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Fantasy Academy of Possibilities

Shiori grinned. "Not bad!" She yelled, looking down at everyone below them. "They look like ants." She stated. Smiling, she let the breeze hit her face softly, and her hair danced to the wind. "Ah... What time is it now?" Shiori asked, looking for where the sun was.
"Beautiful bird." Kaylene complimented. She reaches forward to stroke the birds feathers when she began talking to it. "Hello there. You're feathers are magnificent."

Kaylene imagined the guy was probably nervous with her talking to the bird so she explained.

"I'm from the Clan of the Fi. The Phoenix Warriors. I can communicate with any bird."

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Shae glanced around her hair flowing freely behind her, " just before sunset" she murmurs.
Song flapped her wings hard. "It's beautiful, ain't it? Now, hold on tight! We're about to dive bomb!" She said, before she flew straight down.
Oskar flinched as the girl reached out to stroke his familiar. Not many tried to touch Black without thinking first. He heard her explain something and mumbled, "Communicate with any bird eh? Not that it bothers me, but Black here is just not fond of others." "I get that from you stupid." Oskar huffed and rolled his eyes while his companion looked down on him.
Kaylene smiled.

"It's alright. I've delt with birds like him before. But if he prefer me not to touch him I won't be offended."

She pulled her hand back, dropping it to her side.

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Black looked up at the girl and squawked grumpily before being shooed off the head he was perched on. "I'm just a grumpy young goshawk who's name is misleading." "Oh be quiet." Oskar stretched before sitting up and looking around. The school was really quite pretty.
"So, about..." Shiori observed the position of the sun. "Five o' clock? P.m." She guessed. "Yeah, that seems right. Well, this is such a wonderful sight." She stated, and was startled from the sudden swoop. They went down; fast. "Song?! What the hell?" Shiori said, holding on as tight as she could. "You call that a ride?! We have to go WAY up in the air and drop down!" She continued, recovered already.
Shae was busy laughing her guts out to listen to what they were saying.
Song grinned and suddenly let the wind fill her wings as she went upwards. She then flew even higher. "I'm getting to that!" She said as she flew downwards at an intense speed.
"Oskar. And my companion is Black. Don't ask why I named him that when he's white." Oskar sighed and looked up at Kaylene before standing and leaning against the tree.
Kaylene giggled.

"Is this your first year at this school?" She asked casually, running her fingers through her long black hair.

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"Yes. It is." Oskar yawned before looking up into the sky. Black took off into the sky and began to go and fly around the school.
"It's mine too. At least at this school. I went to a school similar to this last year, but an accident occurred where the school burned down. . ." Kaylene didn't mention the part that it was her fault. "They weren't able to rebuild it due to funding issues so my parents sent me here so I could further my powers..."

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Oskar nodded, "I'm only here because my parents thought I was crazy. To them I was talking to myself when I was actually talking to the animals. Black mainly since I found him as a baby."
"There we go! TO THE SKY WE GO!" Shiori yelled. "But try not to hurt my ears. They pop due to the pressure..." She admitted, a small smile still on her face. "My eyes are blue... Nice!" Shiori said to herself, breathing in the fresh air.
Giggling as though histarical Shae shakes her head attempting to refrain from raising her arms in joy, "This is amazing!"
"He's well trained when he wants to be. Other than that, he's rude and obnoxious." Oskar explained quietly. "Don't feel sorry for me. I was happy and still am. Unless my animals are taken of course."
Song was only ten yards from the ground and still dive bombing. When the got to about fifteen feet off the ground, she spread her wings, and they slowed and lowered gently onto the ground. "What'd you guys think?" She asked, grinning.
Shiori smiled. "It was fun! Now, let's go find some students to go school exploring with us!" She said, marching to the building. Today had been a crazy day; Shiori thought she would spend all day in her dorm, and sit quietly and alone at lunch time. Thank God she met the friends she has now, otherwise she would be bored out of her mind.
Song transformed into her human form. "Sounds awesome! Let's go!" She started following Shiori. She was very excited. She had friends who didn't judge her, no one was saying she should be thrown in PIDA and she could change whenever she wanted to.
Shae followed her friends grinning from ear to ear in excitement.
Shiori smiled. "Let's go over there, to Oskar." She stated, pointing to him. "Maybe he'll want to tag along!" She concluded, running over to him. "Hey! Wanna go explore the school with Shae, Song and I?" She asked him.

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