• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Glitch gives up on the search for food and decides to settle on a better source of entertainment. They walk over to the lizard man and tap his arm.

"May I travel along with you guys?" They ask, giving their best smile.

Archdemon Archdemon
Guild Bar

Glitch watched as people went on.

"Uhm, hello? I'm pretty sure I exist. Can someone answer my question about food and prices, please?"
They asked, feeling just a bit forgotten. 'You'd think these guys have better hospitality. But then again, I do tend to avoid people.' They finally get enough and slam their hand on the table, making a loud noise.

"HEY! DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO GET CHEAP FOOD AROUND HERE?!" Glitch demands, hoping to gain someone's attention and an answer.

Viviette Arbeider

"JUST GO TO THE GUILD DINING HALL!!! OUR FOOD IS COMPLIMENTARY!!! goddamn leeches" Viviette shouted back. She was more annoyed by the shouting than the odd looking entity before him.

(sorry for not responding to you earlier with my larger post, just a list of stuff all happening int he same area)
Alexander Bishop
Reception Area/Bar

Alex had just finished writing the last bits of information on the form as he heard his name get used.
"What?" he said spinning around only to come face to face with a very tall and very important looking man. If he had to wager a guess he'd say that he was someone very high up in the guild, this didnt help too settle him at all.
"Maybe one of the descendants?" he thought to himself "What where there names again..."
He shook his head before finally saying "Im up for any job..ah..sir?"
Shot in the dark.
Least its not a holy bolt.

Birdsie Birdsie
Alteras Alteras
upload_2017-8-5_21-51-12.pngKali Yajuuka
Guild Hall Reception (just outside)

Kali frowned slightly as she pulled at the bottom of her dress, slightly uncomfortable in the clothing. Since traveling south, she had learned that her village's traditional summer garb was generally considered immodest amongst the more southern kingdoms, though she didn't really understand how. It was so much warmer down in the south, why did they wear so much clothes? In an effort to fit in and keep from offending the common folk here, she had picked up some clothing items that were apparently more appropriate for regular society, and she was wearing one such item now. It was a simple, white dress with small straps, the skirt of the dress ending right around her tattoo on her thigh, the very bottom of the tattoo just peaking out under the fabric of the dress as she moved. She was currently walking, looking around as she made her way down one of the hallways of Fort Black. She was still unfamiliar with the fort's layout, being that she was still very new at the guild, but she at least knew enough to find her way from her room to the guild's reception hall.

The girl walked through the doors and into the hallway. Wow, there's quite a few people here, she thought to herself with a small frown. There really weren't that many, but there were enough that the girl felt shy and unsure of herself. I should just come back later when it's less crowded...maybe I can see if they'll let me go on a job then, she decided. She had only just joined up with the guild a few days ago, and though she had passed her combat test, she didn't actually have any sort of mentor or anything yet, since most of the members of the guild had been away when she went through her test and no one really saw her fight. She wasn't sure how the whole mentor thing was supposed to work, but she didn't really enjoy being labelled 'untrustworthy', and hoped that she could get rid of that label soon enough. In any case, for now she decided to wait until the reception hall was more clear, heading out the door and almost running into the guildmaster as she did. "Oops!" she let out the small exclamation of surprise as she stopped short, just barely avoiding tripping over herself. "Ah, sorry," she apologized to the man immediately afterward, even though she hadn't actually run into him at all. She paused, a bit of an awkward silence falling over her as she realized that she didn't really know what to do. She had been planning on just waiting outside for people to leave, but would it be awkward to wait with the guildmaster himself standing there? Was she supposed to say something? Stay silent? She looked a bit unsure of herself as she stood there, definitely not helping herself not seem awkward.

Birdsie Birdsie
(And everyone else nearby, I lost track of who all was in the reception hall)
Robert Black
Fort Black - Guild Hall/Reception > Courtyard

"Very well," he took the documents from her and took a look before looking up at him. "A crossbowman? Very well, ranged support is always welcome," he smiled at Alex as a welcoming. "Let's go." Robert gestured and walked outside in a swift turn. He stopped when he heard Alex' confused statement, so Robert turned around again and introduced himself properly.

"Robert, first son of William. Current Guildmaster. Pleased to meet you," he held his hand out to Alex as a sign of good will, hoping to receive a handshake, but the pleasantries were cut short by a confused woman almost bumping into him. Robert, almost instinctively, jumped back to make a bit of space. "Uhm... apologies accepted?" he replied awkwardly, not knowing what else to say, only making the situation more tense by the minute. "You didn't really... really bump into me. There's no need to apologize!" he smiled at her brightly, hoping that being positive like that will clear the situation out of all uncomfortable embarrassment.

