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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The road (and carriage) TO ADVENTURE!
A tale of heroism to precede an act of heroism

Well, Wobb had never before traveled by carriage. It seemed nice! Though admittedly there wasn't a lot of room. However, when Robert brought up the idea of doing something to while the time away...
"I wive wif da theatwe folks! I know a bunch've tales of Hewoism, Twoo Wuv, and Eg-citement! Any wequests?"
He said, sure that his companions would LOVE to hear such tales of heroic drama!... In truth, he was probably looking at a very tough crowd.
Kali Yajuuka
Road to Oakvale (carriage)

Kali blinked, a small look of confusion on her expression as Robert blushed and exclaimed something about her clothes. He seemed to dismiss whatever he was going to say shortly afterward, though he wouldn't meet her gaze now. The girl looked back over at Nalnux -- she hadn't been mistaken, he was definitely wearing revealing armor with a loincloth as well. Was it because she wasn't wearing anything on her arms? But no, that didn't make sense, the dress hadn't covered up her arms, either. She looked at the other two in the group, Wobb and Alex, then back at Robert before shrugging it off. Southern fashion was weird.

"It's good to fight with something that's important to you. It gives you something extra to fight for," Kali responded with a smile and a nod to Robert's explanation of his sword. She then quietly listened as the man suggested finding a way to pass the time. Right after that statement, the girl stopped and turned around in her seat to look behind her and out of the carriage curiously as she thought she heard something, but as her eyes scanned the area, she saw nothing. Slowly, but a bit more cautiously, the girl turned back around, facing the right way in her seat again. The noise seemed to be forgotten once she heard Wobb offer to tell a story. "Ooh, a story? I'd love to hear one! How about one about adventure?" she requested with a grin. She loved to hear stories. Back at her village, she would sit and listen to the elders tell many stories, about many things...the girl's expression faded as she recalled one of the stories that she had often listened to, that turned out to be a little more than just a story...but she shook her head to clear her mind of such thoughts and instead focused on Wobb, eager to hear whatever story he had to tell.

Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713 NineTimes NineTimes Alteras Alteras

Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest
Current Obsession: Dragons

"I'm not some savage. Of course diplomacy goes first. However, be realistic. Once a dragon makes its nest, good luck uprooting it without a fight. That goes for pretty much any animal. If anyone knows Dragon Tongue, they're the Alpha of the group. Put them at the head of diplomacy."

"Hm, I like this term, 'alpha'," Swift mused, finger to his chin as he seemed to think about it. "Alright, I will be the Alpha, then. But you are right, too. I will talk to the dragon, but you will be the first to move in to fight it. Sounds reasonable, yes?" he agreed. He wasn't about to stop the werewolf from choosing the suicidal spot in a fight, he was much more useful in longer ranges in battle, anyway. Regardless, his attention was taken back to the stranger that they had encountered.

"I am no man, cat. Please do not make the mistake of addressing me as such again."

The tiger-man looked at the figure with some surprise and a bit of suspicion as he scrutinized her more carefully now. "Are you sure?" he asked with a tiny bit of disbelief, but then shrugged. "My apologies, my lady, it is difficult to tell with your species," he apologized in a courteous manner, giving a small bow with his apology. He did not apologize for any of his other statements, though. She was the one who had implied that they were the type to run away from the dragon by stating that they were going the wrong way when they headed towards it, so in Swift's opinion, she had taken shots at their honor first. It was only fair to accept such blows in retaliation. He didn't lay on any new insults, however, as the woman asked to accompany them to take care of the dragon. So, the woman did have some bravery in her. In any case, he started by letting Ariel handle the request, instead moving over towards Ashlynn as she offered cooked rabbit to everyone.

"We all know how snaked-tongued felines can be,"

"Hey! My tongue is much better than that of a snake!" Swift commented pridefully at Ariel's comment, apparently having taken the comment somewhat literally...well, the common tongue was his second language after all, some expressions were bound not to translate too well. In any case, he muttered something under his breath in the Tabaxi language about feline tongues easily beating snake tongues in quality as he turned his attention to Ashlynn again. "A bit of cooked rabbit sounds delicious! Truly, you are a great hunter, to catch this speedy creature so easily," Swift complimented the woman with a grin.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Ruinel Ruinel CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Alteras Alteras
Vern the Cat
Black Forest

Vern rolled his eyes as he listened to the pointless bickering of his party and the unknown barbarian. Well, they were actually talking about something important but Vern doesn't really care about that. Talking won't really help them against the dragon, not really.

