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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Zafiro | East Training Yard

"Ah, but where do you think you are going?"
As he says this, the puddle around Glitch suddenly reaches up its feet - surrounding the lower legs with amorphous limbs of water. Oddly, the water appears to be like water, but with Zafiro's concentration it feels like it cannot shift - effectively pinning him in place by its legs. Zafiro chuckles somewhat to himself, as he holds his fist in the air, looking over towards Viviette. "You doing OK?" He shouts over to the demoness teen, not really sure how she was getting on. Unbeknownst to him, however, his brow had furrowed somewhat and his eyes squinted slightly (as if he was in deep concentration).

NineTimes NineTimes Alteras Alteras Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Seeing her chance, Han watched her roll and quickly lunged forward as she started to get up. Unable to stop herself, she attempted to clamp her jaws down on the woman's arm and if she suceeded, she would thrash her head back and forth, locking her jaw. She totally ignored Glitch and Zafiro and continued thrashing. At this point she did not have an awareness of what she was doing. All she wanted to do was attack. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Alteras Alteras NineTimes NineTimes
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Yard.

Before she could respond to Zafiro, Hananya was already on her. I'm in for a hell of a ride, she thought to herself, as the beast held on to her arm and started tossing her around. Thankfully, due to Viviette's demonic constitution, she wouldn't get any major injuries, just that the occasional sting of the holy ground combined with the thrashing would cause some severe dizziness and sickness. Midair, she will try to toss out a punch. If she could just land a hellfire punch, she might be able to get out of her predicament and unleash her Call of Blades, that is if the punch could even land, much less force Hananya to stop.
Her primal urges prevented Hananya from feeling much as the woman tried to land a punch while she was in the air, but it managed to get her in the snout which made the beast yowl and open her jaws slightly but upon realising her disadvantage she quickly grabbed the woman with both hands, attempting to rake her claws against her skin and keep her grip with her teeth. At this point she was hunched with erect hackles, her tail thrashing around aggressively as she went on the attack. All she felt were the voices in her head telling her to not relent and not let go until her prey was dead. Alteras Alteras
Zafiro | East Training Yard

Zafiro looks as if he is about to end the fight between Glitch and himself, as he walks up with his sword, but as he hears his teammate cry for help, while being bashed about by Hananya, he grunts with annoyance as he sheathes the blade. With his now free hand, however, he starts weaving another spell - this time of a pink colour - as pinkish energy envelops Hananya's head. Zafiro isn't sure how Hananya would react to his simple charm spell, but he hopes that she wouldn't have the mental defences to resist it. It was a simple charm - designed more to make Hananya calm down and lose all compulsion to fight, but the question was if it was going to work.

NineTimes NineTimes Alteras Alteras Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya was completely blind to what she was doing now. Only that whatever she was throwing around had to die to completely remove the threat. But as she raised her hand above her head, the one holding Viviette to slam her onto the ground, she suddenly felt her mind go fuzzy. But it did not stop her from slamming the woman first. She shook her head and tried to shake off the feeling. She looked towards the source of the feeling, seeing Zafiro waving his hand at her. Now she had two of them to deal with?! With a roar, she lunged at Zafiro but just as she was about to strike him, she suddenly felt her mind completely clear and she was now aware what she was doing. Standing up fully, she felt her hackles flatten and she looked around as she saw what she had done to Viviette. Her tail tucked between her legs, "What... what happened?" she asked Zafiro, her ears flicking back making her look more like a kicked puppy than a beast. She looked back at Viviette, now worried about the woman. Sure she would heal okay with the Holy stuff but she still hurt her. she put her hand down, hoping to help her up. She had no recollection of what just happened, only that she seemed to completely lose it. NineTimes NineTimes Alteras Alteras The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Area

As Viviette was finally down on the ground, she let out a vomit. After a few moments, she rolled herself away and lied face down on the grass. Small wisps of black smoke roses from wherever she touched the ground. It stinged and was slowly damaging Viviettes demonic constitution, but to the girl, it was a reminder that she's still alive. Still face down, she gave Hananya a thumbs up. "You pass... Can you... carry me... off... the field? I'm... a... demon..." She fainted, still lying flat on the ground with smoke rising from beneath her.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Rumble Fish Rumble Fish NineTimes NineTimes
Hananya mumbled softly as she looked down at Viviette as she asked her to lift her up as to not burn her. She darted her eyes anxiously, "Oh um... of course." she mumbled as she tried to pick up the woman as softly as she could as not to hurt her even further. She regretted what she had done to the woman, she could not even remember what she had done. What did she do to the woman? She took her to the side of the field where she would not get burned by the ground. Laying her down, Hananya looked down at her with her ears back. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you that bad." she said in a quiet voice, glancing away. She wasnt interested in what Zafiro was doing with Glitch. She just hoped she hadn't hurt the woman so badly that she didnt heal... Alteras Alteras NineTimes NineTimes The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Alexander Bishop
The inn of negotiation

Alex shifted his shoulders around a little after entering the inn. Eyes landing on the motley crew of adventures as they walked past tables of patrons drinking heavily and stinking of beer. His attention was shifted to his gooey comrade as he pressed a question.
"I guess where going to have to be..." He said thinking this whole thing through. Alex hasn't ever had the feeling that he had bitten of more than he can chew, even when he does, but he was very happy he was accompanied by more experienced fighters.
Birdsie Birdsie Alteras Alteras Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Graystone713 Graystone713
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Area

