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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest - Dragon's Nest

Current Obsession: Dragons

"Ah, but as much as I would love to sing your praises, a dragon such as yourself needs none, your majestic visage is more than enough to put those other dragons in their place...but I digress," Swift spoke, flattering the dragon some more in a way that seemed rather natural. He immediately switched back to the taste at hand, his stance looking lazy and comfortable. "It is unfortunate, but the people here are dwindling. Their livestock is dying, their livelihoods fading, and they are already living next to such a dark forest...they are ready to take matters into their own hands, to send the most unsavory of sorts to your door, so to speak. I am here to try to avoid that. This forest is dangerous for such young ones anyway, is it not? And with the possibility of the greedy ones sending others here to harm them...would it not be better to move to a more remote location? Besides, as the people leave, so do their cows, and the hunting grounds that were once so convenient to you. You are big and powerful, surely nothing that this forest or the townspeople throw at you could harm you. Your children, however...well...as you said, this forest does have quite the wretched taint."

Swift paused to let his words sink in, having been playing an intense, almost eerie tune on his lute to drive home the point. Now, he switched a slightly more hopeful tune. "I am not only here to ask you to leave, though. Surely you know this already, in your great wisdom. You are aware of how people hunt so many of your kind? It is a shame, one that I believe is a grave mistake. That is hardly a world that is fit for raising children, so much suffering to be had...it would be much better to promote understanding between the species, would it not? You have the most opportune of opportunities. Your name, and the names of your children, could go down in the course of history! Stories told of the great red dragon, who fostered peace instead of war!" This was where things really started getting risky. Swift was about to request the thing that would likely cause the dragon to fight. However, he was at least going to give this a full, honest attempt, so his words were chosen carefully, full of hope and very, very convincing. But would they be convincing enough? "I will spread the story of such a magnificent dragon, one who was most wise for the ways of the world and who knew that peace could be achieved! Who better to tell this tale than a master of words, after all? I will have the people singing your praises! And in return...allow some of your children to become ambassadors for the cause. You have seven eggs, seven children...send three to live amongst the most honorable of people, to learn our ways, and to open relations between species. Send with them a vial of your fire, so that they will know you, and trust that they will foster understanding between us." There it was, the question was asked. Swift was most convincing in his speech, but this was not something to take lightly. He prepared himself to move out of the way of an attack.
Alteras Alteras Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Glitch (Guild-Bar)
"Oh! OK! I'll just wait."
They sat on a stool and waited. Then they remembered what she had said. 'She was probably trying to pawn it off on some poor guy.' They snorted and smiled, slowly retreating into their mind. All they felt was the emotional whirlwind in their mind, tossing them around, they weren't present in the physical world.

(Open for interaction)

Mora (Oakvale)

She walked down the road to the shop, just to look. Humanity was really interesting, from inventions, to their culture. She arrived at the store, everything was so expensive!

She walked out to see a crowd forming at the gates. She stopped to look around.
Red Dragon
Dark Forest - Dragon Nest

At the last sentence that the cat person spoke, the dragon began to raise its head and lift its wings. Using it's massive limbs, it lifted itself up, letting the eggs come into full view. It brought its head forward as close to the cat as possible, while saying, "Me? Taking the lives of others? Well certainly, if not to protect my younglings. No, the greedy in this realm did not suffer. They thrived in this taint. They spread it! It rots me slowly from the inside, eating my soul away as I prepare to raise those that'll take my place. And for my eggs, they'll wish for. Oh a high bid, for a chance to exhaust their tainted greed upon the lives of those less fortunate. But this taint is far better than anywhere else. I have been pushed south by lunatics who see themselves as great warriors, hunting and killing all in sight. Even further to the south, maniacs praying to some benevolent god in the hopes of slaying those who don't. No, I will try my luck here in Albion, where the only thing blinding everyone is greed." By this point the dragon's mouth was right before the cat, staring him down with intimidation. "And if my children rise to partake in this tainted greed, then so be it." It raised its head high into the air. "AT LEAST THEY'LL SAVOR THE BLOOD OF THE UNSAVORY!" The dragon opened its mouth wide open and with great speed, brought it down upon the cat, intending to swallow him whole.
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
(Combat has started. I wish you the best of luck)
Ashlynn leaped from the trees, quickly bringing her mace above her head and aiming for the Dragons. As the Dragon descended its head, the magical barrier surround Swift came into focus. Ashlynn brought the mace down hard unto the dragons head and flipped forward with the momentum to land on her feet a distance from the dragon and Swift. Her mace was aglow with holy light as she smirked and did a small wave, her tail swishing behind her and her ears twitching to try and hear any danger coming around her.