"Hey you, cat man. What nonsense are you blabbering about talking to the dragon?" He said to the cat who walks on two feet and is bigger than him. "That must be the stupidest thing I have ever heard today, and I've heard a pile of goopy slime talking today. Even if you could speak in dragon tongue, though I highly doubt it, what were you planning to say to the dragon? 'Oh hey there pitiful beast! We have come here to politely ask you to leave your nest which you no doubt spent quite an effort to make. Oh and while you are at it we demand at least two dragon egg and maybe a bit of your dragon flame? What do you get in return you ask? Well nothing really. Now gives us our demands or we will kill you!' Were you going to say that?" He asked the cat man, his tone harsh and biting.

"And you, wolf missy, let the barbarian come if she wishes. We lack someone who can tank the dragon and draw aggro." The cat said, using some strange words. "Just let her get the dragon's attention so that the rest of us can pummel it." He doesn't really care about what happens to that barbarian but it would certainly make the mission easier if she comes along. Besides, it means that they can bring more loot with them woth an additional pack mule coming along.

"And lastly you, horned barbarian, as I said to the wolf missy, you will do your part if you wish to join us in subjugating the dragon. Additionally, you will assisst in bringing back any loot we get back to the guild, of course you'll need to carry more. You may receive a part of the reward as well, though that depends on your performance in the fight."

"Now, remember that our goal is not to kill the dragon, not if we can help it at least. Just weakening it is enough, then we can either capture it or make it flee. But if either is impossible, then we shall kill the beast and bring home the spoils. Are we clear?" He asked his party and the newbie.

Ruinel Ruinel Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Alteras Alteras Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
(Still hangin' on for dear life)
Glitch began to sweat nervously things grew a bit quiet. The the Slime Boy said something about a story and people began talking. They let out a quiet sigh and position themselves a bit better, as to use less effort. They decided to look at the scenery, watching as the forest goes by. Then they slipped down, now instead of being on top, they where under. Their cloak dragged on the ground, getting dirty.
Glitch yelped and grabbed their cloak, re-positioning themselves again.
Chloe Stargazer
Location: Bar/Reception
Chloe did nothing but giggle on top of the counter after the thanks she's receiving. Looking towards Emel. She noticed he hasn't received his flower yet. "Here! This one's for you!" She cheerfully handed out a gardenia flower and gave him a soft smile. Swinging her legs back and forth she looked at Melaina and tugged a bit of her clothing to gain her attention. "Ms. Melaina, can you show me a magic trick, please?" She asked politely. If there is one thing she likes to do when it comes to heroes with magic is to request them to do pointless magic shows for her personal amusement. Hanarei Hanarei Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest
Current Obsession: Dragons

Swift turned his attention to Vern now, his tail flicking in annoyance. "You doubt my abilities, old man?" the Tabaxi stated accusingly, though he spoke in the draconic tongue. The cat likely wouldn't be able to understand what his words were, but the point would have been made. Switching back to common, he stated, "Your suggestions for what to say to the dragon have been noted. However, I was thinking something a bit more diplomatic than that. There are several options for diplomacy, really," he explained to the old cat. He was still deciding on the best approach for the situation, really. He could convince the dragon of the dangers in staying in such a place, or offer the beast a deal, or suggest a gamble of sorts. Perhaps use deception and trick the dragon into leaving. Of course, he could also just sneak in, grab the eggs, and hold them hostage to convince the dragon to leave the area, but that did not seem like it would make as good of a story about his cleverness, rather painting him in a more malicious light in such a situation. If it came down to that, he would have to rework the story quite a bit to make himself seem more clever and likable. "It is likely that we will have to fight, yes, but do not discount what a few words of diplomacy can do. After all, it is better to have a dragon leave of its own accord, than to have it run away with anger and the lust for revenge its heart, as the latter is more likely to return to wreck havoc on the people here," he reminded the wizard, acting as if such a thing were common knowledge.
CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Alteras Alteras

Location: Oakvale Road

The giant Lizardman laughed at Roberts embarrassment. It was amusing to see his boss try not to stare at such revealing clothing. He decided to tease him a little.

