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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Baxter Stargazer
Location: Dining hall
Baxter was quite surprised when a complete stranger just suddenly barged in their private conversation. Looking back to this stranger. He didn't recognize him one bit. In fact he thought this outsider is a bandit or even an assassin. Although he can't just jump into conclusions yet. He maybe a new hero. His old brother instincts are really kicking in right now. He held tight to his bag of apples and tightly gripped to his legendary sword breaker, preparing himself. He stared to this stranger with an unimpressed look and a dead eye look. The way this guy just made his entrance didn't impress him one bit, especially the way he mentioned his gross nature. "Excuse me but do i know you?" He said with a slightly irritated voice and avoided eye contact. He didn't know who invited this guy but his actions are something he wont just let by.

NineTimes NineTimes
Glitch (Dining Hall)

"Uh, no. And also, sorry for barging in, I guess it was pretty rude. And weird, and disgusting."
Glitch said, apologizing. They were off to a horrible start. They ran their hands through their hair and also avoided eye contact.

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
The fearful merchant shriveled up into a fearful stance. He quickly brought up his arms for defence and sunk his head further down near his chest, fearing the beasts charge.

His ears quickly jumped up from the excitement, stretching against the human hood.
"No, I-!" Before he could finish his sentence, the frightened thief's balance failed him.
The large backpack pulled the merchant back from his feet and landed beneath him to cushion his fall, all the while trapping him in it's strands. He looked like a VERY frightened turtle.
The Kéwan snarled and took several steps forward, but before she could do anything she watched as he was suddenly pulled onto his back by his rucksack. She stopped walking and halted her growling as she saw that the hood seemed to be stretching. As if he had strange, upright ears. What was this thing? Seeing him stuck like that made her think. Yes, Kéwan were known for not showing mercy to their prey once they had their sights set on it but seeing him stuck like that... she would not feel right attacking him while he was vulnerable like that. Sure, she hunted deer and any other kind of game but only after a fair chase and a battle of wits. Nature against nature. And she tended to lose more than she caught, depending on her or the deer's health. She would not have felt right to attack him at this stage.

With a gruff sigh, her hackles lowered and she stooped down to grab the merchant by his cloak and yank him onto his feet. Once he was upright she would move back towards the carcass, still watching him intensely with her tail swishing between her legs.
"What's your name?" she asked him with narrowed eyes and a silky tone. She was still uncomfortable, but not enough that she would attempt to attack him. She still wanted him out of her territory but still... wouldn't hurt to at least try to make a friend. Though she probably messed that up already and doomed it for herself. Panzer Panzer
Riley Holden
Bowerstone Market

Stopped the instant the masked man held up the hand and told him to stop. As the masked man had taken the time to look him over, Riley got to finally see a good look at the man that was otherwise a robed man with a mask. He definitely is one of the people you would not want to meet in a dark ally way, or any where to be specific. He had the mask on, which was suspicious enough, but he also had that robe on that made him look like a shady dealer or some type of dark wizard, or even worse, a necromancer. But a person like that would have already hurried off if he had seen a commoner like Riley bump into him. Why was he observing him, was this like a secret test the old man back at the other town put him in? Well, hopefully he would succeed in this test, and past! But after the observation. the masked man asked, where the Heroes Guild was at. Riley finally understood what the old man was talking about, the Heroes Guild! Riley hadn't seen much Hero guilds in his wandering time, and none that would have been so open to people knowing, but here he was, being corrected. Unfortunately, Riley didn't know where this Heroes guild was. "I am sorry masked man, but this Heroes Guild that you speak of is not known to me, but I would love to accompany you on this search. I am also in need of some sort of work, and this Heroes Guild will be it! Just like ole' Manny used to say, 'If you doom yourself, why not for the good of someone that might need it." Offered a hand out to shake to the mask man with a warm smile. "Riley Holden, or as one bandit said, 'Riley Hold'em up before I stab!'. Nice to meet you, masked man."

