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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Moriana Sorendel
Outside Fort Black

To what end? Moriana thought. Part of her journey was to learn of that end. She folded her arms. “My path is quite complicated. I may tell you my story one day, but for now, I choose to withhold.” She turned and faced Fort Black, deciding that she had told Leyla everything she was willing to share.

Her curiosity was getting to her. She began to wonder if there was any way this Guild of Heroes could help her. After all, the lunarian was still lost in these lands, and the Guild seemed to hold a high place in the minds of many people. If only she could devise a plan that would put her in close contact with its members…

“Do you live here?” Moriana asked.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Robert Black
Fort Black - Bowerstone Streets

Robert stopped upon hearing Wobb's response. How problematic. He sighed, crossing off horses as a form of travel for now. Oh boy. "Alright, let's go," he said, leading the horseless, outside. "We'll go by carriage." He closed his eyes for a moment. Carriage it was. They would have to go outside the city first, of course, and hire one outside the city stables. How problematic. Robert was hoping to avoid this since...

... Robert gulped as he took a step out of the gate...


Squeee!!! Several women screamed upon seeing the guildmaster from across the street. "Holy lord, not this again." A crowd gathered around the departing heroes, mostly because the famous guildmaster was there as the recruits haven't made that much of a name for themselves yet. Others admired the lizardman who was also fairly popular. Children ran from across the street corners and smiled in awe. Ladies flooded the front rows of the crowd and gasped as the white-haired paladin stepped by. Lustful Argonian maids winked at Nalnux. Blacksmiths stopped their work just to watch for a bit. One could hear the whispers asking who was walking with the guildmaster and if anyone had any idea what they were doing. Of course, this is why Robert preferred horse travel. You can get to the gate a lot faster on horse when the crowd doesn't have time to gather around.

Soon enough, a pair of overconfident boys approached the guildmaster and halted his approach. Time for theatrics. Robert put on a toothy grin to welcome them and slowly maneuvered past them whilst patting their heads. Another pair of admirers soon came near; this time a mother and a daughter whom both offered him a crown of pink flowers that he accepted and put on his head just to appease their fantasy of a perfect hero. Just living up to the expectations, is all. Little to no people paid heed to the other heroes, who the public viewed as helpers or newbies, but despite that, some looks of curiosity and interest still came their way, especially to Nalnux who was actually known by some of the crowd and given equal respects to Robert, and soon a pair of maidens came up to him and kissed the lizardman's cheeks from both sides.

Believe it or not. This was what you had to go through just to get to the gate of the city. The more famous you are, the more likely it is people will come to thank you in some way for your service to the goddamn universe. And the more likely it is that people will come, the more likely it is there will be a crowd. And a crowd means you have to smile, wave back, slow down, greet everyone with a single glance, put some focus on the performance, forget where you were going in the first place, slow down and spend a minute reminding yourself, and finally pull yourself together and get to the destination. Robert hated this. And to some, this was fine, but for others, it was stressful. One look full of thought about the upcoming quest could be misinterpreted as a frown of unappreciation which would lead the crowd to an outrage of some sort.

Thank heavens, they finally reached the gates of Bowerstone after being showered by flower petals and greeted by the guards that aren't meant to either speak nor move. Finally, they made it there. The place where the crowd didn't follow. Robert, as soon as he was out of sight pushed his hands against the wall for three seconds and took a breather from the minutes he spent smiling like a Halloween pumpkin. He then looked back, once again composed and calm and approached the carriage to pay for their travel. "Wait here, I'll go pay the fee," he said, still wearing the flower-crown, probably out of a deep sentimental urge not to hurt the emotions of the ones who gifted it to him, as anyone sane would pull it off already and gently place it on the grass for nature to consume as it should be.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Alteras Alteras
(Why being a hero sucks: Fangirls. Why it doesn't suck: Fangirls. Explanation why it sucks: Restraining orders are hard to get. Explanation why it doesn't suck: But they're also rarely necessary.)
Location: Guild -------> Bowerstone Gates

The Lizardman was kinda sad, not because of the horses, But that was apart of the reason. He looked sad as the giant Lizardman was deep in thought... He missed his old friend Wilfer. Soon he put a smile back on his face, as Robert knew they'd have to walk to the gates. Nalnux was fairly friendly with the town, as they treated him right. He helped old ladies cross the street whenever he could, helped that one peasant family with hanging their laundry.