"Aw! It seems our Boss is a little bit... Uncomfortable right now! You need not be afraid of her! Unless you're not afraid of her... But her weapon Rack..."

Yep he totally just made an innuendo, was its a pretty obvious one. But it made Naknux laugh! He loved to tease people when the opportunity came, and this was one of them.

"Don't worry Boss, you'll be able to Polish your large blade later. Maybe....."

Suddenly he heard something. Something right outside the Carriage, he only heard it because he was directly in the back. He opened the slot behind Kali and Robert and spoke to the driver.

"Stop the Carriage for a moment Sir."

He turned to his companions.

"Sorry, I'll sing you guys songs and tell tales of my adventures but for now stay in the Carriage and don't come out till I say so. Something's not right..."

When the carriage stopped, Nalnux grabbed his swords and walked out the door.

From what Glitch can see, two giant Clawed feet dropped down from the Carriage and a large tail was swishing back and forth. He would heard a blade being drawn from its Scabbard and the sounds of Sniffing. Nalnux then spoke as his body shifted from facing away from the carriage to being toward the carriage.

"I recognize that smell... It smells like that kid from earlier... It can't be him or it though... Could it? It seems like the source is coming from below the Carriage..."

Suddenly Nalnux started to bend down to look under the carriage. This may be Glitch's chance to avoid being forcibly pulled out.
Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop Birdsie Birdsie Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras NineTimes NineTimes

Glitch was sweating very much at this point. And then the carriage stopped. They heard two feet drop down. They hung on for dear life. And then they made a split moment decision. Using all the momentum they could muster they came out from under the carriage and onto Nalnux. They quickly climbed onto his back and got a good grip. They climbed to the top of his head and sprung off his snout, landing onto the middle of the carriage.

"Sorry." They muttered quickly.
Svala Beastbane
The Black Forest

Svala nodded at the cat-man's apology, lowering her head as she brought two fingers in the air to symbolize a peaceful meeting, the other hand over her heart. "I suppose I understand. I have not met many of your kind, I am not used to such misunderstandings."

She listened intently to the wizard cat, half shocked by the fact she was doing so. She had a feeling it would be best to wait before asking about him. She respected his assertion of authority despite his small body. After all, wasn't that her whole gig back in the day? Well, she was more than okay with being a subordinate these days. And so she answered with an, "Aye, understood" and offered nothing more besides the Nordic gesture of respect, crossing the arms across the chest with a small bow of the head.

She continued listening to the conversations around her, scoffing at the thought of letting the dragon live. Especially trying to be diplomatic with it. It's tough enough trying to forge diplomacy between two kings (or clan matrons, for that matter), let alone a dragon and what could be its next meal. But she respected that she had her place as a newcomer, and didn't offer any opinion on the matter.
Vern the Cat
Black Forest

Vern rolled his eyes at the cat man when he tried to show off in dragon tongue. "Your tone is off and your phrasing is too complicated." Vern replied in kind as he also used dragon tongue, correcting the cat man's phrasing. "I've lived in an era where dragons have their own kingdom, so don't think that you're the only one who can speak with dragons. Though I will commend you for learning it in the first place, where did you learn it from?" He asked him, hoping to glean more clues as to the past. It still doesn't excuse the cat man for being pompous and stupid. "Besides, your plan only has a chance of working if we encounter a dragon who's even sentient. The dragon we're about to fight might just be some mindless beast." He said to the big cat.

Vern nodded towards the horned barbarian. Despite her appearance, she seems to be the most sensible and polite among the bunch. Vern really likes these simple types who respect strength and authority the most, he really does. As long as you have the strength to back it up, and Vern does, they'll follow your lead. "As long as you understand." He said to her, nodding his head approvingly. "So, do we now get the dragon or do we stake it out first?" He asked them. "We can observe it for a while to study it, plan things out, or we can charge all at once to overpower it and catch it off guard."

