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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Hananya caught the rabbit with ease and was now eating it casually, ignoring the fact that it was dripping blood onto her paws and onto the ground. It was when she was in the middle of eating the rabbit that she started thinking. Was this going to be a burden on the guild? She knew that she ate a lot, she had to because of her size but started wondering, would it cause a problem with the others? The last thing she wanted was to get on anybody's bad side because of her appetite. She looked back to Zafiro as she saw he was playing with a ball of water. She looked back to the rabbit for a second before turning to him "Do... do any of the others do this?" She asked, referring to the half eaten rabbit. Normally Hananya would not care about what people would think about her hunting methods but since she would potentially end up living and working alongside others... she was beginning to feel a bit paranoid and anxious. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro looks to her as she self-consciously asks about her eating habits. "Erm...I don't know, really. I don't hang around the beastkin and the lizardkin, so I don't know what they eat or their habits. No-one would care, though. Not if they are smart." He says, with a cheeky smirk on his face. He looks up at the sun, noticing that it was starting to set, as a small silhouette of a castle appears on the horizon. "Not long now - are you ready for this?"

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya listened to what Zafiro had to say with interest. She was still rather relieved to know there were beastkin and lizardkin within the guild and she would not be alone. The thought of being the only one was what worried her in the first place. With a sigh, she continued to eat the rabbit until there was just the bones left. As she flicked them away, she caught sight of a castle in the distance. Was that it? She blinked a few times and gulped as the man asked if she was prepared for it. She chuckled anxiously, "I hope so..." she answered before continuing to walk, her stomach twisting itself in knots the closer they got. Why did she eat that vole and rabbit? She felt like she was about to throw them back up with worry. But she made this choice so she had to follow through with it. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
After getting a clean dear skull they pulled a two chairs to their corner and draped their cloak over it, making a small canopy. Underneath they cleaned up the dead deer's brains and stood up to drag its body into the woods to decompose. Thinking better of it, they decided to gather some blood so they could sell it off to some vampires, and meat to other people.
Before long, the pair got to a village - a fairly well off village, being under the protection (and influence) of the Guild. The place was quiet though, with it being night and all, so all the markets and stores were closed and apart from the tavern the place was a ghost town. "Nearly there", he says with a whisper as they walk through the village, "just a five minute walk to go." Just as Zafiro predicted, it wasn't long before they got to the top of the path where the Guild was - a giant looming castle on the hill, a proud statement against evil. "Are you still sure you want to do this?"

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (again, sorry its short and rushed. I don't know what to do next though, since I don't control the staff that would be in charge of the registrations and stuff)
Hananya kept silent as they walked through the villiage. The last time she was in any kind of settlement was years ago and it resulted in her being chased out by a mob. Apparently they assumed she had to be what was killing their sheep just by looking at her. So the Kewan did not have very fond memories of being around others. As the castle loomed above them, Hananya suddenly felt like she was going to lose her nerve. She stopped for a second and looked out of the entrance of the village where she could see the mountains. For that second every instinct she had was telling her to turn and run into the safety of the wilderness. But she looked back to her companion as he questioned her again if she really wanted this. She sighed deeply and shut her eyes for a second, "...I think so." She sighed before looking at him, her ears flicking back and going into her mane "...what do we do now?" She asked him. She just wanted to get this over with. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald (I don't really know either will probably have to ask in OOC to get someone else to interact with them)

The dragon roared in great pleasure as it felt the tainted forest corrupt its body. It began to raise itself up from its defensive position when it was hit by an arcane bomb. It shuddered and recoiled, dealing a ton of damage and forcing the dragon to lose concentration on gather the taint, but it didn't matter at this point. The evil of the forest was intent on taking its body, and the dragon will let it happen. The red of his body slowly transformed to black. The damage caused by the bomb was soon overlooked as the dragon could no longer feel pain. At the same time, it no longer resisted the painful song of the lute, and began to move away from its eggs, no longer thinking about the safety of its eggs but rather the taint not wanting its new found host to die.
The dragon raised itself, displaying its chest and wings, assuming a standard stance of pride and intimidation. It's entire chest down to its belly is wide open, showing scars and bruises from its earlier engagements with forces. The black bile of taint slowly spread across its front. An evil aura emanated from the dragon. It roared a deafening cry, meant to strike fear in its enemies while it accommodates itself to the newly found power.
CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
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Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

Svala didn't watch the dragon's transformation, her eyes now being closed. She felt her blood run cold at its mighty roar. Somehow, it seemed more beastlike than before. The dragon had lost itself.

