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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Vern the Cat
Climbing the Dragon

Through sheer will, a harness of arcane power, and claws for climbing, Vern managed to reach the dragon's head. Just in time really as the dragon struck the ground, almost dislodging himself from the dragon. "You won't get rid of me you giant lizard piece of crap! Arcane Missiles" Vern roared as he summoned multiple arcane missiles to assault the dragon.

Though they weren't exactly overpowering the dragon, they were able to gradually push it back. No matter how strong one was, it would still be a pain to fight multiple adversaries at once. So all in all, they have the upper hand and could probably win the battle without any casualties. However, shit went sideways once the barbarian ran for the dragon's eggs. "Stop you fool!" He shouted towards the stupid girl.

A wall of ice managed to block the barbarian from the eggs, but the damage has been done. Thr dragon has noticed the girl and was enraged. In its enraged state, with no care for its own wellbeing, it started to draw upon the taint of the forest. To be honest, Vern was more concerned about the source of the taint, but that's not important right now.

"Gods damn it! Arcane Rejuvenation!" Vern cursed as he used up a large amount of his arcane power on the dragon and himself. He was trying to cleanse the taint from the dragon by forcefully purifying it with arcane energy while at the same time trying ti protect himself from the taint.

Everything that could go wrong has already gone wrong and even things he hasn't even thought about managed to go wrong as well. Vern had no choice but to cleanse the dragon of the taint, lest it spread towards populous areas. "So much for riding a dragon." Vern regretfully muttered as he continued to use Arcane Rejuvenation on the dragon. "Kill the dragon, kill it now! We can't let it escape!!!" He called out to the others.

@Lena Oxton Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Ruinel Ruinel Alteras Alteras Kylesar1 Kylesar1
The Kewan was not sure how long the hug had been going on for. It felt strange having this Tabaxi holding onto her, resting his head against her stomach as if she was a dear friend of some kind. But in a way, she did not really want to let go. The awkwardness of the situation seemed to subside a little. Still, it was clearly out of the norm, not that she really knew what the "norm" was.

After a while, the Kewan jumped and her ears erected as she suddenly looked in another direction, her nose quivering delicately as she sniffed the air. Seems whatever beings that were there before were moving on, which was a relief. With a deep sigh she looked down at the Tabaxi as he asked her name. She growled under her breath. So she couldn't ask for his name but he could ask for hers? That didn't sound right.

But rather than get angry, she sighed and looked down at him, surprised to see him smiling. Why was he smiling? But then again this was a Tabaxi that came across a big, stupid and primative behemoth of a creature... and hugged it. Sure try that with a pissed off dragon, see where that gets you. She doesn't smile back, from his angle the last thing he needed was to see her dagger like teeth as if she was about to chomp on his head. Though the evil little instincts in the back of her head were telling her to.

Instead she tried to move the corner of her lips into a harmless and close-mouth smile. It was harder than it sounded. "
Hananya. It's Hananya." She finally answered. It felt strange saying it out loud. The only other person to hear it was Marian. Looking down at the Merchnt, her ears flicked around before burying themselves into her mane. "You... do you have a name?" She attempted again but in a nicer tone from before. It was only fair wasn't it? Though she changed the wording a little. She didn't know how he was going to react to it though. Panzer Panzer
The Tabaxi's smile quickly faded as he fell into his thoughts. His ears-as they were cramped by the human hood- fell flat against his head as he rested his head against her stomach. His eyes stared out to the lively trees that stood aside from the path.

He had a look of confusion on his face.
after a short moment, his confusion soon turned to embarrassment and frustration. His gaze darted around the woods, and later, darted around the dirt road as he lowered his head further into her stomach like a scared child.

His mind was racing with questions and possibilities. A part of him wanted to say the truth; He had forgotten his own name. Another part of him couldnt bare his own stupidity. He couldnt reveal such a massive flaw to his new friend.

He looked back up with wide eyes; wondering how he could defuse this situation, or more importantly: What voice should he listen to?