But as soon as they left, everyone gathered around Robert and the group, well.... Mainly Robert. Nalnux was laughing, it's not too often that the Guildmaster gets showered in praise as he leaves too soon. He patted Robert on the back and nodded, knowing how he felt exactly. Many people came up to Nalnux and being a cool Lizardman he greeted them, shook their hands, gave them wise wisdom like don't punch a cat, respect your elders, etc....

When the Argonian maids winked, he winked back and flexed a bit. He would never actually bed any of them, his traditions told him only those you really love could bed you. Still it was nice knowing some people were interested. Hell too normal girls who were human walked up and wanted to tell Nalnux something. When he bent down to listen to what they had to say, they both kissed his cheeks and ran off giggling. He just laughed and continued forward.

Once they reached the Gate and Robert went to go get the Carriage, Nalnux turned to the apprentices.

"Once your names get out to the people of this town and your heroics, you'll be treated like this most of the time. Some of you may like this, some may not but this will happen eventually when you're famous like us. It's unnerving at first, but you'll get used to it in due time. Anyways I'd like to talk about how you'll be assigned Teachers while you're at the guild. Since you are apprentices, a guild member will be one of your teachers till they deem it necessary to recommend you become a full fledged member of the Guild. Now this is a very important quest of the more diplomatic sorts. We are to make sure nothing bad happens, but you should take pointers on mannerisms, tone and style of speech, and how to be diplomatic. Now I must tell you all something! I am looking for an apprentice, or multiple. But before any of you want to be my apprentice you should talk with the other guild members as their teachings may be more suited for say your own style. Like you Alex, I myself am not particularly good with a crossbow or a normal bow so I may not be the best pick for you as a teacher. Just remember, if any of you ever need a teacher I am available! I can train most of you in the ways of Diplomacy, Melee combat, tactics, etc... I think I've bored you all long enough! Do any of you have any questions?"
Birdsie Birdsie Graystone713 Graystone713 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Bishop Bishop Alteras Alteras
Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

Earning a little more than the fair price for rabbit hide left Svala with a comfortable amount of coin. She considered going back for a second hunt before heading for the city when a low wail signaled the return of the dragon. Her face grew dark as she beheld the fire-breathing demon in flight. Her blood ignited when it hit the ground. Her hand twitched next to her axe. She adjusted the shield on her back, felt the weight of her helmet at her side. It was everything against her spirit to flee such a fight, but taking on a dragon by herself would be impossible. She swallowed her pride and started down the road that would take her out of the forest. By now she had to be the only one stupid enough to be in there.

No, in fact it couldn't have been a minute before she encountered a group of foolhardy adventurers heading straight to the threat. Her first instinct was to avoid eye contact and pass them without a word, especially since over half the party happened to be at least 50% cat. In fact, one of them was just a cat in a wizard hat. She should have just let them be, she should have lived her life happily ever after from that moment forward, and yet....

"You lot are headed in the wrong direction. Don't tell me you didn't see the dragon," she said, her eyes moving over their faces as she tried to discern what sort of...'people' they were, exactly.

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Vern the Cat
Dark Forest/Black Forest/ Forest of Doom/Evil Forest of Foreboding Darkness

"What glowing eyes?" Vern asked when the bardic cat man mentioned something about them. This is going to be a pain to handle, this cat was sure about it. It's definitely going to be ravenous and hungry beast or a malicious and evil monster who would fight then until they take it down or make it flee. Vern is certain that these encounters, most of which are definitely random, occurs every time he leaves a town, city, fortress, castle, or any other gathering of sentient and intelligent lifeforms. It really is strange.

Before the catty wizard could even decide whether to cast a spell or just ignore the eyes, a barbaric look woman suddenly appeared, saying something about not seeing dragons and wrong ways. Well, ignore the eyes it is then. "No, we actually did miss the dragon flying over head." The cat said in a sarcastic manner. "Oh man, how did we not see that giant flying lizard which is the size of a house and sends debris flying with a flap of its powerful wings?!"

The cat was exasperated, why did it have to be surrounded by morons! "Of course we didn't miss the dragon! We are looking for it!" He shouted in annoyance. Granted, one may say that his anger is unjustified. The woman didn't even insult him and was in fact saying it out of concern, but does Vern give a fuck? No, Vern doesn't.

