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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Hananya sighed as she thought about Marian. She really was grateful to the Nymph for raising her and she knew that it could not have been easy. She really did love her dearly but she hadn't seen Marian in years at this point. She took out the small red blanket that she had tied around her waist which Marian had found her in when she was a baby. She sighed as she lied on her side, nibbling away at a bone before throwing it to the side. She was not paying much attention to what she was doing and at this point she had managed to get through the whole buck and only have the bones and fur left. She watched the man put together his strange mechanism using bones.

She looked as he mentioned that they should go to sleep but quickly averted her gaze as he started taking his armour off. She yawned widely, feeling pretty tired herself. She looked at the man as he asked if she had any other questions. She huffed and shook her head in response before standing up and beginning to walk back to her cave.
"...Should I come back here in the morning?" She asked him as she swished her tail. She was still not sure about going with him to the guild but she guessed she did not have anything to lose. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
"Ermm..." Zafiro said as he thought about her question, "Yeah, sure. We'll meet here tomorrow. I'm only in that building over there, anyways." He says, as he points to the decrepit old stone building behind him. It appeared to be a watchtower or something, but now it was mainly a pile of rubble on the floor. Still had a few solid rooms, though, so he was going to set himself up in one of those.

"Well, good night!" He says cheerfully as he heads towards the building with his sword still in his belt, and the dragonscale armour rolled up under his arm. His clothes were a bit muddy and bloody, he thought, so he was going to clean them before bed - a fairly easy job when you can manipulate water. He also noticed a few tears in his clothes as he walked back, presumably from the fight or the walk back, so he could always spend a bit of time stitching them back up too. He knew a clothier who knew mending magic in the town where the Guild is, but for now he'll settle with a few stitches.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (maybe give it a bit of time to see what Nine is doing before a timeskip?)
Hananya nodded at the man before heading off into the night back towards her den. As she walked she could not help but think about the merchant. Where did he go? Why did he leave? With a sigh she tried not to think about it. It still hurt. Once she got to her den, she saw that the fire died. With a sigh she grabbed some sticks outside and placed them on the fire to bring it back to life. In it's warm glow, she lied down on her back and looked up at the celing of the cave. It felt strange knowing that it could possibly be her last night alone. Or not. She would just have to see.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald (Yeah , see what they wanna do.)
The day was turning to dusk as Novak stalked back to the tribe grounds, dragging his kill along with him and shortly followed with his band of males who also had deer with them. He looked to his fellow Kewan and gave them a respectable nod as he greeted them. Any that he did not see still bowed to him in respect. He was the mate of the Chiefess and was very much respected. He looked behind him at his oldest son, Navid as he trotted eagerly after his father, hopping with every other step in his glee and pride of bringing home his first kill. Novak smiled at him before catching sight of Kensue sitting at the steps of their house, cradling a small, red bundle. She looked up at the sight of him and smiled at the sight of her mate. She rushed to greet him and they hugged. Novak looked down as the red bundle cooed at him and flailed it's tiny arms and reaching towards him. He chuckled and took it from Kensue, only to have his snout grabbed by the infant inside. He smiled warmly and looked to his mate before joining his hunters at the fire in the middle of the camp where the tribe would gather to feed. He greatly looked forward to the day he could bring his daughter along on hunts one day...

Light came into the cave, hitting the Kewan in the eyes. She groaned as she opened them and sat up, seeing that dawn was just approaching. With a groan, she stretched herself out, feeling her muscles stretch and her joints click. With a sigh, she stood up and shook the dust off of her fur. before looking out the mouth of her cave. Looking back, she figured she would not miss this place. While she had lived in it for a few years now, there was nothing of much value here. Except for the red blanket but she was already bringing that. Looking at the deer carcass that she did not eat the day before, she decided to bring it with her. She was a naturally light sleeper so was often always up before dawn. She decided it would be better for her to go back to Zafiro early rather than leave it too late. Grabbing the carcass she carried it over her shoulder back to the building they were at the previous day.

