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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Vern the Cat
Guild Hall

"Eh, let's wait a few more minutes. I don't see any reason to leave the young lady after having told her that she could come." The cat said to the bigger cat. Vern was an asshole, no doubt about that, but at the very least he keeps his words. So since he told her that she could come, so she shall. "Besides, watching the slimy hero wannabe get beat up may prove to be quite entertaining."

His attention was then caught by Melaina. To be honest, she's probably one of the more decent ones here. Sure, she's definitely a bitch, but who isn't? She takes his insults in stride and even counters with her own ones. And unlike a freeloading leech, she at least does some work around here.

"Language young lady!" He said in mock anger and disbelief. "Insults and sarcasm was one thing, but I cannot condone your use of puns! Had a nun been here she'd have washed your tongue with soap!" He said to her, acting like a parent scolding their child for cursing.

He really didn't mind that last jab about him not being human. Had he been any lesser man he'd have a hard time adjusting to this body, but Vern took it in stride. It may hae been the longest, but this isn't the first time he's been turned into something else. He'd once been turned into a tree as part of a trial, had transformed into a rodent to infiltrate a castle, got zapped by a magic that turned him into a rock. Heck, he'd even been turned into a woman once. Though he must admit he did enjoy the last one.

"Anyway, as I was saying, we'll wait for the wolf to finish then we can get going." He said, addressing those who expressed interest in joining the quest.

Hanarei Hanarei Alteras Alteras Rin Nyx Rin Nyx @ Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Alexander Bishop
East Training Grounds

Alex didn't fully understand what he was supposed to do. He pulled his crossbow from his back and pulled the crank back, he loaded in a bolt before moving to the nearest cover, a large stone rock. He pulled a small 'clamp' trap out and set in the ground next to him. Right.
Alex could see her standing on the other side of the field, just out in the open.
He lifted his crossbow up and set his sight on the young girl.
"Well?!" He shouted still looking at her "Now what?!"
Alteras Alteras
Robert Black
Fort Black - Training Ground

Nalnux approached with the sound of heavy feet. Robert greeted him with a half-glance and a few welcoming words. "Good morning. He is smart," Robert stated, then his eyelids almost closed. He watched in more deeply, like an astronomist. He watched her perform the fancy maneuver. It did lower the board of possible options for the slime in the scenario. His two best bets right now were to charge and attack, or stand his ground and rough it out. Sometimes, the opponent has more raw strength. In that case, the best bet is to not let them use it or at least make them use as little of it as possible by attacking first. Now that the slime knew what he had to deal with, these were his best shots, at least according to Robert, that is.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Archdemon Archdemon
Location Guild Hall​

Melaina looked towards Viviette giving a bright smile and as she took the keys. She walked around the counter, giving yet another wave as she stood on the otherwise of the counter. She waved to the two. "Have fun you two! Behave yourself now!" She spoke in a teasing way. Perhaps to the new guy it would sound as if she was trying to hint at something perhaps 'romantic' although in truth she was more so commenting about Viviette. She expected she would have some 'fun' being out there to test him.

Melaina stood quietly at the other side of the desk, glancing about seeing the various paperwork and the bottles upon bottles of liqueur. She wasn't the drinking type. It couldn't be to hard to mix drinks if she had to right? She shrugged it off deciding not to worry about it. She moved her umbrella off from her shoulder, finally closing it as she placed it to her side. She wasn't expecting to stay to long, not bothering to 'withdraw' the umbrella for now, she would just keep it to the side. She gave Vern a little acknowledging wave, if she would personally call it a bit 'katty' in its gesture.

She took a seat, sitting at attention should anyone come up to the counter. Her eyes glanced over briefly looking upon the missions, confirming what she had suspected in them being generally boring jobs. Babysitting as a job seemed like such an easy job for a good chunk of cash, but she wasn't much for all the effort required. She doubted her freezing them until her job was done wasn't likely to be looked positively upon after all. She glanced down at the various materials before her, paging through some of the paperwork out of sheer curiousity as she took over the job of Guild Receptionist temporarily.

((Now temporarily handling all Quest applications or drink requests... albeit you won't likely want the drinks. ))

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Alteras Alteras Bishop Bishop
Viviette Arbeider
East Trainings Grounds

Viviette checked to make sure her two sword carrying containers were still on her, nice and snug. She waved her arm and let out a demonic grin. Thankfully from the distance she's at, he wont be able to make out the smile. "JUST TRY TO KILL ME!!" She yelled.