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel Alteras Alteras
Vern the Cat
The Dark Forest, A.K.A. Forest of Boss Battle!!!!

As expected, negotiations failed. Let it be said that not all problems can be solved by words, sometimes a strong smack across the jaw would suffice. This is why he loves those fellows from the north, a bit barbaric for the so called 'civilized people' but they prefer to solve problems with fists, which ends things quickly and simply. "Well, I told you so." He mumbled to no one in particular as the dragon finally lost its shit and lunged for the talkative cat.

"Arcane Barrier!" Vern casts his spells as a force field of arcane power forms around the other cat. He made the force field two layers thick in hopes of saving the talkative cat. "Run you fool! Arcane Missiles!" He called out to the cat before 10 missiles shot towards the dragon to distract it. Of course Vern doesn't think that the missiles could wound, much less kill, the dragon. Maybe a lesser dragon, but surely not this one. "Throw me now! Throw me before it flies!" He shouted towards the horned barbarian, hoping that she still remembers her part in his plan.

Alteras Alteras Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Ruinel Ruinel Rin Nyx Rin Nyx CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
A merchant stepped lightly along the forest path, carrying a large backpack reminiscent to a traveling merchant's pack. This "Merchant" wore a long cloak that seemed a couple sizes too big for him. He kept his face hidden with an old mask and a hoodie, his yellow eyes glancing around the dirt covered road.

The merchant's gaze danced frantically around the path, twitching at the slightest noise in the forest.

"Okay, we absolutely CAN NOT fail. this stuff will probably sell for a lot!"
"I hope so." The merchant said abruptly.
"So, what about the merchant guy?"
"He's probably fine... I think."
The cloaked figure stopped and glanced over his shoulder, straining his eyes to see behind him. The body of the unfortunate soul lay somewhere in those bushes.

He continued down the path, keeping his head down and his movements quiet. He had a long walk ahead of him, and there was no need to be lagging behind.

(Open for interaction)
Red Dragon
Dark Forest - Dragon Nest

At the last sentence that the cat person spoke, the dragon began to raise its head and lift its wings. Using it's massive limbs, it lifted itself up, letting the eggs come into full view. It brought its head forward as close to the cat as possible, while saying, "Me? Taking the lives of others? Well certainly, if not to protect my younglings. No, the greedy in this realm did not suffer. They thrived in this taint. They spread it! It rots me slowly from the inside, eating my soul away as I prepare to raise those that'll take my place. And for my eggs, they'll wish for. Oh a high bid, for a chance to exhaust their tainted greed upon the lives of those less fortunate. But this taint is far better than anywhere else. I have been pushed south by lunatics who see themselves as great warriors, hunting and killing all in sight. Even further to the south, maniacs praying to some benevolent god in the hopes of slaying those who don't. No, I will try my luck here in Albion, where the only thing blinding everyone is greed." By this point the dragon's mouth was right before the cat, staring him down with intimidation. "And if my children rise to partake in this tainted greed, then so be it." It raised its head high into the air. "AT LEAST THEY'LL SAVOR THE BLOOD OF THE UNSAVORY!" The dragon opened its mouth wide open and with great speed, brought it down upon the cat, intending to swallow him whole.
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
(Combat has started. I wish you the best of luck)
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
??? -------> Dragon's Nest