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Ruinel Ruinel Alteras Alteras Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Alexander Bishop
Road to Oakvale (carriage)

Alex had sat himself down next to the door of the carriage, he had kept the door open to let the breeze in and he really like watching the trees as they went by. Roberts blush caught his eye but the ranger simply smiled to himslef as he watched the trees pass by.
"Hes still a man after all.."
But it was the comment Nalux made that had Alex chuckling to himself.
"Haha!" he wasn't expecting such a jest but he was thankful for the entertainment, But the mood switched quickly as the carriage came to to a halt and Nalux stepped out. Alex watched in amusement as the person who had been hiding under the carriage had finally decided to come out. They didn't seem like much of a threat so Alex sat quiet calmly looking at the new person.
"Well..hello there"
Birdsie Birdsie
Nine Nine
Archdemon Archdemon
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area

Viviette turned around and leaned against her counter, just staring up and down the wall for Emel. She then turned around and gave him a shrug. "Got nothing. Sorry." Viviette looked at Malaina and just gave her a look that said, I have returned to my place of boredom. Chloe was still nearby, so she didn't want to be rude in any way.
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Hanarei Hanarei
"Yes, hello to you too adult entity I have not met before." Glitch responded. They flicked their hood off and looked around.

"Person! Person! Person! Slime! Big Crocodile Man!"
Glitch said, pointing to everyone. "Attention heroes! I have now given myself up to be your temporary travel companion and nuisance. I offer help in your quest! In return I ask you to not brutally wound me and allow me to room in your guild. I will also be available to take on other quests since I am lonely and have no friends whatsoever!" They said with a smile, hoping that no one draws their weapon.

Jaylis Relenus

Dark Forest (Meow)

This wasn't getting them anywhere. Vern wasn't helping acting as if he was in charge. His plan had a lot of flaws to it. He thought Ariel should be the vanguard, she was fast, strong, and they knew her resistance. He gave a large clap that was amplified by lightning magic and said, "Vern. Let a true strategist take the field now." Jaylis jumped on a stump and turned around on his heels and began to speak. He had given himself some time to think during the long trip, but it was a loose plan.

"I think Ariel should stay as our vanguard. We don't know the abilities of the dragon or this new person. The dragon could rely on physical attacks, but these are magical creatures. To add to the problem we also don't know the dragon's type. We don't know if it's conventional, arcane, fire, lightning, ice, or anything like that. I do agree with you Ariel and Swift, let's try diplomacy. Maybe we'll be fortunate and the dragon knows our tongue or has a grasp. If not, fine Vern, have it your way we'll attack the dragon."

Jaylis stepped off and sat down on the stump and then took a gander at everyone. He tapped his head and thought about all he knew in this situation. During his thought process he mumbled things like, "So if...yes. No, that wouldn't....no wait. Then they should be-"

Jaylis said in excitement as he snapped. Suddenly he was changing right before their eyes. His face smoothed, his figure curved, and the voice became suddenly feminine as Jaylis switched from man to woman right then and there. She opened her eyes and said, "I'll be casting spells from the back. I'm not very good at support magic, but I can at least help ward off any issues. Ariel is the vanguard because she boasts a high magical capability as well as physical, so it should stand to reason that her magic protection his higher. Our human in conventional armor, no. Unless he bites or scratches, conventional armor is useless."

She stood up and said, "Ok Ariel, and anyone else who thinks they can take a hit from a dragon's magic attack and still fight it up close, you're the vanguard. Vern and I will be in the back assisting with magic. Swift, I know you possess healing magic. You are our life-line. You must be ready to heal any of us if necessary."

Jaylis faced Svala and bluntly said, "I don't know what you're capable of. Take whatever role best suits you, but if you don't want to fight the dragon directly you can just assist where necessary."

Jaylis gave a deep breath and walked towards the back. She put her hands casually behind her head and whistled. She turned to Ashlynn and asked, "So what do you think you'll do?"