Whatever you fight for, in the end the battle is just about destroying your enemy at any cost. Sometimes that means throwing your beloved husband's axe without knowing for sure you'll get it back, sometimes it meant taking the most vile magic into your soul and leaving your unborn offspring to potential danger. Was this true? Is the spirit of battle really so bewitching?

But here she is, still sitting, still with her eyes closed. If she dies now, grieving over her past life, she may at least die a human. "Kill me, kill me..." she said to herself, standing up shakily to face the beast. She wondered for a moment how she may appear to the others. They only just met her, and here she was teeter-tottering between the extremes of survival and suicide. She stayed silent as she stood, her eyes searching frantically in the flames for her axe. It was lost for now, but no matter. She refused to appear so weak in front of strangers. Holding her death wish close, she raised her shield and charged.

With each step she felt her wits come back to her, and her feet began to pound the dirty and dying ground with more ferocity. Despite herself she felt a warcry tear into the air around her, mimicking the dragon's roar. Well, that was as far as she'd thought ahead. Whatever happened next was anyone's guess.

Alteras Alteras CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Zafiro patted Hananya on the back, reassuringly. "You'll be fine. Come on, then!" As he says that, he walks through the front door into the main lobby. He walks up to the main desk, at the end of the grand, fancy room. He looks towards the receptionist, and starts speaking in his calmer, suave voice. "Hello, there. Firstly, my necromage job is done - I got her amulet to prove it." With that, he dumps the strange amulet, which some mages might recognize as a necromancer focus, onto the desk and slides it towards the receptionist. "Secondly, we got a potential new recruit." He says, motioning towards Hananya. "Capable hunter, good in a forest...fairly strong."

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Alteras Alteras (is this OK?)
Hananya sighed as Zafiro patted her back, still feeling really uncomfortable with this. She gulped and went to follow Zafiro inside. But as she went, she felt the door frame hit her on the forehead. She snarled at the pain and ducked to let herself in. She grumbled and rubbed her forehead before quickly trying to calm herself down. She blinked a few times before following Zafiro to the desk and catching sight of the woman at the desk. She was surprised by her pink hair and horns but didnt have a lot of time to think as Zafiro got to work introducing her. Han gulped and gave the girl a feeble wave. "Um... Hello." she said anxiously, trying to smile without freaking her out. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Alteras Alteras
Viviette Arbeider

Viviette waved as Zafiro came back and gave her the quest items. Taking the amulet with her, she bent down behind the counter and opened a safe. Putting it along with the other loot, she stored the amulet and reached around, opening another door, pulling out Zafiro's reward.

Placing them one by one on the counter, she began to list what his reward was. "Let's see here. You get a sizable amount of gold, 5 health potions, uck, 1 holy water... 3 roses... 15 letters with a heart on them... 2 heart shaped amulets... 5 suspiciously pink potions... and a painting of you and some girl..." Viviette stared at it for a long time, wondering just to what lengths are these women willing to go wed the man. "Dude, you should seriously think about marrying someone already... at this rate my whole counter will be filled with love gifts for you."

Viviette then turned her attention to the fellow beast hunter. "So you're the latest to fall to his charms. Don't worry, I did too... freaking charming me in the middle of the combat trial..." Viviette cursed under her breath. She had been the one who admitted him into the guild. She wanted to beat that royal look, but in the end, she was charmed in the middle of combat and gave in. She pulled out a clipboard and handed it to the new recruit, an application to join. She felt some pity for the hunter, as Viviette thought she might've been charmed by Zafiro and is going along with him. "I'm Viviette Arbeider by the way, your name?"
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro smirks as he looks at the 'rewards' he got from the job, listening to the demon girl talk to him. "What, and miss out on all of this? Not a chance!" He says, as he attaches the pouch of gold to the rest of his pouches. "Oh", he says as he looks through the rest of the bounty of romantic goods, "make sure that amulet gets locked away or smashed or something - it corrupts the wearer over time. I think there might be a ghost in it or something; I swear it tried talking to me."