A fierce growl and out shot a figure at lightning speed. "Big Claw!" Ariel charged in and her claws grew huge. When Ashlynn slammed her mace down, Ariel brought her now massive claws down on the Dragon's head as well. It'd create a crater when the attack hit. It'd shake the dragon for sure, but otherwise it'll remain uninjured. Unlike the rest who tried to get some distance from the dragon, Ariel stood up front, facing the dragon and looking right into its eyes. The vanguard. She was fearless and ready. If that dragon took flight, she'd rip its guts out through its stomach.

She roared as her battlelust took over. "Bring it, beast!"
Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

Svala's sneer turned into a barring of the teeth as the dragon made its move. She watched as her new companions launched themselves into battle. The hunt was on, and they were ready for blood. At least there was one thing they had in common. She listened to the wizard cat cast its spells, watching the battle unfurl as each of them showed off their power. Did she feel weaker? Certainly not!

Maybe a little.

She followed the wizard cat's order and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, bringing him around her as she got in a low stance. She launched him like a discus with perfect aim right in between the thing's wings. It would be the most stable place to land. "Godspeed, little cat," she muttered, her accent heavy as she finally allowed the Beastbane to shine through. Her blood was alight and raging its course through her body as she let out a horrible cry. She rushed the beast with her head low, protected by helmet and shield. She pounded the wood with her axe, harder and harder as she prepared for her first blow...

The thing had spread its wings to intimidate them, and she knew this was the perfect time to strike. Right underneath the wing she managed to land a strike, the silver resisting the magic of the beast's scale and breaking through, if only a little. A bit of scale broke off, though it was unlikely the dragon felt a thing. "Ye talk a'aweful lot for a soulless demon. We're--going--to--fix--that!" She shouted, hacking rather helplessly away at the scales.

Alteras Alteras Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Rin Nyx Rin Nyx CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest - Dragon's Nest

Current Obsession: Dragons

So, negotiations had broken down. Not surprising; as much as Swift would have loved the bragging rights to say that he had convinced a dragon to give up it's own eggs, he had known that wasn't likely. He had served his purpose in distracting the beast long enough for the others to get into position, now it was time for his secondary role: long range attacks and support for his allies. But first...

Swift jumped back, his quick reaction time just enough to avoid the maw of the beast, and the grazing damage that he would have received effectively blocked by the two layers of magical shields that were present thanks to his companions. These shields were useful, he wouldn't have to cast blade ward on himself and could instead focus on other actions. Perfect. The cat man continued to retreat back, out of the dragon's immediate physical range, as the others moved in. On his lute, he began to play a mocking tune. "HEY!" He called in draconian to get the dragon's attention. The beast didn't have to pay too much attention to him, as long as it could hear him, this would cause damage. "All of those nice things I said of you? I lied. What kind of dragon misses the target that is right in front of them? Hah! Red Dragon of poor aim!" Swift called, subtle magic running through his words as he cast vicious mockery. The insults would cause psychic damage to the dragon, which would manifest itself as actual, physical damage. The perfect kind of spell for a bard who never shuts up.

After casting his long-range attack, the bard started playing epic-style music on his lute, then focused his attention on Ariel, since she was the closest to him at the moment. "Hey wolf-man! You are the strongest of the strong, all who see you in battle are awed! You got this," the cat winked. The compliments were not just a random act -- as the words came out of the tabaxi's mouth, Ariel would be filled with bardic inspiration, to use as she pleased. While this was happening, Swift was also keeping a lookout, ready to jump out of the way of another attack or to cast healing spells on allies in need.
Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel

Location: Oakvale Road

Nalnux was kinda surprised but then most of these kids were recruits so... Anyways Nalnux kinda wanted to wait what Alex would say but he assumed he might want the same thing as everyone else. Nalnux cleared his throat and looked at his companions.