After a while, she was able to find her way back to the building. She did not know if Zafiro was awake at this point but she did not mind. She figured that while she waited she might as well fill herself so she did not grow irritable while they traveled. But before she got the fire started, she cut away a piece of the deer for Zafiro. She was not typically one to share food but in this case, she was willing to make an exception. With a sigh, she got to work starting the fire and started cooking. She just hoped she was not disturbing him. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

Meanwhile, Zafiro was having that 'dream' again. He was never sure why he had the 'dream', and he wasn't even sure if it was a dream or not, but it always stuck with him. He was with Deja once more, in his dream, and the pair were both standing on a seemingly endless lake underneath a inky black void of a sky. There was no sun, no moon, no stars and yet the area was perfectly illuminated - perhaps by the water itself. Despite the odd surroundings, however, Zafiro wasn't bothered. He barely even noticed it all. He walked up to Deja once again, as if he already knew what was going to happen, and looked to her with a smile on his face. Not his infamous suave smile, but a truly sincere one. Deja's watery form shimmers and shudders slightly as she grabs his hand, but when she opens her mouth to speak Zafiro hears nothing. Nothing but silence. As if Deja knew this, she mouths out to him 'Not ready'. With an understanding nod, Zafiro's vision blurs as he begins to wake up.

These dreams always confused Zafiro. He was never sure if they were truly dreams or something...more. The main reason, however, why they confused him was because even though he was only dreaming for what seemed like 5 minutes or so, in reality several hours had passed. As dawn broke, and the sun began to creep over the horizon, he sighs to himself and creates some water for himself to drink. After spending a few minutes re-equipping his armour and gathering his gear, he heads out from the building with a stretch.

As he heads out from the dilapidated watchtower he is greeted by the smell of cooking meat. As he looks around for the source, his eyes still adjusting to the light, he notices Hananya crouched over the fire. "Ahh!", he says with vigour and energy, "Good morning! You ready to head out?"

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya was too distracted by food to respond right away. Her ears flicked back to the sound of a familiar voice and she turned around fully to face him. She forgot that her whole mouth was not only completely stuffed with meat but she was also holding a full bone with meat in her teeth. She probably looked like a savage. Then again this was how she normally ate. She swallowed what was in her maw before clearing her throat "Oh morning." She said before looking at the steak she had left for the man with a sigh "I will be once I'm fed." She explained before taking another bite but she had a slight smirk on her face in an attempt to humour him. She lifted the cooked steak in her paw and reached towards him with it. He needed his fill too. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro just chuckles at her as she eats. He didn't know how everyone else was going to react to the beastly woman, but there were a few beastmen in the Guild so perhaps they could understand. Who knows, perhaps they'll become friends with her despite her feral lifestyle. With a nod of thanks, he takes the meat but decides not to eat it and instead uses his sword to cut it into strips, before extracting all the moisture from it - effectively turning it into jerky. He puts the dried meat back into the pouch that originally had the jerky in, and from another pouch he grabs a handful of dried fruit and nuts and throws them into his mouth. He had already planned the route prior to setting out on his journey, and knew of a large empty grassland in between the forest and the Guild, so he was saving some food for then. Besides, meat gave him heartburn on an early morning.

"We'll be going over some plains on the way back, so there might not be any decent hunting for a while. Except rabbits, of course, but they aren't good food." He says, recalling one of the stories he had heard on his travels about the hunter that starved to death because all he could catch was rabbit. "Well, are you ready? We should head off now and we might get there before sundown, if gods be praised."