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Is what she would demand if she didn't feel sympathetic towards the creature. But still she felt pretty uncomfortable and annoyed that he wasn't answering her question. But rather than get annoyed or snap, like her instincts told her she kept quiet and simply sighed. Still, she could not help but feel rather stressed about the whole thing. With a huff she looked down at him as he buried his head into her stomach.

'Go on, do it! Easy meal!' her brain thought evilly. It wanted her to clamp down on his head. But she couldnt bring herself to. She let out a short growl as she tried to fight the urge until it went away. She looked down at him as he looked up. "
...Alright. Y'don't need to answer that." she sighed finally, still looking around, anxious that some other things were still around. She was annoyed, of course but she did not want to show it. She was hungry too. Though since he had his head against her stomach, he probably knew that. She really just wanted to take that carcass back to her den. But she did not really want to leave him. Panzer Panzer
Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

Svala's lips pulled into a disgusted sneer as the mage cursed at her. How did she even know her intention? She wasn't anywhere near the eggs yet, much less hacking at them with her axe. Nevertheless an ice wall formed around the nest, sending Svala into an enraged fit. "What do you think I'm doing, ye damn she-devil? Preventing this from happening again!" she said, referring to the horrible beast before them as it took in the taint of the forest, ready to use its dark magic against them.

There was fire all around, no clear path to the eggs she was so obsessed with, and a rampaging dragon ready to destroy her with the most evil force in nature. What was she to do? She watched as the party continued to fight. She was filled with such anger, at the dragon and at the arrogance of her fellow fighters, that in a desperate attempt to feel some kind of control over those around her, she unsheathed her axe and threw it with all her force at the dragon's open, roaring mouth. She watched as the silver sliced through the tip of its tongue, making it painful to articulate hard T's and resulting in a speech impediment, but dealing no real damage. The axe landed in a bout of fire, meaning she wouldn't be able to get it back until after the battle. "See who's so powerful now," she said darkly, the smile back on her lips as she dodged the flames and did her best to stay out of the dragon's path.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1 @Lena Oxton Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Location: Guild Dining Hall​

She looked down at Chloe smiling a bit. "Oh, I see I didn't know that. I'm sure something special will happen on that day... better yet its something both of you can celebrate together. Just make sure people know about it, don't be afraid to tell them all its his birthday as well." She spoke giving her a light wink. It was perhaps devious in a way to use such a young child just to toy with Baxter but it was generally harmless fun. It was something that made the girl happy so she didn't want to be denied that joy as well. It wasn't as if Melaina wouldn't figure out some way to make a big deal out of it on that day herself anyways.

She looked to Leyla as she seemed to take offense to her remark. She could tell she was trying to prevent Melaina having something to feed upon, though it was a fruitless effort. Acting in such a way was a reaction after all... granted she had to admit it wasn't nearly as fun of one. A simple shrug was all Melaina granted in response as she focused her attention on Viviette. It wasn't as if Melaina would be one to really change the way in which she spoke about others. She always had a way of being condescending since before she could even recall. It was a trait her adopted mother had done a fine job on engraving upon her. As bad as Melaina could come off as, her mother made her seem that much more tame.

"I would just tell them to study a little magic, a simple spark is such an easy spell, even someone such as myself who is limited by my condition can manage that." She spoke snapping her fingers causing a brief spark of flames to erupt from her fingers. "But oh well... I suppose some don't wish to put any effort to learn the basics." She spoke, completely downplaying the difficulty of it. She knew she wasn't wanted but it had only prompted her to interject that much ,more with the witty comment before becoming quiet again.

Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
As he thought and thought, another answer came to mind. He could stall. He could remember his name later. And with a certain emtpy feeling - came an idea.
"Hey, maybe we should discuss this later- Maybe over lunch?" He suggested, letting go of the giant creature. Surely this MUST work, He thought, Or I would have more explaining to do.
(ran out of time :/.)
Hananya's patience was wearing thin. She tapped her claws against his shoulders softly in a rhythm which probably gave off that vibe. She looked down at the merchant as he again, avoided her question. She inhaled sharply through her teeth, not able to hide her frustration. She looked down at the merchant with a deep sigh. "...Y'don't want to see me eat." She glanced at the dear carcass. She wasn't a complete savage. She did not eat the thing raw and would cook it first. She wanted to know this stranger. He wandered into her territory and refused to leave. She guessed she had some kind of right to know who he was. She took the doe carcass and threw it over her shoulder as if it was some kind of sack. She looked back at the stranger while swishing her tail. "I can spare a little meat." she said after a while before walking off of the path, heading towards her den further into the woods. The whole time she kept flicking her ears and sniffing around, watching for anything else that could come across her.

What the hell was she doing? How was she supposed to know this merchant was not going to rob her blind, kill her, make her pelt into a rug and putting her head on the wall? She heard murmurs of others who came through the forest, who knew of her existence who wanted to that. Still, she was not convinced that he could pose as a threat to her. His dagger would probably not do much damage. She had dealt with worse. As she pushed her way through the trees, jumping as she accidently broke a branch off of one, grabbing the Merchant by his cloak and pulled him towards her, the branch missing him. "
Gah... sorry about that. Um... Don't know my own strength." she sighed before continuing the walk.

After a while longer, they finally came to her cave. She stopped as she looked around it. Thankfully it had not been touched. "
Hm... it's not a lot... but but it's shelter. That's the main thing." She sighed before going in, still carrying the carcass. Panzer Panzer
Viviette Arbeider
Dining Hall

Viviette yawned. She was so indulged in her food, that she hadn't paid attention at all. "Well, with the Guildmaster out on a quest, there's not much for us to do, i can check through the requests again to see if the folks here want another quest." I should probably prepare some kind of a gift for the siblings.
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Hanarei Hanarei

Dark Forest

The flying axe and the tongue cut off caused it to flinch in pain. Its fire breath stopped and instead its body curled to a more protective nature, covering more of its central body and head. The dragon had failed to draw upon the taint, but it'll try again. It knows of a surefire way to use the taint in complete control, but it would mean sacrificing everything it had, and clearly it didn't want to do that, yet.
CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1 @Lena Oxton Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
(Same odds, 1 critical fail, 20 critical success, anywhere between: appropriate power of magic. Oh and the dragon is now passively defending itself. It's curled itself up into a ball and the only one who could do real damage would be Vern, seeing as it is on top of it).

Leon Arbeider

It seems that the other delegations have arrived. The guild members could see/sense the arrival of about 20 guests, 10 from each nation. There were greats and not so famous among the guests, and they walked in separate groups showing their independent kingdoms from each other. On Prospero's side were 5 Knights from the Emerald Palace Corp, elite combatants in both physical and magical abilities and well known to be dedicated and reserved in their manners. The rest of the 5 were high advisors, including an up and coming Court Arcanist Emily Chevalier, who's known for her powerful magic and her lazy attitude. On Espania's side, there were 5 members in inquisition red robes and attire. With them 4 advisors, including Jabel Vazeran, a blonde lady with purple eyes clad in black and a red scarf along with a sword by her side. She is serves as an ambassador to many different nations and has negotiated many treaties. There is also an odd lady in white, a canoness, with red hair and a staff.

As Leon watched the group and instantly became cautious of the Canoness, well aware of her reputation. I really hope that nothing bad happens.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop
Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest - Dragon's Nest
Current Obsession: Dragons

Swift continued playing his lute and casting dissonant whispers on the dragon, which had curled itself up into a ball to protect itself. It would protect it against many physical attacks, yes, but Swift's attacks were verbal. As long as the dragon could hear him, dissonant whispers would continue to cause psychic damage, which manifests itself as actual, physical damage to the beast. The tabaxi stopped, however, as he felt something...as a magic user, he could feel the taint of the forest being drawn upon by the dragon. He would have disregarded it, if his comrades hadn't mentioned the taint earlier. He had disregarded it then, not feeling enough of the taint to bother being worried. Now, however...this wasn't good. He briefly thought about once more using his words to try to convince the dragon to leave, but then he realized what Vern had said. If the dragon left, it could spread the taint to others, wherever it went. They would have to kill it.

