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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Yana-Qari - Guild Library to Guild Dining Hall

Soon enough, Yana-Qari had discerned the first 'chapter' (or, rather, the first chunk of text) of the ancient book. He had made incredible headway, much to the admiration and jealousy of even the greater scholars in the library. Several times they had offered him their help, mainly to try and copy his work or to learn how he does it, but every time they get close to speak to him he simply glares furiously at them, his bloodshot eyes somehow becoming more bloodshot - even glowing with a purple arcane power, and commands them away. The scholars learn quickly that they should stop for fear of death, and all they get is a few snickers from some of the other mages about the library - clearly gone through the same process themselves.

After around an hour of intense translation and research, he stands up and locks the book away in a simple looking iron box - except for a strange ever-changing coloured rune on the lock itself roughly in the shape of a spiral. After a few seconds, the colour settles on a luminous red colour before vanishing completely. What is a simple thief deterrent to him can be, and has been, quite dangerous for the more unsuspecting fool.

He looks up at the sun, out of one of the grand windows, and continues walking towards the dining hall. While he himself did not feel his hunger, he noticed that his body was starting to complain - his limbs were weakening, his mouth was dry, his stomach was rumbling. It had been a while since he last ate, he realized, but did not really care - he was satisfied with what little he ate a day.

As he arrives at the dining hall, he looks around at everyone there - and immediately realizes he did not care for any of them. He didn't even recognize them, or perhaps he didn't remember them, but no matter. He went up to the front and ordered a large pitcher of water and a simple, yet nourishing meal. The meal seemed bland - more like one of the rations giving to adventurers for long trips, but Yana-Qari, Lorekeeper for the Guild, did not mind. He sat back down at one of the corner benches, away from everyone as possible, and starts eating. He eats almost mechanically, as if he couldn't care less about the dry, bland taste, and just cares about feeding his body. As he takes off his face covering and gloves to eat and drink, one of the reasons he could be so grouchy becomes clear - his entire face, neck and hands are covered in horrible burn scars, muscle showing in places, with absolutely no skin whatsoever. He could have had blue skin for anyone could know - there was not a patch of colour to be found. Oddly, however, he doesn't seem fazed by it - surely burns like that would be painful?

He stares down at his food as he eats, making sure to not make eye contact with anyone else in the room.
Location: Dinning Hall​

Melaina looked towards Chloe smiling lightly in return. She was amazed at how excited she seemed to be. She hadn't ever been like that as a child as far as she could recall... then again her childhood was far from normal to begin with. She paused feeling her hug her leg looking down at her. She smiled warmly looking at her. "Oh, so soon indeed! How old are you going to be? And your brother too huh? Interesting..." She spoke with a light smirk on her lips. Of coarse she was finding ways to make it into a big deal to toy with him. She wasn't the type to take any embarrassing information and not use it on the person in question. It was far to fun not to do such a thing.

She arrived in the Dining Hall walking with Chloe inside. She glanced around finding Viviette as she was already piling on plate after plate. She walked over towards her, noticing Leyla standing near her. She walked over quite non chalant keeping her closed umbrella on her shoulder. She hadn't expected Viviette to wait to eat with her, though it wouldn't stop her from teasing her about it.

"My oh my... stuffing in so much food already? Not even the decency to wait for me and Chloe? Such shame." She spoke with an air of sarcasm rich in her voice. Her head turned over the Leyla looking at her curiously only hearing the end of what Viviette was asking.

"What is the matter, something dangerous? Did someone from the guild go around biting people again? We really do seem to have an infestation of wild animals wandering in the Guild lately you need to beat back with a stick. So troublesome for beautiful women to go anywhere in the fort without having to deal with the hounds." She spoke in her normal playful demeanor.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Alteras Alteras
"The Merchant"

There was a sudden uproar of movement. A distinguishable chilling sound. The bombardment of rustling foliage was followed by a nerve splitting shriek.

The merchant suddenly froze in his place. His fists were clenched and his head sunk into his shoulders. His mind was in a flurry of urges. A side of him wanted to run away, but the thought of a possible meal seemed tempting. It's not like it could be anything too dangerous, especially if it's worth the meal.