Viviette lied there. Still unconscious, she lied there. Thankfully, the smoke eventually cleared, and her body slowly healing. No major injuries were caused, and it seems like she just fainted from the thrashing. Still though, a medic on the night time shift came forward and pour a healing potion into her mouth. After a few moments, she was fully healed and woke up. "Ugh... My back feels a bit sore..." Viviette looked at Hananya and gave her a big grin. "You passed. Now we just wait on Glitch."
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald NineTimes NineTimes Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Dilian Graysten

The fighting was certainly interesting, the member he recalled to be Viviette had been clearly taken out, and it seemed as if she was calling it quits. Looks like we got a live one. The man thought to himself. He sat himself up, dusting off before taking a slow jog by Viviette. She seemed clearly hurt, perhaps the bar was set a bit too high for the fight.
"Some good fights from the new recruits, huh? Looks like we've some live ones here. I can't remember the last time I saw you so out of it." He looked her over, she didn't seem too messed up, maybe a light concussion... if she could even suffer from those. He waved a hand upwards at her, "Let's get you up, yeah? Lying on the ground won't do you any good." He said reassuringly, holding out a hand for support. The fight wasn't over for the other rookie, but Vivi was clearly done. Dillian looked over at the recruit who had just finished her, giving them a subtle thumbs up.

Alteras Alteras Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Zafiro | East Training Yard

Zafiro, somewhat relieved that Viviette was alright and seemed happy with Hananya's performance, turned his attention back to the still entrapped Glitch. With a sigh, he looks him up and down. "You know, if you can't do anything against a few simple water spells, gods be with you if we face an actual mage. Especially one that would want to kill you." With a wave of his hand, however, he drops the ensnare spell. "Come on, surely you have some tricks of your own? I'll not use my magic - come at me." With that, he prepares himself by falling into a classic swordfighter's stance, designed for defence and parries, and waits on Glitch's move.

Yana-Qari | East Training Yard

Yana-Qari, however, was watching the entire fight with a cold, steely gaze. He had already formed his opinions, and was somewhat satisfied with Hananya. While she was predictable in her movements, and easily provoked and enraged, those were traits Yana-Qari would be able to work with. Give her some armour, and perhaps a weapon to use her strength with, and she'd make a fantastic tank/distraction. This 'Glitch', however, was not so great in his eyes. As far as he saw, Glitch ran at a trained fighter wielding magic and a sword armed with nothing but fists - either bravely, or the more likely option - stupidly. Then, 'it' turned it's back on the trained fighter to go attack another fighter - another strike. Finally, Glitch seemed, to Yana-Qari, almost incapable of dealing with low level magic. Perhaps Glitch would work better as a simple guard, or perhaps fodder, but Yana-Qari saw no benefits from working with 'it'.

Alteras Alteras NineTimes NineTimes Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Lekar Lekar
Hananya was relieved when the demon woke up and she let out a sigh as she looked towards the others. They seemed... pleased? She gulped as her ears kept flicking back into her mane and her tail tucking between her legs. She looked at Glitch as they seemed.... she did not know how to feel about them. On the one hand, they had bravery? But on the other hand, no real fighting skills... she looked around before seeing somebody standing in the corner, staring at her. She bit her lip before walking back towards Viviette who let her know that she had passed the test. "Oh.... um... thank you." She rubbed the back of her neck, "....Are you sure I didn't hurt you too badly?" she asked in a worried tone. She really did not want to hurt the demon like that. If she could do that then what else was she capable of? She looked down at the other person as they gave her a thumbs up. Was this really a good idea? Alteras Alteras NineTimes NineTimes The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Lekar Lekar
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Area

"No, I'm fine." Viviette patted herself down, cleaning herself. "In any case, if you're performance, you would be considered in the 'untrustworthy' category." She grinned at Hananya. "Ah, I should probably explain, all new recruits are put under a two tier system, the Unreliable and Untrustworthy. If you couldn't even land enough damage on me to cause pain, you'd be considered Unreliable and Untrustworthy. The other side is if you do, you'll be untrustworthy. There's no escaping the Untrustworthy part either way." She stood up and rolled her arms, hoping relax her muscles. "Although I have a very high bar for those who can reach the former status, since I'm a demon after all."
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Glitch | East Training Yard

Glitch sighed at the man's confidence.
"I have my tricks. Though I was hoping they wouldn't be used." They said. Glitch's body shifted, alike as if Zafiro has kept his eyes closed for to long, as they disappeared and reappeared onto the edge of the puddle. They stumbled slightly and looked back up at Zafiro with eyes filled with static. They took a stance, dominant leg behind, hand that held the dagger at his side, leaning forward slightly and their free hand up as if they were holding an invisible shield.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Alteras Alteras Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
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Hananya was relieved at the news that she had not hurt the demon that badly, well... at least she said she didnt. The Kewan rubbed the back of her neck as she looked out on the field, watching Zafiro and Glitch who were still fighting. She could not quite tell what was going on but she did not have time to really think it when Viviette spoke up again, telling her what category she would be placed in. She was slightly worried at the names. Untrustworthy? She took a step back, stammering slightly. What did that mean!? She was about to ask when it was swiftly answered by the demon. At the explanation, the beast sighed in relief. Good, so she wasn't meaning anything sinister by that. She sighed and looked down at the woman, "Yeah.... that does make sense. Thanks." she said with a small smile before turning her attention back to the field. So far so good... Alteras Alteras

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