Alterius Alterius
Katalina Iverson
The Gypsy nodded, "Alright. Sounds easy enough." She knew better though. While she said that, Katalina knew not to expect anything to go well unless you're absolutely positive. Also, did I mention she hates meeting like this? There was always that one guy who felt like he was better than everyone else. Most of the time there was more than one. The woman would tbe mutter soemthing inaudible, before glancing back up at Leon. "I don't have toners shoes do I?" She asked, wriggling her toes. Instead of shoes she wore anklets, toe rings and other decortive bangles that the women of her caravan would wear while performing. While she only a few anklets connected to a rather beautiful designed piece which had a small string that looped around her middle toes to keep them.in place. So, she wasn't a huge fan of shoes, and Katalina wasn't even sure if she had her sandles with her. "Becuaes a lot of people like who are coming tend to not like the fact I don't wear their type of shoes." With a pause she ran a hand through her hair, "Oh my, im.not gonna have to change completely am I? That would be really inconvenient." Alteras Alteras Archdemon Archdemon Graystone713 Graystone713
The bewildered thief looked to the beast with curiosity in his eyes. He was still scared- no doubt about that- but her choice of showing mercy to the merchant bewildered him.

The thief pulled his hood back over his unusually shaped head. It looked like a Tabaxi of some sort, although his neck seemed a bit too long and his fur wore a different pattern. Despite the differences, he does pass as a Tabaxi.

"Oh, uh." He began, awaking from his dazed state. A moment of silence was soon followed by a reply...another question.
"So...what brings a...Thing like you to this part of "Your forest?"." He asked, quickly changing subjects from the first question. He didn't seem comfortable with answering any questions...

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Kali Yajuuka

When the group had gotten out of the carriage, they had been approached by Leon, one of the few people who's name she had already known, as she had met him before, when she had signed up for the guild and undergone her combat trial. He was one of the only few people who had actually been around at the time, aside from Viviette and a few others whom she had not actually had the pleasure of meeting. The fact that the man remembered her, and remembered her as a show of force no less, was very flattering, and Kali found herself slightly blushing with a small smile on her face as he greeted them. She listened as the man spoke about their mission, a woman -- another hero from the guild, apparently -- showed up, and Robert went off to scout out the forest. She had been silent during most of this, the amount of people around kind of making her a bit shy, and she found herself at a loss of what to say. She supposed she should say something, maybe about their roll in scouting the city -- should they split up for that, or stick in a large group? Maybe splitting into teams? Regardless, she found that she was having a hard time forming words, feeling shy around so many others...though, she really had to get over that.

Finally, the woman -- Katalina, was it? -- said something that broke Kali out of her shyness, at least enough to make a comment. "Why would you have to change? The people here dress too hot for their weather, anyway," the girl shrugged. To her, Katalina's outfit was rather normal, if not slightly conservative, especially considering that she herself was wearing only her barbarian clothes. Shoes, then, seemed like the least of their issues, but maybe she was wrong. "Do the people here really have a problem with shoes, though?" she furrowed her brow, pondering over that idea. She usually wore her boots, anyway, so she hadn't encountered that problem, but still...the people of the south seemed so much more uptight about clothing than where she was from. To her, the clothing they wore was usually reserved for cold winters and the like. In any case, back to the task at hand...

"So, if we're supposed to scout the city, should we be sticking in a group like this, or splitting up into teams?" Kali inquired towards Leon and Nalnux, apparently having gotten over her shyness enough to ask the question.
Archdemon Archdemon Alteras Alteras FireMaiden FireMaiden Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713
The Kéwan's eyes narrowed at the merchant as he didn't move for a short amount of time, seemingly floored by her question. Wait was that the right thing to ask? Gods... she had already doomed herself. She ran a paw down the back of her neck, which was hot due to being covered by her long and tangled chestnut mane which went to the middle of her back.