But, it may be a poacher or something else that could cause tremendous harm!
"I- uhh..." He sighed wearily, holding a hand (Or something else, one could not tell with the human gloves covering it.) to his head.
He had to make a VERY difficult choice, and he was running out of time fast.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya's ear flicked back as she heard a murmur behind her. With a huff, she stood up at full height and turned around, looking at the individual she had seen earlier. The Kéwan was interested to see a cloaked figure standing there on the path. With a growl, she started walking towards them, dragging the deer carcass behind her. Once she was close to them, she dropped the deer and stood in front of them, looking down at them from her towering height, with her hackles still raised as she frowned at them. "What are y'doing here!?" She growled. Her voice was gruff and uninviting. But why should it be otherwise? This thing just wandered into her area, why wouldnt she be annoyed. "This part of the forest is mine! y'think you can just walk through it like that!?" she added, showing her dagger like teeth. She wasn't going to hurt the person. Unless he didnt leave like she told them to. Panzer Panzer
Red Dragon
Dark Forest

The dragon was slammed by the cat woman's cat. As it began to lift itself up, crystal errupted from the ground, encasing its maw. The dragon slowly grew furious. With a mighty amount of strength, it lifted its head up, breaking the crystal from the ground. The effort forced him to take a step back, shaking his whole body backwards. He still hadn't noticed the cat climbing its side. The crystal was still preventing it from launching another fire attack. The dragon eyed the combatants before him with intense rage before noticing an even more deadly force emanating near him. Quickly identifying the source, the dragon reoriented itself in the face of a vile creature. That lunatic. No, that thing! She can't possibly... No... there is no logic in that filthy creature. The dragon had made up its mind, while everyone else is a more immediate threat, this monster of a barbarian must be dealt with before all else. He flapped his wings several times, causing several powerful gusts of wind, before letting his mighty weight slam down against the earth, and bringing his head down to shatter the crystal and rock the earth, stunning those around them.
CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1 @Lena Oxton Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
(Dice roll for successful crystal shattering & earth shaking. If 1, dragon has stunned itself. If 20, dragon successfully breaks crystal, knocks everyone on to the ground. Anything between just means it has escaped crystal)
Solem Umbra
Location: Bowerstone Marketplace

Solem felt something or rather someone bump into him, calling his to the now ramblIng man. The subject of the man's speech changed too quickly leaving Solem unable to keep up. Holding up a hand he signaled the man to stop speaking in broken common tongue, "Talk.....too... much." Solem looked the newcomer over scanning him with his eyes, his dress style denoted status yet his lack of guards and demeanor negated that thought. Perhaps this man was exactly what Solem was looking for. Constantly taking in the language as it was spoken around him Solem's next attempt to communicate was a bit smoother. "Heros guild, where is it." Solem continued to stare the man down through his mask the dark glow of the runes on the visor shed a small amount of light allowing for some facial features to be seen

ConnorX ConnorX
Leon Arbeider

Leon just knew what katalina was thinking. It was a face similar to what Viviette would make when he did something to her. He replied to the group, "I have heard reports that they had just entered the Kingdom, and will be arriving shortly after our delegation, which I put at in about 1-2 hours? We'll have some time to catch up and prepare ourselves." Leon smiled back at Katalina with a look that said, As a Father of the Great Church, I forgive your sins. Allow me to bring you up to speed. "Please, follow me," He raised his arms toward the town hall. "We have already prepared decor and dining for our guests. Just in case you haven't heard, the Delegations of Espania and Prospero are coming to meet with our own delegation. It is only the preliminary round before the kings and courts of the three great kingdoms actually meet. Think of it as a sort of meeting to determine how to do meetings. Since it is being conducted in Albion lands, one of the envoys, most likely Espania's Inquisition, will try to cause chaos or panic or something of the like to cast Albion in a darker light, gaining an advantage in future negotiations." They had entered the hall, to be shown a small room quickly converted to show Albion and Oakvale trophies and pride. The furniture and the building itself are ornate, but casually made so as to reflect the goal of the meeting. "In other words, if something happens here and we aren't able to stop it, then Prospero and Espania would be able to leverage better negotiations in the future." Leon smiled at Katalina, hoping that it is a sufficient explanation of whats happening.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Birdsie Birdsie Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713 Archdemon Archdemon

Location: Oakvale

Nalnux soon finished his tale as they arrived at Oakvale. They are soon greeted by Leon and Katalina who of which was making silly faces. They amused Nalnux a bit as he chuckled, he was slightly disappointed she never stayed around the guild for too long.

"It's good seeing you two again! I hope they don't do the whole "Nobody Expects The Spanish Inquisition!" Thing. Trust me whenever they appear they have to do it, like its some gag or something."

Soon they all entered the buildings hall, adorned with many trophies. Nalnux admired such wonderful trophies, as some reminded him of home. Nalnux listened to Leon and nodded.

"So it is in the best interest of those of Albion to gain the advantage when talking to the inquisition and the delegates from Prospero. Seems a bit of a tricky situation but for one if high charisma, it won't seem too hard. So what's our role specifically? Are we muscle if things go south? Will we help in the negotiations? What's the plan Boss Priest?"