Viviette then crouched down, leaning forward on the balls of her feet, and began to channel the power of her swords. She really wanted to make the opening move, but she needs to test the Alex's battle instincts, including how to start it. There was a clear line of sight for a bow shot down the field, but there are enough obstacles for her to jump to and fro. If Alex didn't move in the next few moments, then she will. She began her Hellfire Punch to charge up and fire up around her fists.
Bishop Bishop
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The training ground
Sonic BOOM!

What on earth WAS that magic? Wobb slid to the side as quickly as he could, but one of his legs was too far behind him and it was splattered out across the dirt. It wasn't any element he could deal with, so he knew he'd have to avoid it throughout the fight... Or disarm her. Wobb's arm swelled as he filled his elbow with arrowheads and prepared the pressurized jet stream they'd follow. He shoved his left blade into his right arm, bent his one remaining leg, and jumped off of his own lower half, backflipping as he took aim and-was blocked by the ice pillar freezing his melting leg and impaling his pants. Ice magic. Oh dear. He wanted to leave a slippery puddle there, but that obviously wasn't an option now. So he slid out from behind the pillar andfired a quick burst of three arrowheads from his left hand at her neck/chest region, trying his damnedest to hit that little bell! As for Wobb, he might've lost his entire lower half, but he could still slither and bounce. He had to rush her now, and he did so by bouncing and hopping as though the battlefield were a trampoline. However, on his last hop, he went for fast, low, and a chance to slash at her legs. He was sure she'd dodge it easily, but if he didn't make her move, she could just fire magic at him all day!
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Alexander Bishop
East Training Grounds

Alex was eyeing her off. He had too admit she was a very attractive girl, horns included.
"Kill her?" He whispered to himself "Alright..." Alex fired a bolt off from the crossbow before rolling over the rock to get on the other side. He already had another bolt drawn so he fired that off as well. He sprinted for cover before throwing another bear trap onto the ground. He hid behind the log and quickly crawled his way behind a rather large tree. He was trying to break line of sight so he didn't bother poking his head around the corner and instead sat silently.
Alterius Alterius
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Liam Pontiff
Guild hall

Liam the troublemaker opened the doors to the guild hall, one hand on the door handle and another rubbing his head. To put it quickly Liam looked like complete shit, messy and unkept hair, bags under his tired looking eyes, and the top buttons on his shirt were undone with its color flipped up on one side and down on the other. Liam had a interesting morning, waking up halfway out of a second story window, the first person to find him wasn't happy to find him there. So only minuets of waking up with a hangover Liam was already leaping out of windows and wandering around some unfamiliar streets. He wasn't the type of guy who would go out and get absolutely wasted, that and he couldn't even hold his liquor. However Liam was just happy to be back at the guild hall, though before going back to his room to hopefully sleep off this terrible headache Liam stopped at the bar to get some water.

"Hey, I need some water," He said, not really paying attention to the bartender which was probably Viviette as always. He thought about how she was going to rat him out on being hungover, which was a rare for him. Hopefully no one else would see him in this condition.

Hanarei Hanarei
Location: Nearby alley

The traveler pushed their hood down and ties their hair back. They stand up and notice the Guild out of the corner of their eye. They decide to pay it no mind and heads over to the instrument store. They notice that the store is empty and decides to look at the string instruments. Seeing as the instruments cost too much for their pocket the head over to the Guild's courtyard and take a seat

Location: Guild Courtyard
Location: Guild hall​

Melaina sat behind the counter reading through the various material. She had a nice little hobby of reading. For her, she could find entertainment in reading almost anything, whether its fiction or just literal documentation. So long as what she read had interesting information or told a good story she could find enjoyment from it. When you are kept stuffed up in the middle of nowhere and are either worked to the bone or given a break, it wasn't hard to figure reading would turn out to be a good way for her to pass time while dealing with her physical exhaustion from her training. Of course, being in a guild with a bunch of people meant enjoying reading was much harder.

She glanced up a bit of an annoyed expression her face. She relaxed a bit her sour look dissipated rather quickly looking upon Liam as he spoke demanding water. She looked him over, able to tell he was far from being in the best shape. It was more then likely he had some sort of hang over. She sighed a bit in response. She had offered to handle Vivi's job, it was only right she did as she said she would. She pointed her finger, a glow of light forming from her finger tip. A cloud suddenly formed over Liams head before a large rush of water fell down, splashing over him and soaking him. She pulled her finger back touching her finger to her chin as if in thought.

