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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Hananya sighed and looked around, looking at the building again. She looked back to the man as he suggested that she signed up for the guild. She blinked several times, unsure how to response. She licked her teeth as she thought of an answer. But there was something that bothered her about his explanation. "...Bandits, undead, vampires..." she repeated as she put her arms akimbo. She frowned a little before sighing. "...All I know, about my kind is that they are seen as... well. What the guild fights against." she responded, not angry but sounding somewhat subdued. Mariam had told her that when she was thirteen and started asking questions. Their territorial behaviour, hunting tactics and only caring for their own kind rather than others, it sounded like they would have caused a lot of alarm with other races.

She let out a deep sigh as she continued to watch him, seeing him put his sword back. Her stomach growled again, biting her tongue. As she looked at him, she started to feel the urge to jump on and snap his neck. She wanted to eat! Her eyes widened as her stare became more intense as she heard the voice in the back of her head telling her to do it now she had a chance. His guard was down! She could do it! Her mouth suddenly opened wide, exposing all of her teeth, her sharp, needle like, flesh ripping teeth... only for her mouth to instantly clamp shut and instantly took a step back. She inhaled heavily before opening her eyes again, which were not as glassy as they were before. No... No, she would settle for the elk. More meat on that anyway. "
...How....What's your name?" she asked after a moment, pinching the bridge of her nose and shutting her eyes. What the hell happened there? The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
As this happens, however, Zafiro yelps slightly as he jumps backwards. It was now clear to him that this woman appeared more beast that he originally thought, and she could snap and attack at any moment. However, deep in the depths of his mind, he still thought he could get a good side out of her - she was intelligent enough to talk to him and strong willed enough to resist her beastly urges, so perhaps there was hope for her yet. This didn't mean he was still acting complacent, however - like he thought before, she was still somewhat beast.

As he watches her with an intense stare, not really of fear but more out of pure concentration, the grass and plants around him start drying up and dying slowly increasing in radius around him until soon a metre, perhaps two metres, of plants around him were nothing but firewood and yellowed shrived grass. Afterwards, a small trickle of water starts travelling up his leg and settles around his arm, but doesn't do anything after that. He didn't need to absorb the water from the surrounding area, but he wanted to - he wanted to prove to the beast within the woman that attacking him wouldn't be as easy as she may think. He also rests his hand casually, yet fairly obviously, onto the silver hilt of his silver blade. As the various ancient runes on the blade glow green with power once more, he considers her question.

"Me?" He says much more cautiously and serious than before, "My name is El Zafiro Riviera, but you can call me Zafiro. Is...is something wrong? You seem...testy."

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya let out a sigh as she scratched her stomach, which was still complaining about being empty. She watched the man as he seemed to be staring at her. But as he did, she saw the plants die around him and water coming up his leg. She took a step back, her ears erected as she watched. What was he? Some kind of deity? As he stopped, she looked around where he stood. Wow. She breathed in deeply before looking at the man as he mentioned his name. "Zafiro." she repeated before flicking her ears back "I'm Hananya." she added before her ears erected at his next question, asking if she was alright. "No." she responded bluntly before sighing as she figured out that he was not going to believe her. "I'm hungry." she sighed, looking away, feeling her mane blowing in the wind. She heard how his tone had chanced. She didn't mean to threaten him. It just... happened. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro nods as he listens to the woman speak. "Hananya, is it? Nice to meet you." He sighs, as he looks up towards the sky. "Well, shall we get something to eat? I'm sure there's plenty of deer around here or something like that. I have some trail rations, too, if you want something." He says, as he pulls out a piece of jerky from one of his leather pouches and hands it to her - probably not going to fill her much, but it would do as a snack. She might not eat him, then.

"So, what about it?" He says, perking up a bit but still clearly a bit wary of her, "Want to give hunting a go?"

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya looked at the man as he repeated her name. She let out a short sigh before she suddenly perked her ears at the sight of the piece of dry meat. Without saying anything she took it, and devoured it in two bites without even chewing. She looked at the man as he mentioned deer, to which she nodded "Saw them earlier." She said before looking at him as he proposed they went hunting. To that she simply nodded at him. She was still tired from her hunt before but it meant getting more meat, it would be worth it. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
As Hananya hungrily eats the scraps of salted meat, he smirks somewhat. He found it somewhat...endearing how feral the woman appeared to be, despite a clear intelligence to her. As he looks to her, however, his smirk fades as he enters a state of deep concentration as he pulls out a tuft of fur from one of his bags. His eyes glow with a faint pink light (even through his closed eyes), as he waves his hand and mutters an incantation, before opening his eyes with a flash of pink light - not blindingly bright, but definitely not normal. After doing so, the fur seemingly vanishes into pink dust and blows away in the wind.