She owned her mouth to demand an answer but stopped as he suddenly pulled his hood down. Her eyes widened and her ears erected. Oh, so he was a... what was it again-? A Tabaxi! Yes Marian had told her about them. Sort of half men-half animal kind of creature. Though she had not actually met one in person. She herself seemed to be some kind of freak mix of different animals so who was she to judge?

When he spoke up and asked about her business, her ears flattened and buried themselves into her mane as he referred to her as a "Thing". It was a weirdly put together question and was obviously a ploy so he didn't have to answer hers. "I'm a Kéwan." She answered flatly, wanting to establish that she was not a "Thing". "I live here!" She added, scratching her paw against the dirt, leaving marks from her claws. She then let out a short groan and ran a paw down her face. Stupid, she should have demanded he answered her question first. Panzer Panzer
Yana-Qari - Guild Dining Hall

Yana-Qari continues eating his second portion as he listens - if there's one thing about Yana-Qari it's that he is an excellent listener when he wants to be. "You seem to assume I'm human and..." He stops his reply as he hears another approach the pair - whom he glares at, and continues to glare at, all while Baxter talked to him. As he sat, the veins in his bloodshot eyes glowing with an arcane purple power, he finishes his meals. "Is there anything that either of you need from me? I need to get back to my job, now." He speaks in his usual emotionless, slightly raspy from his burns, voice yet there seems to be a silent anger - especially towards Glitch.

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre NineTimes NineTimes
Katalina Iverson
The woman looked over at Kali, who must have been a recruit if Katalina didn't recognise her. With a sigh, She began to explain. "What I'm wearing is for gypsy dancers, when we preform to be exact. Flowing materials for my shirt, which as you can see," She paused to make her skirt flutter, "Has two long slits on either side. Then I'm also wearing what some people call..what was it...a bralet? Or a halter? One if those. And a very fancy looking one as well." She spun, skirt fluttering again around in a circle. "A lot of people I've met, more particular nobles and those like them, don't tend to understand what I wear or why I wear them. If we are to represent our kingdom...I was just wondering. Curitosy and all," Katalina finished with a smile, before Kali's last question made her think. "Well, if we're in a large group, it would bring more attention to us being here, but we'd all be able to see the same areas at the same time, maybe even catch things others miss or wouldn't be see all together. If we split up, we'd get done quicker because we could cover more ground since I'm guessing we don't have a lot of time before they arrive, but the teams would have to be thorough and gave a senior member with one if the rookies. So really, we should decided on what matters more. Time or detail." Alteras Alteras Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Archdemon Archdemon Graystone713 Graystone713


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Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

Svala watched as the beast grew frustrated over the magic that held its jaw together, but only briefly. Her eyes were on the eggs for the most part, deciding exactly how she would destroy them, what sort of show she ought to put on.

"I wonder, dragon..." she muttered to herself, "if I should just spill them onto the dirt and let them rot in the sun, or take a more artistic approach?" She wondered if any culture thought dragon egg to be a delicacy. Maybe she should try tasting it herself.

She started as the dragon turned to face her hiding place. At first she gasped, surprised by how it seemed to know exactly what she planned. But soon she was smiling cruelly, a dark laugh indicating she was now completely beyond self awareness. "Did that get your attention?"

She didn't even brace herself as the dragon slammed its head against the forest floor, just let her body be taken by shock once more. She lost all thought for a moment, the world fading in and out of view as her brain dealt with the flood of information. When she was back, though disoriented, she laughed again. "You won't stop me," she said coldly, stumbling through the trees to get a closer vantage to the nest.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1 @Lena Oxton Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Swift Thundercloud
Dragon's Nest
Current Obsession: Dragons