Ruinel Ruinel (Victim) CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny (Cat) Rin Nyx Rin Nyx (Cat) Alteras Alteras (Dragon?) CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse (Cat)

Emel Inelvis

Fort Black ----> Sitting outside
This was already shaping out to be a good day. He had nothing to do and there was no one around. Perhaps it would be better if he went somewhere else, but before he could go Chloe came up to him and handed him a white flower. He smiled kindly and took it from her saying, "Thank you." Chloe was quite innocent. It was a breath of fresh air when he was able to see such bliss and ignorance. He had no clue how she did it, being nice to everyone. Melaina especially. He decided to leave. Maybe he could find work or rumors somewhere nearby. He walked outside and thought about where he should go. Bowerstone could be a good start, and it wasn't as if he was in a rush anyway. It was still relatively early in the day, but he wondered about the peace. A nice life wasn't too bad, but he often found his true nature calling to him the longer he stayed in a peaceful lifestyle. It grew stronger, the need to fight. He wanted to balance them out so that one wasn't interfering with the other, but today he didn't feel particularly like he NEEDED to be somewhere.

Alteras Alteras Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre RazingCatfish RazingCatfish (Open)

Leyla Relenus

Fort Black Courtyard

"Well, I was in a meeting this month. You see, me and my colleagues were working on a particular type of ward spell. Very complicated. A five layer circular rune that could be used for sparring. This combined a healing rune used by ancient mages to test their powers on living subjects without killing them and a ward that prevented injury and damage for a price of vitality equal to the damage. It made me think, maybe I could help the guild to make sparring more...exciting. You could use real magic and weapons in deadly blows, but a ward and healing spell would prevent a person from dying. It would stop someone from bleeding out and they would just pass out. Something like that, what do you think?"

"It was a really complicated circle. It had a lot of untested potential, and she wanted to see it work if possible. Testing on something in the capital would be quite...troublesome. People may see her work as suspcious. She could use animals, but it wouldn't seem well to be making animals fight each other. Not very many willing subjects really. She did test this though. Most of the principals were working. She just needed to do some field tests to see how it worked and make necessary adjustments if needed. Nothing serious, but she also made sure that people wouldn't have their lives in danger at least. The emergency healing and warding was quite effective and three of the layers to the circle were focused on responding to that.

Birdsie Birdsie
Ashlynn turned to Jaylis. "Oh?" She said after swallowing a mouthful of cooked rabbit. "I'll be supporting but also making sure I can Blast it straight in the face." She said with a laugh. she loved to be the adventurous one and be in the frontlines, but cared enough for people to support. She had usually found a place in between in order to do both. She finished the rabbit and sighed. "Listen..." She said as she pulled Jaylis a little behind the group. "The reason I need this Dragons flame is because... this medallion i can make with it can awaken my ability... I have no idea what it is..." She said a bit embarrassed. she then had them returned to the group. "Anyway... I believe we should see what it is doing first... and wait for a surprise attack opportunity.." She said as she hit her fist into an open palm in order to emphasize.

Ruinel Ruinel Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras
Moriana Sorendel
Nearby Tavern > Outside Fort Black (Dejavu!I'vejustbeeninthisplacebefore)

After deciding her path, Moriana made her way towards Fort Black once again. As much as she enjoyed not having to face problematic people on a daily basis, she had to move on with her life somehow.

Her travels to Bowerstone had introduced her to some of the personalities the Guild of Heroes had to offer, most of them very obnoxious. However, there were those few whom she could tolerate and joined for a short time on their quests, either to make her journey more exciting or to earn some extra money. It became apparent to her along the way that the Guild was important. Did that mean it held answers to her past? She didn’t know. What she did know was that there would be a variety of strong rivals for her to face. That excited her.

As Moriana approached Fort Black’s gates, she saw a man sitting outside and greeted him. “Hello!” she called, walking towards him. “Would you happen to be recruiting?”

