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Fantasy Academy of Possibilities

Nodding her head enthusiastically she jumped a little in place, never having had the luxury of delicious foods before; due to her overly healthy family, she felt extremely excited about the food, waiting her turn for the line to progress.
Finally, it was Shiori's turn to order something. She looked at all the different foods. Due to her 'rich taste', she chose something quite expensive. Out of all the options, she got sparkling water, salad, a croissant, and a plate of fancy, grilled salmon. "Ahh, looks good, eh?" Shiori said, her stomach growling. She weaved her way to the table, sitting down. "This," Shiori leaned back into her chair. "Is the school life." She finished, shoving her first forkful of salad in her mouth, licking her lips after she swallowed.
Song just got a salad and some sourdough bread. She walked to the table and set both the bird and the plate down. She took a bite of the salad. The bird jumped over to the seeds and started eating them. "I'm a vegetarian." Song said.
Following Shiori, Shae's plate was odd in comparison, Sparkling water, Cinnamon bagel, a Small salad with baby carrot sticks, and a large bowl of Chicken Alfredo decorated the table top in-front of her. Mouth watering she gazed at her options, popping a carrot in her mouth to help her slow mind think. Glancing over at Song she paused, "My choices are not bothering you are they?" Her eyebrows knit with worry.
Song shook her head. "No, it's your choice. I just don't want animal blood on my hands." She said. The bluejay, on the other hand, was hiding behind the bowl of seeds after seeing the chicken Alfredo.
Shae awkwardly shifts moving her salad to be blocking the birds line of sight, "Sorry anyways.." She blushes taking a small bite of the creamy pasta.
((... Wow... I missed a lot... And it's suddenly lunch... Hmm...))

Luke wasn't sure how to respond to the comment about being shy, let alone the thing about being friends, so he just nodded once, said something about the time and lunch, and stood to walk quickly back to his room. He never ate in the cafeteria; too loud and crowded. Besides, what was the point of having a kitchen in his dorm if he never used it?

Kaylene Blackthorne

Kaylene Blackthorne walked down the hallway, bags in hands, towards her dorm room. She'd only just arrived, but she already had the feeling of wanting to escape and be free outside. Being of the family she was, it was unlike her to be indoors for too long.

Finally reaching her room, she pulled out the silver key provided to her at the Admissions Office.

"Room 207. Well, here I am. . ." She placed the key into the lock on the door and turned. It swung open easily.

Kaylene stepped inside, closing the door behind her and sitting her bags down by the door.

She started walking around, taking in her new living quarters.

She walked into the decent-sized kitchen, running her hands along the marble counter tops.

Stopping at the fridge, she opened it and viewed the inside.

She was greeted instantly by almost every shelf being full of food.

"Oh, Mom. . ." Her parents must have came ahead of her and made sure she had plenty of food to eat.

Grabbing a bottle of fresh water from the bottom shelf, Kaylene shut the fridge and began to unpack her things.
(Imagine I was with you guys the whole time. Lol)

Kotios, being the last in line, got his lunch last. It was just a simple PB&J Sandwich, as he never really loved food, and to be honest, if he didn't need it to live, he'd never eat. He made his way over to the lunch table, and sat down in between Shiori and the person he ran into but hadn't introduced himself to yet. "Hi, sorry about earlier, I thought that my new friend here was sick and I was trying to rush her to the nurse's office. " He said as he gestured to Shiori. "I don't believe I've introduced myself to you yet. My name's Kotios. This is my first day here."
(Three pages when I leave for a couple of hours. O.o )

Oskar listened to the babble that the other students had made before following them to the cafeteria. Black was getting a little restless, but once he smelled the food, his mood changed. Oskar shook his head and smiled before sitting at a table with the others, making an attempt to not cringe at the large size of the crowd. Black crooned softly and began preening Oskar's hair while Oskar heard someone talking to him. He looked at the boy next to him and heard him introduce himself as Kotios. "I'm Oskar. This guy here's Black. My first day as well." The white goshawk paused in his preening when he heard his name, but thought nothing of it before resuming.
Rhea didn't like the lunch room, too many people. She nervously patted Shade's head.

'Why didn't I bring food....'

'Suck up and talk to some people! Stop being such a coward.'

She glared at Shade as she walked up to the counter.

"3 rabbits, whole please."

She spoke in a quiet sweet voice. The lady looked at her funny as she handed Rhea 3 whole slightly cooked rabbits.

"Thank you."