Swift braced himself for the end as fire rushed from the dragon's mouth, having not prepared himself for the attack. However, the end never came, as a wall of ice shot up and kept the fire from killing him. Phew, that was a close one! He would have to prepare a plan for the next time that happened. Still, he looked unhappy, and he stopped playing his lute briefly to look at his tail...his poor, beautiful tail was singed from the flames, and the tabaxi stroked his fur lovingly before turning an angry glare at the dragon again. Beginning to play his lute once more, Swift first played a heroic tune, glancing over at Jaylis and calling out to her, "Not even the fire of a dragon can break through your defenses, you are truly a force to be reckoned with!" The compliment would give the woman bardic inspiration, just as it had for Ariel. Perhaps it could be used to strengthen her spells or help her in evading another attack. In any case, the cat man then turned an angry glare towards the dragon, angry about his tail. The music he played turned more harsh, almost eerie, as he began to cast dissonant whispers on the beast. He was interrupted as the dragon turned its back to him -- apparently focusing on someone behind it now -- and struck the ground, shattering the crystal that enveloped its maw. The strike shook the ground enough that the cat-man had to adjust his footing to keep balance, but as soon as he did, he was back to playing the eerie music and casting his spell. The dragon would start to hear a discordant melody that would wrack it with pain, and if it was particularly effective, would force the dragon to retreat from him immediately (though not necessarily from the battle itself) and also doubling the damage dealt by the attack. Even if the dragon resisted the urge to flee, the beast would still be damaged by the attack at least.
Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Ruinel Ruinel @Lena Oxton

Kali Yajuuka


Kali looked mildly confused as the woman described her outfit. She could already see that the woman wore a bralet and a skirt with slits in it, but that seemed very normal for her. The woman's hesitance on her outfit made Kali uncertain about her own, though, as she looked down at what she was wearing -- a sleeveless cropped top made from an animal pelt that was only slightly less showy than the woman's bralet, a long loincloth that covered little and was definitely more showy than the woman's skirt, and boots, which she supposed in this culture were apparently more conservative than going barefoot. She then remembered Nalnux's assurance that being battle ready was more important than wearing warm clothing in this mission, and she became self assured again as she glanced over at the giant lizardman, then focused her bright green eyes back towards Katalina with an encouraging smile on her face. "I wouldn't worry what they think. Besides, if they are so uncomfortable at the sight of a pretty woman, you can use that to your advantage in battle! If it comes to that, that is..." she shrugged again. Back to the task at hand. Split up, or stay in a large group? They at least had enough of a fully-fledged hero-to-apprentice ratio, so both were feasible options. She supposed that it should be up for the more senior members of the guild to decide, so she left that question in the hands of Katalina, Leon, and Nalnux.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Archdemon Archdemon Alteras Alteras Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop
"A Thief."
What should we do?
A voice echoed in his mind.
I don't know...
Another replied, sharing the confusion.
The cloaked Tabaxi gripped his arm nervously, looking down at the dirt road beneath him. The Kewan seemed just as nervous as him, if not disheartened by his question. He felt a cold shock in his heart, as Irony set in. He saw her as a bloodthirsty beast that had been hunting with greedy intentions, but instead, he found a poor soul who was trying to simply get him to leave her area. For most of his thieving career, he had been telling himself that what he had done was justified.Yet, He still knew himself as the bad guy, despite his lies.

The silent air seemed to radiate an uneasy feeling. He could sense the tension. A small part of him didn't know what to do, yet he knew he needed to do something.

The bandit stepped towards the Kewan and gave the gentle giant a warm hug. This would seem sudden, but he couldn't think of anything else to hopefully disband this awkward situation. Hugs were nice.He thought that they both needed a hug. Especially after...whatever had occurred here.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish

The Kéwan watched him closely for a while, not knowing what else to say or do about the situation. She let out a gruff sigh and was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly felt the Tabaxi wrap his arms around her torso. With the height he was at, he barely reached her chest. She was alarmed by this sudden display of undeserved affection. She did not know what to do. Though she had to fight every fiber of her instincts not to sink her teeth into his shoulder. That's what you were supposed to do right? Go for the neck. But... he wasn't game. Granted she did not really know what he was but he could stand upright and speak, like herself so surely she couldn't. Still... she remembered back to her childhood and having to fight back the urge to attack any of Marian's pets. She had a tenancy to pick up any rabbits she came across and she'd have to fight herself not to go for them. Like some common dog.