Swift began playing his lute with a renewed sense of urgency, the tune he was playing intense and somewhat haunting. Realizing that Vern had the best chance of damaging the beast with it being defensive, Swift directed his words towards him, casting Bardic Inspiration to aid Vern in whatever feat he endeavored by telling him, "Old man! You look majestic atop that dragon!" With that, he returned his attention to the dragon, casting Dissonant Whispers once more, letting the eerie melody wrack the dragon's mind and cause damage. Once more, especially now that the dragon seemed so much more desperate, there was a chance that the attack would cause double the damage and force the dragon to run away from Swift as quickly as possible -- which would leave its eggs open and open up it's defenses in its retreat. However, that was only a chance, regardless, the attack would damage the creature. Would it be enough to take the dragon down, though? Maybe, but probably not.
Alteras Alteras CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Ruinel Ruinel Kylesar1 Kylesar1 @Lena Oxton
Glitch stood awkwardly, slowly drifting off. They wondered how much they had screwed up. So much for first introductions, they snorted. They stumbled and leaned against the wall, and pull the hood over their head. They slid down and sat on the floor, and held their legs close to them. They hated being a secondary character, no wait. They weren't even a secondary character, they were so low in plot priority that they might as well have been a Non-Player Character made just to move the plot along. They felt, forgotten, that was common. They didn't want it to be common, but it was anyways. They always had that feeling in the back of their head. "Then why are you still around? Shouldn't you just go somewhere else?" A voice hissed menacingly inside their head. They pushed that thought back and stood up, taking a seat at the table.

(Open for interaction)

He had been walking idly behind the Kewan when he heard a chilling snap. Before he could react, a hand gripped onto his coat and yanked him forward. In his dazed thoughts, he heard a familiar voice echo in his ears. The sudden jump had scared him to the point that one would swear that he had just seen a ghost. The small Tabaxi walked the rest of the way with the same dazed look on his face, his body shaken and pale.

The thief looked across the small den, blinking with a slight surprise. There was nothing wrong with it, but in his mind, he was expecting something more...nobility based. Maybe a large mansion or maybe even a luxury home.
But this was...odd...

Hearing the Kewan's doubts for her own den, he knew he should comfort her. Sadly, he didn't know whether he should agree with her or disagree. Instead, he simply nodded along to her words as he looked over the den.

Hananya looked down at the Tabaxi and flopped her ears around at his nod. What was that supposed to mean? She scratched her neck before heading inside. It was bigger on the inside with some furniture and a hole in the ceiling below a fire. Han looked around the den before putting the carcass next to the fire. She huffed as she undid her wine coloured cloak and hung it on the wall so she was just in her bluish black, ripped breeches. She looked at the Tabaxi and sighed "Sit down. I'll start this." She said before kneeling next to the carcass. She had to figure out how much to use to not only feed him but also be sure she was getting her fill as well. Typically she'd eat the whole thing herself but since she had a guest... which was weird in itself. Turning her back on the Tabaxi she got to work taking one of the legs off. She kept her ears flicked back to listen to what he was doing. She couldn't be too careful.
Last edited:
The Tabaxi gazed at the interior of the Kewan's den with curious eyes, stepping carefully around the stone floor and old furniture. It looked cold and cramped, but she was right, it was a shelter. It kinda reminded him of his "home" which was an abandoned and war-torn stone watchtower. Yet, his "home" was a heck of a lot more spacey , especially with the giant holes in its walls.

He quickly found a place to sit, as she had told him to. He pulled up one of the wooden chairs and rested back into it, which caused the chair to creak loudly.
He then watched the Kewan as she approached the carcass, waiting eagerly to eat.

