• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

"Huh, I've never been called annoying before." They then walked down the road, speeding up and getting faster, before tripping on a rock. They saw a steep incline, heading down to the village of Bowerstone. They stood up and smiled.

"Shortcut!" They grabbed a hollowed log and hacked it in half with their dagger, breaking it in half after they had gotten through the bark enough. They set the bigger half down and hopped on it, bringing it down the steep incline. They avoided rocks and big sprouting trees by leaning forwards or backwards.

They arrived at the bottom and walked around the outskirts to come to the gate. They walked all the way back to the guild.

(Fort Black Courtyard and open to interact.)
Location: Guild Hall​

Melaina glanced over looking towards Viviette as she mentioned not having any quests for Emel. She looked a bit curious as her eyes shifted back to Emel watching Chloe give him a flower. She watched as he left, not having a job to do. Her eyes fixated over at Vivette again noticing her rather bored expression. It seemed her little 'break' wasn't quite enough to leave any lingering feeling of satisfaction being back behind the desk. She couldn't help but feel a bit bad for her but it was just how things went. As fun as it is to tease people, she couldn't imagine it would be satisfying enough to make being stuck behind a counter all day very entertaining.

"I am surprised you didn't offer him the babysitting gig. I'm sure he would of done a wonderful job with it." She spoke with a light smirk on her lips as she sung the umbrella over against her shoulder, tapping it against it keeping it closed for now. Her eyes kept locked to Viviette. "Either way, it seems like today is at least eventful in the number of recruits that are turning in. You know, I'm sure you could find one that can take over the counter to let you get out there and do some more fun things. The old-young master I am sure won't mind letting you get in some trouble after all." She spoke getting a small jab at Robert in, smiling lightly at Chloe as she seemed content hanging around them.

Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area > Dining Hall

"Well, the test was good, it's just that he surrendered after dousing me in holy water." Viviette looked at Chloe and slowly put the alcoholic drink back under the counter. "As for Emel, I'm almost certain that he would kill the mapleburns before the mapleburns even got the chance to look at some horrifying murder tool." Maintaining her bored look, she poked Chloe's nose. Back and forth, she kept poking. "I'm sure someone would like to take over the counter every once in a while, but father wouldn't be too happy with me. And who knows what people could steal my drinks."

Viviette popped back up and gave Malaina a confident grin. "Enough with your pity! Let's go get something to eat." She lifted Chloe off the counter and began walking to the dining hall.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Hanarei Hanarei
Glitch (Courtyard - Bar Reception)

"Hmm, now, I believe that the application is filled in at the reception."
They walked up to the bar (or reception, whatever).
"Excuse me can I get the application to join this guild?" They asked.

Hanarei Hanarei
Chloe Stargazer
Location: Guild bar/Reception
Being poked directly to the nose was something Chloe didn't understand why. She didn't find it rude nor enjoyable, just confusing. Not putting much thought into the nose poke. She was carried down from the counter by Viviette. Looking back up to Melaina. She said something that is clearly out of the blue. "Ms. Melaina, guess what?" She silently left Meliana with those vague words while trying to maintain a innocent smile. The bouquet was in her back, so one can see her small face even more.
Hanarei Hanarei

Baxter Stargazer!?
Location: Guild dining hall
Meanwhile, Baxter Stargazer was in the dining hall sitting in one of the empty tables. Alone was he, he looked to his iconic Swordbreaker. Searching for any kind of scratch or damage. Sitting in complete silence like the usual. It's kinda rare to see the guy around this time of the hour. It was supposed to be his shift right now. What's he doing? No one knows. (Open for interactions)
Jaylis Relenus

Dark Forest (Outside the Dragon Nest)
"Well, I wish you luck Ashlynn, but what will you do once you discover your ability?" It was quite curious. Jaylis knew that one reason Ashlynn was traveling was to find her ability, but what would she do if she discovered it? Would she return to her home, would she continue her current life, or was there something else entirely? Jaylis was distracted by Vern's smart mouth, but was genuinely surprised that it wasn't an insult. That was rare. His personality was usually that of a prick, and just as spiky as his own too. That made her think of something funny briefly and chuckled. Nope, Vern wasn't getting any ladies as a cat. No matter how cute or chivalrous he would act.

