• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes

Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area/bar

"Busy day today huh," Viviette said as she watched the newcomers join the party. In a shout to the hooded man in the back, she said, "I'll get to you in a moment!" Nalnux walked forward just as she pulled out her key and crouched under her desk to open a trap door on the floor. She pulled out a sack of gold and a few potions that Malcodor made. Placing them on the counter she said, "As always, the guild has already taken its share of the reward. And here are the potions that come with the quest. All 2 of them... Wow Malcodor..."

Just as she locked the trap door, she could feel the icy stare of Blaise. Like demons have nasty stares, but that's a whole new level of contempt.

Viviette ignored it and motioned to the hooded man to come forward just as the others were departing. "Welcome to the Guild of Heroes, How can I help you?" Viviette said in a much more cordial tone than the slime, seeing as the man is actually capable of dealing with some proper combat.
Archdemon Archdemon Sir Basilisk Sir Basilisk Bishop Bishop

(Sorry about the bold and the lack of tags. To save time, I'm only tagging those who I'm directly interacting with and using bold cause coloring takes too much time on mobile.)
Swift Thundercloud
Guild Hall
Current Obsession: Dragons

Swift let out a laugh at the image of the small cat riding a large dragon. "I do not think that the large one will be a fitting steed for you, old man. It would make you look small. No, you want a dragon sized to make you look important, majestic, even!" he told Vern convincingly, tail swishing excitedly behind him. Then, he seemed to realize something. "Ah! But when I do help you deal with the dragon, he cannot take all the eggs!" Swift motioned briefly at Ariel. "One of the eggs will be mine, you can do what you want with the gold for the job though." he offered instead. He didn't care about gold, but to be able to have his own dragon egg...now that sounded interesting. He basically ignored the comment about ignoring the slime -- it was not his intention to do so, but if the old man wished to think it was, he would not contradict him on it.

Since it seemed as though they would have to wait for Ariel to come back after testing the slime in combat before they could head out after the dragon, Swift decided he would hang out and find some way to pass the time while he waited. Taking his lute out and strumming a few test notes, the tabaxi wondered over to the bar counter, leaning against it and sliding over to a gruff-looking man. Swift recognized the man as one who often worked with the guild, but was not an official member of it. He generally kept note of people like that, as they were less restricted by the guild's rules and guidelines, meaning that they could make things more interesting with the right set of circumstances. Right now, however, was not one of those times. Instead, Swift started strumming a nice melody on his instrument, then began talking to the man. "Did I ever tell of the time that I killed a dragon with my words?" he asked the man generally, though he spoke loud enough for others to hear in case they wanted to hear the story. He continued to play his lute softly as he spoke, the music slowly filling up the room and creating nice background music for the guild hall. Basically, he was just passing the time, bored once again while he had to wait for the others to go play with the dragon.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Sir Basilisk Sir Basilisk
Emel Inelvis

Fort Black Training Grounds
Emel always woke up early. Before dawn he would wake up, dress himself, clean himself, and eat all before the sun rose. Once it did, he was in the training grounds as he was everyday. It was around the time most people would be eating or waking up. He had already finished his exercises and was now practicing his archery. Archery was definitely useful. He could injure or kill enemies from afar even unnoticed if he wished. His great eyesight and perception also made him a natural archer. He looked at the target and grinned at his results, five bull's-eyes, seven good hits, and three misses. Much better than the last round. He then began walking to pick up his arrows. Luckily the weather was calm today, it was the only reason he had gotten so many hits. Not many people were out this early, so he couldn't sharpen his other combat skills.

(Anyone's free to interact here.)

Jaylis Relenus

Morning was often rather slow for Jaylis. He often stayed up late reading, but he had managed to wake up today. At least he managed to get himself in a presentable order before reaching the bar where he planned to get something to eat. He walked in just in time to hear Malcador make another speech about his research. This time on slimes. Indeed, there was a humanoid slime in the room. Though what Malcador said about slimes was rather...odd. He was glad t hear Vern correcting the arrogant man. There was no excuse to be rude to such a creature. Though he did find it funny how Ariel was being polite to the slime. Having slime on her hand must be disgusting, so he was surprised to see the much famed Ice Queen of the guild being kind to the slime.

