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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Viviette Arbeider
East Training Area

"Fair enough. Mr Zafiro needs his beauty sleep." Viviette snickered. She surpressed her own yawn. They had come to a massive open area. Viviette's face sunk as she took a step onto the grass. A sizzling sound could be heard and smoke rose from the bottom of her boots. Slowly she walked to the middle of the field, careful not to injury herself more than is necessary. "Welcome to the Combat Trial," she said with a faked smile, hiding the annoyance of holy magic under her feet. "here you'll fight us with the intent to kill. Don't worry, we won't get hurt, we just want to see your combat capabilities, as you'll find yourself in many different and dire situations." She looked at Zafiro to see if there was anything he wanted to add.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Rumble Fish Rumble Fish NineTimes NineTimes
Dilian Graysten


The Eldritch voice rang against the darkness, a gentle whisper, but clear as if Dillian had thought it himself.

mglw'nafh R'lyeh...

It continued, its voice and language foreign and unidentifiable, but still so clear to him. He had heard these voices and this language before, but those times were long since past.


With every continuation of its voice its voice took another tear at Dillian's mind, as if a fish hook had been dragging along it. He couldn't see anything, yet he clutched his head again. It hurt, the voice and the words, yet he could do nothing to stop it. He tried to scream, but nothing came out. I've killed them all... I've killed them all... I've killed them all... He repeated to himself in his mind, but his head still throbbed in pain. No matter how unreal it seemed, the pain never faded. It only grew worse, and worse, and ever so worse.

Fhtagn... fhtagn... fhtagn... It repeated over and over. It grew louder ever still.
f̦̭͓̙͉h̳͕̞̭̥͚͙t̤ag̢͕̫̺͙̮̹͚n... f̼̥͎̭͕̕h̟̼̘̱̭͎̫̩͡t̡̗̥̺̀a̢̲͕͙̠̤̗̳͞g̝͇̠̣̞̠͓̹͠n̷̴͖̝̱͖͓̖̖̼... DILLI-

Dillian shot up in his bed in a cold sweat, shaking. Usually he had been a hard man to terrify, but these recurring dreams had left him a scrambling mess. He reached under his pillow, finding his Eldritch dagger still tucked underneath in its decorated ornate sheath. For every night terror he had, the dagger seemed to ease the reality of with a single touch, as if the dreams never happened. He caught his breath, it wasn't long until he was well-composed. He dressed himself, donned his familiar armour again, and stepped out of his room. He wasn't sure what time of day it was, but he was more than sure he had overslept.

He fetched himself a meal, ate his fill, and made his way to the training center for his daily exercises. He was more than surprised to find it occupied. Two unfamiliar faces followed behind two of his fellow members. Recruits most definitely. If they had the stones and skill perhaps they'd stand a chance. Dillian took a seat on the ground, simply observing from a distance. It'd been a while since he saw something as interesting as recruitment.

Alteras Alteras The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Rumble Fish Rumble Fish NineTimes NineTimes
Yana-Qari | Guild Library --> East Training Yard

The moon was creeping across the inky blackness of the night's sky, yet time never seemed to bother Yana-Qari. He was an insomniac by nature - or rather, it appeared that sleep never appealed to him; after all, he could not think of a worse waste of time than sleep. Spending several hours a day in complete silence with nothing but your own thoughts...terrible. There was work to be done, and wasting a quarter of the day wasn't going to help anything along. Instead, he kept himself awake with a simple mind spell he learnt a while back to counter it, so that the Lorekeeper may do his job more effectively. Besides, night time was the perfect time to work - he rarely found that anyone would stay up this late to read his books or get in his way.

Except tonight didn't seem so quiet. He knew that one of the guild members was returning from a job - involving a necromage, if he remembers correctly, so there might be some magic focus he'll have to examine soon enough. Maybe this one will actually be worth his time. As he sat in complete silence with nothing but a magelight spell to keep him company he looks up from one of his ancient texts to the sound of talking, movement and general 'people noises'. As he looked down from his window, he saw two people he didn't recognize. Not really a surprise, but they aren't wearing the standard guild uniform and they were with the recruitment officer, so chances are they were new.

While he got a feeling that the beast woman wouldn't be found in his library, he couldn't say the same about the other one. 'Well,' he thought to himself, 'better let them know who I am.' With that, he begins climbing down the huge tower building known as the Guild Library.