Once they were outside the dragon's nest which was in a clearing with a rather large amount of bones that were taken by wild animals. Some livestock bones were sitting around too. It made sense. Humans kept their livestock out in the open. Definitely much easier to track than a deer in the trees. Plus they were plentiful and in high concentration with no method of escape.

Ruinel Ruinel CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Alteras Alteras CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Leyla Relenus

Courtyard of Ft. Black
That took her aback quite a bit, but what she was planning for the guild would be interesting. It allowed a person to be injured and bleed, but once a victor was decided through yielding or a fatal blow, wards would activate, healing magic begun, and the person may or may not be passed out. This also had to do with blood-loss too. This would require some fine-tuning if necessary, but maybe she should talk to Robert about it anyways.

Leyla listened intently as Malcador talked about a teleportation system. She waited a while before speaking. His idea was probable, but there was an issue with it. She had to say it, "Well it makes sense, but there are several issues. First is the fact that teleportation is not only costly, but also highly complicated. Circles for teleportation spells can be as large as five meters wide. The smallest teleportation circle is also only capable of transporting inanimate objects. Applying that to a portable rune? No. Not likely Malcador. At best you could set up teleportation facilities and give them necessary energy."

Birdsie Birdsie

Emel Inelvis

Outside Ft. Black ---> Reception Hall

Emel looked in front of him. An elf was inquiring about joining. Maybe this could be a good opportunity for a small sparring match. He hoped that the elf wouldn't disappoint him. He pushed himself off the wall and said, "Yeah, come on." He took the elf to the reception hall and asked, "I'm Emel Ievlis. What's your name?"

The counter was empty. Viviette must be off somewhere again. He decided to sneak behind the counter and began rummaging for the application forms. Robert was out, now Viviette was out, and gods knew what the "leech" Malcador was doing. He didn't know much about Malcador, but he knew the homunculus often took the guild's profits for his own research. He should at least make his research marketable, then he wouldn't need to take the guild's hard-earned money.

"Here it is, fill this out and then we can go track down the woman in charge of these things. Where did she run off to without leaving a notice anyway?" Emel said as he handed the paper over to Moriana. It wasn't anything spectacular really and even Emel had to fill it out before. Just about everyone except the two "children" of the original guildmaster had to fill it out according to Emel's knowledge.

RazingCatfish RazingCatfish
Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest >>> Dark Forest - Dragon's Nest
Current Obsession: Dragons

Swift listened to everyone speak for a while, a bit flabbergasted by Jaylis's change in appearance. He had already thought that Jaylis was a girl, but now the human had even longer hair and slightly different features. Did they just change into a male? No, but Swift had been told that women usually wear longer hair. Then did the woman just change her appearance for no reason? Or was she a boy before? The cat-man thought this over for a time, being surprisingly quiet for a little while. As the group started moving again, however, Swift did speak up once more.

"You know, I think you all are missing the point of opening with diplomacy, yes? I will talk to the dragon, yes, and try to convince it to leave. As you all say, I do not think that it will leave with us taking its eggs and fire, however -- even if I am very persuasive, that is a bit much to ask, is it not? Do not think that I am going into this believing that the dragon will leave easily. I am not a stupid cat, after all, I am a clever one," he paused here, looking at each of the members of the group before continuing. "You do realize that I will be there, distracting the dragon, yes? And that we have at least two close-range fighters now, yes? It would be wise, then, I think, to use the opportunity to sneak around and flank the dragon while it is distracted. When the dragon inevitably refuses to leave, we will then have the upper hand." Swift suggested this naturally, like it should be common sense, but in a way that didn't sound overtly condescending. He then added at the end, "Of course, I am not the one leading this group, I am here only for the dragon and the egg. Do as you will, but that is what I think."

He then walked in relative silence, not even playing his lute. No point in alerting the dragon to all of the members of the group approaching. If they decided to try to sneak into a flanking position, then Swift would wait until those flanking were out of sight, and only then would he begin to play his lute, in order to alert the dragon of his presence in a way that was not hostile and less likely to get him attacked right off the bat. Add in the start of a story spoken in dragon tongue, and that should be enough to catch the dragon's interest for it to at least hesitate in attempting to kill him, as long as it was sentient enough to speak its own language.