Rhea may have been raised by wolves but, she still had manners. She grabbed the rabbits and found a quiet table by herself. She handed a rabbit to Shade and Fang. Keeping one for herself. She quickly started eating her rabbit as her wolves bit and tore into theirs. She was happy, she got the rabbit she wanted.
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Shiori bit into her salmon, tasting the rich flavor of all the spices and delicacy that was maintained while it was cooking. Not that she was spoiled, she was just happy the school provided food from different standards, and they could decorate their rooms any way they want as it started out so plain. Shiori smiled to herself, looking at all her new friends. Sure, she had friends back at home, but they were a bit too girly for her. "So, what do you guys want to do after we finish lunch?" Shiori asked, hoping she wasn't too quiet.
Shae smiled at Kotios and Oskar in greeting, turning to Shiori she paused. "Well.. I don't really know what there is to do around here." She pondered the places they could go, and the things they could do.
Song placed a finger on her chin. She then grinned getting an idea. "Wanna get a birds-eye-view of the school?" She said to her friends.

@PoisonousCupcake @Scheani
Shae's eye widen, "How would you do that?" She questions, scooping the last of her pasta up, starting on her salad.
xXxAnimeBellxXx said:
((... Wow... I missed a lot... And it's suddenly lunch... Hmm...))
Luke wasn't sure how to respond to the comment about being shy, let alone the thing about being friends, so he just nodded once, said something about the time and lunch, and stood to walk quickly back to his room. He never ate in the cafeteria; too loud and crowded. Besides, what was the point of having a kitchen in his dorm if he never used it?
(( @kira blackthorn Sorry, but I'm bored right now with nothing better to do and I wasn't sure if you'd be able to find my post buried among all the others... -.-; ))

Pausing near the door to the common area, the brunet glanced back at the boy he'd been having something-vaguely-resembling-a-conversation with. Sighing softly, he gazed awkwardly at some point over his shoulder and mumbled something about how the other was free to join him for lunch if he wanted to. His aunt would kill him if he didn't at least make some kind of attempt at forming social connections or whatever.
Morie beamed at the boys offer and scrambled to get up and follow him. Once he reached him he grabbed his hand and began rambling excitedly. " What do you think they serve here? I hope there is sweets. I like sweets but if they aren't good then I'll be disappointed. What do you like?"
Luke spent a moment just staring at the other, choosing not to acknowledge that someone he barely knew was holding his hand captive. Instead, he focused on the part where he was apparently expected to enter that messy, noisy, crowded hell known as the cafeteria. "... I don't know what they would serve in the cafeteria... I always make my own food in my dorm's kitchen..." He trailed off, praying to anything that would listen that this boy wouldn't make him go into that place. The common room, he could handle, but the cafeteria had even more noise and lights and so many different smells mixing together to flood and overwhelm his mind and senses. No. The cafeteria was out of the question, possible missed friendships be d***ed. He wasn't going to put himself through that kind of stress.
"Oh yeah." Morie mused smiling. He had forgotten they had kitchens in their dorms. Giggling he turned back to Luke and smiled brightly at him. He should have realized Luke wouldn't go into the cafeteria. He was to shy. "Well we can go back to my dorm. I make mean Mac and cheese."
Relaxing slightly, Luke gave a quick nod. Going into someone else's dorm was better than going to the cafeteria, though either way it was still pretty nerve-wracking. He wasn't sure whether this was better or worse than inviting someone into his own dorm. He also wasn't used to eating food that someone other than himself or his aunt had made. This was just a pile of new experiences for him. He wasn't sure he liked it.
"Yay!" More cheered letting go of his hand to clapp enthusiastically. This making friends thing was easier then he first thought. Grabbing his hand again he tugged him toward his room. "Sorry for the mess and be sure to watch where you step. There's lots of wires and stuff."
Luke only nodded again. He rarely looked at anything but the ground in front of his feet anyway. Besides, his room used to have a bunch of wires around too, before he'd gotten sick of untangling them and used a bunch of elastic bands to keep them from tangling with each other. Of course, he was also prone to tripping over air, so his ability to remain upright was questionable even if the ground was spotless with nary a wire in sight. Naturally, as they were making their way up the stairs, Luke somehow manged to trip and fall up the last two steps to the second floor.
Shiori jumped up in excitement. "Yay! The birds!" She said, opening her sparkling water. She took a big gulp, and sighed. "Oh, and after that, we can explore the school!" She continued. Then, Shiori bent in. "At night." She whispered. She wanted to bring as many people as she could, which meant meeting a few new friends. Of course, not too many people.

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