After he does, however, he looks back up to Hananya and smiles, before pointing over to a seemingly random direction. "Over there," he chimes as he motions deep into the woods, "that's where the nearest deer is." As he eyes dim back to normal, the water around his arm now forms a ball which orbits him. The ball of water seems quite content as it is, occasionally wobbling about but doesn't seem to lose mass or fall apart. "Shall we go?" He says, looking back at Hananya.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish

(for those who play D&D (I believe it's D&D), they might recognise the spell as 'Locate Animal' - a bard spell which is a divination, I believe, which is fairly mind spell-y in nature)
Han licked her black lips as she finished the meat. It did not taste as good as deer but still it was nice to have something in her system for now though she would need to eat again fairly soon. Unless this traveller wanted to be the meal instead. She was about to say something when he suddenly seemed to zone out. She tilted her head curiously. What was he doing? She was aabout to ask when there was a sudden pink light. She growled and shielded her eyes from the light before tilting her head. "I smell elk there." She said before going down on all fours and heading into forest along with Zafiro. As they went, her nose quivered delicately as she picked up the scent of deer. She didn't like walking on all fours in front of the man but it was the most effective way to hunt. At least in her opinion. After a while she suddenly perked her ears and raised her head as she caught sight of the deer. With a growl, she lowered herself onto the ground, thinking of the right time to strike. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro simply followed the woman close behind, not making much noise as this isn't the first time he's hunted deer in his life (but probably not as stealthy as the natural born hunter), trying to keep out of line of sight. The orb of water closely follows him, sometimes hitting into trees and various shrubs, but ultimately fairly quiet too. As he takes sight of the deer, however, he waits for the strange woman to make her move - while he could command the ball of water to crush or drown the deer, he had a feeling that Hananya had some pent-up aggression she needed to vent out. Therefore, he just stays crouched behind one of the trees waiting for Hananya to...well, do what hunters do. Hunt.

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
Hananya frowned as she readied herself to pounce on the unsuspecting doe. But just as she was eyeing the thing up, she noticed a stag out of the corner of her eye. Now that would make a good meal. She had a doe back at her den so a buck would be far more pleasing. Bigger with a lot more meat on its bones. With a quiet growl she narrowed her eyes before taking a few careful steps closer, rolling her shoulders as she figured out where the buck was looking. Seeing how it had not noticed her, she lowered her haunches before, with little warning launched herself out of her cover, making a beeline for the buck. The herd spooked and split up but Hananya's sights were purely on the buck. With her sheer size it did not take long for her to catch up to the deer. At this point she had forgotten about Zafiro and was purely focused on the deer. She wanted to eat! Today! The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro simply watched with interest - her skill in hunting would be very useful for the Guild; especially in stealth missions or tracking missions. She clearly knows her way around a forest, too, so that could be helpful. As he considers all of this, he continues watching her like a hawk making sure that she got her meal. After all, if the deer got away it wouldn't look good for his own safety and while he thinks he could charm her, he couldn't be sure - some bestial races could resist charms, and that may simply anger her further.

As he watches, however, he notices one of the doe split from the group - and then he got to thinking. If she was more beast than woman, it was likely that she might not want to give up a few morsels of her kill. He decides that he should probably do a bit of hunting himself, especially since he gave up his own food and while he wasn't out of food he did want a proper meal with meat before he got back to the Guild. Nodding, satisfied with his conclusion, he sent his orb of water to follow the deer. Fortunately, the doe was the one he foresaw from his spell so he could easily guide the orb towards it - specifically the head. It didn't take the orb long to find its mark at the deer's head enveloping it in water. The deer started to splutter and cough within the ball of water formed around its head, but it didn't suffer long as with an intense bout of concentration and a guttural incantation a sickening crunch echoed through the forest, muffled by the water, followed by a warped, gargled bleat of anguish as the water orb shuddered for a moment and seemed to get slightly smaller. Hydrodynamics 101 - magic water balls cannot be compressed - deer heads can.

Performing what the water goddess called the 'Sailor's Tomb' was exhausting, and as a result the orb fell back onto the ground. Satisfied with his work, however, he looked around for Hananya as he started to drag his own prize back to the clearing they first met. It was odd to see such a well dressed and elegant man perform such savage acts like hunting, but Zafiro was a valuable member of the Guild and a well travelled explorer - more so than most.