When they arrived just outside the nest, Swift waited to see both where, exactly, the dragon was located, and whether or not the others would take his suggestion to try to sneak around the dragon for a better position.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Alteras Alteras
Red Dragon
Dark Forest

The dragon let out a low growl. "If you want to be diplomatic about it, then on with it. I am not like those mountain dragons that tell riddles and leads some hapless idiot around to the tune of some mistaken trust." The dragon stared through the trees in the direction of where the voice of a cat person came from. It's one eye gazed it the general direction while the rest of its head laid on the ground, looking northward. It's body laid upon what could only be assumed to be several Dragon Eggs. Its tail curled around its body, and its wings splayed a outward displaying its great size. It seems that the dragon doesn't know where the party of adventurers are, but rather that there are in the vicinity. In any case, an ambush would no longer be possible, but the dragon acts with assured confidence that its guest would likely have surrounded him.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Ruinel Ruinel CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
(Last chance for you to sneak/surround the dragon, as long as you are very quiet.)
Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

The huntress' instincts kicked in at the sight and sound of the great beast. Her heart pumped adrenaline through her veins as she donned her helmet. Her muscles twitched in agony as she withheld herself from charging into a fight. "Whatever gets me closer to landing my axe into the damn thing!" she finally snapped, not able to keep her cool when her body wanted to break free and start the hunt. To her it sounded as if the dragon knew exactly where they were. Fine! She wasn't much for subterfuge, anyway!

Damn cats...damn...women who are actually men who are actually women....was she the only normal one here? She contemplated what had made her stop on that road, what had kept her from turning her back when they showed disinterest in her. Bah, there wasn't time to think. She started making her way through the woods around the dragon, her boots making almost no noise as she utilized her hunting skills to get around. Just as the cat planned, she was going to wait for him to talk and distract it, then charge. There was no point in arguing strategy anymore. Hesitation gets you killed.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras
Swift Thundercloud
Dark Forest - Dragon's Nest

Current Obsession: Dragons

Swift's tail flicked with surprised annoyance at hearing the dragon speak. So much for sneaking up on it, but not everything was lost. It did not seem as through it knew exactly where they were. They could still flank, but sneak attacks were out the window. If only the woman whom they had met would keep from speaking! The cat-man's tail was flicking back and forth as he let out a sigh. That one obviously did not understand the concept of when not to speak -- a bit ironic, coming from the cat who almost never shuts up. Still, he was not about to let her get caught as she began to move around the beast silently. At least her footwork was quiet. Instead, Swift took this chance to reveal his exact location to the dragon.

"Ahh, but you are a perceptive one, are you not?" Swift spoke loudly to the dragon with his lazy accent as he slowly stepped out into the clearing, bowing his head slightly towards the dragon in greeting. "Greetings, Red Dragon of the Forest," he spoke in Draconian to show the dragon some respect and get more on its good side, though again with his lazy accent slipping into his words. He began to strum a few notes on his lute as he spoke to the beast now -- partially because he liked the noise and it tended to put others at ease, and partially because it would help cover up any sounds of his allies moving into position. "Forgive my intrusion, but I have come to talk with you. Those who live here requested that you move to a more remote location, as you are harming their livelihood," he spoke politely, so as not to anger the beast. "Now, I know that this request is an...annoyance, so to speak. However, if you will hear me out, I would like to discuss it with you," the tiger-man spoke convincingly still in Draconic, letting his natural charm shine through his words.
Alteras Alteras Ruinel Ruinel Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Ashlynn jumps into the tree branches. Her light footwork made it so she was able to move through the trees silently without rustling the branches. She was not up here to strike yet, but instead be of some backup. She kept moving around the clearing as to not have her magical energy be picked up in one location by the dragon, but instead make it seem as though a protective barrier had surrounded the entire clearing. Ashlynn kept an invisible barrier on Swift as he walked out to talk.

She could not believe her eyes at the sight of the dragon. She had only seen Ceril's with Dragon-like features, but never a real dragon. She kept her eyes on Swift and the dragon in case anything went wrong so she could whack the dragon upside the head with her mace. She stayed silent as she ran around the clearing.