"Either way, Alex, let's go," he turned to his new companion before walking over to the exit to the courtyard again.
Archdemon Archdemon Alteras Alteras Hanarei Hanarei CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
Moving to the courtyard
To adventure!

Ohmygoopness Wobb was going. He was going on a quest of grand proportions, with some incredible examples of true heroism! And he wasn't the only newbie in the group, too! Though wasn't the angry guy hungry still? Wobb had better fix that, like a real teammate! So he threw him a bone. By handing him a bone. It was a big one, from some huge piece of mutton, or a beast shank or something. Wobb didn't know.
"Hewoes need bwekfest. 'M Wobb, bydaway."
He said, unaware that the platinum-haired thing he assumed was male probably couldn't eat or digest bone. He also waved to the crossbowman. He seemed nice. Oh man, Wobb could scarcely contain his excitement as he wobbled and vibrated with anticipation!

Birdsie Birdsie NineTimes NineTimes Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop
Location: Guild hall
She stood behind the counter as Robert seemed to ignore her jabs, though he started to laugh seemingly in response to her latter comment about babysitting. Nalnux on the other hand seemed to enjoy her words as she smiled brightly towards him. She didn't mind him around much at all. He was the type that seemed to enjoy her way with words. He had a good sense of humor about him that allowed her to get away with saying things about him playfully without expecting retaliation, unlike that grump from earlier. She turned her head to see Vivi had returned, ushering a stop to her handing out quests and placing Chloe on the counter. She shrug in response being nonchalant as she mentioned the water on the floor not really being one to bother bringing up the cause as she passed back the keys before grabbing her umbrella and walking back around.

She heard them talking about the inquisitor, looking over at Alex at Vivi mentioning he was good. She tilted her head to the side looking curiously at him. "Oh? How did that go? I'm quite surprised you managed to keep him in one piece. Hopefully he was some fun for you." She spoke out playfully meaning in some part to be addressing the new Alex guy as well as Viviette when she talked. It sounded as if she at least had a good little break testing him out which was a good thing. She always felt a bit bad for Viviette being stuck over behind the counter all the time and not being able to 'stretch her legs' so to speak. She shrugged off Vivi yelling at the random voice half paying attention to it. She looked to Alexander a she leaned forward looking at him with a smirk.

"Don't be so shy pretty boy, nothing to be afraid of. He just runs the place... well pretends to at least. Viviette handles most the busy work, he kinda just does his own thing and looks pretty for all the ladies. Speaking of..."
She muttered looking on as a woman bumped into Robert as she looked at her curiously. She wasn't familiar with her at all, tapping her chin in thought trying to recall if she seen her around before. She watched the short exchange as Robert walked out to head out on the new mission. She looked at the new girl laughing lightly in a bit of a snobby 'rich girl' kind of way.

"Don't worry about him, he is just very shy around the ladies. I'm sure he didn't mean to look like he was dismissing or ignoring you." She spoke being a bit devious as always with a warm playful smile on her face looking at the girl. "Need something sweetie?"

Birdsie Birdsie Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Bishop Bishop Alteras Alteras Archdemon Archdemon Alteras Alteras Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre (Direct interaction) NineTimes NineTimes MouseDuke MouseDuke (Brief mentioning)
Alexander Bishop
Fort Black - Guild Hall/Reception > Courtyard

Alex's head was spinning with confusion. Between the blob, the lizards, Guildmaster and the very evil looking girl he decided to just follow suit behind Robert, but just before he made his way through the door he turned around for a second to give Viviette a big smile and a hearty wave before stepping out into the courtyard. Alex fell into step just behind his new guild leader and was next to the, well, blob.
" Hey..uh..names Alex" He said extending a hand as a gesture of good will "I guess we will be working together"
He had hunted hundreds of different animals and species throughout his little time with the rangers but he had never seen a straight up sentient blob before.
This could be fun.
Alteras Alteras
Birdsie Birdsie
Graystone713 Graystone713
((This is getting out of hand))
Kali Yajuuka
Guild Hall Reception

Kali's cheeks burned brightly with embarrassment as the guildmaster told her,

"You didn't really... really bump into me. There's no need to apologize!"

"Oh, right! Sorry!" the girl replied automatically, now apologizing for apologizing. Her cheeks burned warmer as her embarrassment sunk in further. Well, that was...something. Time to just back out of the situation and hide from her embarrassment. "I-I'm just gonna...yeah..." she mumbled, averting her gaze and quickly turning and walking away from the guildmaster and the man who joined him. Her plan on waiting outside for the guild hall to be more clear was failing miserably. She supposed she would just have to bite the bullet and brave the reception hall instead, then. Besides, someone else was addressing her now.