When he gets down to the yard, however, he sees yet another person with them. He didn't recognize them, at least at first, but the armour seemed familiar...hmm. He should probably make a note to learn everyone's face - it might make it easier in the long run.

Lekar Lekar
Dillian Graysten | East Training Center

Dillian... Dillian... Dillian... Dillia- The voice left him as soon as he grasped his foreign dagger. His breathing felt funny, and his eyes were unfocused for an instant. He almost leapt at the sound of footsteps behind him. He sat up and turned around to find himself facing a shady, younger man. He let go of his dagger, trying not to seem rude. He stammered as he let out to speak, still a bit wracked, trying to show no signs of discontentment.

"A-Ah, hello there. If you intend to use the training grounds I'm afraid they're occupied at the moment."

As he went to pick up his blade from the ground, it slipped from his fingers, falling onto the ground, sliding away from him almost 10 feet to his left, as if it had slid away on ice. Again?! He groaned, thinking to himself his own disbelief, impatiently taking a couple steps to pick it up. He felt like he remembered this man, but the name escaped him. Judging by their looks and outfit, they seemed most fit for the library. The reasoning would explain why he hardly recognised him.

"I apologise for seeming rude, but I can't quite remember your name. Is there something I could help you with?"

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
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Yana-Qari | East Training Yard

Yana-Qari, who happens to have this glowing ball of light follow closely behind him, doesn't seem fazed by the boy sitting down. He also doesn't seem to really care about the fight that seemed close to starting, either. He was only really there for the sake of knowing what the new people can do. They had already disturbed his reading, so there wasn't much else to do. He does notice the boy look up to him to speak, however. He looks down, most of his face covered by his mask and the rest covered by darkness (as the light is behind him), as he starts talking.

"I am Yana-Qari, Lorekeeper of this 'Guild'. There is nothing that you can help me with, except for leaving me to my work. It is my job to know everything, and that includes knowing what new recruits can do."

While his words may seem rude, his voice doesn't sound like that at all. If anything, his harsh, raspy voice seems to be void of emotion or caring...well, horrible burns would probably do that to a guy.

Lekar Lekar

Zafiro | East Training Yard

Zafiro, who seemed fairly happy with what was going on, seems to shudder slightly as he feels a dark presence nearby. Not in a supernatural or magic sense, but more in a subconscious sense...like how an arachnophobe always knows when a spider is near them. As he turns around, he two familiar faces - one of which causes him to shudder once again. Even in this light he instantly recognizes the figure standing up as the burnt scar of a man, Yana-Qari, both physically and metaphorically. The Lorekeeper, while a bit emotionless and single-minded, has never done anything to harm the Guild yet for some reason he did not like him one bit. Maybe it was the way he could cast powerful spells never seen before, the way he popped up out of nowhere or perhaps the fact that he always covers his lower face as if hiding some terrible secret.

His head snaps back around, however, as he remembers what he was doing. "Hmm?" He asks, as Viviette looks towards him. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Alteras Alteras Rumble Fish Rumble Fish NineTimes NineTimes
Dillian Graysten | East Training Center

The man's voice was like smooth gravel. Dillian didn't remember the name Yana-Qari, he's sure he would remember such a unique name, but the introduction was pleasant nonetheless. "Of course, Lorekeeper." He felt a strange aura from the man, nothing threatening, but about as threatening as an eerily silent chasm. A void of sort... "Well, I suppose if I can't help you, I'll leave you to it. In the nature of a proper introduction, my name is Dillian Graysten. I hope we can work together in the future."

The self-existent light behind him was a sight to see. "They haven't started yet, but I suppose we came for the same reasons. It's always nice to see what tricks and skills a rookie can possess." He properly belted his sheathe, securing it around his waist. He rested a hand on his dagger, its strange comfort smothering the drowning atmosphere the man brought with him. Dillian was sure he meant well, but he carried himself not as a man, but as a being of goals no human could comprehend. Perhaps as a result of his lorekeeping, or even his very nature, is what could drive a man to such focus.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
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hananya stayed silent as both she and Glitch was brought into the ring. She didn't like it. None of this felt natural and a lot of her instincts wanted her to run back into the woods. But she wondered if Zafiro was right, if this would be a better life for her rather than out in the wild for the rest of her life. Some company would be nice but wherever or not they would want her within their walls was another matter.