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Ruinel Ruinel Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Dark Forest - - - - >???

Time for business. Ariel looked at the dragon. She was thinking of taking the lead, as she knew the dragon wouldn't comply. She was fully armed and ready to go.

Swift insisted on his diplomacy though, so whatever. She sighed as the confrontation began with swift asking the question. At least he wasn't beating around the bush though, and asked the dragon straight up

She walked off behind the group........... Where did she go? Who knew? All that was known was that she was dependable and that she claimed the vanguard position.
Moriana Sorendel
: Outside Fort Black > Reception Hall

“Moriana Sorendel,” the lunarian answered as she followed the man to the reception hall. “A pleasure to meet you, Emel,” she added, mostly out of appreciation for the man helping her.

She began to fill out the form Emel handed her, starting with basic information. She came across the “Age” line and paused, a bit anxious. Recalling a conversation she had overheard at the tavern, Moriana learned that the year was 515. After doing the math in her head, she was shocked. Twenty years… she thought, struggling to grasp the fact that there was such a large gap in her life that had gone missing. Not wanting to draw any attention to herself, the lunarian continued filling out the form and decided to save the speculating for later. Whatever happened to her was not an accident.

After completing the application, Moriana passed it back to Emel. “Is it always this calm here?” she asked with a glimmer of hope, though she figured the true answer was “no”.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
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Vern the Cat
The Dark Forest

As they finally seemed to be finished with their planning, everything just had to go wrong. Of course it had to, where's the fun in having a meticulous and complicated plan going just as planned? This is why Vern prefers simple plans since fewer things could go wrong, but what does he know? He's just a dumb old cat. Well, at least that horned barbarian is more act as talk as she ran towards the dragon. She didn't immediately attack it though, so it seems that she'll at least wait for them to try to talk to the dragon. A thought came up on his mind as Vern ran towards the barbarian and leaped up onto her head. "Hey, don't mind me, just using you as a platform." Vern said to her, sitting on her helmet. "Once the fighting starts, just throw me up the dragon. I have something in mind." He said to her.

On top of his comfortable perch, Vern listened as the big cat tried to talk to the dragon. There's some mistakes here and there, but it's surprisingly understandable. Of course he's laying the praises thick, always a good idea when dealing with dragons. Oh well, no matter what he says, Vern is sure that a fight would occur, and apparently, everyone does too especially since they all immediately went towards their positions and has their guards up. "Again, just throw me towards the dragon, better if you get me on top of it." He once again reminded the barbarian.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Ruinel Ruinel
Svala Beastbane
The Dark Forest

Svala was crouched in some bushes, observing the movement of the party when the cat was suddenly atop her helmet. At first she didn't know it was him and she nearly snatched his long fur in attempt to gut him, but she heard his voice and relaxed.

Throw him at the dragon? Well, you get a talking cat and you've got crazy. If he reveals to you a seemingly crazy plan, how crazy can it be? In short, if the cat wanted to be launched right on top of the demon, who was she to get in his way? This cat was the most normal of the party. At least he was what he was, and not some horribly distorted breed. She grunted in compliance, more distracted by watching the others. One of them seemed to have completely disappeared. Of course it had been the wolf woman. Did they not know wolves were naturally deceptive creatures? Svala sneered in disgust. The sooner she could disassociate herself with the half-beasts, the better.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras
Red Dragon
Dark Forest - Dragon's Nest
"Nicely done. You have achieved the most basic of steps to be taken when before a dragon, 'Heap praise upon praise till its chest can swell no more.' Perhaps you should continue until my chest 'bursts in golden hubris.'" The dragon replied sarcastically. In truth, the dragon had risen his head and swollen his chest, unable to resist the praise that comes before the hubris that all dragons have. The tail began to move around, still close to the body, as the dragon tried show its pride while protecting its eggs. "Go ahead and tell me what ails the residents of this fair place. I doubt they could tell me apart from the taint that this wretched forest has, but do go ahead and tell me what the greed filled beings of this realm have bargained you to do." The dragon raised its wings ever so slightly and folded it in a more defensive position. A glimpse underneath the wings would reveal up to 7 glistening and gleaming Eggs the size of a child dwarf, along with a scaleless and worn out underside, complete with several scars. The dragon hasn't noticed the other party members moving, nor how many. Only a whisper here and a whisper there, but the dragon dismissed it as the inane speeches of the Dark Forest.
Ruinel Ruinel Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Leon Arbeider