Something caught his eye. Something else was there- at the entrance. The light flickered suddenly as if a figure had just walked passed. It was a small shadow- but it took shape of a human. He was beginning to think that this day had been all been a simple nightmare.

He couldn't let this bother him. He looked away from the entrance and focused his vision on the carcass.

He eventually gave into his own curiosity, which had eaten him up on the inside. He snuck away from the cave and pursued the shadowy figure...

T̸̨̡̧̛͈̼̙̮͓̜̯͍̬͉͚̱̰͓̳̠̟́̓̈̿͋̊͒̈́̅͊̀͛͌̌̄͑͛̀̽̄̃̓̈́͂͊͆̐́̈͋̓̏́̀̕ͅh̸̡̢͚̥̠̗̰̜͇̗̪̍̎́̈́̓̂͗̂̈́̽̑͌̒͂͌̑̽͛̀͌͌̿͑́̈́͘̕͜͜͝ͅė̸̡̧̛̘̫͇̥̻͉͇̖̙͎̮̫͚̏͑̈́͋̀̔̌̆̌͑̐̀̋͊͛͆̈̈͋̽͊̈́͒̀̐̋̈́͑̐̒͗͂͘͘͘̕͘̕͝͝ ̴̧̜͈̹͓̻͓͚̮̜͕̹̘̻͉͍͙̗̣̖̯̱̫͈̝͔̤̘̉̈́̒̇̀̎͐̉̒̂̋̉̀̓̓̉͌̽͆͘͝ͅş̵̨̧̛̥̲̮͕̬͍̲̣͔̩̱̜̪̻͎̮̲͍͉̰̰͎̪͙̝̰̯̱̬̖̖̘̗̙͔̋͆̍́̀̏̋̔̒̂̊͋̂̿͌̄͋̑͊͆̏̉̅͋̚͘̕̕͜͠t̷̨̡̢̹͇͓̣̯͖̣̥̱͉̹̜̠̙̯̤̪̹̣̦̥̘͔̦̮̜̹̲͎̩̯̄́̃̆̌͆͛̊͋͐̓͊̂̎̌̋͘͘͝o̶̧̢̧̪̠̞͚͇̯͉̯̘̺͓̿̿̋͌̂͘̚r̵̛̫̤̣̗͔̺̲̦̳̈́̋͌̔͛͗̊̂̂̊́͘͝͠ͅy̸̢̧̡̨̨̧͈̮̫̪̟̹̬̖̼̻̮̥̜͍͉̰̘͉̲̥̥͕͈̻̲̩̞̙͙̺̘͔̹̟̞̩̌͌̅̈́̈́̄͌͋̔̌̅̿̀͂̈̋̏̓͋̽͆̍̓͑͜͝͝ͅ ̶̨̧̡̢̘̞̝̜͚̩̲̖̙̣̺̩̳̞̱̯͍͓̼̬̩͇̹͚͈͔̝̤̫͕̺̲̦̗͈̯͇̞̎͋͋̌͜ͅē̴̡̨̧̢̻̹̩͎̤͕̻̜̪̥̰͍̠̤̰̩̭͉̲̬̜̼̻̙͎̔̽̊͐̈́̐͒̿́̌̈́̆̓͆̌͜͝ͅn̴̗̩͔͉͎̼͔̯͎̫̻̔́̓̎͑̕ͅd̸͈̘͓͂ͅe̵̛͓̣̫͎̪̿͂͒̈́̈́̽́̋̽̉͐̀̎̿̈́̓̾̈̈̄̓̈́̀͑̓͐̆̚̕̚̕̕͝͝d̵̘̣̲͚͎͖̺̤̖̬̩͎͓̩͈͕̀͆̋̆̾͒̃̐̐̀͜ ̵̢̛̘̘̙͖͉͕̙̝̪̥͌̀̈́̆̈́͋̓̾́̋̀̽̔͒̍͒̅̈̊͑̾̿̀̓͑̓̅̒̊̃̇̊̚͘̕̕̕͜͝͝t̴̛̛̛̻̐͑̀̃̍̌̈́̋̌͛͑̈́̃͗͛̂̑͂̐̎̈̇̓͋̿̓̈̔̀͆̊̓̑̑̚͠͠͠͝h̶̨̧̛̟͙̭̪̪̟͍̼̝̺̳̭̝͉̣̙̹̖̠̹̩͖͉̼͇̪͔̖̝̹͈̗̺͖͈̾̐̈́̈͊̎̀͋̽̔͒̑́͆͑̐̀̾͂̈͑̅̉̒̑͐͊͆̈́̚͜͜͝͝͝͝͠ȩ̶̡̧̩͖͚̼̞̭͓̗̟̻̮̥̘̪̮͒̈́͛̈́̒̐̈̆̑̓́̈́͋͋͒̾͐͐͝ͅr̴̢̙͎͇̲̲̘̖̯̤̤̳̰̲͕͚̰͚̖̉̄̇̀̓̍̈́͑͊͂̆̍̒͛̍̈̑̕ͅe̴̢̧̡̡̛̝̩͍̣̟͉͍̬̜͕̮̤͙̟͉͕͉̠̻̩̺̻͍̯͉̼̯͎͕̬̽̃̈̌̾̂̋̔̎̀̾͐̉̇̉̍̄̀̔̋̽̔̂̐̌̉̈́̓̈́̓̈́͗̑̀͐̾̐̆̑̾̕͜͜͠ͅͅ.̴̡̨̧̧̡̢͇̻͍̖̬̤̮̪͕̹͎̯̰̙̦̪̥̲̻̫͈̯͕̬̟̄̀̀͊̔̿͋̚͠ͅ.̷̧̲̒́̏͋̏́́̅̏̕.̵̧̺̱̯̙͕̙̼̘̞̹̙͈̺̲̳̔̀͒̊͛́̒̎̕͝
Hananya kept her ears turned around so she could hear what the merchant was doing. She cocked her head as she saw out of the corner of her eye that he was walking outside the cave. She tilted her head and opened her mouth to ask where he was going. But she was too late and he was already out of sight. With a sigh she kept cooking, hoping he was only going out for some air.

