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Fantasy A Nation In Havoc OOC

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TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Also, as far as the conflict between Elven and Calcian faith - I'm totally for that feeding into conflict between the people themselves. It would make a lot of sense for the members of the Calcian faith to look on Elves similar to how the Catholics treated the Druids - like heathens, heretics, pagans basically. It would allow me to really get into Ru's faith and the Elven faith/culture in general. At best (for members of the Calcian faith) their attitude towards them would generally be that they're ignorant souls who have been lead astray and need to be converted. At worst, it would be that they're the harbingers of evil and they need to be silenced/wiped out. Cassander would only be an exception as he was raised in Dalania and his detachment from his homeland and their beliefs is really central to his character and his arc I have in the works.

Also, if we're going all the way here, just like Catholicism, Calcian faith could be super against sorcery and magic, which would both add to their conflict with the Elves, and add some more priceless drama to the fact that Cassander is both their Prince and also a natural born sorcerer.

Of course, I'm just tossing around ideas.

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
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I like the idea that the two faiths are at odds with each other. I would take the lost souls approach to avoid...well trying to murder Ru right off the bat. However I propose here we diverge from reality and say magic is a rare gift from The Creator and respected. (But that's just my idea). And drama is always fun! I also like to imagine we might meet these various Deities some day, if the opportunity ever arose. Just my ideas. Rhaine Rhaine
Did someone say... religious war!?
Technically not a war, just a difference of opinion. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it happened some time in the past or later in the future.
Albeit an aggressive difference of opinion. Especially cus Calcian's are all about purging "sin" and what not. I mean... the Catholics did wipe out the Druids. I wouldn't be surprised if there was history here as well.
Well Cassader has grow up in Dalania as you said, hasn't he? And he's all dirty and so from recent events. Rhaine Rhaine
No, you're right - though I do think the people of the Empire would be familiar with the royal family even if he is raised in Dalania - he would still be part of the hierarchy there, it wouldn't be as if he was banished (despite Cassander's abandonment issues lol)
No, you're right - though I do think the people of the Empire would be familiar with the royal family even if he is raised in Dalania - he would still be part of the hierarchy there, it wouldn't be as if he was banished (despite Cassander's abandonment issues lol)
Well it's not like they have medieval Facebook or something. They live in a time where information takes weeks to travel. Even if he heard about Cassander he probably wouldn't know what he looks like.
Well it's not like they have medieval Facebook or something. They live in a time where information takes weeks to travel. Even if he heard about Cassander he probably wouldn't know what he looks like.
I'm pretty sure they all know about Cassander though? He was born in the Empire and is a crown Prince - also, they do have paintings and stuff, it's not a stretch for the people of the Empire to know what the royal family looks like, especially since Cassander does resemble the King and the rest of the royal family. He definetly wouldn't recognize him off the bat in his state now though.
TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Also, he's only being raised as a ward in Dalania, which was a common practice for nobles in the medieval time frame - it wouldn't mean that he's a secret to the people of the Empire
Fair point, fair point. Still can't tell in his current state though. Rhaine Rhaine
Yeah totally, not off the bat. Also though, your character's status would have a big hand in him being able to recognize the royal family. The people of the Empire would also know that the youngest Prince was being raised in Dalania, and were expecting him to return soon as he's 18 now. Though they most likely think he's dead now.
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Duke of Doge Duke of Doge TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Hope you guys are cool with me setting some deities/elven language in place. Just like I did with constructing Ru's name, I used D&D Elven language prefixes and suffixes to construct words with the meanings we're after.

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