"So if you would excuse us, I have a dragon to ride and eggs to steal." He said as he continued on towards the dragon.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Alteras Alteras Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Ruinel Ruinel Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Kali Yajuuka
Fort Black >>> Bowerstone Gates

Kali was excited when the horses were brought out, immediately greeting one of the horses and petting its nose. She walked around to its side, stroking its mane and murmuring soothing words to it. Then, the realization that they wouldn't be able to take the horses. A small look of disappointment crossed Kali's expression as she gave the horse one final pat before they were returned to the stable. Instead, it seemed that the group was going to walk to the gates of the city and get a carriage from there.

Once they had left fort black, they seemed to almost immediately be swarmed by people, as townspeople seemed to fawn over Robert and Nalnux. All of these people around them made Kali a bit nervous...she wasn't used to being in such a large crowd, and she was just thankful that she was not the object of their affections at this time. She had half a mind to summon her wendigo familiar to part the crowds and make it easier for them to pass through, but she decided against such an action, since it would probably cause the townspeople to panic and make the guild look bad. By the time they finally got to the city gates, Kali was overly thankful that the townspeople were not longer following them. It seemed that the guildmaster was thankful, too, as he took a moment to lean against the wall and catch his breath. The girl looked over at the guildmaster, her eyes settling on the flower crown upon his head. "Hey, that suits you," she commented with a grin. It wasn't clear whether she was being sincere or whether she was teasing the man -- it could possibly be both. In any case, she turned now to pay attention to what the large lizardman was saying.

After Nalnux finished his explanations and asked if anyone had any questions, Kali thought for a moment, then, remembering her confusion earlier when she was getting ready for the mission, she spoke up. "In a diplomatic mission such as this, is it better to go in the clothing that you fight in to ensure that you are ready in case something bad happens, or is it better to dress in something more...uh...culturally appropriate?" She wasn't sure if those were the exact right words, but hopefully it would get her point across.

Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop
Jaylis Relenus

Dark Forest (Cat Forest)

It was a relatively short walk now. The dragon was now only a few minutes away, and who was this woman? Why was she pointing out the obvious? He had to agree with the cat on this one. He decided to join Vern on the fun of teasing the woman and said, "Sure, and a group of adventurers are totally not interested in a giant magic lizard whose poop sells for a fortune. We very well know what we're walking into. It's our job after all."

Then Jaylis turned towards the alpha of the pack and asked, "Ariel. Forgive me for asking, but what do you want a dragon egg for? Certainly not to hatch a magic lizard who will outlive you by centuries, right?" That last sentence was just a sarcastic joke, but it felt like it could be the answer oddly enough. The thought of raising a dragon did bring on a sense of distant deja vu, but maybe he was weird in the head. An optimist like him just shook it out of his head. It wasn't like him to contemplate such deep things. Maybe he just read a story about it once, yes a story.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras Ruinel Ruinel CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny (YAY! Lena is staying)

Emel Inelvis

Reception Hall
"I should've been smarter than to ask the witch," Emel said to no one in particular referring to Melaina. Such an annoying end result that was. He turned to Viviette and said, "Something that requires more mercenary-like skill. I am just bored really. I haven't had a good practice session in a while. I'd be happy with even just some bandits."

He was just bored. He wanted to do something other than practice in the guild's training grounds. Relaxing was nice, but it was too long since he had a good adrenaline rush.

Alteras Alteras Hanarei Hanarei (And anyone else in the Reception area)

Leyla Relenus

Outside of Fort Black----> Wherever Malcador is

That was interesting to hear really. Power gaining in order to find out that goal. She walked with the lunarian and noticed hwo she asked about if she lived there or not. She said, "No, I'm not a member of the Hero's Guild. I'm from another association. I just do some forms of business with them. I also have a little...sibling who's a member."

She had to think about the word to describe Jaylis correctly because Jaylis wasn't exactly a he or a she, Jaylis was both. Jaylis could be a guy this time rather than a girl when Leyla last saw her little half-sibling. They reached Fort Black's gates and then she gave a parting greeting to the lunarian by saying, "Well Moriana, I hope our paths cross again because this is where they part."

She had to inquire around a little bit before she found out her brother was out looking for a dragon with a party of cats and that Robert was out doing something else. She decided to meet the next best person, Malcador. after some tracking she ran into the homunculus mage and said with a cheerful tone and smile, "Malc-y! I want to talk to you for a bit." She was teasing him with a pet name. Malcador was an outstanding magus, so she thought of him as an equal. She was rather unsure about how he truly felt though.

Birdsie Birdsie RazingCatfish RazingCatfish
Last edited:
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The gates!
Yay, travel time!