Leon waved at several girls who giggled with joy. Many had taken notice to him, and even a few have gone up to him, hoping to be blessed. However, Leon remained a holy man and stuck to his duties. He had woken the morning and had stared up the Quest Wall. He just knew that Viviette would give him the Mapleburn Quest, and while he was fully equipped to deal with any demonic scheme, he wanted to "offer the quest" to any other guild members who would want to take it upon themselves the great duty of keeping the peace. As such, he took to it to complete the Delegation Quest. Surely the Inquisition would be happy to see me. His logic was that the king didn't like the Inquisition, but needed someone or something to show that Albion is still a realm blessed in the eyes of the True God, so what better person than to have a man gifted powers by the heavens above be part of the people protecting his lands.

And so Leon waited in Oakvale. The Prosperan-Espanian Delegation has yet to arrive, as well as the King's, although a messenger has arrived stating that the king's closest advisors are following the carriage of Robert Black.
Birdsie Birdsie Graystone713 Graystone713 Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Bishop Bishop
(Take your time, I just wanted to put my unused character somewhere so you don't arrive completely clueless)
Location: Guild Hall > Dining Hall
Melaina looked at her, a light smirk on her lips unable to find some humor in the fact he had doused her in holy water. It was a humorous thing imagining, although she knew it wouldn't be very pleasant. While she could be generally considered 'human' the fact she had black blood meant she was quite similar in the effect it would have on her being quite unpleasant. She nodded in response as she mentioned Emel and his likely response, shrugging a bit. She supposed it made some sense... it didn't change her mind in that it would be entertaining to watch.

"Alright... if you really don't like me feeling bad for you... I suppose we could go and eat a little something."
She spoke shrugging a bit with a playful smirk on her lips. She moved forward looking over to Chloe as she spoke to her. She leaned down looking at her giving a brief pause in following Viviette to look at the young girl. She did seem as if she was up to something only fueling her curiosity about it.

"What is it? Come with me and Ms. Vivi and tell me along the way." She gestured. a bit more reserved in her tone with the younger girl. She didn't have much reason to really toy with a child after all, not that she wasn't above being playful with her as well. It was nice to give her a bit of a chance to speak up rather then playing her typical word games she did with others. It wouldn't be very fair to her if she boggled her down with her typical playful word games. Her head turned over glancing over at the taller tan new recruit.

"Oh... well I'm afraid its lunch time right now for the receptionist... however I'm more then certain someone else can help you in her steed. If you see a white haired fellow, a bit brooding and grumpy hard to miss, ask him for help. If he doesn't show up soon I'm sure someone else might be able to help... if not... well I suppose you will have to wait till our return." She spoke deciding to purposely to play games with the new potential recruit, hoping Emel might show up in order to get stuck with new recruit duty. She had no clue if he knew how to do any of the paperwork or anything but she couldn't care less, it was fun to her to throw something on him to do. She waved as she looked down at Chloe, offering her hand if she wanted as she walked towards the Dining Hall with her to catch up with Viviette.

Alteras Alteras Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre NineTimes NineTimes (Direct) Silver Wolf Silver Wolf (Suckered on handing Glitch as well for recruitment )
Chloe Stargazer
Location: Reception/Bar
Being offered with Melaina's hand. She grabbed them with her small soft hand. Followed with a small slightly high pitched giggle she announced the news that she has been keeping in herself through the entire morning "It's going my birthday!" She said with a cheering voice. "About like this many days from now." She used her other hand, raising four fingers. Looks like The Stargazer's birthday is soon coming. "It's big brother's birthday also. But he said not to mention it too much." Chloe never actually knew the reason why but she didn't bother to know. "I'm so excited!" Chloe sounded so happy, in fact. She even hugged Melaina's leg before letting go. Hanarei Hanarei
Malcador Black
Fort Black - Courtyard > Malcador's Room

"Hmph, that's cute," he replied, looking at her.