A dragon though...he didn't hear what Viviette had to say about the quest, but he was fascinated. Anything from a dragon was highly valuable and he knew someone who could use something like scales, teeth, or anything off of such a magical creature. It beat sitting down all day, that's for sure. He decided to inquire more about it. "Dragons? Well if anyone's going, count me in. I need to collect some scales and whatnot. Let's call it family business."

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie Graystone713 Graystone713

Location: Reception Area
Red eyes fixated forward as the elegantly dressed woman entered the Fort. Her elegant red robe held to her figure, patterned with various images of flowers. Her long black hair was kept up in two tails to her sides cascading over her shoulders. A rather elegant black and red umbrella was gripped upon in her black gloved hand despite a distinct lack of rain to worry about being inside as she was. Her large gold earings hung from her ears quite gaudy in appearance though given her choice of wardrobe it wasn't hard to tell it was likely a conscious choice by the young woman not at all afraid to stand out.

"Oh my... did I miss the announcement that a circus was in town? I wasn't expecting such a sideshow of characters would be awaiting to great me on my return. I hope I hadn't made you all wait too long for my arrival, I could of arrived a day earlier but I figured being so far from home I'd simply enjoy my time out and stay for the towns celebration of having such a beautiful woman saving their village from a group of troublesome bandits." She spoke not at all seeming to hold back showing a bit of an ego, granted her words were coated with a bit of sarcasm herself. She tended to be the type that liked to toy around with people. Her gaze seemed in particular to focus at the furball, or to be more specific the loud mouth old man in a cat's body. Her attention didn't seem to last to long on him as she glanced over towards the Lizard man and his particularly 'catch'.

"You could of at least put some effort in covering up its stench. There is already such a strong whiff of body odor when venturing into the Guild as it is." She commented with a light shrug, twisting the umbrella in her hand causing it t spin behind her back against her shoulder. She reached down pulling out a rather strange purple box with various symbols upon it. She held her hand out, the box floating as it began to twist around in the air before glowing as the side opened. A light shot out as large chunk of ice appeared quickly taking up a large amount of space beside her. Within the ice a group of 6 humanoids stood frozen in place, taking in various positions as if ready to fight before they were frozen into a block of ice.

"I have my own catch. A bunch of morons who thought just because they had a few magical artifacts that they were bad asses. Just a bunch of children mostly using their brute force while idiotically flailing around their magic to oppress a village. Truthfully just an annoyance given the low pay. They didn't even have any magic artifacts worth any value at all like I was hoping to make up for it." She spoke holding out her finger touching the ice as it caused a portion to melt away, allowing what was the leader's head to move though his body was still trapped.

"This is the leader and several of his men as requested, I...." She spoke suddenly stopped by the man.

"You bitch! I'll kill you and your entire family I'll..." He was quick to shout showing anger, evidently words he had intended on using on her before she had frozen him solid in place. She lifted a finger up as suddenly a spark shot out from her fingers shooting into the mans mouth. She shot a slimey glue like substance out coating his mouth keeping him from talking as the man's face turned quickly to anguish as the hot spark burned in his mouth, not causing any physical damage though likely burning at the interior of his mouth.

"... as I was saying before the idiotic boldy spoke, I took them in out of the kindness of my heart so they might be questioned. The rest of the men had fled away so I'm sure they could help identify them if needed." She spoke gripping onto her umbrella looking towards Viviette with a smile, holding the box she had used to contain them to her side. She seemed generally dismissive of the others beside her earlier comment though she had noticed the seemingly new slime person in particular. She figured it would be best to collect her bounty (as sadly pitiful as it might be) before bothering with the 'rabble' directly.