While Wobb was at first unsure about Robert's hesitation towards going out to get a carriage, he soon understood: he was THAT kind of important person, the sort who didn't like having fans. Did any actor dislike applause? Did any man on a stage refuse to take a bow? It seemed real heroes weren't always crowd-pleasers. But Nalnux definitely enjoyed his time with the fans, shaking hands and earning a few smooches, even! Would Wobb ever get that?... Well, maybe not the smooching. He felt like fans would have a rough time smooching something so goopy. Well, he could hope. In any case, Nalnux had much to say about the responsibilities, and duties they had as apprentices, and how they had much to learn, though he wouldn't be the best teacher for all of them. Still, he sounded great for Wobb! So, when question time came, after the other girl asked about clothing-... Oh crap. His clothes looked terrible! His quilted armor was coming apart, and no-one liked the look of soggy quilts! Well, Wobb had nothing else to wear, so... Perhaps he should invest in some kind of formal raincoat. Oh, wait, he had a question!
"Have da minstwels witten you songs? I know Ned wanssa write a pway about him."
He said, speaking of the local troupe's stage director and playwright, Ned Elouse, who had desperately wanted a word with the guildmaster about a play based on the life of his father, and how the two sons strove to uphold and improve on their father's legacy. To be honest it sounded a bit too pretentious and serious to Wobb, who found lighthearted adventure to be more to his tastes.
Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Alexander Bishop
Fort Black - Bowerstone Streets

Alex watched and let the horse go with a sigh. Man it would've been fun to go for a long horse ride again, but he could see the necessity to change.
He followed Robert and the others out into the main street to be immediately swamped by fans. Alex couldn't help but give out a light hearted chuckle as Robert kept his fans at bay. They finally made there way out of Bowerstone where the mob had died down. Listening in on his companions conversations, he decided that the Nalnux and Kali would be fine on there own, the only thing he had to worry about was the little blob. Thinking about a situation where they would need to up and run, he didn't know how fast the little slime could move. Maybe he would need to carry him..her..it.
Always with the soft spot for kids.
Dunno if it is one.
Graystone713 Graystone713
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Archdemon Archdemon
Birdsie Birdsie
Moriana Sorendel
Outside Fort Black > Nearby Tavern

“I see,” the lunarian replied. “It must be nice to work with your sibling occasionally.” She smiled thinking of the times she had with her brother ages ago.

Upon arriving at Fort Black’s gates, Moriana exchanged Leyla’s farewell with her own. “I shall be looking forward to that time,”Moriana said, nodding. She watched the elf disappear into the building while planning her next move.

Moriana sighed. The gates were open, and she had to make a decision sometime or another. She shook her head. Not wanting to be too hasty, the lunarian decided to mull things over at the tavern she had stayed at the night before. She had a cup of tea and sat by one of the windows, watching passersby.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf

(Aaaahhh sorry awkward filler :x )
Robert Black
Bowerstone Outskirts

He briefly turned to Kali on her compliment, deciding to explain his stance on fame. "Thank you, but..." he took it off for a moment and looked at it, before putting it back on. "I never asked to be famous. All I ever wanted was--" he stopped, realizing he was going to private places and that he shouldn't open up this much before recruits. He had to live up to the expectations. "Well, two other things, I guess," he muttered before walking off to the carriage again and leaving Nalnux to his speech about picking a teacher. He left the rest of the explaining only to himself and to his own thoughts. 'At first... having fans was very nice, but... when it happens every day...' he looked back at the gate for a moment with a look of poor mood. Robert sighed and walked up to the man atop the carriage, paying with a very large discount, as the man, of course, recognized him. 'Then again, it has its perks too. I needn't complain this much.'

Robert got onto the wagon, then yelled to the rest of the group. "Come on!" He took off the scabbard of his sword from his belt, as sitting with it at his side would be too uncomfortable, so he held onto it instead. The large longsword was incredibly large. It was so long that when Robert sat down, it was taller than him, prompting him to hold onto the lower fuller of the blade rather than the crossguard, hilt, or grip.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Alteras Alteras
Jaylis Relenus

Dark Forest (Cat Forest)

It was a relatively short walk now. The dragon was now only a few minutes away, and who was this woman? Why was she pointing out the obvious? He had to agree with the cat on this one. He decided to join Vern on the fun of teasing the woman and said, "Sure, and a group of adventurers are totally not interested in a giant magic lizard whose poop sells for a fortune. We very well know what we're walking into. It's our job after all."

