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Fantasy Academy of Possibilities

Oskar quietly listened to everyone as they talked and fed Black some bread. He had heard everyone's names at least once in the massive chatter that was actually conversations. "Nice to see that you haven't freaked yet at the number of people." Oskar glared at the bird before muttering, "Nice to see you havw so much faith in me."
Kotios, who was still rather confused about Song's suggestion asked a question. "A bird's eye's view would be cool, but would we be the bird, or be carried into the sky by one?" He wore a puzzled look on his face as he asked the question.
Song grinned and nodded at Shiori's comment. "That sounds amazing!" She said excitedly and the bluejay looked at Song and jumped a little. Do you wanna go with us to explore the school? She asked it telepathically. The bird nodded excitedly. "Do you mind if he comes?" She asked Shiori. She then looked at Kotios. "You guys will be carried by a few birds! I'm gonna be one of them!" She said grinning widely. "Who wants to ride on me?"
"Well. That, seems rather interesting!" Shiori joked, then calmed down a little. "Yeah, he can come. I want to know if this school is haunted in any way." Standing up, Shiori smiled. "Yeah! We're gonna ride on birds~"

(I had to edit, it just posted randomly. \(._. )/)
Shae jumped around in her seat an excited glint in her childish gaze, "I want to!! I want to ride on you!!" Noticing how normally everyone else acted and how loud she was being she sunk back into her seat. "Sorry.. I got overexcited again.." She looked around sheepishly.
Song giggled. "It's fine!" She said, all bubbly. "You can ride on me! All you have to do is hold this little fella while I fly!" She picked up the bluejay and stood up. She smiled and cocked her head. "Anywhere specific you guys wanna go? Or just fly around the school?"
Oskar coughed a little before speaking. "I'll sit the flying part out. I prefer having my feet on the ground than off." Black looked at Oskar and shook his feathery head before stepping on top of it to look at the faces of all these people. Oskar had listened to the bluejay speaking and was a tad concerned to whether it would be able to carry the other kids weight.
"I want to fly around the school!" Shiori yelled, grinning. She saw the worried expression on Oskar's face. She thought of ways he could possibly be worried. "Okay... If your scared of heights, you should get over it! If your worried about our weights, I'm a bit under weight." Shiori stated, sticking her tongue out.
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Shae nodded, "I'm both under weight and under height" She chuckled at her lame joke.
"SAME!" Shiori yelled, standing up. "I look like a 13 year old." She said, with a sigh. "Or younger..." She continued, her eyes now yellow. "It's honestly a bit annoying. Anyways, shall we go flying around? Oskar can run underneath us." Shiori said, her eyes returning to a familiar blue shade.
Song giggled. "Good one! So, you guys almost done with your food? Because I'm ready to fly! " she said, flailing her arms like wings.
"Are you alright?" Morie asked Luke trying not to smile. He hadnt expected that. Kneeling he met Luke's eyes. "Your awefully clumsy arnt ya? Ya need some help?"
Shae nodded taking the last bit of bagel into her mouth, "I don't know how I stay small... Maybe its just my metabolism, or my power." she wonders aloud standing to leave.
Oskar shook his head, "I'm not scared of heights or anything. Being off the ground makes me queasy. Black can go with you in my place." Black looked up at the sound of his name and made a sort of shrieking noise before flying onto the table.
Cheeks tinged pink, and quickly growing darker, the brunet shook his head, mumbling something along the lines of "I'm fine" as he stumbled slightly down the hall. He chose to ignore his sudden lacking coordination, as he concentrated on avoiding any and all eye-contact. Seemingly on auto-pilot, he stopped in front of his own room and considered his options. Lost in thoughts that never really sunk into his mind enough to really put any words or meaning to, Luke stood staring at the door to room 113 for what seemed a long time before his subconscious decided it would be easier to float in front of the door rather than stand, and he remained lost to the world.

Kaylene Blackthorne

Kaylene finished setting up her room and then she decided to go down to the commons area where she assumed students had already started filling into.

She entered the spacious room, being instantly greeted by all the different smells coming from the Food Court. Though this was her first year at that particular Academy, Kaylene was used to the smell of a food court, having had one back at her school from the previous year.

"May I help you, Miss?" A lady wearing a green apron asked her from behind the counter beside her.

"Oh, no. Thank you anyways." Kaylene replied politely, walking over to one of the many tables scattered among the room.

She pulled out her iPhone, placing her ear buds in and listening to her a playlist of her favorite songs. The first song that came on was "I Really Don't Care" by Demi Lovato.
Shiori nodded, and stood up as well. "What are we waiting for? Let's gooo!" She looked at the exit. Shiori made her way to the door, marching as soon as she got outside.
Black looked over at Oskar who gave him a nod before flying off outside to wait for the students that wanted to be birds. "Black, I want you to keep in touch whilst with them okay?" "Why wouldn't I want to? You'd get lonely without me around." "Egotistical bird." "Boring human." Oskar gave a small chuckle before standing and preparing to leave the cafeteria.
Walking to the doors Shae hummed a random tune, wondering how it would feel to fly
Song walked out of the cafeteria, still flailing her arms as if they were wings. "You guys are gonna love this!" She said happily. "I'm so excited!" She laughed and jumped in the air in excitement.
Morie giggled standing and followed him. Luke was funny. He was worried when Luke suddenly stopped in front of what he supposed was his room and walked closer. Testingly he waved his hand in front of his face. "You alright?"
Rhea watched the other students, she turned to Shade and Fang.

'humans are such social creatures......'

'Since when did you ever stop being human?'

'Since I was raised by wolves...'

She stood up, patting Fang on the head.

'I don't know many normal human things.'

'You can learn.'

'Yes! You should talk to one! Find one and talk to them!'

'I have lived a nice long night without having to talk to them for extended periods of time.'

She started walking out of the cafeteria with her two wolves in tow. She was trying to cancel out their stream of pestering from the two. She looked back to snap at the two when, she bumped into another student. She looked up at the boy she bumped into, he was the one that had been talking to the bird.

"I...uh....I'm sorry."

She spoke in a low voice, she was not used to talking to people.
Oskar felt someone bump into him and turned around to see a girl. "It's nothing." He spoke when he heard her apologize. He mentally called Black back to him to which the bird grumbled at him being no fun before reluctantly coming back and perching on his shoulder. Oskar turned back to face the girl before asking, "What's your name?"
Rhea was looking for any reason to run but, alas Shade and Fang were glued to her sides. She looked at the boy.

"Rhea.......and these are my siblings, Fang and Shade."

'Oh now look who is being social!'

"Oh little Rhea-'

'Hush! I don't need you two telling me what to do!'

She awkwardly smiled at the boy.

"Uh, sorry......again....about before....."
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Oskar gave a small chuckle when he heard the wolves teasing their sibling for being social. He looked down at them, "Now you two should have more faith in her." He turned to face Rhea, "I said it's okay. I'm Oskar and this is Black." Black who was perched on Oskar's shoulder waved one of his wings in greeting and clacked his beak a few times. "He says hello."

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