"Well let me tell you all the time I defeated the Elder Dragon of The Herald Mountains! Right old nasty creature. Well the tale goes like this. One of the towns near those mountains had been losing livestock and the like to a right huge monster, though nobody knew exactly what it was faking their animals. All anyone heard was the loud flapping of wings but nobody saw what it was. All anyone ever saw if they do see the Beast was that it always headed towards the mountains. Well they made the quest very important and were willing to pay quite a lot for the beast to die. So I took it and headed off to the mountains with about 5 days of supplies. Man those mountains were riddled with nasty monsters, and I'm talking things like Basilisks, Gorgons, Manticorns, all the nasty monsters. Those mountains were badly infested and let me tell you, never camp in the caves cause that's were the worst of them live. Anyways all these monsters made my journey to find this Dragon even harder, well I didn't even knew where exactly the dragon was but I assumed it was at the top of the mountain. So when I actually get to the top...."

Nalnux would then describe how the top of the mountain wasn't cold but warm with grass, plants, trees, forest animals, and the like on top. Then he goes on to describe meeting an old woman who claimed to know who he was, that she saw a prophecy about him. Somehow everyone else could get the feeling he's leaving something out, something important. Then he goes on to describe that she showed him where the dragon was. He described what the dragon looked like and it looked wicked tough. Then he goes on how he fought the monster for Three whole days and came out victorious by cutting off its head and keeping it as a trophy.

It was an epic tale, but certain parts seemed unanswered like they were important.
Birdsie Birdsie ((There is your Timeskip opportunity))@Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop
Robert Black

Time had come to leave the carriage as the group arrived in the village of Oakvale. "Enough stories for now, let's go," he said, jumping off the carriage in a suspiciously eager manner. The tale that Nalnux told wasn't bad, but when he got to the part about the sword sinking down into the dragon's scales to open up a shower of blood, Robert could barely hold himself together and it was rather visible.

Robert said goodbye to the driver of the carriage and then led the group down the road to Oakvale.

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop Archdemon Archdemon
Alteras Alteras (Since you're DMing this quest, I dunno what to do further :P)
Kali Yajuuka
Road to Oakvale >>> Oakvale

Kali listened eagerly to Nalnux's story, hanging onto every word...for a time, anyway. As the road stretched on and time continued, the woman found her eyes growing heavy from sitting still for so long. She began to nod off, at first jolting herself awake for a time and trying to focus on the story once more, before finally she thought to herself, Well, maybe if I just close my eyes for a few minutes, I can still listen to the story... The woman's eyes closed, her body leaning back in her seat a bit to support her head, and then she was out like a light, drifting off to sleep.

Kali jolted awake as the carriage came to a slightly rough stop at the gates of Oakvale. She blinked a few times, moving her hand up to rub the sleep from her eyes. She then woke up very quickly as Robert was already jumping out of the carriage and ready to head out. Scrambling to make sure she wasn't holding up the group (that would be embarrassing for her first mission, after all), the woman grabbed her staff and jumped out of the carriage as well. "Right, ready!" she confirmed her status as she landed and stood at the ready, prepared to follow Robert once the rest of the group got out of the carriage. She still looked a bit disheveled and her hair was messy from her little nap, but other than that, the woman was indeed ready to take on her first mission, her eyes surprisingly alert for having just woken up.
Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop Alteras Alteras
Leon Arbeider

Leon walked forward to the gate with the king's messenger. Watching the group get off the carriage, Leon placed a cigarette between his lips and lit before walking for to greet them.
"Good of you to make it Master Black. I take it that my daughter has assembled a proper group of delegates? It may seem so, having Nalnux and Kali certainly is quite the show of force." Leon inhaled before letting out some smoke. "Sorry, but I've been preparing for interactions with the Espanian inquisition, so I've been brushing up on my cordial speech."
Leon walked forward to the slime boy and hooded crossbow man. "I take it you are new recruits? Welcome to the party. I am Leon Arbeider. I suppose you've met my daughter Viviette? Hopefully she didn't you give you guys too much of a time."
Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Red Dragon
Dark forest