"Oh wait... water... as in you wanted a glass of water? My mistake, my apologies. I just heard someone decide to demand water in such a rude way I suspected that they wanted it doused over them, especially when you come here looking as if you had just been bitten by a disease ridden zombie." She commented acting quite nonchalant about it as she casually fished for a glass, moving to the sink to fill it up with water. A plaful smirk filled her lips as she turned back around. She placed it down on the counter, moving it towards him.

"There you go, a nice cool glass of water made by yours truly. Hopefully that might help with whatever affliction seems to be plaguing you, whether self inflicted or not."

MouseDuke MouseDuke
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Grounds

Viviette immediately dodged to the right and broke for cover behind some trees. She then leaped up in the air using her magically assisted strength. Doing a quick survey, she could see where Alex is and the traps he placed. They weren't obvious, and anyone would've fallen for them, but since she's so use to this training ground, its noticeable to her. He was also being extremely quite. Definitely an assassin style. And he hasn't used any magic yet, so good against those magically attuned. Taking steps to avoid direct conflict against me. Nice nice. She landed back on the ground and started sprinting straight toward him. Let's see what he does with a frontal assault.
Bishop Bishop
Guild Coutryard

Curiosity gets the best of them and they walk into the Guild's Hall. They look at the walls and furniture, eventually coming to the bar. The pass a glance at Liam, who is now drenched in water and at the Bartender. They raise an eyebrow at Liam and sit down.

"What is available and at what price?" They ask.

Hanarei Hanarei
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Alexander Bishop
East Training Grounds

Alex heard moment before it all went silent. He couldn't hear any wings flapping so she must of taken off from the ground somehow. A few moments passed as he heard a loud thud which meant she had landed back on the ground, followed by rushed foot steps heading straight for him.
"She's charging me" thought before pulling a quick spring bear trap out of his bag he set it before whizzing around. He could see her sprinting at him, he worked out a spot she was going to step before throwing the trap right infront of her, not enough time to jump it so she'd have to dodge to either side, Alex pulled his crossbow up and waited.
Left or right?
Alteras Alteras
Jaylis Relenus

"Aye. It might be fun to follow Ariel around. Seems like she's taking this job. I'll get plenty of financial revenue from the dragon's parts. Some dragon poop can sell for a lot too. Great price for alchemists and apothecaries," He said to whoever was talking to him. He turned around to see Ashlynn, one of the members he didn't know much about. He didn't know why though, maybe she just never imposed on him much. That did happen a lot. He looked at Ashlynn again and gave a nice smile saying, "Morning Ashlynn. What business do you have with a book-worm like me?"

"Well... you're smart.... I was hoping you could help me capture some dragons flames when we get there..." Ashlynn said with a smile. She would need it to help her find her hidden ability. But others would believe it to be a charm to heal diseases and such.. "Since you are more experienced than me in this kind of thing..."
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Grounds

Viviette smiled at the ingeniousness of his trap. He didn't retreat, which in the face of an enemy that can move faster than you can is a good thing, Nor did he just lay in wait with his crossbow, but actively tried to force the opponent into a corner if they are smart enough. Already, Viviette was quite satisfied with this recruit, but she's still in the pickle of about to step on a bear trap. So just as her foot was about to come forward, she forced it behind her other foot to trip herself. On her way down, she punched downward with Grand Strength and Hellfire Punch, destroying the bear trap and the ground around it. Debris flew up in the air, creating a kind of screen between the two. She brought her other hand forward into the ground, shaking the ground and sending even more dirt into the air, hoping to give herself time to recover and momentarily stun Alex.
Bishop Bishop
Liam Pontiff
Guild hall

This damn little pipsqueak, dumping water all over him. Couldn't she tell what kind of situation he was in!? Plus what kind of bartender decides to drench their customer!? He could tell by her stupid tone that's she wasn't sorry for being so damn rude. And the worst part of everything, she said he looked like he had just been bitten by a disease ridden Zombie! Taking the glass of water Liam took a small sip out of it before looking at the girl, he had seen her around the guild but he couldn't recall her name. Though that still didn't change the fact that she pissed him off. After taking his sip Liam flung the glass over to her with the water spilling out and landing on her.