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Hananya growled as she got closer to the buck, jumping onto its back and sinking her claws into its hide, which made it shriek in pain. She reached forward and threw her whole weight onto it and brought it down onto the ground to which she bit into it's neck, feeling its hot blood drip into her throat and feeling it on her teeth. As it struggled, she bit down harder until it went still. Panting, she stood up and took the buck and slung it over her shoulder, bringing it back to Zafiro which surprised her as she saw he had caught his own prey. But it didn't have a scratch on it. Strange... what else could he do? She let out a sigh and licked the blood off of her lips. "Good catch." She mumbled, her tail coiling itself around her leg as she looked at the man. She was a bit freaked about him, really. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro smiles at the sound of her coming back - looked like she had been successful too. "Thanks", he said to her with a cocky grin, "you too." As he says that he pulls out his sword, which didn't seem to have been used at all in his own hunting experience. Upon closer inspection, the blade didn't seem to have been used at all - there were no nicks or cracks, like in most steel swords, no wear and tear around the hilt and not even any scratches that may appear from whetstone usage. With a few swings of his sword, he cuts up a nearby bush into a pile of sticks and starts making a fire with it all, using a flint from his pouches to light it. After a few seconds of fairly professional fire tending, he cuts one of the legs off of his deer and holds it over the fire, waiting for it to be cooked.

"So", he says as he waits, "have you put any more thought into my offer? Would you be willing to join the Guild?"

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Hananya sat down next to the stag, licking her paws for blood. She preferred meat cooked but still, the taste would probably curb her hunger for a while before she managed to cook it. She was just thinking this when the smell of burning wood reached her snout. Looking up, she saw that Zafiro was already cooking up his kill. She stared at it intensely. She wanted it but she knew it would not be right to steal his kill. That voice in the back of her head was being evil again, telling her to go ahead and take it, take both deer back home so she had three. When was the next time she would be able to eat? God knows when! It was better to be safe than sorry! Still... it'd leave him with nothing. Not to mention what she saw him do with the fire made her figure that it was not worth the risk knowing he could easily do the same to her.

A grumble from her stomach broke her out of her thoughts as Zafiro's voice broke through. Had she thought of his offer? She frowned and bit her lip for a while, trying to decide on an answer. Was it a good idea? She wasnt sure. Still... it would be nice to have company. If not with her own kind then with others. "
Dunno... Would the accept me?" she asked carefully. It was a worry of hers. He seemed fairly accepting but she could not be too careful. Then again given how scarce Kewan were nowadays, maybe they would never have heard of them? She made a circle in the dirt with one of her claws and sighed, "I could try." she finally answered, bringing a foot up to scratch the back of her neck. It was worth a try wasn't it? The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
As Zafiro poked the meat to see how done it was - after all, he didn't want to become ill from the meat, especially with how far out he was from proper medical care. Turning his head to listen to her, ignoring the odd dog-like behaviour, he could see that she was nervous about it. Her tone, her behaviour...tell tale signs to someone like him. "Well, yeah. You could try! You seem decent enough, and the work gets you out and about across the world. The food isn't that bad, and the accommodations are warm enough on a night." While he speaks, he gets to thinking - even if she wasn't interested in that sort of thing, perhaps she would be interested in some of the perks of being with the Guild? "Being part of a group of heroes has it's perks, too. People might start to think better of you if you tell them that you are part of the group protecting them?"

After taking a bite of a cooked portion of meat, he looks back to her. "What about weapons or armour? A bow, perhaps? I'm sure you would be good with one." He says, thinking that a clean kill with an arrow might provide more edible meat than savaging it with claws.

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Hananya was listening to Zafiro speak, her ears erected towards him but her eyes were squarely on the meat. She wanted it badly. She looked at the man briefly as he talked about what life was like in the guild. She gulped as he mentioned food before glancing at the buck, "...This. This is one meal. Sometimes its two." she sighed, darting her eyes a little before looking back at the meat. She looked at him as he mentioned how being involved in the guild could help her image. She glanced upwards for a moment before looking back to the leg. She really, really wanted to eat it. Take it off him and devour it herself. She bit her lip as he started to eat. No she couldnt keep doing this! Let the man eat in peace! She finally broke her gaze to look off at the side. She shifted a little in her sitting position, which was one very similar to a dog. It was hard sitting on the ground with hocks. As he questioned her on weapons and armour, she huffed quietly. "I have a sword. And a shoulder and back plate." She answered. The armour ran down the most of her back and she only used it during early winter when the wolves and bears would go into hyperdrive, hunting to fatten up for the winter. But they had competition with the Kewan. She was still trying to avoid looking at his food so to distract herself she took her own and put it over the fire. She didnt care if it was cooked through. Just warm would be good. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