She simply sighed and, not knowing what else to do she put her thick arms around him, practically engulfing in him in her grip. She did not know to think, all she could really hope was that she wasn't uncomfortable. Then again since she was covered in fur, she doubted it. "
Umm... There there?" she said, really not knowing what to do. Maybe after he let go he would just go away. Then again, she didnt really want him to. In a way. A little. Panzer Panzer
Solem Umbra
Location: Bowerstone Market > Fort Black

As he continued to listen to the man the more Solem realized that he was interacting with a rather energetic individual. Moreover the man did not have the information he was looking for and thus did nit have much to offer.

Solem was contemplating his next move when the stuck out his hand and introduced himself. Solem had not considered this and puzzled through the translation of his own name. Seeming to intentionally ignore Riley's attempt at...humor? Either way Solem took his hand firmly he spoke once he figured it out "Solemumbra...together find Hero guild."

it was at this point a young passerby paused and looked at the two. Peering through ruffled brown hair the young man addressed them "Did you say you were looking for the Hero's Guild? It's actually not writhing the city so much as the edge of town in Fort Black. The whole fort serves as their base of operations. If you follow this street and take a right that road will take you straight to it." Turning his head in the young mans direction the celestial smiled slightly which brightened his face more than one would expect. Nodding a thank you Solem immediately set off following the directions they were given. Not paying much attention Solem couldnt tell if Riley was keeping up or not he simply knknew that his curiosity would finally be satisfied.

ConnorX ConnorX
Red Dragon
Dark Forest

The dragon roared before letting loose another fire breath, this time with the intention of burning more of the forest. As he let out fire, the discordant sound hit its ears, forcing it to stop short of a complete flame, only dealing 3/4 of the damage it had intended to make. The dragon roared in an attempt to interrupt the sound, but failed. Instead, he took a step back away from the source of the horrid noise. It had prevented the dragon from making any proper attacks as it caused a migraine. So the dragon moved its wings forward in an attempt to block most of the sound. It then let out a low fire that enveloped its underside. All around him and underneath the dragon was surrounded by its fire. It had reached the point where the dragon was in a dire situation. So the dragon began to let in- no, actively seek to draw upon the tainted forest.
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Ruinel Ruinel @Lena Oxton
(If 1, dragon not only is unable to draw upon the taint, but is actually injured and rotted by the taint. If 20, the dragon has successfully taken in the taint and is able to use dark magic, similar to that of a dark mage, and has taken up almost all of the forest's taint. Anything between just means the dragon has gained some amount of evil magic dependant on dice roll value.)
Oakvale Delegation Meeting

The Albion delegation has arrived and is preparing themselves. They are dressed cordially and in the colors of their rank and status, as well as allegiance to the king. Leon watched from afar and said to the two, "Up to you gals, preferable group with the new recruits, but other than that, we basically have full discretion on how we secure this meeting. The other delegates should be arriving soon, but they'll probably be getting some rest before the meeting actually begins, so we'll be able to assess how much trouble they could do."
FireMaiden FireMaiden Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop
Chloe Stargazer
Location: Dining hall
Continuing her smiling face. Chloe took glance around the dining hall. Scracthing her head. She noticed that there seems to be less flowers to give right now. "Where's Guildmaster?" Chloe tucked Melaina's clothing like a child calling for their mother's attention. "I don't see him. Is he playing hide and seek, Viviyay?" She asked Viviette. Clueless she is. Her mind began to wander in the thought.