Then Jaylis turned towards the alpha of the pack and asked, "Ariel. Forgive me for asking, but what do you want a dragon egg for? Certainly not to hatch a magic lizard who will outlive you by centuries, right?" That last sentence was just a sarcastic joke, but it felt like it could be the answer oddly enough. The thought of raising a dragon did bring on a sense of distant deja vu, but maybe he was weird in the head. An optimist like him just shook it out of his head. It wasn't like him to contemplate such deep things. Maybe he just read a story about it once, yes a story.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras Ruinel Ruinel CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny (YAY! Lena is staying)

Emel Inelvis

Reception Hall
"I should've been smarter than to ask the witch," Emel said to no one in particular referring to Melaina. Such an annoying end result that was. He turned to Viviette and said, "Something that requires more mercenary-like skill. I am just bored really. I haven't had a good practice session in a while. I'd be happy with even just some bandits."

He was just bored. He wanted to do something other than practice in the guild's training grounds. Relaxing was nice, but it was too long since he had a good adrenaline rush.

Alteras Alteras Hanarei Hanarei (And anyone else in the Reception area)

Leyla Relenus

Outside of Fort Black----> Wherever Malcador is

That was interesting to hear really. Power gaining in order to find out that goal. She walked with the lunarian and noticed hwo she asked about if she lived there or not. She said, "No, I'm not a member of the Hero's Guild. I'm from another association. I just do some forms of business with them. I also have a little...sibling who's a member."

She had to think about the word to describe Jaylis correctly because Jaylis wasn't exactly a he or a she, Jaylis was both. Jaylis could be a guy this time rather than a girl when Leyla last saw her little half-sibling. They reached Fort Black's gates and then she gave a parting greeting to the lunarian by saying, "Well Moriana, I hope our paths cross again because this is where they part."

She had to inquire around a little bit before she found out her brother was out looking for a dragon with a party of cats and that Robert was out doing something else. She decided to meet the next best person, Malcador. after some tracking she ran into the homunculus mage and said with a cheerful tone and smile, "Malc-y! I want to talk to you for a bit." She was teasing him with a pet name. Malcador was an outstanding magus, so she thought of him as an equal. She was rather unsure about how he truly felt though.

Birdsie Birdsie RazingCatfish RazingCatfish

Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Dark Forest

Her motives were really none of his business, but she didn't have much to hide on the subject. "That's exactly why," Ariel said without looking at him and focusing on the mission ahead. "What else is there to do with it? I prefer to eat the chicken and not the egg. I'm not necessarily a witch either." Ariel was a carnivore through and through.

"I plan on hatching and raising the dragon. I don't want to see them become extinct, but I understand why we slay and run them away." To her, they just needed a new generation that could easily live with humans and not destroy their cities for no reason. Hell, humans worshipped these things. They obviously didn't know what dragons wanted though because their turnover rate was nearing 90%, and turnover to a dragon meant being eaten. "Plus, what better source of power is there? It's mutualism." She shrugged. If she could hatch a dragon, she could talk things out with a dragon, bridging that language barrier. She could potentially use her newborn to keep the giant from rampaging and flattening a mountain

Ariel moved to the front. "I'm the spearhead of the group." In fighting a dragon, being the forefront was easily the most undesirable position. You'd take the most damage, but could possibly deal the most damage.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras Ruinel Ruinel CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny

Location: Bowerstone Gates ---------> Carriage

Once Nalnux asked for questions, one kinda important, the other not so. Still they were questions nonetheless and Nalnux was going to answer both if them. He suddenly didn't realize that Kali was wearing a dress, which kinda made him chuckle now that he thinks about it.

"Well... Yes and no Kali. There are times for diplomatic scenarios where you should wear a dress and have extreme mannerisms. One such scenario is at a ball for example, another is at a royal party, wedding, etc. But for this mission in particular, we do not have to wear anything fancy. We're there to make sure everything goes smoothly, and many you can pick up a thing or two about diplomacy. Now Wobb, yes the minstrels have written songs about me, course it's not as much as say Robert or his father but let's say I'm kinda in third place. Songs and plays are not what you all should strive for. While I know that having songs about you is cool and all, do not let this get into your head. It makes you reckless into being the best hero, turning you more into a celebrity and you'll start to care more about being a Celebrity than a hero, which makes you forget who you once were. Now I think the carriage is ready now, shall we all go inside?"