The barbarian woman was now without a weapon. She only had her shield, which was wooden. That meant she was perfectly helpless against a dragon, and yet there she was. She found herself surrounded by flames. In the midst of all this, she was laughing maniacally at the dragon's pain. She sat against a tree, watched as it curled itself into a ball. "What a weakling," she said, her grave tone contrasting darkly against her laughter. She allowed her head to rest against the tree bark, watching disinterestedly as the dragon successfully reached total gank potential. As far as she was concerned, she'd done what she had come to do. If she died in this battle, it would not be the worst of ways to go.

She remembered the face of her husband.

No, he was no longer hers. Her face lost all of that demented glee it had before. Her eyes were nonchalant. "Kill me," she said softly, "if that is what I deserve."

Alteras Alteras CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf @Lena Oxton Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Zafiro chuckled as he noticed her eying up his food - to be completely honest, he was going to give it up anyways. He wasn't going to eat more than the leg anyways, and she could use a meal or two more than him - all he had to do to get his food was ask the cook for a plate while she had to hunt for her own. As he knew himself, it wasn't always that the forests yielded results like today. He didn't know if she liked fruit or mushrooms, but he had a feeling she didn't.

"Well, what about company? Friends? Allies? Someone who'll always watch your back when you need it? Surely it gets lonely on a night by yourself?" He says, as he tears off another chunk of the meat for himself. He glances at the sky above briefly, and notices the sun beginning to settle - it took him longer than he thought to find somewhere to settle for the night. The building behind them seemed suitable enough, though. As he talked with his campfire buddy, he decided to pull out his sword to clean it - it had gotten a bit bloody from where he was carving the meat. It was an odd sight seeing the green glow of magic shine through the blood, and even Zafiro nearly found himself distracted by the sight.

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As he mentioned company, Hananya growled under her breath and glanced away. "...I have Marian. That's all." She answered after a moment. It was pretty much true. The Wood Nymph had raised her since she was an infant, but that was it. She had never seen another Kewan and anyone she did meet before would either run away or try to kill her. She looked at the meat on the fire before taking the meat (which was basically rare) and tucking into it, taking large chunks out of it and barely chewing it as she looked at him. "Never managed to make friend." she added with her maw full of meat before continuing to eat. Once she was done with the leg (which only took about a minute) she went to cook the rest. She hadn't eaten since yesterday so she was eager to fill her belly. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafido raised an eyebrow at the mention of this 'Marian', but decided to not pry any further into that - after all, it wasn't his business so he had no real place to ask. Not to say he wasn't curious, of course. As she talks about her lack of friends, however, Zafido looks at her with his infamous suave smile. "Well," he says in a confident and uplifting tone, "why not try to make some? I'm not forcing you, of course, but I don't think living here on your own forever is good for you. I don't know how your people do things but...well, pretty much all species I've seen do better with friends." He 'sheathes' his sword once more as he starts finishing the last of what food he wanted - he had eaten quite a bit while the pair were talking, so the deer leg was almost done. It wasn't a necessarily big portion of meat but at the same time he wasn't needing a big portion of meat.

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Hananya did not answer for a while and continued to eat her way through the buck. She only glanced at him as he suggested making friends. She didnt respond until she finished what was on the bone and threw it to the side. She looked up at him with a short sigh. She looked at the ground, "...I guess...I could try." she muttered before continuing to eat. The smell of cooked meat was too much for her to ignore so she kept eating. She only looked up again as she noticed it growing dark. Her night vision was adjusting so it did not make much of a difference to her. She eventually sat back a little, rubbing her stomach. She had basically gotten half way through the buck and figured she should stop and at least try to breath a little. After a few moments, she looked at the building. "...Should we go there tomorrow?" she asked before taking another piece of meat and tucking into it. She wasn't exactly "eager" to meet the guild. Just... curious. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Vern the Cat
On Top of the Dragon

Somehow, Vern managed to quell the taint, at least for a while. Things are really starting to spiral out of control, and as much as it pains him to do so, he needs to kill the dragon before it could kill them. Before he could deal the final blow however, the dragon curled up into a defensive ball to shield its vulnerable parts. 'Dammit!' He cursed in his mind as he clung onto the dragon.