Alteras Alteras Archdemon Archdemon (Directly spoken to) Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Birdsie Birdsie CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Sir Basilisk Sir Basilisk Graystone713 Graystone713 (Passively mentioned)
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Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area/Bar

"If you'll excuse me for a moment," she said to the hooded man. She ducked under once more and pulled out a large sack of gold along with some potions. "Welcome back," she said, remaining courteous before the hooded man. She handed over the reward. "Just leave it there, someone will come by to bring them to the dungeon. Will you be taking another quest today or are you done for the day?"
She ignored Jaylis since she was busy with her duties as Receptionist.
Hanarei Hanarei Bishop Bishop
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
Guild reception > Training grounds
Friendly faces in adventurous places

Goodness, it seemed there was a rush to get to the desk! It was like seeing people getting tickets for the opening night of that snakespear play! And a few were friendly, like the lizardman, and the dire cat! (though he wasn't trying very hard) Also, some of them were bringing in bounties. Like the massive corpse of a basilisk (far larger than any stage prop, he noted) or those frozen ruffians. Wobb shook the massive scaly hand he was offered, but he had precious little time! So, hurriedly, he said
"My name ish Wobb Gooblesplatsh! And I'mma be a hewo someday!"
And rushed off to the training grounds with Ariel. Now what had she said about ripping him apart? He was sure it couldn't be that bad. Not that he doubted her abilities as a warrior, he just felt sure that she wouldn't REALLY hurt him. She was kinda nice. As for the training ground, it was a lot of dirt. Dusty dirt. Well, he was going to be spitting out mud for a while. Still, it seemed someone was practicing with their bow. He wished he had solid enough fingers for that. Still, he was really good at spitting stuff. So, turning to Ariel, he said
"Shud we led him finish, er...?"
Ashlynn had overheard the talk of a dragon in the Bar. She finished her drink she had turned to wine, which was a small trick of her holy magic. She was in the Guild hall because she had just gotten to it recently and was thinking of joining. She put her glass down and was going to go to them before she heard a guy talking. "You know... I do know how to make a good Holy Charm.... I could use a bit of Dragon Flame..." She said to him with a smirk. "How about we tag along with them?" she asked him.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Blaise Tavish

Blaise stared curiously at Swift upon his approach, but became more at ease as he remembered this particular beast. He had seen him several times before in the fort but had never been able to engage the cat in conversation.

So, as he stepped ever closer to him, Tavish decided that he would indulge the new face.

"No, I have not." He replied. "However, I would very much like to."

Tavish anticipated the story as Swift began playing his lute. He gave one last glance to the reception desk but decided to give Thundercloud his full attention when he saw that there were still several people waiting.

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Training Grounds- Sparring Ring

"I don't care, Swift........" Ariel said with a sigh. Dealing with these two made her so damn exhausted already. "1 egg is all I ask. Take the gold and all that other crap. Take the other eggs. Take whatever size. I just need a dragon egg."

She took Wobb to the training area. It was a plain looking field. However, there was a dim white magic circle underneath that could be seen "Listen, Wobb, this field is a special one. It's on sanctified ground, enchanted with holy magic to kick in when someone sustains a lethal injury. It allows for an all-out fight.........."

Emel was on the field doing his training. "Hey," she called. "I need the field for a minute or so test out our new trainee. Do you mind going to the actual archer portion of the grounds." Why he was shooting arrows on the sparring ground was beyond her. Maybe he needed to test his posture. This wasn't really a request as much as it was a warning. She was about to use the field

She moved to the opposite side of the field. Her eyes glowed, and then her entire body glowed. She was immediately armed. She was scantily clad, her dress now gone. Her most notable feature though were the shiny silver gloves about her hands, showing clawed fingetips. "...........In other words, Wobb, I want you to fight like you're trying to kill me!" Her eyes were now glowing red as she readied for battle. If Wobb had any sort of belief that she would go easy, it should be well out of the window by now.
Graystone713 Graystone713
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Location: Reception Area​

Melaina looked towards Viviette as she questioned her about taking on another quest. She looked up in thought, touching her finger to her chin in thought. She had debated doing another job. The dragon had sounded appealing but with so many venturing to do such a job it would likely cut into the overall pay, worst it would be a lot more boring with more tagging along. She was still skeptical the dragon was one of great size to be really much of a threat, specially with so many involved in the mission. She took the small arcane box, slipping it away into her robe.