"Don't worry about him, he is just very shy around the ladies. I'm sure he didn't mean to look like he was dismissing or ignoring you."

Kali furrowed her brow a bit, frowning and shaking her head in response. "Ah, did he come off that way? I didn't notice. I was too busy dying of embarrassment," she responded, putting her hand to her head in a way that partially covered her face while waiting for her blush to die down. She took a breath to compose herself, then let the hand drop from her face, which had returned to it's normal color. The woman was asking her if she needed something, so she might as well use the opening to figure out what it was she was supposed to do. "In case it wasn't obvious enough, I'm new here, and I was just trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do. I guess I'm not supposed to go on missions without an official hero's supervision, something about being 'untrustworthy' or something," she grumbled the last part, clearly not happy about the label, even though she knew it was reasonable.

Birdsie Birdsie Hanarei Hanarei
Liam Pontiff
Guild hall

"Damnit how could I forget where my room is," Liam grumbled to himself as he opened walked back through the door and into the guild hall, glancing his eyes back up to the reception desk to see if that little devil was still there. Shit! Liam thought as he saw all of the other guild members and newbies, but most importantly Robert Black, the guild master. Using his hand to hide some of his face. Moving quickly to th le other door. Please don't see me, please don't see me Liam continued to repeat in his head. He didn't know how everyone would react to him like this, little miss waterbender wasn't to friendly so he couldn't expect the others to be too.

Birdsie Birdsie Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Bishop Bishop Alteras Alteras Archdemon Archdemon Alteras Alteras Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre NineTimes NineTimes Hanarei Hanarei (I'm not really sure where I should put Liam xD)
Robert Black
Fort Black - Guild Hall/Reception > Courtyard

Robert overheard Kali's words. "You can come with us. We will be going to a delegation, to oversee the proceedings between Albion and Espania. Espanian Inquisitors will be there, and we are to assure everything goes smoothly. The more new members, the better," he said to the girl invitingly. "We will be moving out in a few minutes at the gates, so better hurry up!" Robert turned around and proceeded to walk for a few seconds...


Robert heard the sound of something flying toward him in the air. As an instinct of self-preservation kicked in, his brain calculated the approximate time until the thing hit him in the back and executed the movement. Robert turned around swiftly, then he caught the... bone? What the hell? He look perplexed for a moment, looking up at Wobb and back at the bone. "I can't eat bones, Wobb," he replied, throwing the calcium delicacy back at the slime. "But thank you for being so considerate," he added, not wanting to sound rude, as that wasn't the intention in his first statement. "You are very kind."

Now, Robert understood the slime a bit better. He wasn't that much intelligent, but he had wits. He didn't have wisdom, he had smarts. He didn't have much knowledge, but he could put what he already knew to fairly good use. A little bit of schooling and he would be an excellent hero.

Robert walked into the courtyard and across it, smiling as he heard Alex greet Wobb. He was happy to see the new additions to the Guild could more than tolerate each other but also build relations. Cooperation was important. During combat, there's only so much than a knight can do. Only so many spells that a wizard can cast. Only so many daggers a thief can throw. Only so many things one man can do before their time comes to an end at the cold tip of the enemy's blade. In that moment of realization. The moment of hopelessness when you have done all you could have done but to no avail. At that time, only a friend can save you with his own blade. He can do so much more to save you than you could have and could have been aware of. To put it otherwise, cooperation was important. Robert duly noted their willingness to work together and when the time of judgment came, he would surely put all of their doings in the light of their capacity to work together.

NineTimes NineTimes Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713 Hanarei Hanarei Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Vern the Cat
Guild Hall

Finally, after what seems like ages to the grumpy old cat, the quest could finally progress! He could swear that he could hear his bones snapping and creaking as he moved, his bones felt like it had started to fuse together from waiting for too long. Good thing that the quest is going to start otherwise he'd probably be no different from a stuffed animal by that point.

"Good, hopefully that dragon didn't leave the area while you people were loitering." He said to his party, though he conveniently forgot about the part that he was the one who chose to wait for the wolf missy. "You lots who wants to catch a dragon, we're leaving now!" He called out once more as he left the Guild Hall. Those left behind can't complain, after, the cat has given them enough time to gather.

As for how they'd reach the forest, well, such trivial things doesn't matter. He's pretty sure that, before they know it, they'd be where they wanted to be.