"But I've already started experiments. The reason that I am better than a common, vulgar mage is that I favor practical results rather than wishful theories. I've been testing space-time magic with amulets and managed to conceive several prototypes of useful items. You and your ignorance might be a fun way to live, but I don't subscribe to it. Magic is about doing what is impossible and making it possible, or about doing what is possible and doing it easier. Now, excuse me, I have to see to my potions..." Malcador stood up from the bench, gave her a cold glare and walked away.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf

Malcador walked into his room and closed the door behind himself. He walked deeper into the chamber and up to the kettle where potions were brewing. He took a good look and leaned in closer, then took a deep breath through his nose. "A few minutes...."

Shadows gathered behind Malcador, forming a humanoid figure with two red eyes. "Hello, Malcador."
"...Goratrix!" Malcador turned around, surprised. To think the demon would waste energy by manifesting this way. At least the room was safe. No one could spy on them thanks to bounded fields that prevented scrying.

"I hear you've been awfully busy," Goratrix sat down on the bed. "I'm just putting the information you gave me to good use," Malcador replied.
"So you want to make a teleportation web?" Goratrix asked. "Correct," Malcador walked over to the bed and looked at the demon.
"5200 units of magical energy. Two souls. That's my cost for the materials and information. Alternatively, you can provide it through prayer," Goratrix stated.

Malcador walked over to his desk and took off an amulet he was wearing under his clothes. He placed it on the desk and took another device in his hand then put it against the amulet before tossing it to Goratrix. Goratrix caught the amulet while Malcador explained. "4920 prana units. I'll give the rest through invocation. What a tremendous relief to take that thing off. It's been sucking me for three weeks."

"Pleasure to be doing business with you. We'll talk tomorrow." Goratrix faded away with his prize.

Robert Black
Road to Oakvale - Carriage

"Yay," Robert replied to Nalnux's question, although the enthusiasm in his tone was rather meek and fleeting.

Robert looked back at the Glitch who was now walking back in the direction of Bowerstone. Hopefully, he had learned his lesson and wasn't going after them. Robert turned his attention back to Nalnux and waited for the lizardman's choice of entertainment.

(I'd say, let's interact for a few posts and then timeskip to our arrival.)
Alteras Alteras Graystone713 Graystone713 Archdemon Archdemon Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Bishop Bishop
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Kali Yajuuka
Road to Oakvale

Kali had been watching quietly as everything with Glitch had gone down. That person sure seemed persistent, but it seemed as though they had finally decided to head back to Bowerstone. Kali turned in her seat to watch the figure as they walked away.

The carriage jolted forward slightly as it began to surge ahead once more, causing the unprepared Kali to almost fall over in her seat, but she braced herself at the last moment to keep from falling into anyone and quickly righted her position in the carriage, sitting properly again.

"Oh, I'd love to hear a story!" The girl responded happily to Nalnux, then added, "Oh, um, yay," as she realized that the large lizardman had said to say yay or nay. She adjusted her position in her seat to get comfortable. There was just enough room for her to bring her legs up and sit in a cross-legged position without getting in the others' personal spaces, so that is the position she chose to listen to Nalnux's story in; it was a sitting pose that her and others in her village would always sit in when listening to the stories of the elders, and it just seemed more respectful to her to sit that way when listening to Nalnux now. With that out of the way, she sat quietly, waiting eagerly for the story to be told.
Archdemon Archdemon Birdsie Birdsie Graystone713 Graystone713 Bishop Bishop
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The road to adventure!... Still!
Long ago, in a distant land...

Wobb wasn't sure how to feel about the rude interruption, or how suddenly it came and went, but he did know how he felt about stories! Which is to say that he loved stories. And while he briefly considered the fact that he himself wanted to tell a story, his would have been a tale from the theatre. Nalnux would tell a REAL story about things that REALLY happened! To this, there could only be one response.
He shouted, flailing his arms in the manner that the puppeteer's favorite frog puppet would to express his excitement! He was probably about to learn that when you weren't trying to show these tales to younger audiences things could be very, very messy.
Archdemon Archdemon Birdsie Birdsie Bishop Bishop Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Solem Umbra
Location: Outskirts of Bowerstone> Bowerstone marketplace