Hanarei Hanarei Alteras Alteras

Baxter Stargazer
Location: Guild Shop
Baxter sighed as the mysterious person left. He didn't heard what the old man has to say to him but he didn't care. He has to watch the shop now. Standing up in his seat, not saying another word. Walking back to the guild's built in shop. He sat in his usual spot, behind the counter. He wanted to keep his eye on the shop now because of what happened earlier. If random strangers can just wander inside the guild other than the reception/bar then who knows what will happen to his wares. He placed the apples on a ceramic bowl on top of the counter and picked up a nearby combat knife and polished it with a clean white cloth. He scrolled his eyes around the shop, only to find everything is still in it's place. He recginzed every single item in it's place since he is the one who places them there.

(Open for interactions or item selling and buying rather)
Riley Holden
Bowerstone Marketplace->Fort Black.

After this Solem Umbra person had told Riley his name, he knew that talking might not be the best thing for Solem Umbra, so Riley decided to stop talking to the masked man, but recite his name over and over in his head in a few different accents he had heard from all over the land. After about the thirteenth recite, the young stranger came by and told them about Fort Black. And as Solem Umbra silently thanked the stranger and raced off, Riley followed suit. And as Riley followed Solem, he had thought over in his head what a strange name for a Heroes Guild's base of operation to be named. Normally you would think of Beacon of Hope, the Great Guild, or even some generic Dragon's Tail Inn. But Fort Black sounded like something you would go to so you could earn a spot amongst the Heroes. Riley decided against talking about this subject to Solem, since it would probably end up in a usual face pounding or even magic blast to the chest, since Solem seemed fully capable to cast a silence spell on Riley at any time.

Alterius Alterius
The hug seemed to drag on...
and on...
and on...

It soon became evident that the merchant was severely uneducated about the DOs and the DON'Ts of hugging another individual- or socializing in general. Still, he continued the awkwardly drawn-out hug without knowledge of his clingy actions.
Despite the voice in the back of his mind,
he could not drag himself away from the Kewan's soft fur.

After another brief moment of silence, the strange Tabaxi looked up to the towering Kewan with a childish smile.
"So, what's your name?"

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Jaylis Relenus

Dark Forest
This was about to get worse, they were backing the beast into a corner. A cornered animal was far worse, and the dragon had no incentive to leave it's eggs which were being-

"What the shit are you doing!" Jaylis shouted at Svala before erecting a wall of pure solid ice around the eggs. "Don't you dare kill those eggs." Jaylis turned back to the dragon who was being hypnotized by Swift's flute. It was now getting very desperate, she had to do something. Something that becomes desperate is the most dangerous. She knew that idea well, and now she was seeing it first hand with the damn dragon. She noticed something off though. It was doing something, trying to draw something out of the forest. A terrible and awful power. Any seasoned mage could identify it from a mile away. Taint, corrupted magic that had various causes. She remembered something. The day her sister first got into thaumaturgic alchemy. She had accidentally spilled too many things in the cauldron and it ended up overflowing and bubbling until a purple goo seeped through and bubbles of flux gas came through. Luckily, flux, one of the common causes of taint, was easily cleaned up and often took great and concentrated amounts to perform any lasting damage to an environment.

"This is crazy! Everyone get back! He's calling upon the forest's taint! Don't get close!" She didn't know what to do about Vern though. What the hell was he doing on the dragon anyway? On the other hand, things were getting bad. After breaking her muzzle, the dragon decided collateral damage was fitting. He had succeeded in starting a fire, and that alone was bad. No, this was bad. Very bad. They were walled off between fire and a dragon drawing upon one of magecraft's most damning consequences. Now the eggs took more priority. She couldn't let something bad happen to them. If tainted, they wouldn't be able to be easily prevented by being destroyed.

