I'm going down to the beach, come get me when your ready to fly..." She muttered, then ran down. Of course, she had her bathing suit on, she was planning to go swimming in the pool. Really, she was wearing a little dress to go on top today. Shiori smiled and inhaled the salty breeze, it felt nice against her skin. She walked up, and splashed in the water. That's when she notices Shae. "Hey!" She yelled, trying to grab Shae's attention.
On impulse Shae had started swaying, humming under her breath she danced with the wind, her grey stripped melodia pants that almost seemed too big for her swirled like a skirt as she hummed 'Hanging Tree'; A small smile painted on her lips as she swayed to the sad tune. Her golden curly hair beat against her silver and teal spotted top, the long belled scarf twisted making a forlorn song out of its silvery circles that glinted in the semi-clouded sunlight.

(ERP sorry xD )

Shae froze noticing Shiori's voice, Pausing long enough to look up she jogged down to her, "You didn't happen to see that did you?" she awkwardly questioned.
Shiori looked at Shae. "See what?" She asked, pretending like she saw nothing. The sun was still out, so Shiori wanted to use some of the time sun bathing. She walked out of the water, and sat on the soft sand. She layer down, and close her eyes. The sun's rays were against her skin, the warmth making her even more relaxed. "It's nice to relax once in a while, isn't it?" Shiori asked, her eyes green. You couldn't really see it, as her eyes were closed.
Shae pulled off her confining top showing a tube top to cover her medium/small breasts. Stretching out one leg as she sat beside Schiori, pulling the other to her chest continuing her humming. Gazing at the distant horizon that held promise of a new night, she traced random symbols into the sand softly with the tips of her tiny fingers.
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Shiori was now half asleep, but she could still hear everything clearly. She wanted to fly, but it seemed that it would have to happen tomorrow. She wondered what the others were doing. Then, she remembered. The school exploration! At night, she would gather some of the other students she met earlier outside the dorms, and they would start their adventure.
Shae smiled to herself as her song changed slightly, to something with louder emotion and a softer pitch. The tune seeming to bounce off of the reaching waves, dancing around the area.
Noticing that Shae and Shiori had left, Songs eyes widened. She looked at the wolves, then at the people. "Gotta run!" She said, and ran away. While she was running, she changed to the shape of a red tailed hawk and flew towards the beach, the bluejay in her talons. She practically dive-bombed the beach when she saw her friends. She slowed her flight and when she was a few feet from the ground, she changed to her human form. She giggled. "Hey guys!" She said with a wave. "Do I need to go change into my swim suit or are we ready to fly?!" She grinned widely.

(Sorry, had dinner at a friend's house.)
Shiori opened her eyes. "Hmm? Sure!" She said, jumping up. She shook a lot of the sand off. "Well, let's go!" She yelled, her eyes turning blue. Shiori looked at the water one last time before turning to her friend. "Since it's nearing night, we can start gathering other students we met earlier today for exploring the school!" She said, grinning.
Shae jumped as her song had been cut short, she stood brushing sand from her smooth pants. Smiling at Song she nodded, "Sure! To whichever" she giggled looking between the two.

(Its all good ^^)
Song smirked. "Do both of you wanna ride on me? Or do you want me to call in a second bird?" She asked grinning and rubbing her hands together. She then changed her small human body into one of a large birds. She ruffled her wings and nodded at the bluejay. "One hold onto him while I fly."
Shae glances over at Schiori, "I want to ride on Song, do you as well?"
"How about both of us? We can't be THAT heavy, right?" Shiori joked, looking down at herself. She was skinny, and kinda short.

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