Location: Dark Forest

And just like that, they're already at the edge of the Dark Forest. How tine flies when you're anticipating riding a ferocious dragon. Anyway, as luck would have it, they managed to encounter a merchant caravan who was said to have seen the dragon fly past the area around 2-3 hours ago and was headed towards the depths of the forest.

"You know what I don't understand?" He asked no one in particular as the cat started to head inside the forest. "Who actually names the forests and mountains and deserts and plains and oceans? I mean, it's like every location I've ever been to has been named by someone somewhere sometime ago for some reason." He continued to rant as he leaped up a particularly large log blocking his path.

"And are there really no places with similar names? Like how many forests in this continent alone is named Dark Forest? Or how many mountains are named Mountain of Doom? Or deserts named Desert of Death? Or plains named Plains of War?" The cat continued on his pointless rant, not realizing that a few glowing eyes are observing them beyond the gloom.

"And what about places with several names? What if this place we call Dark Forest is called Black Forest by others? Or maybe Forbidden Forest? Or what about Forest of Foreboding Darkness? Or maybe Evil Forest of Dangerous and Everlasting Night?" He said as he looked at the others. "What do you guys think?"

Alteras Alteras Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf @Lena Oxton Rin Nyx Rin Nyx (And to whoever else wants to join us)
Emel Inelvis

Fort Black Training Grounds -----> Reception

What a spectacle. By the end of it he was clapping. That slime was certainly creative. Turning Ariel's projectiles against her? He wouldn't think of that at all. He did have a bone to pick with Ariel though. Ordering him away from the sparring grounds like that. He wasn't too keen on who she was as a person, but he knew how cold she was from stories floating around. Until that day, in his eyes it had been a I don't bother you, you don't bother me. The slime had already left, and Ariel was departing for a dragon quest. He didn't want anything to do with the scaly monster. Those things were terrifying. There was a reason dragon artifacts were rare and expensive. He wanted to stay alive for longer. There were much bigger threats than a dragon murdering a few disgusting pigs. Threats to actually people like bandits, necromancers, and other things that would love nothing more than to violate the weak for pleasure.

He hoped not to make the relationship a bad one from the start, but he wouldn't allow the pride he had to be blown out the window when he did nothing wrong. It was all he had left after all. He walked inside to see if he could take any quests. It wasn't like he had anything to do. He walked up to the desk and noticed Melaina was running it. She was talking to another girl. A newbie to be precise. An unusual sight really, but he decided to poke in at the right time.

"Well, at least you should make it official if you go for credit or money. It's always good for those in charge to know. Although those who do take advantage of that end up getting their credit erased and their name under criticism," Emel said as he walked up. Once he did he leaned over the counter and gave a knowing stare to Melaina. She indeed had a quest record wiped, before Emel joined. She used to hire him to perform her work essentially, but she had done so in a way that didn't seem shady and quite legit. Until he was confronted by the guild and learned the ugly truth. "Well Melaina? Any interesting quests or messes of yours I need to clean up? I'm staying out of the dragon one. Give me something thrilling."

Hanarei Hanarei Rin Nyx Rin Nyx (Also anyone else in the guild hall/reception area)

Jaylis Relenus

Dark Forest

"And so was born the day when the Dark Forest was renamed the forest of the rambling cats...,"
Jaylis said in a joking tone. He was walking through the forest following this cat wizard. Honestly, such ramblings were better left when no one was listening. At least it got something going as he trudged along. Dragons tended to nest in one area for a while. Sadly for them, it wasn't uncommon to be driven out. Some dragons were more nomadic because of this fact, but civilization had a funny way of spreading. What a gang really. The werewolf, a cat wizard, an actual cat, and a cat girl. All of it now complete with another freak who could change genders at will or random. This mostly happened in Jaylis's sleep when he had to take off his pendant, but it was mostly willingly. He had spent enough time as a woman to really just roll with it.

Such a long journey though. The Dark Forest...there were others with much more creative names more prevalent to their history, but this was accurate. Nothing much had really suggested black aside from the large amounts of dark green trees that did make the forest quite darker. What a pain really. Whoever wrote such names must have seriously been burned out or depressed. Vern was rather...old, so he probably knew what he was talking about.

It was a full fledged forest. So long as they didn't get lost, however unlikely thanks to the amount of cats they had, it was going to be a long trip. Maybe he was grateful that the wizard would break the awkward silence. Jaylis didn't really enjoy long lasting silence unless he was reading a book...which was probably dangerous to do in a forest.