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Robert Black
Road to Oakvale / Carriage

Robert looked at Nalnux as he got off, and then, another person joined them. Robert looked at the Glitch as he asserted his place on this adventure, with only one question in mind. "Are you a registered member of the Guild? We won't take you anywhere unless you are, I'm afraid," he replied, although not reaching for his sword. This man was too goofy to be a potential attacker, although a possibility was that he was a true mastermind who hid his true intentions under a veil of silly behavior. Robert rested his hand on the edge of the carriage and waited for the answer.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras NineTimes NineTimes
Malcador Black
Fort Black - Courtyard

"We already have something like that," Malcador cut in mid-sentence as she started talking about ancient mages testing their powers without injury and damage. "This Fort has some of the oldest technology from before our era. Like you said; Ancient. The only thing Robert wants to install now is some kind of system of teleportation so that guild members can travel quickly. I've given him a pitch of a system we could use, with each member carrying a single rune and being able to instantly travel to the Fort by pressing it, then going to another place from the Fort by traveling between stations of correspondence."

Malcador took a stick in his hand and drew the blueprint on the ground. A single circle in the middle with multiple straight pathways leading to other circles. "The one in the middle is the Fort. The other circles are other locations. You can teleport from here to anywhere, then return with the rune." Malcador constantly kept the same unliving expression and vibrant tone of voice characteristic of him.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Kali Yajuuka
Road to Oakdale

It was Kali's turn to blush now as Nalnux began teasing Robert. She found what the lizardman was saying quite funny, and was stifling her laughter, but also a bit embarrassing considering the subject matter. The blush and stifled laughter faded when the carriage stopped and the lizardman stepped off. Next thing she knew, another person was maneuvering off of Nalnux and into the carriage -- Kali had to stop from hitting the person with her staff out of reflex.

The woman listened to the androgynous person speak to declare their intentions on joining them in this mission. Kali was against it -- this was a diplomatic mission, was it not? Having someone from outside the guild tag along could cause problems. It seemed her opinion was shared by the guildmaster, who spoke up on the matter. She, herself, remained quiet, as she was a new recruit and didn't want to overstep her bounds, but in her head, she was thinking, Wasn't this person at the guild hall? Why didn't they sign up for the guild then, when they were right there? The fact that they hadn't, and instead followed the carriage, seemed a bit suspicious to Kali, though she could sometimes be a bit paranoid and this was likely one of those cases. Still, ultimately the decision was in Robert's hands, and she would go along with whatever he ended up deciding.
Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Graystone713 Graystone713 NineTimes NineTimes
Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

Svala raised an eyebrow as yet another member of the group came forward to assert themselves. Obviously this lot didn't think to establish a leader before headed straight into danger. She found herself confused as to who to listen to, and as she watched a man morph into a woman before her very eyes, she decided the wayward leadership was fitting to this band of beasts and abnormals. As long as it didn't affect the battle and get them all killed, Svala would play along.

"Whatever you say, gøra víf." Svala replied, her Nordic tongue slipping as she grew increasingly annoyed at receiving different orders. She'd addressed the mage as "posing as woman".

She listened as they continued to talk strategy. She was amazed at how much they were trying to figure out. In her clan, it was as simple as keeping the thing on the ground and attacking it from either side, avoiding tail and mouth. If it did take flight, let the archers handle it and stay safe until it landed once more. Beyond that, there's not much more to discuss. Go in and kill the damn thing. (Oh, and don't get eaten.) She raised a brow at diplomacy still being on the table. Didn't half their party seek something like the thing's eggs and fire? She doubted it would be possible to get such things without a fight. If they had only come for that plunder, they would be very disappointed.
"No. I am not. Though it is hard to get rid of me, I have my target set to interacting with the guild." Glitch responded, turning around the face Robert. "I will just find another way to stay in your quest. We can do this the easy way, or I can continue following you." Glitch shrugged, hopped off the carriage and extended their hand in a handshake. "You can't get rid of me at this point, though."

Birdsie Birdsie Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Archdemon Archdemon Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop
Vern the Cat
The Dark Forest

Oh great, another smarty pants who thinks he knows so much. Really, why can't they just stick with a simple and clear plan? Either pick to attack the dragon or not, jeez. Yet they keep insisting on talking to the dragon. How stupid must they be if they think that they can reason over a dragon? Did they just think that a dragon, one of the most prideful, arrogant, and greedy specie, would just lie on its back while they steal its eggs and even its flames if they ask it politely? Heck, Vern doesn't even think that they have anything to bargain with the dragon for its eggs!