On Viviette's words, Han's ears flicked back and buried themselves into her mane. Intent to kill? It was hard enough for her to curb her darker instincts when simply speaking to another being and now they expected her to try and kill them? She knew that she would have to gain that skill quickly. She had scary images of her getting completely out of control and not relenting when told that the trial was over. But surely these people have dealt with worse than herself.

As Hananya was thinking all of this through, she felt another presence- no two! She turned to see another man and some other kind of being standing close by. Great, more eyes. But she did not have time to question it anymore as Zafiro suddenly announced that they were starting. Glancing at Glitch, she huffed and reached behind her to bring out her blade and she stood completely straight, showing the armour on her back. She did not know how well it would protect her in this situation. This was completely different to hunting elk that was for sure. She could only hope she could please them enough. And not kill them. If she could. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald NineTimes NineTimes Lekar Lekar Alteras Alteras
Glitch shrugged and moved into the feild, they felt a sharp pain in their feet. They hissed. Of course, holy magic, supposed to repel 'evil' creatures. They continued to feel pain, but dulled down as they pushed it back. They held their dagger and pushed their cloak hood back.
They felt voices behind them and turned to look around to look at the two men. They didn't mind new faces or eyes on them, they actually liked the attention.

"So, when do we start?" Glitch asked.

Alteras Alteras The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Area

"Feel free to use all the space you need. Oh and don't worry about accidentally killing Mr. Hotshot over here. The holy magic will heal him right up before he dies." Viviette began to tense her muscles, leaning forward on the balls of her feet. She brought her hands up to her face, which now held a demonic smile. "We'll start now." Viviette grabbed Zafiro's arm and jumped backward, taking him along with her. They landed several yards back, giving the new recruits time to prepare themselves. "It looks like us close combat versus them close combat? I'm not too sure what that glitch guy can do."
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Rumble Fish Rumble Fish NineTimes NineTimes
Yana-Qari | East Training Yard

Yana-Qari looks back down to the boy, but soon looks back up as he speaks. He detects something...odd about the boy - magical, yet not magical in the way a wizard is. Something akin to enchantments, almost. He decides not to mention it however, as that may spark up more conversation he didn't care for. "Well, yes. It is useful to know the limitations of every- shh." He stops abruptly, as he notices the fight beginning to start. "It's starting." His voice betrays little of his emotion, if he had any to begin with, and it is difficult to tell if he is excited, bored or...well, anything.

Lekar Lekar

Zafiro | East Training Yard

Zafiro looks down at Glitch, seeing that he too burned like demons did. He found it odd, but in truth he wasn't bothered - even demons could have redemption. "Yeah, don't worry about...wait a minute. Why am I the one -" He manages to say before being suddenly yanked back by Viviette. After a second of fixing his suit, he draws his magnificent blade, which instantly starts glowing green as soon as it is touched, and points it forward. He clenches his off hand, which starts leaking with water as he does so. "Well, who's gonna make the first move?"

NineTimes NineTimes Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Alteras Alteras
Hananya watched them all vividly. She could see that some of them seemed to be hurt by the Holy Field. Interesting. Despite feeling a mild pressure in her pads, the Kewan was not affected but still. It was a potential weakness. It reminded her of when she would hunt. Look for a weakness.

As they talked, her mind quickly began to delve into hunter mode. At this point all she did was just stare at them unblinkingly and keeping her feet firmly in place. She was not going to move until they did. She was studying them both intensely, waiting for any kind of sign that they were going to strike. She was hoping that Glitch was going to be the first one to move. That would potentially give her a chance to stack while they were distracted with them. She growled subtly as she kept staring. Just one move, that's all she was looking for. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Alteras Alteras NineTimes NineTimes
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Area

Glitch's rush came sudden, but since he focused on Zafiro, Viviette was more than happy rush forward and not help her friend. Zafiro is well equipped to deal with Glitch, she needs to prevent Hananya from supporting glitch. She ran past Glitch, with her fists alight by her Hellfire Punch, putting herself between the two enemies.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Rumble Fish Rumble Fish NineTimes NineTimes
Zafiro | East Training Yard