(I'm wondering if it should be traditional poop with a flare or just something wonky like crystal poop)

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx @Lena Oxton Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse

Leyla Relenus

Outside of Fort Black

"It's nice to meet you Moriana,"
Leyla said with a smile. A fellow elf, but looking to build her strength. To what end though? Leyla didn't really understand that, but it was often a piece of philosophy she liked to indulge in. Her end to gain power was to help her fellow mages who were struggling to get by without the help of the wealthy. Magecraft wasn't a common practice and people's independence of the craft made life difficult for plenty. Of course unless one considered apothecaries who would brew with magical ingredients. Alchemy though...that was a tricky one. Thaumaturgic alchemists like her though, no. The only use thaumaturgic alchemy had was to other mages, and the same went for most magic crafts. This meant that mages in society were more like a sub-society living in a bigger one. They were rarely useful to commonfolk. What use would a farmer ever need for some of the extravagant objects?

"Power is it? To what end though do you seek power? Excuse me for asking, I'm just fascinated in the idea of gaining power for a purpose."

RazingCatfish RazingCatfish

Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

If it weren't for the war paint and the horns of a ram jutting out of her helmet, this woman in the bushes would be a fair enough lass to call "sweetie". She's got red hair, if you're into that sort of thing. Her eyes are hazel--nearly gold. But don't let that fool you. See how the fire makes her eye twinkle? Her heart is anything but gold. She is a ruthless killer of all beasts--no matter how cute. In other words, don't call her "sweetie" before you've made peace with your gods.

This was not the first dragon Svala had seen, as they regularly made homes in the mountains she hailed from. That's not to say that she planned on sticking around very long. The fire hadn't yet reached this part of the forest, but she could hear its menacing roar. The Nord watched the red tyrant disappear into the clouds. She was on the outskirts of the forest, not confident enough to go deeper on her own. On the road she met merchants, all of them with stories to tell of the Black Forest, none of the tales sounding like something she wanted to handle. She only hoped whatever normal creatures resided there didn't retreat further in on account of the dragon threat, and she could do this quickly.

Svala got up and slowly started moving forward, her eyes focused. She tried to make as much sound as she could with her steps, purposefully aiming her boot for twigs and leaves, dragging her feet as she walked. It took some time, but eventually she was rewarded with a mad rustling to her right. A cottontail was making its break. With inhuman speed Svala dove after the rabbit, landing her axe with deadly precision down the spinal cord. She watched as its tiny brown body twitched and squeaked beyond death, her painted face remaining apathetic.

The woman's heart pounded in her chest as it worked through the short burst of adrenaline. She quickly skinned the kill and separated the entrails from the precious meat as the thought of the impending dragon attack made the back of her neck tingle. She buried the remains out of both respect for the animal and the wish to keep predators from hunting any other rabbits nearby. After killing ten of the little forest friends, Svala headed toward the road to sell the meat and raw pelts. Indeed, this time she was simply here for business, for this huntress was tired of a lonely life in the wild. She was used to having a clan to go home to, and she hoped to find that camaraderie again in the city. If she wanted to go to the city, she would need the coin.
Chloe Stargazer
Location: Bar/Reception
(Sorry if i took long. I'm on a tight and busy sched right now >-<)
Chloe was too busy finding the right flower for her beloved hero Melaina. Clearly ignoring the fact that she was just carried by Viviette herself to the counter. She sat silently with a warm smile on her face. Looking back to Melaina's dress pattern, she found the right flower that matches the exact flower pattern on her dress. "You need a flower, Ms. Melaina~" She handed out the fresh scented flower in front of the well dressed lady. "Beautiful hero needs flowers!" She added while laying down the large bouquet at her side. "Everyone deserves a flower!" She cheerfully raised her hands up before reaching out the flower once more to Melaina "Viviyay (Viviette) deserve a flower!" She took a small white daisy and placed it Vivitte's ear which complemented the color of her hair. "He needs a flower!" She took another flower which was a blue orchid. She placed the flower on a mug with water next to Liam, giving him a free flower. She continued to hum to herself with an unknown song.
(I cannot reply tomorrow, so feel free to move Chloe anywhere, everyone. Sorry if i didn't mention everyone else. I'm on a rush. I'll give you a flower soon.)
Hanarei Hanarei Alteras Alteras MouseDuke MouseDuke
Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest

Current Obsession: Dragons

Swift had eagerly accompanied the group on the quest for the dragon, playing his lute and telling stories as they traveled to the dark forest. The music he played was upbeat and faster paced, and it seemed to make the group travel faster without expending more energy than they otherwise would have. Almost before they knew it, they were at the edge of the dark forest, and had gotten some information from a merchant that the dragon was headed to the depths of the forest. With that information, the group had begun to trek into the woods, and Swift continued to play a nice melody on his lute while Vern began to ramble on about the forest's name.