Nalnux went inside the Carriage which was barely large enough for the Lizardman, he took off both of his blades in their scabbards and stuck them near himself. Sitting down, the greatswords were almost as big as Nalnux and basically the size of everyone sitting or standing unless you were 6ft.
Birdsie Birdsie Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Alteras Alteras
Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest
Current Obsession: Dragons

So, apparently they were just going to ignore the glowing eyes. Swift kept his own eyes on them, watching them and the rest of their surroundings carefully while listening to the others speak to the newcomer. He looked the newcomer over once, eyes settling on the horns on the helmet they carried. Horns were masculine, right? Male deer had horns where females did not... While yes, this person didn't have actual horns on their head, the fact that they carried horns around on an item meant to adorn the head was good enough to tip Swift off. This person must be male.

"The dragon is where we are headed to, can you not tell?" Swift commented to the (wo)man in his thick accent. He strummed a few adventure-rich notes on his lute. "You have encountered the bravest of the brave! The ones who seek out adventure and help those who cannot help themselves! We do not shy away from any task! If there is a problem with a dragon, we take care of it. You, my good man, have stumbled upon heroes, from the guild of heroes itself!" These self-serving praises were accompanied by the music strummed from his lute, and sounded surprisingly convincing for the words used. It was just something about the way they were said that made them seem that much more inspirational... "We are going exactly the way that we intend to go! The dragon our target, our sights set, we head out! And yet, you do not display this quality. You see the dragon, and you turn tail. Where is your bravery, your sense of adventure? Ahh, but I suppose not all men are equipped to handle such a task. Or perhaps you simply wanted to shoo us off to have the dragon as your own? Ahh, but that is foolish too," Swift shrugged, seemingly loosing interest now after having questioned the (wo)man's bravery and skills.

Now, Swift focused on Ariel, who was claiming the spearhead position for (her)himself. "While you may have that position if we have to fight, do you not think it is best that we have someone who can speak to the dragon go first?" he asked with one eyebrow raised, his tail flicking a bit in annoyance. "Though I suppose I can stand in the back and shout at it, but it seems very rude to do so," he shrugged.
Ruinel Ruinel CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Alteras Alteras
Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest
Current Obsession: Dragons

So, apparently they were just going to ignore the glowing eyes. Swift kept his own eyes on them, watching them and the rest of their surroundings carefully while listening to the others speak to the newcomer. He looked the newcomer over once, eyes settling on the horns on the helmet they carried. Horns were masculine, right? Male deer had horns where females did not... While yes, this person didn't have actual horns on their head, the fact that they carried horns around on an item meant to adorn the head was good enough to tip Swift off. This person must be male.

"The dragon is where we are headed to, can you not tell?" Swift commented to the (wo)man in his thick accent. He strummed a few adventure-rich notes on his lute. "You have encountered the bravest of the brave! The ones who seek out adventure and help those who cannot help themselves! We do not shy away from any task! If there is a problem with a dragon, we take care of it. You, my good man, have stumbled upon heroes, from the guild of heroes itself!" These self-serving praises were accompanied by the music strummed from his lute, and sounded surprisingly convincing for the words used. It was just something about the way they were said that made them seem that much more inspirational... "We are going exactly the way that we intend to go! The dragon our target, our sights set, we head out! And yet, you do not display this quality. You see the dragon, and you turn tail. Where is your bravery, your sense of adventure? Ahh, but I suppose not all men are equipped to handle such a task. Or perhaps you simply wanted to shoo us off to have the dragon as your own? Ahh, but that is foolish too," Swift shrugged, seemingly loosing interest now after having questioned the (wo)man's bravery and skills.

Now, Swift focused on Ariel, who was claiming the spearhead position for (her)himself. "While you may have that position if we have to fight, do you not think it is best that we have someone who can speak to the dragon go first?" he asked with one eyebrow raised, his tail flicking a bit in annoyance. "Though I suppose I can stand in the back and shout at it, but it seems very rude to do so," he shrugged.
Ruinel Ruinel CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Alteras Alteras
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Dark Forest

Ariel scoffed while waving him off. "I'm not some savage. Of course diplomacy goes first. However, be realistic. Once a dragon makes its nest, good luck uprooting it without a fight. That goes for pretty much any animal. If anyone knows Dragon Tongue, they're the Alpha of the group. Put them at the head of diplomacy." The likelihood of a dragon knowing human and other tongues was fairly high. However, the chances of a dragon choosing to speak anything other than dragon tongue wasn't.