The dragon roared as it missed its target, not expecting the others to attack it so suddenly and very close. It lifted their head up to see another cat person in a combat stance. Narrowing its eyes down, the dragon flapped its wings once, sending a powerful gust of wind in all directions, enough to knock carriages and horses away, before spewing fire out of its mouth. The fire would be intense and wide, hitting practically everything before it up to 500 ft away and 700 ft wide. It burned every tree shrub and plant to char.
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The road to-wait we're in oakvale now?
A tale yet to be told, for it has yet to unfold...

Wobb had been waiting for this! A hero's tale! And he would give it about three and a half stars. Oh sure, it was exciting, but Nalnux sidetracked into lots of little bits of advice for them (which he did note down) and perhaps spent a little too long on gory details and what seemed like self-glorification. In the hands of a good writer/editor, it would easily top the charts, but as is, it needed some workshopping. As for the details omitted, that was honestly the best part, because Wobb understood. Those weren't details about the story of Nalnux fighting a very impressively big dragon. They were the details about the story of Nalnux, and his true destiny. The little nagging hints that told of who he was, where he came from, and where he had yet to go. That was a story Wobb wanted to see unfold before his very eyes. But now it was time to play out the story of the Espanian inquisition they were expecting, and the diplomatic/political intrigue bound to ensue. And they were met by a man of the church! One who claimed a... Viviette? Oh, the horned lady was his daughter?... Who was the mom? Or, wait, was this an adoption thing like himself and Lenca? Yes, that made sense. She might have seemed ready to burn-punch him to nothing, but in the end, Viviette did help him out. So he shook his goopy head and said
"No twouble wif her hewe! So whassasichuation?"
Obviously quite excited about his first quest. What twists and turns could possibly lay ahead?
Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras
Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

The woman's eyes widened as the dragon's wings were coming down. She braced for impact, her shield over her head. However the intention was not to hit her, but knock her back. She landed in the tree line. The wind was knocked out of her when she hit the ground. Her pupils dilated as her body panicked, her lungs unable to pull in enough air. She stood, leaning on a tree as she dealt with the pain and shock. But as the dragon reared and sent forth its fire, she found her bearings and managed to quickly slip behind the tree. Luckily she was knocked to a place where the fire had just barely touched, and she was able to catch her breath in peace, her unfounded rage now an all-consuming flame.

She wanted to break the beast. She wanted to show it that a beast's true place is under the boot of its human conqueror. If it resists, it is punished...

Svala caught sight of the eggs, which she had ignored to this point. When on the hunt, her clan never bothered with them. They left them to freeze in the mountains, or be scavenged by gods know what. Foresight was not their strong suit. This Nord didn't see value in them. One of the party had planned to take an egg. Surely, there was no point in letting the other six get in the wrong hands...or worse yet, be free to grow into the monster they now faced.

As it was now, there was no way for her to get to them. She knelt in the brush. She'd let the wizard cat do whatever he planned. Best she stay out of the way of all this magic, anyway. Her mind grew darker as she waited for her chance to carry out the reckless deed. Memories faded in and out of her vision, of the woman who'd challenged her, the look on her daughter's face when Svala ordered her limbs be torn from her. Countless unspoken atrocities against her animal kills....this was who she was.

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Alteras Alteras
Vern the Cat
The Dark Forest

As soon as he gave the order, the barbarian wasted no time in hurling him towards the dragon like a furry discus. For some reason it felt less glorious than what he had first imagined, though he wasn't really sure what he had expected. At least she had the decency to not punt him like a ball made of pigskin, that would have been embarrassing and painful at the same time.

As the wizarding cat soared through the air towards a fire-breathing dragon, a sight most would never even dream of seeing, he sensed that something very bad is about to happen. Whether it was his arcane affinity or his animal instincts, Vern found it unwise to ignore it. "It's gonna do something!" A high pitched scream came out from the cat, though it is doubtful if it can be heard over the sound of battle.