Usually Nalnux has a nickname for most people. Almost all the time he calls someone boss something like how Robert is just The Boss.
Birdsie Birdsie Alteras Alteras Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713 FireMaiden FireMaiden Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
"The Merchant"
The sound of the carcass dragging against the dirt road ground against his ears. He felt a burning feeling in the back of his neck, and a chilling feeling that ran up and down his spine.
He had this instinct to run- to hide somewhere far away from this place. Of course, he knew he couldn't attempt that strategy. Instead, he decided to hide in the costume. The merchant looked at the ground beneath him, making a shallow attempt at hiding his face, it was really all he could think of in the time that he had.
The thing continued this torturous behavior until it had finally stopped...right in front of him.
What is it? Is it a poacher?
The merchant caught sight of the startling...thing.
It wasn't human, at least he didn't think so. It had fur that (He assumed) covered it from head to toe. It couldn't have been a poacher. But the cloaked figure still had no idea what it was- or who it was.

The merchant gave way to his curiosity and decided to peek at the creature's face. He slowly lifted his gaze from the ground and looked up. His yellow eyes saw the face of this beast.

Her growl startled the merchant. He began to tremble at the mere sound of her anger. Once again, his mind began to race with thoughts and feelings that he could not grasp. Without thinking, he decided to continue his original plan. He needed to act like a merchant- he needed to say something. Without a second thought, he squeezed words from his trembling body.

"I Have-things to sell- Uh- weapons, If you-'re interested." He gave small chuckle from the tickling feel of his overwhelmed nerves. The feeling of regret would soon be amongst the others that would bombard his mind.
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Katalina Iverson
She chuckled, "Aww, disappointed Robert?" She asked with a sing song tone, adding a small smirk. She brushed some of her raven hair our of her face, looking back at Leon for a brief second, lookingn long enough to catch his return expression. She just kinda nodded, turning to Nalnux as he greeted them. Her smile grew, "Its nice to see you again to Nalnux." Katalina was a fan of the big lizard, she wasn't goin to lie. Of course, they wouldn't be able to hold a conversation as Leon kept the group moving. She silently thanked him as he started to explain what was going on, and it sounded pretty important. As they walked through the town hall, Katalina made note of the various places for ambush or spies; something she had taken up from protection, escort, and intelligent gathering missions in the past. "Big guy brings up a good point. What are we?" Alteras Alteras Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713
Leon Arbeider
"We are mainly security, both for and against the delegates. But more importantly, we are a showcase, a display of Albion's might, put in the hands of the most trusted and revered person in the lands," Leon said with a flourished gesture toward Robert Black. Leon looked up to Nalnux and said, "and trust me, the high council of the father church got rid of that act when we got the blue robes instead of red. Although, I can't say for certain the Espanians won't still be riding in mightily high on their horse."
FireMaiden FireMaiden Birdsie Birdsie Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713 Archdemon Archdemon
Robert Black

"Great. That's why it's so fun," Robert said in a remarkable tone that was neither sarcastic nor honest but still managed to be dry enough to show discouragement. "I'll go check out the forest for monsters. I swear, if there are Beholders in these woods, I'm giving up on life. You people scout the city. Let's meet back here in..." he looked up for a moment, thinking briefly, "forty-five minutes."

Robert turned around, away from the group and toward the oak trees around the village. Suddenly, his back started glowing and two translucent wings of light emerged from his back, glimmering in a phantasmal way. They flapped once, creating massive force and pushing Robert to the sky and creating an after-effect of wind pushing against the rest of the group. He crossed tremendous distance in but a few seconds. His figure disappeared behind the trees.

With a loud thump, Robert landed on the ground, cushioned by another, weaker flap of the wings that faded as soon as he landed. He propelled himself back to stand straight with his hand, pushing away from the ground. Robert took a good look around and started walking through the forest, hoping to make a few, curved circles around the village and make sure there's no vile scum about to attack the place.

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop Archdemon Archdemon FireMaiden FireMaiden
Alteras Alteras (I'm not asking you to do anything, but if you really want to push him to the edge, just have him fight Beholders.)
Alexander Bishop
Road to Oakvale - Carriage

Alex dropped down from the carriage to look up at the great city. Large, grand and exactly as he though it would be. He then turned his attention to Leon, very important looking fellow. After the initial greetings where over Robert ordered the group to scout the city. Fair enough, idea they did need to get a lay of the land before getting into any sort of fight or pursuit.
"Nalnux" Alex said turning to the lizard "You've been been doing this for the longest, its only fair you take point on this one"

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Archdemon Archdemon FireMaiden FireMaiden
Alteras Alteras
((Sorry im back))
Moriana Sorendel
Reception Area > Training Yard

“Ah, I see,” Moriana sighed. Hopefully there would be someplace where she could find peace.