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya glanced away from him as he chuckled. She didn't know why, it just felt srange to be around someone while she ate.she watched him as he took the moisture from the steak and seemed to make it into jerky. So... he ate moisture? She didn't want to think about it. As he mentioned leaving, she quickly finished what she was eating and stood upright. "Alright, lets go." She nodded before going on all fours and started walking in the direction he pointed out. As his mention of rabbits, her ears perked. She couldn't remember the last time she ate rabbit. It must have been years ago. She thought about trying to hunt some while they were on their journey. Sure Zafiro said it was really hard but it was still worth a go right. She looked behind her to be sure that he was coming along with her. She had her sword and armour along her back. Something told her that she would need it for the guild. She was still worried that some may not give her a warm welcome. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro nods at her, acknowledging her final decision, and heads off in the direction he mapped out mentally before. By his calculations, the pair should reach the plains by mid-afternoon, then a final stretch towards the Guild building - or, at the very least, one of the nearby villages. While Zafiro enjoyed the trip, he did miss his bed at the Guild and he was yearning for the completion of his job - while he did not need the monetary reward from the job, he wanted the satisfaction that a possible necromancer witch has been neutralized.

As he heads through the brush, he pulls out his sword to cut down some of the bushes nearby. He didn't need to, of course, but he didn't want to walk around them in case he accidentally changed course - after all, a slight change in direction could mean a mile off course in the long run. "So", he says to Hananya as he continues onwards, "how are you feeling about the Guild?"

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
As Hananya walked, she could not help but worry about the guild. She didn't know who else was in it. Who knows. She was not sure what they would think of her. Then again... there might be a possibility of there being other Kewan in the guild. A tiny possibility. Or there could be others who were... more like herself? She could just hope it went smoothly.

After a while, Hananya stood back upright and began to walk on two legs. Her long legs made her go off ahead of Zafiro, but she did not notice this until she heard him ask how she felt about joining the guild. She sighed and turned around but jumped as she saw how far away she was from him. Once he caught up she had figured out an answer. "
Well... I don't know. I want to. But... I am not sure... are there others like me in the guild?" She asked him before looking around, her nose quivering as she sniffed audibly, she could smell some kind of small mammal under the ground. It must have been voles or something and despite the fact she had just eaten a whole deer, she still wanted to know what she could hunt even though it was underground. A vole would be a tasty snack. Distracted, she went back on all fours and started wandering around with her snout to the ground, but she had her ears always facing Zafiro letting him know she was still listening to him for his answer. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
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As Zafiro watches, he racks his brain to think up what species there were in the Guild. After a few moments of thinking, he finally answers. "Well", he says, bemused that she is still hungry after her meal this morning, "there aren't any Kewan, like yourself, but there are a few Tabaxi, which are cat men, and I think there's even a lizard man. Still, I tend to be out in the field a lot so I don't really know about all the people in the Guild." As he speaks, he gets the feeling that it didn't matter much to her whether there were lizardmen or not, but he thought it might make her feel a bit more comfortable in knowing that she wasn't the only beast-like person around.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya suddenly pounded on the ground, which caused the vole underground to try and tunnel out, only to be grabbed by the Kewan and she bit into it. She looked at Zafiro as he talked about some of the members of the guild. She was both surprised and somewhat relieved as he revealed that there were other animalistic creatures within the guild. It reassured her a little. She looked towards the path within the forest, seeing a circle of light some distance away. She yawned and continued to walk, still eating her vole as she went as if it was a snack of some kind. "Hm... well... that makes me feel a bit better." She admitted with a sigh, looking behind her and giving the man a slight smile before continuing. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Glitch had been roaming the forest for a while now. They watched as the sun set and rise again before arriving back at the guild building. They sighed and set the deer into a corner. They then took out their dagger and began to cut away the meat and skin from the deer's skull, making sure to disconnect it from the neck.

(Open for interaction)
Emel Inelvis

Training Yard
This was fascinating. A magic user. He felt a sudden rush of adrenaline as he suddenly felt being off balance at his height, but he focused harder on him movements and managed to land safely using his hands. At the beginning of the battle he didn't have any adrenaline. He felt that all change with the nauseating vertigo, but once he was on the ground he laughed it off and pulled out his twin blades. He held them in preparation and then charged. This magic user couldn't be countered with distance. He needed to distract them. He noticed the incantation, however brief, when she gave him that vertigo spell. Incantations couldn't be used without the caster finishing their sentence or keeping focus.