Moments later Vern saw that the dragon started to flap its wings. "Oh snickerdoodle. Arcane Binding!" He casted a spell as a strong gust of wing erupted from the dragon's wings. By modifying the spell slightly, instead of immobilizing the enemy, the binding spell was used to anchor the cat towards the base of the dragon's wing. Thought it ensured that the cat would not go flying into the air, it still got knocked away by the immense force only to be violently pulled back once the force diminished. It did not do well for his back.

Due to the centrifugal force, the cat swung down in an arc. Thankfully, due to being knocked back from the dragon's gust, he veered away from the dragon's fire spewing maw. Vern managed to clutch the dragon's underbelly, his claws digging into the gaps between the scales. "This is not what I had in mind!" He shouted in frustration as he started to painstakingly climbed towards its back.

Ruinel Ruinel Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest - Dragon's Nest

Current Obsession: Dragons

So, negotiations had broken down. Not surprising; as much as Swift would have loved the bragging rights to say that he had convinced a dragon to give up it's own eggs, he had known that wasn't likely. He had served his purpose in distracting the beast long enough for the others to get into position, now it was time for his secondary role: long range attacks and support for his allies. But first...

Swift jumped back, his quick reaction time just enough to avoid the maw of the beast, and the grazing damage that he would have received effectively blocked by the two layers of magical shields that were present thanks to his companions. These shields were useful, he wouldn't have to cast blade ward on himself and could instead focus on other actions. Perfect. The cat man continued to retreat back, out of the dragon's immediate physical range, as the others moved in. On his lute, he began to play a mocking tune. "HEY!" He called in draconian to get the dragon's attention. The beast didn't have to pay too much attention to him, as long as it could hear him, this would cause damage. "All of those nice things I said of you? I lied. What kind of dragon misses the target that is right in front of them? Hah! Red Dragon of poor aim!" Swift called, subtle magic running through his words as he cast vicious mockery. The insults would cause psychic damage to the dragon, which would manifest itself as actual, physical damage. The perfect kind of spell for a bard who never shuts up.

After casting his long-range attack, the bard started playing epic-style music on his lute, then focused his attention on Ariel, since she was the closest to him at the moment. "Hey wolf-man! You are the strongest of the strong, all who see you in battle are awed! You got this," the cat winked. The compliments were not just a random act -- as the words came out of the tabaxi's mouth, Ariel would be filled with bardic inspiration, to use as she pleased. While this was happening, Swift was also keeping a lookout, ready to jump out of the way of another attack or to cast healing spells on allies in need.
Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Dragon's Nest

She turned to Swift, her eyes already red and her battlelust making her a little less inclined to put up with wit and humor in this perilous situation. "I'm a woman, feline. Remember it if you want those words to have more effect...........and for me to not rip your vocal cords out." She did feel the effects of the spell though

"You have my thanks though."

Red Dragon
Dark forest

The dragon roared as it missed its target, not expecting the others to attack it so suddenly and very close. It lifted their head up to see another cat person in a combat stance. Narrowing its eyes down, the dragon flapped its wings once, sending a powerful gust of wind in all directions, enough to knock carriages and horses away, before spewing fire out of its mouth. The fire would be intense and wide, hitting practically everything before it up to 500 ft away and 700 ft wide. It burned every tree shrub and plant to char.
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel

She was blown away by the wind. As she flipped trying to resist the wind, she slammed her claws into the ground and up popped ice pillars to block the fire and wind going towards her. Using her ice pillar as cover, she got herself together. There was now a raging forest fire. They were on limited time now.