But after some time he hasn't come back. Confused and starting to worry, she left the cave and looked around anxiously. Where did he go? Biting her lip, she looked around but she couldn't find him. Where did he go? Why didn't he tell her his name so she had something to call? Why did he leave? He hadn't stolen anything from her or anything!

Upset, she paced in a circle for a while. How could she have been so stupid? Why did she possibly think he could be her friend? All she did was scare the daylights out of him. She thought about just forgetting it and going back into her cave to eat. But despite her hunger she couldn't bring herself to eat. She sniffed around the forest floor, hoping to find a scent. After a few seconds, she managed to catch the scent of his cloak. Maybe she could find him? Putting her nose to the ground, she walked quadrupedal through the forest. She did not know why she cared so much. Then again... he was the closest thing she had to a friend.

The longer she went, the weaker the scent became. After a while she came to a clearing in the woods. She had no idea where she was. Or maybe she did but she was so preoccupied in her thoughts that she wasn't paying attention. She stood fully upright and looked around. Where was he? Not knowing what else to do, she raised her head and let out a bellow that sounded something between a roar and a howl. Maybe that would get a response. After a while, she didn't hear an answer. Hananya sighed heavily and continued walking. Maybe he just ran off because he didn't want to be around a creature like herself. Yeah. That was probably it. Why should she be surprised?