"Oh sorry, my mistake," he said, mimicking her 'apology' from earlier. "In my disease ridden state I'm very off balance and dizzy," he said sarcastically before setting the glass down and standing up. "Maybe you shouldn't douse others in water Pipsqueak," he continued, dropping his sarcastic levels by a little. And with his little act of revenge Liam simply walked away from the bar.

Hanarei Hanarei
Alexander Bishop
East Training Grounds

Alex stood looking in awe at all of the destruction that just took place.
"Healer or no healer, if one of those hit me i'm dead"
Alex immediately started back peddling away from his aggressor. trying to put at much distance between them as possible. He switched out the bolt that he had for a trick shot. He has a extensive collection of bolts with various runes and enchantments placed on them, but the one he was grabbing was an oddly shaped one with a corkscrew head. This one was a bolt blessed and filled with holy water, something of his own design. The idea is whilst the bolt is in flight it wold rapidly splash small beads of water around the area it flew by. He hadn't ever actually used the bolt before but this seemed like the best place. He made sure to grab some cover behind a large stone waiting for the dust to settle.
He was firing that bolt the moment he could see her
Alteras Alteras
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The training ground
Sonic BOOM!

What on earth WAS that magic? Wobb slid to the side as quickly as he could, but one of his legs was too far behind him and it was splattered out across the dirt. It wasn't any element he could deal with, so he knew he'd have to avoid it throughout the fight... Or disarm her. Wobb's arm swelled as he filled his elbow with arrowheads and prepared the pressurized jet stream they'd follow. He shoved his left blade into his right arm, bent his one remaining leg, and jumped off of his own lower half, backflipping as he took aim and-was blocked by the ice pillar freezing his melting leg and impaling his pants. Ice magic. Oh dear. He wanted to leave a slippery puddle there, but that obviously wasn't an option now. So he slid out from behind the pillar andfired a quick burst of three arrowheads from his left hand at her neck/chest region, trying his damnedest to hit that little bell! As for Wobb, he might've lost his entire lower half, but he could still slither and bounce. He had to rush her now, and he did so by bouncing and hopping as though the battlefield were a trampoline. However, on his last hop, he went for fast, low, and a chance to slash at her legs. He was sure she'd dodge it easily, but if he didn't make her move, she could just fire magic at him all day!
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Training Ground

"Ice Armor," she muttered. With a glow, her entire body became encased in ice. She stood there and took the arrowheads. The first 2 cracked the ice, and the third shattered it. It served its purpose well. His accuracy was top notch though as she noticed the arrowheads hit the ice encased bell. She wrote it down on her clipboard. So he couldn't counter her sound magic.

He was making his move now. Normally, she would block the attack and parry, but this was a slime. She couldn't slash him without freezing him first. Otherwise his puddles would cause a problem. So she jumped up and landed on an ice crystal. "Move fast, Wobb. Soon we're moving on to the next test: Multi-tasking."

Using her Ice Crystals, she jumped around the stage and landed on another, knowing he couldn't touch it or it'd start to freeze him. She was still on seeing how good he could dance though, as well as testing that accuracy, unless he wanted to try and chase her. She raised her hand and a large magic circle appeared in the sky. It started firing thin icicles at Wobb like a machine gun. At face value, this would be useless against a slime. He'd just laugh it off.........not so much. If the slime wasn't all together, that gave a smaller area to freeze. This would start to reduce his mass by freezing small pieces so he can't put himself back together. Plus, he had to protect his core, as those icicles would easily fly through his entire body.
The Stargazers
Location: Guild shop

It was very busy morning for the Stargazer siblings. Baxter was cooking a simple bland meal for his lovely little sister and him. He rented a small house in Bowerstone. The price was a bit of sting for his money but he managed to pay for it. His sister was still asleep in their bed. Baxter was a really good house keeper. Managing multiple chores at once. In fact! He even gathered a couple of few assorted fresh flowers from Bowerstone's gardens for Chloe's colorful bouquet she is going to give out for the heroes inside the guild. He woke his little sister and prepared themselves to head in the Guild of heroes.

Upon reaching the Guild. Baxter ignored the people while carrying Chloe in his right arm. Opening the Guild shop's doors. He opened it with a silver key. The inside was larger than it appears. Weapons are mounted on the walls. All displayed at their polished best and careful placement. Items of book tomes have their own small shelves as well as the food. Multiple barrels and crates can be seen from the back of the large wooden counter. Potions and armor are mounted behind the counter. The place seems to have nearly everything a basic hero needs for their survival against the forces out in the world.