When the fire breath cleared, she charged in again, hoping to surprise the dragon with a lone effort. "Big Claw!" Her claw grew massive again. She launched forward and aimed to smash down the dragon's head again. Another big hit like this would daze the dragon for sure
Jaylis Relenus

Dark Forest
Jaylis immediately drew her sword and raised it high. She shouted, "Smite!" Just like that a bolt of lightning descended from the sky and hit the dragon on the body. The bolt was quite thick and powerful. Such a strike would definitely stun such a large creature, but not for very long. Her next move was creating a temporary ice shield between everyone and the dragon as it began to spew fire. The fire seemed to be more wide than long, which meant it was fare more deadly. Red and spewing fire. This was a fire dragon. This was bad. Ice magic wouldn't be too effective for defense such as walls. Such a problem, the only other good defense against dragon flames, the only other such thing in her arsenal was expensive in magic cost. Her next plan was set into motion and she chanted, "Pure and sturdy earth. Clean as a mountain spring, I call forth crystal to bind this dragon's mouth!" Crystal suddenly grew out of the ground and quickly formed a muzzle on the dragon's maw. It would still be able to attack physically, but at least it wouldn't be able to use it's breath.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel Alteras Alteras Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Rin Nyx Rin Nyx

Emel Inelvis

Reception Area -----> Training Yard

"Depends. Most people are out doing missions or their own thing now. In the morning, there's a rush. In the evening it's packed full because people want to waste their minds away with alcohol," He looked over the application and nodded. This should be good enough for now. He left it face down on the counter and decided that he would come back for it later. For now he had more important things to do. He asked Moriana to follow him to the training yard where he ended up in a sparring circle. There was a rune on the floor that glowed as soon as he stepped in. IT made up the circle. He then drew his two swords and said, "Now I will test your battle prowess. Come at me like you want to kill me. The circle here will make sure none of us die."

RazingCatfish RazingCatfish

Leyla Relenus

Mess Hall

What a jerk. She was trying to help him. Sure, maybe he knew something she didn't, but that was no ground to be so rude to her. This reminded her of why he was never a first choice to speak to. Malcador was not a pleasant man at heart. Such talent and so little care, it was a shame. At any rate. She had been wandering around the fort looking for Viviette to find out where her brother and Robert were. She found herself in the mess hall where she spotted the demon and said, "Hi Viviette. I was wondering if you knew where I could find Sir Robert and my brother if you wish. I ended up having another fluke and made a dangerous object that would be problematic to destroy."

Alteras Alteras

Katalina Iverson
"Get that-where the hell did she go?" Katalina had been causing trouble again, or having fun as she called it. The guards of course lost her, the woman who was up a tree giggling as she watches them look for her. The poor guards, they were pretty bad at their job. Protecting a merchant was a big job and apparently they couldn't keep a thief away from him. Eh, she only took a bit of money and an apple, so they didn't lose to much. Besides, being broke wasn't entirely her fault, She hasn't been by the guild to do any jobs for how long has it been now...about a month and a half? She should swing my soon, it would be a good idea. Also it would let Robert know she was still alive and kicking. She didnt want to lose her room at the guild hall now did she? Jumping down from the tree with a flourish, straightening up before walking away to blend into the other people walking around. Which may have been a little hard because of what she was wearing but those merchant guards...wow they really did s-Oh! Katalina soon saw Robert, and a few other of the guild members, which made her pause. What were they doing here? And she didn't recognize most of them, so maybe they were breaking in the new recruits. And hey, why not go over an say hi? So, Katalina snuck up and stood strafe left to Leon, making silly faces, waiting to be noticed by either him, Robert, or Nalnux. Birdsie Birdsie Alteras Alteras Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713
(There We go, I finally got a chance to make my first post)
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Robert Black

"We're armed and ready to supervise the delegation, Leon," Robert replied in greeting, in an equally polite way. Ah, Viviette. The biggest source of sarcasm and dry humor in Bowerstone, but the demon girl had her charms. Robert looked at Wobb and Alex, "I hope not." Robert smiled for a brief moment, then decided to make his way back to being formal. He cleared his throat with a hacky cough or two.