"Names are a tricky thing. Sometimes they are chosen through the tellings of stories or great events, often they are just descriptors that the locals chose that so happened to stick. In my travels, I have encountered many 'dark forest's or 'black forests' and the like. None of them usually seem that dark..." Swift mentioned to Vern with a shrug. As a feline humanoid, Swift had superior vision in the dark, so a forest like this really wasn't that dark to him. Maybe it was to the others, though. "You know, I would not mind a forest named after me. But we would have to choose a better name, yes? 'Rambling' does not sound like the right word to use..." he responded to Jaylis's joke with enthusiasm, "I know! After this quest, we shall call this forest 'The Forest of Heroic Cats'! That sounds much more fitting! Or maybe it should be 'Clever' instead, that is also a good word to use."

Swift's tail flicked and his ears swiveled forward as something seemed to grab his attention. The music he played became a bit more intense, as if it were meant to inspire focus in his allies. "Maybe, though, this forest was named wrong. Maybe it should be called the 'forest of glowing eyes'," he mentioned, bringing attention to the eyes that were observing them through the gloom.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf @Lena Oxton Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Location: Guild reception/Bar

The giant Lizardman soon lost track of what started happening, a.... Man? In a cloak came up to him asking if he could join their quest. He looked at the person who's face was hidden behind a hood so he couldn't actually see what was underneath.

"Sorry kid, but only guild members can take on quests like these. You have to be an apprentice to join us. You can join by going up to Viviette over there, taking the application and then the combat trial. Sorry, but them the rules. I'm not the one who made them."
NineTimes NineTimes

Suddenly a young girl bumped into Robert, it seemed like she was dying of embarrassment. Nalnux just laughed, she was a newbie to the guild but it always made him laugh whenever they get embarrassed around the Boss.

"Ha Don't worry kiddo! Come with us on a quest! You need experience, and I need some good teammates!"

Geez.... Anyways when Wobb saluted Nalnux he saluted back, chuckling at the kids enthusiasm. He walked towards the door and looked back, mainly at Melaina.

"Don't forget Mel! I still owe your that drink from helping me that one time! Maybe I'll even cook you my famous salamander recipe too!"

Finally with that out of the way, Nalnux finally joined up with everyone. He looked at Robert and flashed his scaly grin.

"Alright Boss! Is it time to get moving? Also on the way we should explain to the newbies the way of the guild and who will be training them. Since you're the Boss I'll let you handle it. No Pressure!"

Nalnux laughed, he could really be viewed as that fun uncle that everyone loves.
Birdsie Birdsie Hanarei Hanarei Graystone713 Graystone713 Alteras Alteras Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx ((I hope I got everyone))
Kali Yajuuka
Guild Hall/Reception > Her room > Courtyard

Kali stiffened a bit at the guildmaster's words directed towards her. She had thought that he had already left out of hearing range, but apparently he hadn't. And after she was just saying how she was dying of embarrassment...Oh well, it probably wasn't that big of a deal, she'd just have to suck it up. Besides, the man had offered her an opportunity to go on a mission. Finally! The offer was confirmed and reiterated by a large lizardman who seemed friendly enough. With a mission offer dangling before her, she seemed to forget all about the others in the room, ready to finally get the chance to prove herself. By the sound of it, though, they were getting ready to head out pretty quickly. She needed to hurry and get her things. "Right! Mission! I'm on it! Ah, let me just get my things!" she replied hurriedly, turning and dashing back towards the hallway, and making her way to her room with haste.

Once in her room, she quickly grabbed her staff and her traveling clothes. Wait, he said it was some sort of delegation thing...do I wear my regular clothes for that, or am I supposed to wear something like this dress? she thought briefly, a little confused on what was supposed to be appropriate in such a situation. Her barbarian clothes would at least make it so that she was prepared for battle... She briefly thought back to the large lizardman. He had been wearing a loincloth, and though he had armor, his armor wasn't that conservative. So, it was probably just fine for her to wear her regular outfit, too. But, just to be on the safe side... Kali quickly changed into her barbarian clothes, then pulled her white dress back on top of it. She tucked the fabric of her own loincloth up onto the straps around her waist so that it wouldn't show under the white dress. There, ready...except it's so hot! Why do southerners wear such warm clothes in such weather? she mentally complained, though there wasn't really much time for that. Her staff in hand, she ran back out of her room, down the hallway, and to the courtyard, joining up with the guildmaster and the rest of the group. All in all, that little detour had only taken her about two minutes or so, since her room was fairly close to the guild hall.