He closed the distance and began with a flury of blows. This elf had a sword, so she had better know how to use it.

RazingCatfish RazingCatfish

Leyla Relenus
Mess Hall

Melaina was just one of the people she couldn't stand at times like this. Leyla had a strong creed shared with the Allenis guild, so she felt insulted to see that a mage like Melaina existed, but she wouldn't dare say that out loud. She sighed and said nothing to Melaina's comments. This is why the Allenis guild never really associated with Melaina or people like her. It would harm their image. Before turning to the demon though, she said, "I think we're done for the day Melaina. Now, Viviette my policy on magic artifacts such as the one I'm holding is they must be kept in the vault or on my person, that's how dangerous I consider it. So...maybe I can go help Mr. Black on his quest. I have nothing to do since my work space was destroyed."

If someone tried to destroy this artifact, it could easily take out a guard tower on the Bowerstone walls and leave no structural integrity intact. It just wasn't safe to keep it in any place that could prove...dangerous. If it fell into the wrong hands, such a tool could be used to do so much harm. That was the last time she tried to make a cheap fire starter.

Alteras Alteras Hanarei Hanarei
El Zafiro - A forest around a day's travel away (I completely forgot about doing this)

Zafiro almost jumped in surprise at her sudden pounding of the ground, before realizing what she was up to. Zafiro smirked - she was definitely going to be the odd one of the Guild, but that will probably work in her favour. "Well, good. I'm sure you'll fit right in." He says, as he continues onward towards the Guild.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (timeskip coz I cant think of anything else to write about? also, whats the circle of light you mentioned?)
Hananya did not speak for a while. She had finished the vole a while ago and has spent the last while trying to get a scrap of meat out between two of her teeth. As they drew closer to the edge of the woods, she could catch the vague scent of rabbits. Despite just eating a deer and then a vole, she was curious. Not to mention that she could really help Zafiro out if she could hunt them down. But rabbits were fast and slippery little mammals, it would be a lot of work. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
With one final swish of his blade, cutting the final bush standing in his way, Zafiro breaks out of the forest. Despite the hours of hard use, however, the blade doesn't seem like it has even scratched at all - odd for a steel sword. "Ahh, finally", Zafiro says with a heavy sigh, "the plains. So, do you want to stop for lunch or just have some rations on the move? If we don't stop, we might reach the Guild before sundown - it's up to you, really." As he says that, he rubs a cloth over his sword to get rid of the leafy matter left on it, then sheathes it back into his belt.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya looked out at the plains as they finally came out of the forest. It was only when she stepped onto the flat land, seeing the mountains in the distance she blinked as she suddenly felt something wash over her. This felt.... familiar. But how? She frowned a little as she thought about it. But she could not think long as Zafiro suddenly asked what she wanted to do about food, if she wanted to stop or keep going. She shrugged "I'm fine to keep going. Only if you are though." she answered him before looking over the plains again, the wind blowing into her face and making her mane fly back. She still could not figure out why she felt so familiar with this place. Why did it feel nostalgic? The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro nods as he pulls out a handful of dried fruits and nuts, and starts picking at them. "Yeah, I'm good." He notices her fade out and stare at the surroundings, but he can't really tell why. Perhaps she was intrigued by the new surroundings? As he watches her, he notices that his throat was fairly dry, so pulls out his waterskin. Realizing it felt fairly empty, he taps his fingers on the skin and watches as it starts to swell on its own. A few seconds later, he takes a fairly hefty gulp. "Do you need a drink?" He asks politely, offering her the waterskin.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya frowned as they continued to walk. She glanced at the man as he offered her some water. She tilted her head before nodding at him. "Thanks." she said before taking a gulp from it. It felt strange, she was used to drinking from the lake nearby. She gave it back to him before continuing to walk. She could not stop thinking about this place and why it felt familiar. She hadn't been here before, right? She dropped onto all fours and walked for several more paces before stopping and looking to her left, alert. She blinked a few times and diverted off of the path towards what had caught her attention. After a while, she found what had intrigued her. Standing upright, she noticed some ruins which were mainly consisting of rocks, in a similar formation, all in squares with some wooden racks and a big dead fire in the middle. She frowned as she looked around. It looked like some kind of old hunting village that was abandoned. It must have been for a long time. "...I feel like I.... Know this." she said to Zafiro before wandering through it more. What was it? The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro looks confused as he follows Hananya into the village. He knew there were a few ruins around this area, presumably from a while back, but he never really found the need, or want, to explore them - after all, there's a lot of bad things in the world; an abandoned village is fairly common in these trying times - lots of scary things to scare people away. Bandits, dragons...it could be anything, really. "I've never seen this place", Zafiro says as he walks up behind Hananya, "What is it?" He says, as he kneels down next to a bit of rubble to inspect it.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (sorry its short - still a bit busy)
Hananya was too distracted to reply to the man's words as she continued to search trough the village. After a while she felt something being kicked against her foot. Picking it up, she realised that it seemed to be a semi deatroyed cradle. Turning it over she noticed something on the head of it. A crest of some kind depicting a flint stone and an arrow. Suddenly something seemed to click in her head. Fumbling through her belongings, she found her red blanket. Which had the same mark sowen into it. Her eyes widened and she looked around again. Wait... was this...? With an angry growl she threw the cradle down onto the rocks. "C'mon we're losing daylight." She growled out loud before continuing down the path, her eyes fixed forward and not looking anywhere else. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro looks on with confusion - what could compel such strange behaviour? While many possibilities raced through Zafiro's mind, some more likely than others, he could be sure - and he got a strong feeling that Hananya wasn't going to elaborate. Instead, while she stormed off, he pocketed the crest with a simple deftness. Yana-Qari, the Lorekeeper, terrified Zafiro as he reminded him more of a devil on Terra, aesthetically and morally, but he could not deny the Lorekeeper's vast knowledge. He was willing to endure Yana-Qari's soul piercing glare if it meant closure on something that clearly held a heavy weight on Hananya's mind. After all, if anyone knew of this crest, it would be him.

