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Fantasy Academy of Possibilities

On his journey, after he awoke from his time deep in thought, he found himself in an unknown place. "Hmm, I thought I heard something about a place in the school where we weren't supposed to go to... That can't be here though, wasn't it burned down or something?" Kotios said to himself, looking ahead, and missing the charred wall behind him as he turned a corner.
Shae followed Song into the kitchen giggling, bouncing on her toes. "I would guess... That it would be in the fridge??" She chuckled making the final adjustments to her odd hair. While doing such she bumped into the counter knocking a bowel to the ground; The bowl shattering upon impact, startled her. Jumping like a startled cat she bolts backwards apologizing in breathy gusts as she panics. Dashing to the door she runs out of the building without another word, finding herself lost within minutes of her panic.
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(Lol wut xD )

Shiori just sighed. Everything was going, wasn't it? Well, she wondered how the bowl got there in the first place. "Well then..." She muttered. Puffing her cheeks out. "That was no fun, was it?" She asked herself, and mentally yelled at the bowl. "At least I still have the cookies I bought yesterday!" Shiori grins, opening a cabinet and munching on the first cookie. "Yum!"
Song watched Shae dash out of the dorm and sighed. She opened the door and poked her head out. Shae was already gone. She sighed again. She looked back at Shiori. "Come on, let's find her! And get me one of those cookies to while you're at it!" She said cheerfully. She shifted into the form of a hound dog. She sniffed the air and walked down the hall. "This way!"
Shae panted as she sprawled herself on the ground, with a glance she realized she was in a place that was open once- but now banned from students.. Supposedly safety. Pulling herself to her feet she winces, looking down at her legs she saw some splinters of glass were stuck in her legs, "Damn." She cursed. Shaking her head she cursed again, "Why do I STILL let it get to me? Its been ages since the accident.." Glancing around again she shook her head, "What I did was rude.. Why cant I control myself anymore.."

@Kotios ))
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Shiori rolled her eyes. "One? Might as well bring the whole bag!" She said, grabbing her jacket while holding the bag of cookies. She ran out the door, waiting for Song to get out before swiftly stepping back to close it. "I wonder where she went?" Shiori asked herself, but loud enough the Song could hear. Maybe she has some ideas of where Shae might be! Her eyes changed a pale blue; something new. It probably meant determination, but she would find out later.

Shiori stuffed a cookie in her mouth, smiling at the delightful taste it left in her mouth. "Want one?" She asked, looking at Song.
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Song, in bloodhound form, sniffed the air and darted down one hallway. She looked up at the cookie. "Does it have chocolate? I'm a dog at the moment." She said. She then smelled the air. "Um...over there! Where that restricted place we're not supposed to be in!"
Shiori shook her head. "This bag of cookies," She paused once they were near Shae. "Have many different kinds of flavors." She finished, popping a bite-sized Oreo in her mouth.

Shiori rolled her eyes. "Well, of course its restricted, can't you see the big metal door with a sign that says 'Do not enter'? The only way Shae could of got in was through that small hole in the wall, or there's an entrance somewhere else." She sighed, not wanting to look for that other entrance. "I have a way of getting in... Do you?" Shiori asked, also holding out a cookie to Song.
Song nodded, gobbling up the cookie. "Mmmm...this is good. I'm going through the whole in the wall!" She shifted into the form of a mouse. She started to crawl through the hole.
Shiori took a bite of another cookie, and soon her body was covered in black flames. She started to disappear, and a few seconds later reappeared on the other side of the door. "I'm surprised I didn't end up somewhere completely different." Shiori commented to herself, proud of her small achievement. "I tend to talk to myself a lot.." She muttered, before regaining her usual, enthusiastic self. "Song~" She sung out. (Wooooow. *Shakes head*) 'Where is she?" Shiori thought, also looking for Shae in the process.
A small mouse on the floor squeaked. The mouse then turned into human Song. "I'm here!" She said smiling. "Now where's Shae? Shae?!" She called out.
Kotios, still lost, slumped against a wall and got himself a random book from the bookshelf in the Rift.

"War And Peace, ah, why not," Kotios said with a sigh as he started reading.

Around 250 pages left, he started to doze off, a single trail of drool leaving his mouth. "I shouldn't be worried that I'm lost in a new school, should I? I've got all my bags in the Rift... I'll be fine" he said, a loud yawn escaping his lips before he finally went to sleep.
Shae heard his mummers, pushing through tight squeezes she found him asleep, a bit of drool hanging from his mouth. Stiffing a laugh she keeled beside him, stretching out her legs and leaning against the wall as she too fell into a slumber; Knowing her friends would find her, as well as feeling safe with Kotios.

@PoisonousCupcake ))
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