Taking a deep breath to replenish the air in her lungs after such a speedy sprint, Kali then smiled at the group. "Ok, ready!" she reported, eager to get going now. She took a look at who was coming on the quest with them. It looked like their group would be comprised of the guildmaster himself, the large lizardman, a man with a crossbow, a blob in the shape of a person, and her. What an interesting group. "My name is Kali, by the way. It's nice to meet you all," she mentioned with a smile.

Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Hanarei Hanarei (not interacting with directly anymore, but since they had been interacting just before)
Robert Black
Fort Black - Courtyard/Stables > Bowerstone Streets

Fairfax was their destination. If the calculations were correct, on a steed, getting to the destination would take several hours, around two if everything went smoothly. It wasn't that far, but not that close either. Even with that in mind, they'd have to wait a few hours for all parties to arrive since the whole thing is going to start in the afternoon and supposedly settle at evening, so they would have to go to sleep at some kind of inn and return in the morning. How annoying. This was the reason Robert was considering alternate forms of travel for quite some time. The Order of Hermes proposed to install teleportation sigils for the Guild in all major locations across Albion to make travel easier and the guildmaster considered it, but it was... not cheap. Another option was using different forms of travel altogether. Airships or dragons were both difficult to obtain and maintain. Drakes remained an option, but they weren't as fast even in the air. Hermetic magic it was.


He shuddered, hearing a voice. He turned around to Kali who finally arrived. "Let's go, then," he gestured to the serfs who took four horses and brought them close to the group. Robert sat on his and looked to the rest of the group. "There will be no complications? I trust you all know how to ride?" His face returned to the same indifferent, bored look he often had. To say the least, that facial expression definitely wouldn't help anyone that answered 'no' to the questions.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx

Alteras Alteras (Will you be GM'ing this quest thingy?)
Yana-Qari - The Guild Library.

Meanwhile, while other members of the Guild were setting themselves up for a mission, some of the more academic types were just simply researching or learning. Others were trying to learn new spells or techniques to help the Guild in their goals. And what better place could there be for all of this than the Guild library - a collection of books, rare and common alike, that had been gathered over the years from the adventures of the Guild lackeys. There were also magical artefacts in the library, not necessarily powerful in nature, that most were just dumped into the library by the more...simple minded of individuals who couldn't figure out what they were, and couldn't sell them for great profit.

Amongst the highest of all the researchers, however, sat Yana-Qari. Yana-Qari was an odd fellow, to put it lightly, and didn't always seem to have the Guild's collective interests at heart but none could argue with the results he brought to the Guild. His mastery of magic, his arcane knowledge, were of incredible use to the adventurers, whether they'd like to admit it or not, and his seemingly endless wisdom has helped many parties make their way through some of the more dangerous places in the world. Despite this, however, he wasn't exactly popular. Cold by nature, Yana-Qari had no intention of making 'friends' within the Guild and hated anyone and everyone who would waste his time. Not to say that he was reluctant to come onto adventures, of course, just that he thought that it had better be worth the trouble.

As he sat in the main hall of the library, a towering monument to knowledge with several floors and storage rooms of their own, he was busy reading through one of the many books there. A simple book, in nature - leatherbound with mundane stitching and no title, and a smell of history to it - but it was the simplest books that piqued Yana-Qari's interest. After all, in his experience it was the books without title that contained the best information. The font was faded to time, and quite small to begin with, so Yana-Qari was forced to use the magnifying stand next to him making his horribly burned face all the more evident - burns of unknown origin so damaging to the flesh that not even high tier healing magic could fix them. The book itself was written in an ancient language, one that even Yana-Qari had difficulty remembering how to translate, but soon enough he got about to reading the book. It appeared to be an old history book of some sort, or perhaps a religious text, but it was difficult to tell with how few pages he was into the book.
Location: Guild Hall​

Melaina looked over to Chloe. She smiled at the young girl as she handed her a flower, glancing down upon it. She nodded her head with a warm smile. "Thanks little Chloe." She took hold of the flower, lifting it up to her face to give it a light sniff.

She turned her to face back towards Kali to give an acknowledging nod of what she said. She took the flower deciding to mimic what Chloe did with Vivi as she took the flower placing it in her hair. It was her own little gesture of kindness to the girl. She glanced over at Robert as he seemed to swoop up to take Kali away on the mission, much to her dismay. She wasn't certain if it was an intentional way of keeping her from getting to test the new girl. She had hoped to have a bit of 'fun' with that.