Baxter placed his sister down to let her roam freely inside the shop while he begins to wrap himself up for work. There are is a door behind the counter also. Baxter went to his usual behind-the-counter position while he reads a mysterious hardbound leather tome. He just found the under his counter and began reading it. Who knows if he actually understands it.

Shop is now open for business

Meanwhile Chloe was just dancing around with a large colorful bouquet in her hands. She enjoyed the scent and appearance of flowers. The white bouquet was covering her face, due to the handful amount of different kinds of flowers. She was becoming too excited to give away these fresh flowers she grew in her very own backyard in Bowerstone, which is funny because this is where most of Baxter's money went. Approaching his older brother she simply asked "May i go and give these flowers to everyone, big brother?" Her older brother simply replied with no eye contact whatsoever "Okay, just be careful okay? Don't cause trouble." He found it unnecessary for them to ask him since she does it like every other day. "I promise~" Chloe jogged off to the exit while his brother sits back and waited for his first customer of the day.

As Chloe skipped her way out of the shop. She had already met her first towering hero, a sad one to be exact. Giving an orchid to them. The hero's face shifted into a cheered one in an instant. He thanked The Guild Child. Chloe was happy to give a couple of flowers to every hero she meets. The Guild Child has been giving a lot of flowers as she made her way through the guild's interiors. Chloe's baby face can now be seen as she made her way into the guild's bar. There was still enough flowers for everyone. She has been gaining a lot of attention as she stepped in the bar. Giving a few flowers to heroes, some of them even approaching her.

(Chloe is open for interactions)
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The training ground
Gotta keep on running faster!

Did Wobb ever have a chance? He squirmed, wiggled, and danced as he shot off more arrowheads, unable to keep a steady aim as he tried desperately to dodge those little needles. Eventually, he was out of ammo, and out of luck. A good his got him through the shoulder as he ran for any kind of cover, and he noticed something vital. The ice had frozen a part of him, but he still had a grip on it. He could move it. So a desperate new plan formed as he INTENTIONALLY took shots, even throwing his shirt and cap off! It must've seemed crazy. But he had an idea. And as icicles bounced off of the swords in his body and other bits of ice, it seemed like it might work. By this point, enough little disks and icicles had been formed in him that he looked more like an icy soccer ball than a boy. And as he got more spherical, it became obviously intentional. And now it was his time, his moment! He bounced a little into the air, started to spin, and rolled right at Ariel, going at top speed! Then came the big gamble: he squished down as he rolled, bounced up, and flew right at her face, his blades suddenly pulling out of the speedy blue orb his body had become as he went for it! This sort of attack was honestly nuts, and she'd probably either dodge it or disintegrate him with one good bark, but he had no other ideas, no final trick up the sleeve. And to be honest, his plan was probably a terrible one. But at least it was something.
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The training ground
Gotta keep on running faster!

Did Wobb ever have a chance? He squirmed, wiggled, and danced as he shot off more arrowheads, unable to keep a steady aim as he tried desperately to dodge those little needles. Eventually, he was out of ammo, and out of luck. A good his got him through the shoulder as he ran for any kind of cover, and he noticed something vital. The ice had frozen a part of him, but he still had a grip on it. He could move it. So a desperate new plan formed as he INTENTIONALLY took shots, even throwing his shirt and cap off! It must've seemed crazy. But he had an idea. And as icicles bounced off of the swords in his body and other bits of ice, it seemed like it might work. By this point, enough little disks and icicles had been formed in him that he looked more like an icy soccer ball than a boy. And as he got more spherical, it became obviously intentional. And now it was his time, his moment! He bounced a little into the air, started to spin, and rolled right at Ariel, going at top speed! Then came the big gamble: he squished down as he rolled, bounced up, and flew right at her face, his blades suddenly pulling out of the speedy blue orb his body had become as he went for it! This sort of attack was honestly nuts, and she'd probably either dodge it or disintegrate him with one good bark, but he had no other ideas, no final trick up the sleeve. And to be honest, his plan was probably a terrible one. But at least it was something.
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Training Ground

Fuck! She was knocked clean out of the air. All of this took her by surprise. Him taking the attack, absorbing and then launching a counter attack. She fell to the ground, taking some slashes, but nothing bad. "I gave you a chance and you exceeded expectations, Wobb," Ariel said with a big grin. She started writing in her clipboard again.

"You don't crumble under light pressure. Nice accuracy with those arrowheads. I'm just a fast moving target. I'll move to the final one: All out."