Dragons were already fiercely territorial. One expecting a litter though was even moreso. She should know. She had to fight to keep her own den when she was expecting her litter. In her mind, she was preparing for a battle, not a peaceful end, because it wasn't likely. That was the case then and that's the case now.

"I spearhead though for the price of a single dragon egg. I don't care which." Ariel was a cold fireball, but dependable at the very least. Her speed and close combat was tailored to expose and slash that underbelly. She doubted she'd have to fight for a position that was basically suicide on the battlefield.

Ruinel Ruinel CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Rin Nyx Rin Nyx CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Alteras Alteras
Svala Beastbane
The Black Forest--" The Back-Sassing Cat Forest"

The warrior's fists clenched as she was mocked. Not only did these people entirely miss the meaning of her words, but they were calling her a man? Now she knew why the gods chose to silence most cats. Never had she faced such disrespect from strangers. She tried her best to remain polite, however. She was not one quick to make enemies.

The cat with the instrument seemed to best understand where she was coming from, so she directed her attention to him. Before she could address the fact that she witnessed a full-blown cat talk as easily as a human, she had to set something straight. "I am no man, cat. Please do not make the mistake of addressing me as such again."

"Now," she continued, "you have insulted my honor by calling me a coward and a fool, which I cannot let stand. All of you have assumed much about me and my words in our first passing, now who is the fool? Anyone with any better sense would know that my inquiry into your quest was meant to confirm that you are as you appear, adventurers and apparently members of this 'Guild of Heroes' you speak of. I saw the dragon and every fiber of me wished to fight it, but I had the sense to turn my back, as fighting a dragon alone would be suicide. Now meeting you on this road, I am interested. If I were to turn away now, that would be cowardice. You all look like you could certainly handle this yourselves, but how could I miss a chance at such a battle?"

"I simply ask that I may accompany you."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Malcador Black
Fort Black - Courtyard

Sitting on a bench and reading a book, Malcador heard the voice of an incoming woman. His eyes darted to the side instantly. Upon scanning the woman, he closed the book and gestured her invitingly to sit down. "How can I help?" He looked at the purple-haired elf. His red eyes were cold and automatic, more like those of an uncaring robot than of a living person, but it was difficult to say the same about his voice, which was warm and enticing. It was welcoming and inviting. It had a tone of passionate, vigorous encouragement which in contrast to his very indifferent expression was somewhat unsettling.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
"How about we all calm down?" Ashlynn said as she held her mace. She was the one that had to make sure all of them stayed alive. She was used to this role and accepted it. "We are a team and that means we should have no bad feelings to each other." She said as she walked up to the front, her tail wagging back and forth as she walked. Her ears twitched as she hit the front of the group and she shot a beam of light towards the left of the path. She went towards where she shot it and came back with a rabbit that was smoking and dead. "Who wants some cooked rabbit?" The cat girl asked.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Ruinel Ruinel CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
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"How about we all calm down?" Ashlynn said as she held her mace. She was the one that had to make sure all of them stayed alive. She was used to this role and accepted it. "We are a team and that means we should have no bad feelings to each other." She said as she walked up to the front, her tail wagging back and forth as she walked. Her ears twitched as she hit the front of the group and she shot a beam of light towards the left of the path. She went towards where she shot it and came back with a rabbit that was smoking and dead. "Who wants some cooked rabbit?" The cat girl asked.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Ruinel Ruinel CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Dark Forest

"No one's arguing but this newcomer. I'm asserting my place as the suicidal spearhead to this mission." She turned towards the newcomer and stepped forward. "We all know how snaked-tongued felines can be," Ariel said, trying to reassure this woman. "For that, I apologize for my teammate's rash tongued assumptions. We're not all like that."

"However," she continued. "It's against protocol to add members into our group unless they're vital to our mission, like guides, VIP targets, and those who hold the key to defeating the enemy. With that in mind, we have no choice but to question what can you bring to our party against a dragon?" This woman seemed to be aching for a battle with the dragon. One part of Ariel said no, but the other said to let her in. She could be good, but then again, she could be well over her head and the last thing they needed against a dragon was a burden

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny (Can you please tone down the color-code. I'm going blind trying to read it.)
Ruinel Ruinel CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras
Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

The huntress regained her cool as other members of the party chimed in more cordially. She certainly respected the one with the mace for making such a quick and precise kill (though the ears, tail, and magic did make her uneasy. She had a lot to get used to if she wanted to make it outside of the clan). Svala relaxed her shoulders, and addressed the one who had asserted herself as the front man of the mission. She was more than happy to explain herself.