She looked to Nalnux giving a light wave to the Lizard man as he spoke out to her on the way out. Fortunately for Liam she hadn't noticed Chloe having gestured towards him as he attempted to sneak by without being seen. She was likely to mock him and ridicule him that much more after what happened earlier. There were two people Melaina loved to focus her attention on, those who enjoyed her attempt at humor and fun, and those who completely despised it that she could torment with it. Liam was much more leaning on the latter side as of now.

A familiar voice reached her ears as she looked over noticing Emel. She tapped her finger on her chin, purposely acting perplexed by the appearance of him. "My oh my, you must have me confused for someone else. I don't recall who you are... unless it was just such an insignificant meeting that I might of just unfortunately forgotten about you, in such a case I apologize." She spoke bowing her head lightly in response. Naturally she knew who he was though she purposely played stupid to toy with him a bit. She had him 'employed' under herself doing quests on her behalf for a decent length of time. It was her way of making money on the side without doing any work. For her it was a brilliant business strategy to make money on jobs that she saw 'beneath her'. Naturally it only could of lasted so long before her little plan was exposed.

"I was simply taking a temporary position for the beautiful Ms. Viviette so she might go test someone out. If you wish for a job you must ask her about it." She spoke bowing her head lightly in response gesturing to Vivi as she was being coy.

Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Silver Wolf Silver Wolf MouseDuke MouseDuke
Alexander Bishop
Fort Black - Courtyard/Stables > Bowerstone Streets

Alex looked up at the large brown steed. She seemed calm enough and was very welcoming to him gently rubbing her face. It had been quiet some time since he had rode a horse, tending to do alot more foot work instead, but the skill never truly leaves you.
"Well aren't you a calm one?" he said while putting his foot into the saddle.
After grabbing the rains and hoisting himself smothly onto the saddle, he sat for half a second remembering his first ride. It had been a long time...
Alex looked around at the other two who had just joined them. A large lizard man and rather busty barbarian girl.
"Hello! Names Alex" He said with a smile at the new comers "Pleasure to meet you both" He was honestly wondering if the horse would be comfortable with a large and probably heavy lizard man on its back.
Birdsie Birdsie
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Archdemon Archdemon
Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area/Bar

"Thank you Chloe." Viviette had enter automaton mode. There was a lot happening, so she just took it in. She generally likes Chloe, and can't hurt the girl. The reason she doesn't like her behind the counter is that she doesn't want to be seen with a little girl. And she's very protective of her drinks. "Thank you, Lady Malaina for taking the time to aid me." Viviette gestured to take back her seat. She then pulled out a gold coin and gave it to Malaina as compensation. Looking at the person before the counter, she said, "What do you want?"
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Hanarei Hanarei Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Red Dragon Quest
Dark Forest

Merchants were beginning to make their way out of the forest. The estimated time of return was coming upon them. Several volunteers from the local towns and villages were guiding the stranglers back out of the forest. Soon a horn could be heard from the south. Several moments passed before other horns all around the forest blasted throughout the forest. The Red Dragon had returned. Merchants, travelers, even some animals, began a dash toward the edges of the forest.

The red dragon's wings flapped high in the air, coming to the middle of the dark forest before landing once more. It would take those in the forest several minutes to reach where the dragon had landed.

Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The guild stables
A horse?... Of course it had to be a horse.

At first, Wobb was perplexed. He thought he was giving the bone to cloak boy, not mr. Important! Er, Robert. Wobb could've been a Wobbert. But he liked Wobb. Anyway, it seemed that Mr. Cloak was talking to the difficult to classify yet definitively grand Lizard, who seemed to think cloak boy wasn't part of the guild. Wobb would trust his judgement on that. And if the guildmaster couldn't eat bones, then Cloak boy didn't stand a chance. So Wobb ate the bone and followed the others to the stables. Oh. Right. Horses. Horses rarely reacted well to Wobb. Most got scared. A few tried to kick him. And the one time he tried to ride one, it ended in disaster. No-one was really hurt, but... Well. There were a lot of smashed cabbages. To their credit, these horses were bold enough not to panic, but he could tell that they saw him as a threat. So... Hm.
"Not good wif horses, horses not good wit me."
Wobb admitted as he tried to think of a solution. Maybe they had a carriage? It would be a good idea for Nalnux, too, since he was so big. But if they had one, wouldn't they already be using it? Maybe he could stuff himself in some wine casks, and pretend to be cargo? A little suspicious but maybe necessary... Well, the important guild master Robert probably knew that to do. He'd figure it out.

Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx NineTimes NineTimes

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