"Ariel! Fall back!" Jaylis said to the werewolf as she began to run towards the girl in order to save her. At this point, anyone important took priority. Of course, Jaylis had no idea the amount of taint being drawn upon. She wasn't seasoned enough to know the amount, but she was seasoned enough to feel it. She was taking no chances with this. That stuff was bad news.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Alteras Alteras Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Ruinel Ruinel

Leyla Relenus

Mess Hall

It was one of the worst people to talk to as Leyla pulled out her item to explain to Viviette. Melaina, by the gods why did it have to be her of all the damn people? She was arrogant, sat on a high horse, and flaunted her
mage craft to prove her superiority. To be frank, she even just called many members of the guild hounds. Leyla had been with the Allenis guild for a long time, so her sense of morals in these situations were pretty well attuned. She turned around to Melaina and said with a polite attitude, "Well...if it isn't Melaina. Calling your own guild members dogs? My, do you mean all those who wield swords and weapons? My bro-sibling wields a weapon you know." Leyla said to get the point across that such talk was not welcome to her. She didn't want to give Melaina a good "reaction" to feed on. That would be too easy. She immediately tightened her grip around her magic tool. It had a rather obvious turn switch, which made the idea of operation easy, but there were several problems with it. Particularly, she didn't trust Melaina to hear about it in detail, but she should tell Viviette anyway.

"Well, I was trying to make a fire starting tool that would bypass the need for tinder and still be available to the common folk, but it didn't turn out right."

Hanarei Hanarei Alteras Alteras Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

Emel Inelvis

Training Yard
Moriana made her preemptive strike speech and jumped to avoid the dark energy slash. He jumped pretty high and in mid-air drew his bow and fired a few arrows in her direction to expect the same reaction. He placed a fair bit of distance before landing on the ground and holding a knocked arrow towards her. That wasn't much of his capability, and he suspected that wasn't much of hers. He grinned and said, "Smart. Trying to feel me out? Go ahead, get as much information as you want."

Magic projectiles? Easy. It would work on idiots and unseasoned warriors, but he was neither. He didn't training so long to be taken out by cheap parlor tricks. He wasn't too good at aiming while moving yet, but his arrows weren't a laughing matter either.

RazingCatfish RazingCatfish
Robert Black
Forest near Oakvale > Delegation Meeting

He looked back upon hearing the roar of a wild beast. "Possibly a sphinx. Well, they're not dangerous if left unbothered. Either way, that's all I wanted to know," he looked back at her with a reassuring smile. "Thank you. I'll leave now," he said, leaving the girl to her own devices and walking away through a longer path. Whether the woman decided to follow Robert or not was up to her.

Robert walked into the building through a back entrance after asking a few locals for directions. He made his way toward Leon with a swift step and stood next to him, quietly reporting what he found out. "The forest seems clear of any real dangers. There might be a few wolves and a sphinx, but no other looming supernatural threats as far as I can tell. I've asked a woman that claims the forest is hers so I suppose the information should be at least halfway accurate."

NineTimes NineTimes FireMaiden FireMaiden Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop Alteras Alteras
(Sorry, I briefly lost track because I was starting a new Fate roleplay. I'll get to work now!)
Moriana Sorendel
Training Yard

The lunarian dove to her right and rolled to avoid the arrows, finding the momentum to get back on her feet. Swords and a bow? Interesting, she thought, grinning back at her opponent’s remark.

She quickly found Emel again thanks to her keen senses and cast a mana shield to buy her a few seconds. Disturb! She waved her left hand in front of her, casting a spell to make her opponent lose focus while causing his shadow to contort. The most Moriana believed the spell would do was make Emel suffer from a small case of vertigo, but even then, she wasn’t sure if it would work at all.

Either way, the lunarian followed up by quickly firing two burst of energy. The first one was aimed at the ground in front of her, which created a cloud of dust and debris as a distraction. The second one was aimed in Emel's direction. The lunarian bolted towards the edge of the shade of Fort Black to use her Hide ability. Even if her opponent had caught onto her by now, she knew it would be harder for him to fight something he couldn’t see.

Moriana also had to start being careful. The last two flourishes she casted consumed mana for a quick reaction in the sunlight. If she was forced to use anymore, she would start feeling fatigued very soon. All the movement she was doing wasn’t helping either.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf

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