He looks behind him, ushering Hananya forward to apply to the Guild as he steps back and reads the letters. He smiles to himself as he does so - he swears there must be a template or something that you can buy for Zafiro love letters; this is the third one he's seen written like this. He looks strangely at the potions, deciding that in this case drinking them for science wasn't the best idea, and pockets the rest.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Alteras Alteras
Hananya jumped as the woman suddenly asked her name. "Uh... Hananya." she answered after a few moments, still rubbing her arm anxiously. She looked at everything that Zafiro had brought with him. What was all that stuff? They all looked love related. Strange... she gulped anxiously and looked at the girl again, not really sure what to say. Social interactions were not her forte. "...How're you?" she asked, biting her lip as she tried to keep herself calm. Everything was going fine, why was she worrying so much? If Viviette was so accepting of her, surely everyone else was so why was she so concerned? The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Alteras Alteras
Viviette Arbeider
"I'll be sure to put it in the vault." Viviette moved her foot, closing shut the small door, in fear of what the amulet might do. "May you ever be successful in your conquests," she said jokingly. Turning her attention back to Hananya, she smiled at the shy being. "I'm doing... ok I guess. I work as the guild's receptionist, handing out quests and rewards. You'll be talking to me a lot once you get in. But first! The application and a combat trial."
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Hananya listened to the woman with rotating ears as she described the process of going into the guild. Her eyes widened a little as she mentioned an application. "Um... I can't read." she mumbled anxiously, rubbing the back of her neck. She knew that probably felt stupid but still, it was something she ought to know. She kept looking around the area, her tail wrapping itself around one of her legs anxiously. She really didnt know what to make of this all. It was too different. Alteras Alteras The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Viviette Arbeider

"Ahhh... that's fine. We can help you later." Viviette started walking around the counter, grabbing her own set of clipboard, keys, and documents. "Why don't we do the combat trial first." Viviette gestured down the hall. "You come along as well Zafiro, I need someone to hold on to the clipboard." Viviette was pretty upbeat about the combat trial, even though her last one with another recruit ended with her running through holy water. Either way, it was an excuse to get out of the desk.
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area

Viviette looked at the person for a moment before letting out a demonic smile. "Sure. Zafiro, let's make it a 2 on 2." Viviette was getting hyped, but before that, she remembered to hand the newcomer an application. "What's your name by the way?"
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald NineTimes NineTimes
Hananya simply nodded to everything f still feeling very flustered and anxious. She was surprised that the woman was not concerned that she couldn't read. With a sigh she simply nodded in response. But shortly after that she jumped as someone suddenly appeared. She jumped backwards with a yep, but her tail getting in the way sent her flying backwards onto her back with a heavy groan. The large Beast sighed and groaned as she shut her eyes. Well this was a great first impression wasn't it? The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald NineTimes NineTimes Alteras Alteras
Zafiro, who was barely paying attention in all of this, looks up from his mirror to see yet another new person arrive. As he put his comb away, which he was using because he noticed his hair was becoming a bit messier than he likes, he hears Viviette talk over to him. A tag spar, eh? Been a while since he's been in a team - usually he just takes the solo jobs. It would be a nice change for one, despite the laidback nature, so he decided to speak up his answer.

"Yeah, alright. Why not. What's the teams? Guild versus newbies?"

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish NineTimes NineTimes Alteras Alteras
Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area
Viviette continued her demonic smile. "Guild versus Newbies. We want to see what they can do both on their own and forced together with an unknown ally." Viviette came up with the sudden reason. It was a fair reason, and one that she took to force the 2 on 2. "Let's head to the East Training Area. It'll put me at a disadvantage but the area has been enchanted with holy prayers to heal and repair any wounds."
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald NineTimes NineTimes
Zafiro Riviera | Guild Reception (sorry, I keep forgetting these)

Zafiro sends a nods toward Viviette, as he cracks his knuckles. "Well," he says with authority, yet still sounding as playful and coy as ever, "Let's get going. The quicker we get this done, the quicker I can get to bed." It was late, and the pair had been travelling for a while, but he could easily pull off one last fight before his rest.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish NineTimes NineTimes Alteras Alteras (its fairly late in RP atm, btw, around twilight I believe. might be full on night now)
After Hananya had stood up from her fall she noticed that Zafiro was using a mirror to look at himself. She caught a glimpse of her own reflection which made her more nervous. Then again the thought of there being other beastkin in the guild made her feel a bit better. She looked as she suddenly noticed Glitch as they introduced themselves. She was not sure about a tag spar.

These two seemed far more experienced and skilled than her. She sighed heavily and looked between them all, still pretty unsure of it all. But she did want to join the guild and if battling them meant that then she would at least give it a chance. "Oh um..." she mumbled as Glitch asked for her name. She rubbed the back of her neck as they stretched their hand up for her to shake. "I'm Hananya." She said as she grabbed their hand and shook it, worried that the fact that her paw/hand was much larger than theirs and took up pretty much their whole arm.

She looked at Viciette as she seemed very eager to get it started. With a sigh, Hananya looked to Zafiro anxiously before looking back to the horned woman. "
Alright... lets go." She said before going with her. She wasn't optimistic, she would be back in her cave by tomorrow morning. But it was still worth an attempt isn't it. NineTimes NineTimes The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Alteras Alteras

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