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Fantasy A Nation In Havoc OOC

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I have another idea for a character, one we can meet on the road. Tell me Great RpM ( Duke of Doge Duke of Doge ) what sort of religion is there on this planet? If need be I have ideas in my head as well.
I would also love to know the answer of this question - as Cassander's homeland is supposed to be centralized around religion and I would love to further incorporate that into his character, possibly a loss or struggle of faith ... also very excited for any new character you have in the works!

I haven't given it any thought. By all means you guys are welcome to make this worlds religion. I'm just bad at it.
Honestly the Holy Calcian Empire really screams Holy Roman Catholicism to me - like total Vatican, and that played a hand in my design of Cassander's character. I don't know I just felt like it would be reminiscent of that.
Also I was wondering if the Elves would have their own religion - Elven gods and the like. I love when religion is heavily threaded into high fantasy it's so interesting to me.
So basically the Calcians are Romans, or just the Catholic part?

The character I have in mind is a bit of a Paladin (or entirely a Paladin) and my knowledge of Catholicism is severely lacking. He could be an Elven Paladin!
My world is open to you guys.

Just go to town! Make a group chat and discuss it if you want. Just tell me anything you decide on.
So basically the Calcians are Romans, or just the Catholic part?

The character I have in mind is a bit of a Paladin (or entirely a Paladin) and my knowledge of Catholicism is severely lacking. He could be an Elven Paladin!
Yeah I was thinking Roman, Italian, Catholic all in one when I was conceptualizing Calcian royalty. That whole aesthetic.

I would be soooooo interested in having another Elf in the mix - and also in having a Paladin in any case. Also, if you wanted to go the Catholicism route, a Paladin is really fitting. The whole strict lawful good attitude, purging the world of anything considered sinful, a champion of the faith is such a Catholic vibe. I'm such a nerd for it.
As far as Elven religion, I could see it going two ways. I could definetly see a Druid influence/sensibility - the worship of nature and subsequent gods and goddesses. I also see it going a very strict, loss of the material and earthly, emotional self in pursuit of pure spirituality and detached oneness - Confucianism / Eastern religion.
I would prefer the Druidic path when it come to the Elves religion. That just kind screams "Elf" to me, with the gods and goddesses of the forest and all that. I even have some ideas that fit that.
I would prefer the Druidic path when it come to the Elves religion. That just kind screams "Elf" to me, with the gods and goddesses of the forest and all that. I even have some ideas that fit that.
I agree! Druid-esque religion works really naturally in an Elven context. I would love to hear any ideas you have.
Names and appearances of these individual deities are up to anyone with ideas for them.

The Lion: God of Strength
The Eagle: Deity of the Air
Spriggan (Skyrim) looking thing: Deity of the Trees, Embodiment of the Forest.
Water Elemental thing: Deity of Water.
Fire Creature thing: Deity of Fire.
Shadow Creature: Deity of Darkness and Shadow
Some sort of animal, preferably a predator: Deity of the Animals

And I'm out of ideas. Any other ideas are greatly appreciated.
TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior I'm definetly on board with the deities you presented - pulling from Druid religion, there should be some deities that are centrally worshipped in the context of life and death. I think that adds to the Elves' general ideology and significance about the loss of life and death. Maiden, mother, crone kind of deal. Since their focus is on nature, life and death would be their pinnacle of worship and religion. Maybe they believe in reincarnation? I think that would flow nicely into their belief system. Perhaps there is a diety who is chiefly a shepard and guiding force of souls into the next life?
Maybe a Dove? Not only a symbol of peace but the Guide to the Next Life?

And I'm going to assume you know more about these other religions, since what I know could barely fill a tuna can, and let you think of some things. Because anything I think up will just end up looking like some form of Christianity. I'm no good when it comes to other religions, made up ones being a slight exception.
Rhaine Rhaine
TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

I think the Elven religion can be a good contrast against that of the Holy Calcian Empire. Druid religion is very based on matriarchal ideology (priestesses), the divine feminine (the Goddess, the moon), and the natural inclinations and manifestation of human nature, while Catholicism, like Christianity, is very patriarchal and more so focused around the purging of sin and a culture that does institute guilt for one's own natural transgressions. There's definitely some really interesting conflict there that I think we could tap into nicely if we wanted.
I agree. I'm rather partial to Christianity and thus would probably be better as a Calcian, simply because I can relate better to the character and relate to their goals.

I think we should continue building Elvish culture though, as we're going to come across Fenwood eventually.

Rhaine Rhaine
And Duke of Doge Duke of Doge . I feel as though an evil plan isn't very evil if we are quite willing to what you wanted us to do. It's more... benevolent.
TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Fair enough. I'm eager to see what you'll come up with.

I agree. Also, as far as a guide to the next life in Elven religion - I like the bird idea, though a raven would be more fitting. A dove is really more symbolically representative of Christian/Catholic ideology.

Yes Duke of Doge Duke of Doge is a benevolent god

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