Basic attacks
Counter attacks/parrying
Advanced attacks
Trump Cards
All Out
These were all the criteria on the clip board. He had pretty much all of them down enough to pass

Then Ariel thought about it. She would DESTROY Wobb if she went all out. She could honestly end this fight in about 10 seconds. Use Blizzard to hold him still by hardening his body, use Bark to shatter him, and then shred his core. Short of impaling her before Blizzard, Wobb couldn't stop his demise, as blizzard would hit the entire field with almost 0 degree, 0 visibility icy wind. He wouldn't just harden. He would freeze solid. And that was only the quickest path. She decided to let him decide whether or not he wanted to get his core turned into a side dish

She spoke while writing. It should be obvious at this point that Wobb's attack was effective from a shock standpoint than a damage one. She seemed completely unaffected by the slashes "You've passed, Wobb. You have work to do before you can defeat any of us or an advanced foe, but you've shown enough promise to take on enemies while on a team. We'll end it here unless you want to fight to the actual finish."
Blaise Tavish
Bar/ Reception

After the departure of Swift with the party who were going to track a dragon and the abrupt exodus of Viviette and the other guild members for the purpose of preliminary training, Blaise now sat alone at the bar. He was surprised at how long he was having to wait for a task as simple as renewing his contract.

So, with no one around and with no desire to continue waiting, he left his barstool and shuffled over to the recpetion desk. He walked behind it and began looking in the drawers holding the contracts of those the guild had a partnership with. It was tedious going through the seemingly never-ending sea of surnames to find his. He read the names aloud as he fingered through the mountain of parchment.

"Tason..Talmak... Tavish!" He said excitedly as he held his contract in his hands. He began reading it to see whay it entailed. The guild was eager to change requirements on outside forces in order to maintain their best interests.

"How long do they want me this time..?" He asked himself as he examined each line of text with meticulous attention to detail and wording. "Ten months... They must really need something done."

Anyone Anyone
Vern the Cat
Guild Hall

Just as Vern was starting to run out of patience waiting for the remaining members of the party, the wolf lady finally ended the testing of the goopy schmuck. Sadly though, looks like the gooey punchline managed to pass the test. Whether it was out of luck or skill Vern still disliked that puddle of slime, he can tell that the slime will get on his nerves.

"Finally!" He exclaimed as he approached the wolf lady, Ariel was her name if memory serves right. "So Ariel, do you still want to go on that dragon hunt? We could have left but it seemed improper to do so when I've already said my word to let you come with us." He said to her, his tone of voice a bit annoyed.

Though he hope it wouldn't happen, he'd be royally pissed off if the girl decided to not join them on the quest after making them wait. I mean, Vern decided to play the good guy here and if that's how it was gonna be then he'll be totally justified if he bitches about it.

"Everyone who expressed interest in joining me on that dragon quest gather up! We will be leaving in a while so don't blame me for leaving you here if you continue your dilly-dallying!" He called out, eager to commence with the quest.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny (Anyone else wanna join us?)
Location: Guild Training Grounds

The Lizardman was laughing at the fight between Ariel and Wobb. He was enjoying it, but he was impressed by the kids tactical take on the battle. He was more intelligent than he gave him credit for, and he had the potential to be a tactical genius! He was also paying attention to the other fight with Viviette and Alexander. The boy there knew that he couldn't fight head on so he resolved to fighting like what a hunter would do. Which is the perfect fighting style to have when in an area of a ton of cover and against an opponent that's only being headstrong. He is also tactical in knowing when to stay away and when to roll out attacks, he'd be a good apprentice as well but Nalnux isn't sure if he could teach him anything. He seems to prefer long range instead of short range which Nalnux prefers over long. He turned back to Wobb, it seems like he passed!

"Ha! I like this slime Kid! He's got serious potential! He's accurate with his arrows, he's been using tactics, and he's using outside the box tactics! A slimy way to my heart! I like this kid boss, wouldn't mind having him as my apprentice! That part where he took the ice shards she was firing at him and used it against her was Genius! Course it didn't do a whole lot of damage but that exactly the type of attitude we need! And he even passed the combat test!"

Nalnux was impressed, which is clearly obvious to anyone. It's also not that easy to just impress Nalnux either, or matter of fact to surprise him. He doesn't often suggest taking in apprentices unless they've impressed him which is very few people.
Alteras Alteras Birdsie Birdsie Graystone713 Graystone713 Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Bishop Bishop

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