"Alright", he says simply respecting her need for time alone to think about current events, "Let's go. We'll probably get there at dusk if we keep walking." And, with that, he kept walking with her. He decided that when she was ready to speak with him, whether it be about what happened or just in general, she would let him know one way or another.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (just for future possible reference, would the crest be in any text, tomes, scraps of rumour or anything like that?)
Hananya continued to walk for some time, not trying to think about the ruined village. Why was it like that? What happened? How did Marian find her? ...Where was everyone? There were no bodies and the grass was clean and not stained with any evidence of blood. Her ears flickered as her troubled mind wandered. She glanced at the man as he mentioned that if they kept going as they were, it would be dusk by the time they reached the guild. Han simply nodded and continued her walk.

After a while, she felt herself becoming hungry. It had been a while since she last walked like this. Off the side of the road, she spotted a few rabbits bouncing around in the grass. She glanced back at the man and dropped down on all fours. "Want one?" she asked before going into her pouncing position, not really waiting for an answer. She just had the impulse to hunt.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald It would probably be in text explaining the origins and who it belonged to))
Zafiro, who was deep in his own thoughts, was manipulating a ball of water to orbit him - it calmed him watching the light change in it, and the sound of water swirling around him with the ball's relaxing shape made it easier to think. He had a habit of doing that absent mindedly only when he thought about serious matters, like this one, so he rarely did it - still, if it helps him, why judge?

As she speaks up to him, he snaps out, causing the ball to fall to the ground with a splash, as he shakes his head. "No, I got plenty of rations; thank you, though."

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish

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