"My home was in the mountains, where these beasts regularly make their homes and store their plunders. The clan neighboring mine is renowned for its prowess in hunting magical creatures, especially dragons. As the matron of my own clan, it was my duty to study the ways of all mountain clans, and attend such hunts as an act of diplomacy. I can offer my knowledge and experience in the fight."

"Also, I've got my axe."

The silver weapon glinted in the sunlight as if it were winking at the party. Besides being silver, the axe had been an engagement gift, giving it sentimental value. That meant it could be used against magical creatures, witches, and the like (though with no added effect).

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras
(Hall and then Stables)

Glitch slowly took in what was happening, things going by in a flash. They apparently weren't supposed to go on the trip. And Slime boy had offered them a bone. It all happened so quickly that they were left alone. This happened frequently, so Glitch was unfazed, instead they ran over to the stables and mounted a random horse. They galloped over to the outskirts, noticing a carriage. They soon arrived at the gates of Bowerstone and watched as the Lizard Man mounted the same carriage.

Glitch smiled and trotted after the carriage. They left the horse in a nearby alley, not caring what would happen to it. They crawled under the carriage, grabbing an axle connecting the two wheels at the back. They lifted themselves so they where latched onto the carriage and above the ground. This was going to be a long ride.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras (Did I get everyone?)
Kali Yajuuka
Bowerstone Gates >>> Carriage

Kali looked down at herself at Nalnux's response. So, her regular battle clothes would be alright? They would definitely be more comfortable to wear than the white dress she had on over them. She pulled at her dress absently while she walked to the carriage, pulling it off and smoothing out the fabric of her battle-ready clothes that were underneath before getting into the carriage. "There! Battle ready now," she smiled at Nalnux as she took a seat across from him, next to Robert. She had to angle her staff a bit to make sure that it could sit comfortably in the carriage without getting in anyone's way, but she managed it somehow. Besides, she wasn't the only one with large weapons in the group. Her bright green eyes inspected the swords that Nalnux normally carried and the one that Robert was holding. She understood why the lizardman had such big weapons -- he was huge, it made sense that his weapons would be, too -- but she was curious about the guildmaster's sword. "Your sword is really big, doesn't that get in the way sometimes?" she asked him, tilting her head to the side with curiosity. Still, it must do a lot of damage in battle, and the man must be very skilled to be able to use something like that effectively -- as would be expected of the guildmaster of the Guild of Heroes, Kali supposed, though she really wasn't sure what to expect of him, or any of the other heroes for that matter. In any case, she found herself wanting to spar with the two fully-fledged heroes one day, wondering how she would compare to the two in battle.
Archdemon Archdemon Birdsie Birdsie Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop
Robert Black
Bowerstone Outskirts > Road to Oakvale

As the carriage hurried onward, Robert sat back and relaxed for just one moment. He took a deep breath, waited three seconds, and exhaled. After repeating this process several times, the white-haired homunculus opened his eyes and instantly went into shock. "Y-Your clothes!" he said, looking at Kali. His cheeks flushed with red, but soon he realized it was an outfit that was probably acceptable where she came from. "Nevermind," he looked to the side, embarrassed. He answered the question about the sword. "My father used it. He utilized two large swords and wielded them both at the same time in battle. He was going to give both to me but decided to give the Crimson Riot to Malcador to make it fair. I use it even if it would get in the way because it's important to me," he replied, avoiding eye contact. He would have to get used to her outfit sooner or later, but definitely later.

'Why must you distract me, Kali? The fangirls were enough as it were...' he thought, then turned his head to the other side and looked at the rest of the team. Wobb, Alex, Nalnux, Kali. Those were their names, at least hopefully his memory served him right. "We should be in Oakvale in several hours. I advise we find a way to pass time," Robert smiled, open to suggestions.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx NineTimes NineTimes
Alteras Alteras
Andrea Crawford - Guild Library

Sticking out like a sore thumb, Andrea stood tall next to the book shelf in the middle of the library. Her fingers ran across the spines of the books. She was a tall woman with straight jet black hair tied tightly, perky even as she tilts her head to read the vertical book titles. Her skin was pale green. She wore a cloth that obscured her bulky figure. For a few minutes, Andrea was just content to browse. After a bit, she reached for a book in the middle of the shelf and pulled it off and took her way to a table. Without looking up, she sat down on a chair.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

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