As she came across another clearing, her ears erected as she noticed some kind of building. Frowning, she approached it carefully. Normally she wouldn't be so curious but... maybe whoever was in there knew where the merchant was.
Panzer Panzer (open to interaction)
Chloe Stargazer
Location: Dining hall> Guild shop
With a big cheery smile. Chloe was inspired by Melaina's words without second thoughts. "Yes! You are right Ms. Mealaina! I will tell the whole guild about our birthday!" She said with a joyous tone. Her enthusiasm was so great she told a nearby hero. "It's gonna be my birthday soon!" She announced. "Someone tell me if the Guildmaster returned." She said as she ran off with her bouquet in her arms. She was heading towards the guild shop. Their his older brother was sitting in the back of the counter, looking bored.
The forest - often a place of great peril, but an even greater sense of beauty and elegancy. As a faint green glow peeks through the various bushes and trees, swiftly followed by a hefty sounding slash of vines, an...oddly, or rather inappropriately, dressed man seems to be deep in his own thoughts, poetically speaking to himself.

"Ahh...I almost missed this - out in the elements with nothing but my wits! Shame about the bugs, though."

The man appeared noble or royal in birth, or perhaps incredibly wealthy, as he was dressed in a marvellous blue tailcoat with silver buttons and gold detailing on the shoulders that seemed to hide something else underneath that he was also wearing. He carries a few pouches on his person, and had a wooden torch on his belt, but nothing that would be considered 'adventurer's gear' - usually a poor choice of someone of his vocation, yet he didn't seem to mind it all. After all, it was child's play to get his suit fixed - and besides, this was the most casual he owned.

As Zafiro swishes and slashes at the surrounding bushes, he looks down at a strange amulet he had taken from his job. The artefact itself seemed fairly powerful, as it gave a seemingly lowly witch high level necromantic powers, but it wasn't very impressive - it almost bored Zafiro just by looking at it. As he dumps it back into his pocket, he continues onward through the forest.

After about an hour of travel, he notices an odd shape in the leaves - a building of some sort. Perhaps a good place to rest for a while before pushing onward towards the Fort. He seems to not be very sneaky, however, as he steps through the foliage towards the building.

"Ahh! That'll do."
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya was still searching for the merchant. It had been a while now but she still worried badly. She had totally forgotten about eating at this point, despite her stomach occasionally making it abundantly clear that it did not like being ignored. But she could not focus on it. She sighed and pulled her cloak around herself further. She was beginning to feel that she should probably just head back to her den. It was useless. She was not going to find him. It was useless.

But just as the Kewan was about to turn around and head back, the sound of something moving through the foliage caught her attention. At first she figured it was a rabbit of some kind. But as she listened more carefully, it was too big to be a rabbit. And it was bipedal, another person!? She let out a deep sigh, not in the mood to interact with anybody else. It didn't smell like the Merchant so she did not care. But still, it was very close to her territory! Her instincts kicking in, she spun around and jumped in front of the figure, not close enough so that they could cause her harm but enough to make her presence known. Her hackles raised up on end as she stared at the figure. What did they want? She really was not in the mood for this! The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro, who was wiping his brow with a lace handkerchief, wasn't paying enough attention to the surrounding area to avoid being surprised by the sudden appearance of a...werewolf, of some kind? Almost as if his body took over, he jumps back a few paces with grace and deftness and raises his machete-like sword, the meaty looking blade a vast contrast to his more elegant clothing, with the point towards Hananya.

However, as he calms down a bit, he sees that the creature appeared intelligent (after all, it was clothed) so it probably could be talked with like any other person. "Ahh, hello!" Zafiro says as he lowers his blade, still not sure about the creature (and as a result, not putting the sword away), but still with his usual suave, yet respecting, smile. "Is this your place, by any chance? I've been travelling a while, so if you wouldn't mind letting be rest here for a short time?" As he speaks, he notices her mood so decides that a few words would be better than a load.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya kept glaring at the man as he unsheathed his sword and pointed it at her. She raised her lips to expose her teeth with a subtle growl. She looked at his clothing and saw how much it contrast to hers, or lack of it. Ripped black breeches and a wine coloured cloak compared to his clothing as if he came from some kind of nobility. She was about to open her mouth to snarl, she was surprised as he suddenly spoke up. Her ears flicked up and she tilted her head slightly. She glanced at the sword before turning her gaze back to him. He wanted to know if this building was hers? She let out a deep sigh before looking at the building. "...No. Not mine." She sighed before looking back at the path she had made through the woods, all the crushed plants and grass from her feet, "I live there. In a cave." She frowned before putting her arm down.