She followed Emel to the training yard to begin her trial and smirked at his instruction. “As though I wish to kill you, you say?” The lunarian grabbed her sword’s hilt from her belt and swiped it across her body, causing the blade to spark to life in a blaze of violet. “Very well,” Moriana continued. She held her left arm over her right hand to block sunlight with her sleeve. Judging by the shadows, it appeared to be the afternoon. Taking her time might be to her benefit.

The elf’s right hand began to pulse with a shadowy aura as she charged an attack. “I promise not to disappoint you!” she yelled before slashing at the air, releasing a blast of energy at her opponent. She didn’t expect for her attack to land on him; she just wanted to see what he would do.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Hananya kept quiet as the "merchant" clumsily tried to make up a reason that he was coming this way. Selling weapons? In the forest? Sounded about right. She didn't move any closer but she did lean down to be more at his eye level. "Selling weapons? T'who? There's nobody around for miles! Except f'me." she added in a softer but still intimidating voice. She could see right through him. His demeanor, his voice and the way he fumbled over what he said. She knew that she probably scared him, but it took him to long to answer for her to consider it to be legit. "And I don't need a weapon. So I advise you leave before I grow impatient." she added. She was becoming hungrier by the moment, chasing and killing the doe had used up a lot of her energy. She wasn't interested in doing anything to the "merchant" but still, she couldn't relax knowing that he was there. Panzer Panzer
Chloe Stargazer
Location: Dining hall of the guild
Chloe gave her all to maintain her happy-go-lucky positive attitude towards Melaina. She didn't quite understand Melaina just said to Viviette nor even saw Viviette until now. The kid's bouquet really stood out in the dining hall, catching almost any eye who takes a simple glance of it. "My big brother told me that when the day i as born was his birthday! We both have the same birthday! I'm so excited!" Chloe sounded extra enthusiastic. She loved talking to guild members, especially when they are strong and popular. She always looked up to Melaina as a "Older sister" figure.

Hanarei Hanarei

Baxter Stargazer
Location: Dining hall
Baxter noticed his younger sister entered the dining hall with Melaina. He would approach his sister but Melaina's very presence holds him back from doing so. He knows that he is in for a few rounds of wordplay or two when talking to the hero. He ain't in the mood for a long game of wits and wordplay. Without taking notice, a bowl of freshly washed green apples was already laid in front of him. He has no intention to consume it but rather use this as an ingredient, placing the apples in a leather bag he prepared. Wrapping it up and standing up from his seat he noticed that the Lorekeeper of the Guild is sitting alone in the dining area. Raising an eyebrow on his blunt face. He decided to give a little chit-chat "Didn't expect you to be here so soon." He approached them as he grabbed a wooden stool. He sat to the opposite side of the table. Keeping himself away from his personal space.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

Yana-Qari, who was fairly happy on his own (well, happy for someone who didn't seem capable of happiness), looks up as someone speaks to him. The boy must've been brave - or ignorant - as Yana-Qari knew that he had a reputation of...well, being unsavoury was the general gist of it all. He didn't mind this, of course, as it meant people typically did not approach him for questions that any other scholar could answer, or come up to him for idle chit chatter to waste his time. He supposed that he wasn't doing anything important at the moment (Yana-Qari didn't really consider food as important, despite his lack of eating, and he had plenty of allotted time to himself to eat before needing to return to work).

However, judging from the man's appearance and his conversation starter, it was clear he wasn't ignorant. "I do not eat when I want, unlike most people. I eat when I need." As he says that, he takes a giant gulp of water from the pitcher which in turn shows off his horribly burnt neck. No-one knows why Yana-Qari's entire body was burned like it was, as he never talked about it, but he never takes healing potions for it or anything like it. A part of who he was, he would always say - though, most of the healers suspect it may be more to it than that. Perhaps something mental. As he finishes drinking, he looks up at the man again. "We only need to eat and drink every few days. Why waste time on it like most people do?"

