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Fantasy Academy of Possibilities

Morie turned sending him a toothy grin when he noticed his expression. Poor boy looked terrified. Holding out his hand he introduced himself. "My name is Morie its nice to meet ya floater."
Luke stared at the hand offered to him for a moment, unsure of what to do. "Um... I'm Luke..." After some debate, he reached out and slowly shook the other's hand three times before taking his back and staring at something a little to the left of the other boy's shoulder.
"Your a bit shy sent ya?" Morie asked leaning back in his seat. This boy was so shy it was adorable. Crossing his arms across his chest he quirked his head to the side. "I think we are going to be best friends."
Shiori followed Kotios and looked a the guy he was talking to. "And I'm Shiori!" She said, her eyes turning pink for a split second, then going blue. "Do you know when it becomes lunch time? I'm getting kinda hungry.." She said, rubbing the back of her head. She looked at the other conversation that was going on. "Hmm." She muttered.
Kotios tapped Shiori on the shoulder. "Lunch is at 11:40, so it's still a few hours. Uhm, what was that thing with your eyes just now? They turned pink for a second... Are you okay?" Kotios asked with a worried look on his face. "We can try to find the nurse if you're not."
Oskar had finished unpacking and decided to go down and see other students. He gave a shrill whistle which caused Black to fly over and perch on his shoulder before the two of them made their way down to the common rooms. Oskar heard a lot of noise coming from them and he slowed to a stop just outside. "Go inside already." Black pecked his friend in the head gently and tugged some hair. "You know how uneasy crowds make me." Oskar replied grumpily before sighing and preparing himself to enter.
As Kotios was dragging Shiori out the common room to bring her to the nurse, ignoring whatever she was trying to say, he bumped into another boy, who was standing around nervously outside of the common room. "Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there. Just trying to find the nurse's office so my friend can get some help..."

(Sorry if you didn't want to get dragged around, Cupcake.)
Shiori smiled. "Thanks....Oh, you ask about my eyes? That's natural. You see, my eye color changes with mood. Blue is happy, pink is rather excited or bubbly." She said, trying to escape Kotios's grasp. She noticed that they had bumped into another boy. "Oh, hello there!" She happily said, waving.
Song silently entered the common room. She was rather excited to meet new people. She looked around for someone who wasn't already talking to someone. She looked at a girl who was talking to a guy and blinked. While she was scanning the room, she tripped, sprawling onto the floor.
"Ah... Sorry! I panicked a bit." He released his grip on Shiori's arm and let Shiori introduce herself to the boy they ran into. "Hey, so, would you like to join us at lunch? We're new here and we don't quite know what to do, you could show us the way. Unless, of course, you're new too. " he said to the boy they saw. To Shiori, he said "Is the whole colour change thing special? Like, for example, do blue eyes give you super-cool ice powers?" As he said this, he realized deep inside that he was slowly shedding his anti-social ways, and getting accustomed to being around people this much.
Shae opened her door, closed and locked it heading to the excited clamor of kids meeting. She herself had fallen asleep while unpacking, and was slightly late to the community. Walking- more like shambling down the stairs she went up to the opening seeing the boy paused at the entrance she edged by as if not to startle him, then rushing to the fallen girl to see if she was okay. "OH! ARE YOU OK?! ARE YOU DEAD?!"
(Hey Truth, you can join us if you want! I'm enjoying this. :smiled:)

(Ooh, and Scheani joined, so that's 5 people all together. Hooray!)

As Kotios was lost in his thoughts, he came back down to Earth, brought back by a girl screaming at another girl who was sprawled across the ground. He decided against walking over there, and just stayed there, watching the situation, to learn how a less awkward person might handle it. He used the Rift to get his bag, and took a camera out, then he started recording as he put his bag back.
"No... Sadly they do not. At least I don't thinks so. I don't really pay attention to it." Shiori said, then sighed. "Speaking of abilities..." She thought for a bit. "What are your abilities?" She asked. She noticed Kotios take out a camera. "Err, what are you doing?" Shiori asked. She looked at the situation as well, her eyes turning yellow. "Jeez. If she was dead, would she breathing?" She muttered.
Song sat up. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said, smiling at the girl. "Thanks though!" She said. She stood up. "What's your name?" She asked the girl.
Shae's shoulders slumped hearing Shiori's words, "Oh... Sorry for being loud.." She muttered. "I'm Shae," She smiled a hint of sadness still in her eyes; "Whats your name?" She inquired holding her head slightly higher trying to brush off her embarrassment.
"It's okay. I just don't really like loud noises, even though I'm loud myself." Shiori paused, "The names Shiori." She said, her eyes returning to the same shade of blue they once were before. "So, y'all want to eat lunch together? All of us?" Shiori asked, tilting her head to the side a little.
Song smiled at Shae. "I'm Song!" She grabbed the girls hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you!" She said and then looked at the girl who invited them to lunch. "Um...sure! Nice to meet you Shiori!" She asked.
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"Pleasure to meet you Shiori." Shae smiled a little wider, "I- We," She glances over at Song, "Would love to join you for lunch."
Shiori chuckled. "I'm glad to hear that. It seems that I've said my name a lot more than I thought I was. Anyways, I'm Shiori. Everyone hear that? Good." She joked. "Well, I guess we should get ready for lunch. Ya know, find a table before we have to deal with a large crowd." Shiori suggested, and looked at the map. "I believe this is the cafeteria." Shiori pointed at the building with her finger, then nodded to herself. 'I made more friends then I thought I would!' She thought.
Shae smiled softly, her discomfort dissipating when she thought about how many friends she might make in this one night. "That looks like it, So lets go" She states.
Rhea was happy with the blanket fort she had made. It would make her feel more at home.

'You should go see the other students.'

She shot a frown at fang

'Why should I? I have gotten along fine with you two and the rest of the pack. They will just scream wolf and freak out like always.'

She looked at the clock and saw it was nearly time for lunch.

'Who's hungry?'

She was overwhelmed with the two wolves now rubbing against her leg.

'I though you would never ask!'

'Oh hush you.'

She smiled as the wolves bickered. With the two in tow she made her way to the common area. She was defiantly an odd sight, her flowy green dress, long curly brown hair, two grey wolves, and the fact that she was not wearing shoes. She moved past a boy standing outside the common area and a group of students. She just hoped they actually had good food at this place. She made her way to the cafeteria prying they had rabbit, it sounded good to her.
Song smiled. "I think that's it!" She said grinning. She then held up a finger. "Wait here. I need to get someone." She said. She ran up to her dorm and got the bluejay. She rAn back to the others."He's hungry. He needs to eat."
Shiori makes her way to the door, looking behind her. "C'mon!" She shouted, marching out. Entering the cafeteria, Shiori smelt lots of foods. 'Oh... That one smells like cake!' She thought, entering the line. She saved spots for her new friends. Shiori eyed the table that had just enough seats for her and her new friends, hoping no one will take it. Her eyes turned pink. "I love today! I hope every day is this good!" She yelled. Shiori looked at Bluejay. "Oh, it seems that here are seeds in the middle of each table. I have to say, this school has good stuff." She stated.
Chuckling Shae gazed around in awe, Never had she seen or smelled so many amazing things in all her days! She glanced over to Shiori seeing a spot in line she squeezed in, mouth watering in anticipation of the delectable smelling food.
Song made her way into the line behind Shae. "Mmm. It smells delicious." She said grinning. She looked at the table, then at the bluejay. I hope you like seeds she told the bird telepathically, to which the bird nodded it's small head.

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