Zafiro looked at Glitch in confusion as he ran recklessly at him - the guy with no weapon running at the guy with a hefty looking machete. He wasn't sure if this 'Glitch' was stupid, or stupidly brave. Keeping his off hand clenched, water still dripping out of it, Zafiro rushes up with his blade and looks like he is about to swing when he suddenly raises his off hand, now open, revealing a tiny bead of pulsating water. With a blast of thunderous sound, the bead quickly turns into a rushing wave of frothing water - the sort you'd find in high current areas above waterfalls. This technique, dubbed the 'Torrential Blast', was taught to him by his 'mentor' and was fairly effective at getting people away from him.

(in D&D terms, it's a five foot wide blast of high pressure rushing water (like in rapids) that hits in a line 10 feet from where he releases it.)

NineTimes NineTimes Alteras Alteras Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya watched as Glitch charged Zafiro recklessly but her attention was now on Ciciette as she seemed prepared to attack her. Hananya had been prepared for it as she crouched low and launched in the air over the woman's head. Her idea was to get behind her and give her a hard slash with her claws. Raising her paw up, she was ready to slash her, though she was prepared for her to turn around to retaliate in which Hananya was prepared to jump out of the way. Some strange aspect to Hananya that changed during this was that her pupils seemed to have slit. She wasn't aware anymore. She just wanted to attack, and that was it. Alteras Alteras NineTimes NineTimes The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Area

Viviette watch Hananya charge forward and leap over her. Viviette crouched down, turning her head to see her soar over her. Staying crouched down, she flipped over onto her back and punched her left arm into the ground, send her body and her right fist upwards and in the direction of Hananya, who just landed.
Zafiro | East Training Yard

Zafiro chuckles slightly as Glitch's foolish attempt at rushing him ended up in smoke. With a smirk, he opens his off-hand palm once again to create more water - this time, not aimed at Glitch but in fact the ground around them. As he floods the area, clearly planning something, he walks closer with his sword pointed towards Glitch, poised to parry.

NineTimes NineTimes Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Alteras Alteras
Just as Hananya landed, she suddenly felt something hard hit her in the side of her stomach, which made her snarl angrily at the woman with an open mouth. She knew she was at an extreme disadvantage as she did not have powers such as theirs, she glanced at Zafrio and Glitch before lunging towards Viviette again, trying to swipe her with her other arm. If the woman was to try and hit her again she would lash her feet at the woman and attempt to kick her in the stomach to knock her down.
Alteras Alteras The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald NineTimes NineTimes (sorry this was short, was a bit stuck)
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The inn of negotiation
A tension as thick as tar

Wobb felt nervous in a way the little blob never had before. After the brief look for trouble outside they all followed the delegates into the inn... And Wobb felt the eyes on him. He heard them whisper and saw them keeping their hands near their weapons. He felt their gazes and their judgement. He was nervous and he couldn't help but quiver. He tried to look brave and bold. He failed. So he turned to the other guild adventurers and said
"Y'awl shuwe we da wight hewoes for dis?"
As he tried to find his nerve and stop shaking. At this point he was a little worried he might start melting into the floorboards.

Birdsie Birdsie Alteras Alteras Bishop Bishop Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Field

Viviette's fists were covered in red and black fire. She charged forth with her punch, keeping her head down and her horns pointed toward Hananya. She took the enemy's lunge head on, accepting the scratch so that she could land a punch. Of course, it would be up to Hananya if she chooses to dodge it or not. Either way, Viviette is in no position to be changing her path anymore.
Hananya snarled at Viviette as she charged at her again. She still felt pain in her abdomen from the previous punch but did not back down. The whole idea she had was just to, attack, attack and attack! It was how she hunted. She felt the punch hit her hard, making her growl dully before kicking her leg out and swiping it under her, hoping to catch her feet. Alteras Alteras
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Area

Viviette fell forward after her punch. Normally, she'd let herself faceplant into the ground, not that she's fond of doing so, but this being the east training area, she was not about to let her head feel anything from the priests of the guild. So she moved her left arm forward as a guard and did a forward roll, which she hoped she'd be able to recover from. Her left arm stung with the touch of the holy ground, but it was nothing compared to what her father used, so she bared with it.
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (sorry, long day).

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