Robert turned to the group. "Listen up! We're here to make sure everything goes smoothly and swiftly. The Espanian Inquisition is full of radicals and well-intentioned extremists. The king, as well as me, do not take kindly to that kind of people. I want you to keep an eye on them and stop them if anything happens. That is our mission here. Any questions?" Whilst he explained, Robert had absolutely no knowledge that yet another member of the guild joined them, and she stood behind him...

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop Archdemon Archdemon FireMaiden FireMaiden
Alteras Alteras
The deer nibbled away daintily at the patch of grass it had found within the dense and mossy forest. It’s large ears flickered, looking for any kind of danger but upon finding none, she continued to graze. Blissfully unaware of the Kéwan lurking behind her. The behemoth had herself low on the ground, her orange eyes staring it down with a subtle growl in her throat. She moved one paw in front of the other, staring the doe down. She was not going to let it escape. She needed the food. She lowered herself as much as possible… stepping closer…. And then… With a bellow, the Kéwan leapt over the log blocking the doe’s view of her, landing with a thump on the ground. For a second the doe stared before taking off.

With a growl of frustration, the Kéwan took off after the deer, running on all fours after it. Being 8ft, she had little trouble catching up to the doe and grabbing it in her claws. It was only when she grabbed the doe that, in the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of something wandering along the path, which happened to run through the Kéwan’s territory. She hated that path! So many unwelcomed visitors! Then again as she scared them all off who came across it, less and less people came this way. Word must have spread, except for this guy. But she could not focus on it the now. Grabbing the doe, she clenched her teeth around its neck and thrashing it as she dug her claws into its hide. The doe died with a shriek as she felt her teeth cut into the bones of its neck.

Panting, the Kéwan stood up to her full height, towering over the doe. She was not wearing anything more than a pair of ripped, black breeches and a wine red cape that was held in place by a gold clasp. After a few moments, she decided to turn around and face the figure that was standing on the path. Her hackles raised on the back of her neck and her tail swished angrily. No, she was not happy to see him here. There did not seem to be any reason for her to be so territorial, but her mind was telling her that anyone other than Marian in her territory was an enemy and was not welcome. She doesnt say anything, just showing her teeth slightly. Panzer Panzer
Viviette Arbeider
Guild Dining
When Leyla spoke to her, Viviette was already piling plate after plate of food, meat, and more. It seems that Chloe and Malaina had fallen behind somewhere. "Sorry Leyla, Robert just left on a quest some time ago. Jaylis is also in a quest, different one. What's so dangerous about it?"
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf

Leon Arbeider
Leon listened to Master Black speak and just when he had finished did he notice the presence of another friend. Looking down, he just gave her a sly smile. Smooth. He spoke up and said, "Katalina and I were wondering if the King himself will be attending. The court messenger hasn't told us much in that regards."
Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 FireMaiden FireMaiden Bishop Bishop
(The king prob won't attend, just wanted to bring katalina into the quest, if she's ok with it)
Katalina Iverson
Her silly faces turned into a look of confused how could you as Leon involved her. Brows furrowed, her mouth slight ajar, but she quickly covered it up by nodding. "Yep! That's exactly what's going on here!" She said with a chipper tone, looking at the group with with a smile. Before she quickly threw a sideways glare at Leon. He's going to have to explain what was going on and what she was just dragged into, but Katalina was going to go along with it anyway. She wss getting bored running around Oakvale doing odd jobs and hassling a few choice people, so joining in on whatever these guys had planned seemed like the best bet to fight off boredom. Alteras Alteras Birdsie Birdsie Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713 Archdemon Archdemon
Robert Black

"Probably not," Robert turned around and noticed Katalina. What an unexpected surprise. "Oh, hello. Haven't seen you in a while, Katalina. It's good to see you, but there's no time for pleasantries. We should prepare for the arrival of the Inquisitorial representatives. I don't want to sound biased, but they're trouble walking on two legs." Robert gestured as he turned to Leon. "Any idea when they will make their arrival?"

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop Archdemon Archdemon FireMaiden FireMaiden
Alteras Alteras

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