Well, whatever, at this point Vern would rather just charge in, yell his name out loud as he does so, and get his entire party wiped out than to listen to more of these planning. Obviously Vern is being a dick and a hypocrite by griping over these things when he himself has been siggesting plans a moment ago, but Vern seems to have conveniently forgotten about that. So Vern has decided to just go along with the plan, and when they inevitably get in trouble, then Vern will naturally save their asses.

"Sure, let's go with that. We better go now unless we want to attack this thing at night. That's not a bad plan actually, seeing as half of this party is comprised of cats." Vern mused, the last part directed to no one in particular.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Ruinel Ruinel Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Robert Black
Road to Oakvale / Carriage

Robert frowned for a moment, then sighed. He stood up, took out a pair of handcuffs and attached one end to the Glitch's handshake offer. The Glitch could feel an immense pressure on his hand. The handcuffs were engraved with numerous anti-magical sigils. "Ooor, I can arrest you for interfering with a diplomatic mission of grave importance. On the grounds that you are interrupting said mission and stalking members of the guild for no valid reason. If you're so insistent on pursuing us, you'd know the guild has judicial powers, and that I am allowed to send you to prison based on my perception that you are a threat to security."

"I have no intention of antagonizing you, but I don't have the rights to take an anonymous non-guild member with me on official business and if you follow us on it, that's called stalking. So, what will it be? If you want to be a guild member then go and fill out an application. Then you can come on missions with us as you please," he took the handcuff off and stepped back. Robert sat back down in his place and gestured to Nalnux. "Come on, Nalnux. Let's go. We haven't the time to spare. And you, don't follow us. Register as a hero or become a mercenary if you seek adventure," he looked at the Glitch.

Robert was usually calm and easy-going but this man outright refused to go away and leave them, plus he'd been hiding under their carriage. That was not just illegal, but it was rather stupid to assume that revealing himself would fix it. Honestly, Robert just assumed that this person was one of the fans following them out of the city in hopes of tagging along on an adventure, which he couldn't allow. It was like a civilian following a bunch of policemen into a building in hopes of arresting a criminal. Not permitted.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras NineTimes NineTimes
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The road to adventure!
A hitchhiker unwanted

Well Wobb was honestly surprised. This guy was determined. But... He wasn't phased. It was clear he shouldn't be here, like a rabid fan jumping on stage during a critical scene! And it was clear he hadn't done the math.
"I beg to diffew. Horses wun much fastew than you. And if I goop you to da road, we'd get a big hedstawt. You dun wanna walk for sigzz houws. Go back."
He said, hoping Mr cloak would see sense... But hey, if there was a fight, Wobb knew how to win it.
Birdsie Birdsie Archdemon Archdemon NineTimes NineTimes Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Bishop Bishop
"I'm just here to look around the town, not at the mission, but if I require an application to do it, I will fill it in." Glitch responded, keeping the smile, unfazed by the handcuffs. "Now, I can make my way back to Fort Black, or you can drag me by the handcuff." Glitch said, dropping the smile.

(mmm watcha say~ I'm still alive. And on the road to Oakville)

Location: Oakvale Road

Nalnux sighed, this kid was really starting to annoy him. What part of sign into the guild to go on guild quests, did he/it not understand! Now Robert was starting to get pissed too!

"listen, I understand that you want to do quests and junk and live in the guild. But we have rules and you have to follow them. If you wish to accompany us you have to join the guild. I'm sorry but we can't let a stranger in on a mission of diplomatic importance, issued by the King himself. So you're just going to have to go back to Fort Balck and sign an Application and do a Combat trial before you're accepted as an Apprentice. Besides we don't have enough room in this Carriage for you. So I suggest you go back to the guild and sign up."

Nalnux then proceeded to get back into the carriage and he told the driver to continue going to Oakvale. Nalnux sighed pretty loudly before he looked at his companions and smiled.

"So who here wants me to sing or tell a story? All who want stories say yay! All who want songs say Nay!"
Birdsie Birdsie Graystone713 Graystone713 NineTimes NineTimes Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras Bishop Bishop

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