She still had her eyes on the sword. She took a step forward and narrowed her blue eyes, "
Why're y'here?" she asked still in a gravelly tone, "Y'look like you're a way from home." She didn't care if she sounded judgmental at this time. She tried to stay stoic but as her stomach grumbled, still not wanting her to ignore it. It didn't matter the now. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro stood proud and tall as he looked up to the feminine creature. He seemed somewhat taken aback by her voice, as he was for some reason expecting a more...delicate voice, but didn't seem intimidated by her. "Why am I here?" He says, as if he was about to start a long tale of adventure and triumph but stops himself for the sake of his company - after all, he didn't want to be attacked by an infuriated beast woman.

"Well, it is a long story...I work with the Guild, you see. The Guild of Heroes? There was a mage playing necromancer, and I was sent to stop her. I was going to rest here before making the final stretch back to the Fort, you see." He was starting to cotton on that the woman was probably hungry, as he could now hear her stomach as she drew closer, but decided to not remind her of it - she was a beast woman, but he still didn't know how much of her was beast.

"What about you?" He says, trying to strike up a meaningful conversation with her, "I can't say I've seen your kind before - and I've seen many. Why is it that you live in the forest, by yourself?"

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
"The guild?" Hananya frowned as she narrowed her eyes. She had heard of the Guild of Heroes before but she had not thought about it properly before. She had caught glimpses of them before but never approached them. She let out a huff, "...What d'they do?" she added as she scratched her shoulder. She did not know why she was curious, but she couldnt help it. Part of her was somewhat curious. And she... this was stupid... she had occasionally thought about going to them. But... she looked at her paw-like hands and sighed. She did not think she would get that warm of a reception.

She broke out of her thoughts as the man continued. She lifted her head as he mentioned never seeing her kind before. What a surprise. She blinked several times before deciding to answer. "
Hm. I'm a Kewan." she huffed before folding her arms to continue. "Neither have I. That should explain everything." she added, a little bitter. She didnt like being reminded of that fact. Not to mention that she knew her species were told in the books and they did not have a good reputation among other species. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Solem Umbra
Location: Fort Black

Solem's new...companion had caught up to him and was doing quite well with keeping pace with his own strides. The only thing that Solem noticed was that he was being unusually silent. Not that it bothered him however it felt forced, a conscious effort to avoid a consequence. What could possibly happen to the man if he spoke that would cause him to suddenly be quiet. His head still facing forward Solem's masked eyes looked back on the man walking beside him. Making his own assessments Solem turned his attention forward to see that they had reached their destination. Solem stopped at the gate be for turning his head sideways presumably looking at Riley from the corner of his eye, "Was there a reason for your silence? One I am unaware of??"

Solem looked to the man awaiting his answer all the while feeling out the guild via the energies of the beings inside. Pausing there allowed for this with relative ease as he was not surrounded by the energies so much that he couldn't pick them apart.

ConnorX ConnorX
As Zafiro listened to her woes, he simply nods quietly out of respect. He couldn't imagine what it was like to be the last one of your kind, or at least think that, but there was little he could do about it, and he suspected there was little he could do about consoling her about it. For all his wit and charm, he could not simply make a person forget their past...at least, permanently. He almost forgot about her first question as he placed his sword into his belt, oddly without sheathe, before snapping up to reply.

"The Guild?" He says, now putting a bit of flare and energy into his voice, "Well, we're heroes. We go around helping people, stopping crime, assisting town guards and that sort of thing. We do our bit to ensure that the world is safe for those who cannot defend themselves against bandits, undead, vampires and so on." As he reads her body language, he notices her curiosity. "Have you ever tried to apply to join up? Everyone's welcome in the Guild!"

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish

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