"Stop it with the bullshit!" He replies to the bigger cat, thinking that he was just emptily praising him. He felt stronger though, but he didn't associate it with the cat's magical words. "Get that stupid barbarian with you and the others and back away!" He said as a he collected arcane energy. He kept compressing the energy while continually adding into it, making it denser and denser. "Arcane Bomb!" He casted the spell as he fired it directly at the dragon.

Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf @Lena Oxton Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Ruinel Ruinel

(I'll roll the dice to see the damage the bomb deals to the dragon and to Vern. 1 means the the bomb dealt minimal damage to the dragon and fatally wounding Vern, 20 is the opposite.)
Glitch stood up, seeing as they had been left alone. They walked outside of the guild, into the forest, hoping to find something. They stopped and watched as a young buck entered the clearing with them. They moved quickly and sunk back into trees, striding to be behind the buck. They ran quickly and hopped onto the deer. They felt the fear spring through it as Glitch wrapped their arm around their meal's neck. They placed a hand on the fighting buck's forehead, near it's snout. Slowly they felt the deer's life force drain as Glitch ate it's fear.

"not exactly sentient but that is fine." They said, hoping it would be enough to last until they found another meal. They grabbed the deer by its antlers. "Now what do I do with this?"

They heard talking nearby and headed towards it, it seemed to be in the direction of the guild. They placed the buck on their shoulders and walked slowly hoping to go around the talking without too much noise. They failed and stumbled on a rock, collapsing with the deer on their shoulders.

(OOC: The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Rumble Fish Rumble Fish I think I'm near you guys.)
Zafiro nods as Hananya speaks to him. "Yeah, tomorrow's soon enough. It's still a fair distance away, so there isn't any real need to push through the night." He says, as he rubs his shoulders slightly. He hadn't really noticed it before with the adrenaline, but the weight of his mail under his clothing was starting to get to him...perhaps he should take it off when he becomes alone. Besides, it won't be very comfortable sleeping in dragonscale armour, anyways. As he thinks about this, he makes a start collecting various bones and sticks from around the area, and piles them up in front of him.

"So, who's this Marian you mentioned?" He says as he pulls some string out of a pouch. "If you don't mind, of course." As he converses with her, he seems to be at work tying the bones and sticks to the string in a line for some reason.

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Hananya simply nodded before continuing to eat her way through the buck. She wouldn't be full until she hate the whole deer. But this was a typical meal for a Kewan. Maybe that's why other races didn't like them, they would have to hunt intensely and aggressively to keep the tribe fed. With a sigh, she tore off a piece of meat with her teeth before chewing it. This meat was better than any others and given that meat was the only thing she could eat without getting sick so she knew what was good.

After a while she looked at Zafiro as he questioned who Marian was. She rolled her eyes, annoyed for bringing it up and now making him curious. "My mother. A Wood Nymph." She explained before taking another bite of her food before looking at him, wondering if he was going to ask more questions about Marian. She did not really mind but it was still pretty uncomfortable. The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Zafiro saw, and heard in her voice, that Hananya was getting agitated speaking about her mother. He got the feeling that a simply wood nymph couldn't give birth to an eight foot beast woman, so he figured that she was adopted. Despite his curiosity, he decided to leave Hananya to herself, as she clearly didn't fancy talking about it. Instead, he just gave a simple nod before returning to his craft - a simple alarm system he worked out while deep in a tomb; bones and sticks hanging on string from the ceiling so that if anyone walked into them, they'd rattle and wake him up. Normally, he'd make a more dangerous trap than the primitive alarm system but he didn't want to hurt Hananya with it by accident.

"Well," he says finally after finishing his contraption, "it's getting late. We'd probably best turn in soon if we want to get to the Guild bright and earlier - besides, I have a job to hand in." As he says this, he starts undoing the buttons to his top and takes it off, revealing a beautiful set of white scaled armour underneath that seems to shimmer brighter in the light of the fire than it normally would. The scales appear lizard-like in appearance, and as Zafiro starts undoing the straps to take it off it appears to have a fine, well made, chain mail holding it together. After putting his top back on, he looks back at Hananya with a smile, as he folds the armour up into a neat pile. "I think I'll hit the hay now - do you have any questions or something else to say before I go?"

Rumble Fish Rumble Fish

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