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Fantasy Academy of Possibilities

Shae slowed her approach not knowing the girl next to him, nor wanting to startle her.
Oskar looked up at the group running towards him and whistled quietly to call Black back to him. He listened to their question and shook his head, "I don't feel like exploring right now. I'll explore later." "You just don't want to be stuck around girls." Black stated whilst snickering.
Song crossed her arms and glared at the bird. "Hey! What's wrong with being stuck around girls?" She asked. "Especially if they are attractive girls such as ourselves." She gestured to the three of them.
((Imagine I was just sleeping the whole time.))

Stretching, Kotios got out of bed and dressed himself. As he was getting dressed, he thought about what he should do today. What should I do... Hmm... I could spend the day being anti-social like usual... Or, I could try to 'hang out' with my new friends... Whatever that means.

Kotios opened the door, and he left to scour the school for Shiori and Song.
Shiori smirked. "Look who's being shy! I met someone earlier, his name was Kotios. He can tag along if you're THAT unconformable with us girls." She stated, crossing her arms. "Exploring the school will be fun! And we'll play games as well. Like, I spy or something." She continued, rolling her eyes. "Oh! Speaking of which, there he is! HII!" Shiori yelled, spotting Kotios wondering around.
Black turned away from Song, "I don't like girls. I have my reasons, but I don't like 'em." "You don't like anyone stupid bird." Oskar said before turning to the girls, "I'm just not good with dealing with crowds. Since I've been left alone my whole life, I'm just not used to big groups. That's why I'll explore later."
Song nodded slowly. "If you say so..." She said. She then giggled. "The only way to get comfortable with groups is if you get into one, silly!" She said and hugged Oskar's arm. "Pleeeease? It'll be fun!" She said, giggling. "You can even bring the rude bird along!"
"Oi now, you're lucky that I'm being social today, because tomorrow that may change." Shiori sighed. "Just because you've been alone your whole life, it doesn't mean you have to push everyone away." Shiori smiled. "So yeah. Like Song said, you have to get used to it!"
Shae stood awkwardly to the back of the group not really wanting to join the conversation, wringing her hands and messing with her hair. ".......I'm going to go for a walk.. Whistle if you need me." She murmured almost silently, moving past them she padded off in the direction of the school; Pulling on a baggy sweatshirt that seemed to just appear out of thin air.
Oskar tensed when the girl grabbed his arm and pulled it away, "I already said no. Don't you understand the meaning of that word?" Black chose that moment to speak which probably wasn't wise when someone could understand him, "Apparently not. But did you expect them to?" "Black..."
Shiori looked at what was going on. This angered her; she grew up with no friends, and when that happened she had no one. Everyone would push her away, except her best friends... Who also had endure the same cruelty. A few years later, they had to separate, as they all had to deal with their own needs. Shiori was alone again. "You know... You should be grateful that someone is paying attention to you... Because you never know what will happen later on in life." She muttered, her eyes flashing a color of black before turning yellow. "I'll be in my dorm. Come get me when you're ready."

Shiori walked to the girls side of the dorm. 'Why does he hate people? When will he ever learn?' Shiori thought in annoyance, pushing her door open and slamming it closed.
Shae glanced back to see Shiori walking to the dorms. Sighing she made the decision to follow, jogging in attempt to follow, opening her mouth to call out to her as her door slammed shut. "........"
Shiori heard the footsteps before she slammed the door, so she opened it up by only a few centimeters. "Hey." She said, when she saw Shae. Shiori's eyes were glowing yellow. She never really bothered to tell anyone what each eye color meant in terms of emotions, but it didn't really matter anyways.
Oskar's expression didn't change as he watched Shiori get angry and storm off. You just don't understand what I'm trying to say. He gave a quiet sigh before running a hand through his hair. "What will you do about her?" Black asked. "I'll just leave it. It's not my place to judge."
Scratching the back of her neck awkwardly, Shae sighed. "Hey." Sighing yet again she ran her hands through her hair, "I wanted to see if you were okay, but only if I'm not bothering you.."
Shiori shook her head. "You're not bothering me at all. It's just that Oskar needs to appreciate positive attention. A lot of people have to live alone, and hated, and he's just pushing everyone away." She explained. "It pains me to think about how some people are being treated in the world, and he's acting like it doesn't really matter. You can't stay tucked up forever, or you'll have no one to help you." Shiori continued. "And it's not like that bird is all that positive either, from the looks of it. He's going to go insane when he grows into an old man- or whatever species he might me." She joked, inviting Shae inside. "Whaddya want to do? I have some video games, cooking supplies, art things..." Shiori asked, flopping on the couch.
Shae's face light in a small smile, "Well... Not everyone learns to appreciate things like that, some people think that positive interactions are a unless waist of time that are an inconvenience and possibly a reminder of past events." Pausing to follow her into the room she glances around at Shiori's interior. "Nice.." Thinking over the activity's she had proposed she concluded like a child, "Whatever you want to do is fine with me!"
Song glared at the bird. "Hey now, we know exactly what the word no means! Do you know what the word rude means? R-U-D-E? You're a fowl bird!" She then giggled at her own joke. She then put back on a straight face and looked behind her to see her friends leaving, then looked back at Oskar. "You're being a coward. Come have dinner with me somewhere when you work up the courage." She then marched off to the dorms. She was about to open her dorm when she heard familiar voices coming from another room. It was Shae and Shiori. Song hesitated before knocking on their door. "Hello?" She said.

@PoisonousCupcake @Scheani @Silent Howling
Black huffed and flew off while Oskar just giggled at his bird. He shrugged his shoulders at Song's statement before he headed off to see what else lay outside the school. "I'm not a coward. I just want to be left alone right now. It's a new life, a new place and strange people I've never met. I didn't mean to come off as rude." He appeared to be speaking to himself, but was infact talking to the spider that had decided to sit in his hair without his knowledge.
Shiori looked up. "What is it, Song?" She asked, standing up to open the door. Her voice was loud enough to be heard from in the hall. Shiori opened the door. She quickly turned to Shae, and mouthed 'Video games it is!' Like she was yelling it. 'Or cooking.' She mouthed afterwards, looking at the kitchen. She turned her attention to Song. "Do you want to hang out with Shae and I? We're trying to figure out what to do. Video games or cooking, or both!" Shiori said, running to the kitchen to set up and running to where the TV was and hooked up something. "So, yeah!"
Song tilted her head. "Video game?" She asked. She had lived in the country her whole life and was still getting used to the concept of television. "What's that? I've never heard of a video game...I'm kinda out of touch with the whole isolation, country house thing. But I'd be happy to learn!" She said with a smile. "And I could cook some of my brilliant cookies!" She said clapping her hands together.
"Yay! Cookies! What kind of cookies are they? My favorite kind is..." With that, Shiori went into a LONG explanations about her favorite kinds of cookies. She thought it took 2 hours until she finally stopped. "Err, sorry about that. Oh! I'll cook some brownies and cupcakes. I LOVE to bake! Shae, wanna help?" Shiori asked, turning around."I'll teach you. I'm not that experienced myself; All I did was watch my brother play." She admitted, shrugging.
Shae's face split into a grin, "I suck at both.." She stated proudly sticking out her chest, "But I'd love to help!" Bouncing over pulling her long hair into a ponytail.
Song giggled and clapped. "Excellent! Shiori will teach you about video games, and I'll teach you how to bake and cook!" She said, rushing into the kitchen. "Where's your chocolate milk?" She called from the kitchen.
As Kotios was searching for people to befriend, he thought he heard his name being called, but dismissed it and kept walking.

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