Solem had, for the most part, traveled without incident. With the exception of the rather excitable man that appeared, gave him a pouch full of gold, and ran off once more. He did remember seeing the group of armed and rather angry people that followed soon after. The man must have stolen the pouch from them, and given their rough attire Solem reasoned that they were vagabonds. As inconsequential as it was then, now as Solem found himself encircled by angry sleep-deprived bandits. He couldn't help but wonder if the bag of coins was truly worth it. Deciding against supplying bandit with a means to further their endeavors he decided to engage, He would only have to ward them of long enough for the patrol to be in sight which would be in less than a minute cojsideringvthe sounds of combat catches attention quickly. As Solem evaluated the situation a bandit barked orders at him. The bloodstains song his blade told of the frenzied man's fate. Solem stood his ground promoting the men and women tk advance though the most direct came from behind. A curved step and smooth turn left the charging bandit unbalanced as his target spun around him. Delivering a sharp kick to his side Solem followed it up with a heavy kick to the side of his head leaving the man to drop to his side. One down six to go, another bandit tried his luck throwing a dagger from the side, again Solem turned to the side reading the rotation of the projectile he quickly grabbed the hilt and returned it to the sender lodging it in the shoulder of his opponents throwing arm. Solem advanced towards his target with the intention of continuing down the path. First he blinded the man to his intentions sending a precise kick to drive the dagger deeper into his shoulder. As he man yelled Solem rotated again slamming the back of his fist into his exposed jaw dropping the man. Having the opening he needed Solem took off running careful to stay close enough to lead them straight into the guards. Stand in just past the gate Solem glanced back and saw the arrests through his mask. Smiling slightly he patted the heavy coin purse in his inner pocket and stepped into the crowd. The authorities would handle the bandits and solem has not asked question he had not the language to answer. Even if he could no longer ask the guards of the location of the Hero's Guild he was sure he could find someone. Traveling deeper into the city the celestial continually read signs to help absorb the language, until finding himself in the market. Absorbing the surroundings allowed Solem to begin to understand the layout of the city around him. Yet the masked individual was still painfully aware of his need for guidance.
Riley Holden
Location: Bowerstone Marketplace

After a traveling for many miles on foot, Riley looked exhausted as he entered Bowerstone, but at the same time, still had a happy go lucky smile on his face as he smelled the fresh the breads and sounds of merchants selling off common items to the people of what other travelers called Bowerstone. He had been to some of the crowning citadels of Albion, where crime was higher than any where else in the world, as far as he knew. He had traveled here since an old man at the last city told him that the town of Bowerstone was one that he would have the best chance to fit in and start his new, non-humiliated, life. But as far as Riley knew, nothing stood out from the rest of the towns and cities he had been to. There was significantly less crime compared to most, but other than that, there were still outskirts with houses and shops, a patrol of guards walking through, one even gave him a shifty look, and there was still the usual thugs in the ally ways and corners. It took Riley awhile to get what the old man had told him was, 'His new opportunity'. Riley entered the marketplace and started doing what Riley did best, charming or annoying the public. He cracked jokes with random villagers, told shopkeepers the mighty tale of, 'Riley and the Big Band of Goons', which always ended differently for each shopkeeper, and placed a cooper coin on the ground because he thought that was the best thing he could do to some random passer byers. He had been looking around when he accidentally bumped into a mysterious masked man. He turned towards the man to get a better look and saw almost no face at all.
"Oh, sorry hood man. Didn't see you when I was gawking at the sights of the town, which I can only guess you are not doing under that mask. Well, you could be doing a lot of things under that mask, but what you are doing under that mask is none of my concern, no sire. Not in the slightest."

Alterius Alterius
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
??? in the Dark Forest

Ariel waited in anticipation. She was on all fours and waiting for the fight to go ahead and start. As valiant as Swift's attempt was, it wouldn't work. That's what they prepared for. This is why they were all here in the first place. Ariel was getting one of those eggs. She'd hatch it and raise it. Dragons looked down on humans. That's why they were being slain left and right. Ariel chose to live in harmony and become one....... Or half one.

She was ready to strike!! She was itchy as hell and getting more annoyed by the second.

Ruinel Ruinel Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras

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