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
"I-..." The strange merchant stuttered. Of course, His eyes wandered around the dirt road as curiosity began to set in. He could help himself, but to look to the equipment of this beast. She seemed relatively unarmed, to his surprise. She also stood beside the carcass of the recently deceased deer. His nerves began to calm as he began to realise the situation.The merchant finally remembered his equipment. He was armed. He pat around his waist for his knife, and rested is paw on the leather sheath.
(I ran out of time :/)
Baxter Stargazer
Location: Dining hall
Baxter folded his arms as he listened to the gruesomely looking man. His serious blunt eyes locked on a few details of the individual in front of him. He really has nothing much to say about them nor how to respond to what they just said but just in case... "Well, maybe it's because we all have different needs of diet?" He said with the most oblivious tone he can make. It was a rather common answer for someone like him. "Sure, some just eat and drink for the sake of satisfaction but we all eat because that is what our body needs. Some may need to consume a lot and some fewer. Of course for you, you can last a couple of days without it but some of us here need it three times a day, like me. I wouldn't call it wasting time either. I mean are you familiar with the phrase "Time for supper"? There is really is a time for eating, for we humans at least. You may not apply or maybe even understand it but this is just my answer to your question." His reply was rather long but he just wanted to answer the question fully.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

Mora (Oakville)

Mora didn't know who was in her forest. It was HER forest, she watched as the new guy grew wings and flew around for a minute. She watched from the top of a building before hopping down and running into the trees. She looked at Robert as he walked around the town. She sneaked up on him and hugged him from behind.


Birdsie Birdsie

Glitch (Bar to Dining Hall)

Glitch stood at the counter waiting. They looked over to Baxter and Yana having a conversation, they began to listen in. They prepared their own response and walked up to them.
"Well, I don't really need to eat food. If I do I have to regurgitate it later in the day, which is kinda gross. But sometimes it's worth it." They said.

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Robert Black

"I am Robert Black and I am patrolling this forest for monsters. Now, your turn, who are you?" his hand hovered over to the hilt of his sword, resting on it, but not drawing it yet since he wasn't in combat. It was just a precaution, mostly an instinct. He wasn't used to surprise hugs, so this was obviously quite startling. Whoever this woman was, so far, she didn't seem to hold much hostile intent toward him other than impatient curiosity. Robert tried to release himself from the hug while she answered.

NineTimes NineTimes
(Oakvale woods)
Mora let him go as he was struggling.
"I'm Mora, and I am a person who doesn't like strangers in her forest." She said, keeping her calm. She offered her hand to shake, but kept her face blank.

Birdsie Birdsie
Robert Black

Robert accepted. He shook her hand. "I understand that, but these forests don't belong to you, do they?" he asked, genuinely curious. Since these woods were surrounding Oakvale, one could only guess the land belonged to the mayor, or whatever other aristocrat ruled over the village. "I don't suppose you've seen any monsters around here? Beholders? Skeletons? Maybe a giant?" he asked. It was always a valid option to ask for help and it was better to ask someone who clearly knows better than to try to find an answer for yourself by stumbling around like a fool.

NineTimes NineTimes
She did not move, simply waiting for his response. "Listen here.... Merchant." she spat the word 'Merchant' as if it disgusted her, "This is my part of the forest! I'll let you leave. But if I see you here again!" She grabbed a trunk of a fallen tree, about his width and, holding it in her paws snapped it in half with a mighty CRACK! like a twig, before throwing it to the side as if it were nothing.

She was about to turn back to the carcass when she suddenly noticed his hand and how it was close to something in his belt. The hackles rose on the back of her neck as she lifted her black lips to reveal her teeth, a dull growl growing in her throat. Silently daring him to draw whatever weapon he might have. Yes, she indeed had a weapon of her own but she had it back in her den. A cave she had manipulated into a makeshift house. But she did not need it typically. Her claws, strength, teeth and the horns on her head were far more efficient. All though she did not really want the stranger to know that, despite her bravado, the Kéwan did not have much experience in combat.

But before she could do anything else, her ears flicked to the side as she suddenly heard two more voices in the distance. But it was fairly close. With a snarl, she glared at the stranger. Did he bring them!? Feeling angry at this sudden change, the Kéwan did not really know how to react so released her pent up anger with a loud roar, as she threw her head back and opened her maw as wide as it would go. She did not know how else to cope with it. "
DID YOU BRING THEM HERE!?" she demanded angrily, not moving any closer to the merchant but she did not know who else to blame. It was too much of a coincidence!
Panzer Panzer
(mentions Birdsie Birdsie and NineTimes NineTimes )
This is what her roar sounds like btw
Mora (Oakvale Forest)

"Well they don't really BELONG to ME, they belong to Mr. Top Pedestal. But I like to think of them as mine. Also, I haven't seen any Supernatural entities except when I look in the mirror or any reflective surface." She shrugged. She didn't feel the need to lie. Then she heard a roar in the distance.
"Trust me I have no idea what that is."

Birdsie Birdsie

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