"No... I think I'll take a break for now. I lacked much as far as payment went from my job but it was more then made up in the praising. I can afford to rest for a day and perhaps wait for a job that suits my fancy later. Shame I didn't arrive sooner, it would of been fun to test the new blood." She spoke with a smile. It was likely a very bad idea to ever put Melaina up for testing anyone. Her sense of trials were far more extreme, many would likely even view it as sadistic. Her adopted mother had done a good job at introducing to what real harsh training could be. As a child as lavish as her lifestyle could be during her downtime, she had spent a lot of times on the brink struggling in her own training.

"You must get bored having to stay in such a stuffy place filled of so many loudmouths. I'm surprised you aren't out causing a little trouble yourself." She spoke with a playful smirk enjoying teasing a bit much more light hearted in her tone not having any real devious intentions behind it. If she was taking the day off she would likely find some entertainment talking with a few of the other guild members and maybe toying with them a bit. Viviette was one of the few she tended to start less trouble with . It wasn't so much out of fear as much as greatly enjoying her being around, not to mention it could be fun to get others in trouble with her.

Alteras Alteras
Moriana Sorendel
: Outside Fort Black’s gates

Three moons after regaining consciousness, Moriana’s journey had brought her to Bowerstone, where she had hoped to find some clue as to the events of her past. Time and time again when she asked for directions from merchants and adventurers, they always inferred, “Oh, you’re joining the Guild of Heroes!” It was irritating. Most of the members she had encountered during her travels were already too much of a headache.

Now, Moriana sat under the shade of a large tree outside the guild’s gates. Fort Black, was it called? She couldn't remember. She had spent the night at a nearby tavern, which had provided her the most comforting space to rest in what seemed to be an eternity. Speaking of time, how many moons have passed since she saw her home? She shook her head. It was too trivial to think of at the moment. It felt as though years had passed since the fire ravaged her home, but she wasn't sure how long it had actually been.

Being a night-dweller, the lunarian still wasn't used to being awake during the daytime. She began to doze off when she heard children laughing in front of her. She opened her eyes and gave the children a piercing gaze before realizing they were humans only a few years of age. Her face softened, and she forced a little smile. She had no business with children.

“Hello, young ones,” she greeted them plainly.

“Can you play a song for us, please?” a boy asked. There were five of the little troublemakers, two girls and three boys.

“What are you…” Moriana’s voice trailed off, as she realized she was holding her flute in her hand. It was decorated with carvings of lilacs and had her family’s name engraved at the bottom in an ancient tongue. “I see,” she responded, somewhat annoyed at herself. “Only if you promise that you shall leave me be afterwards.” She didn't want to be with these children much longer.

“Okay!” all the children exclaimed. They began cheering as the woman stood, brought the instrument to her lips, and closed her eyes.

The flute’s rich tone filled the air, offering a warm embrace to those who heard it nearby. The song Moriana played was a lullaby her mother would sing to her as a young elf. It promised a future filled with joy and without worry. Where was that future now? The message of the comforting song was the only thing Moriana had to look forward to, if it did exist.

By the time the lullaby ended, a sizable crowd had gathered around the tree to hear Moriana play. She opened her eyes to a round of applause. Stunned, she quickly bowed for them before turning her attention to the children.

“Run along now,” she told them, wanting to be left alone as quickly as possible.

After the crowd had dispersed, the lunarian sat against the tree again, analyzing her flute.

(Open for interaction)
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The training ground
Slime! Versus! Wolf! Round, one: FIGHT!

Wobb had only been in a few real fights before now. Against street toughs, drunkards, and one overzealous teenager. He'd won, but it was no feat of heroism. It was just random brawls he didn't mean to start. Moving up from that to a fight to the finish with Ariel was a massive step up. He'd never fought with the intent to kill before. And-... He had time to think about it? Ariel wasn't rushing him. Right. Making the first move was always a risky proposal against an unfamiliar foe. So he drew his blades and crouched down low, holding out his hand and extending his middle and index fingers before curling them in twice, a clear beckoning gesture. His stance suggested that he was ready to dart in any direction, and do it fast. It was a very evasive pose, and his right hand was behind his shoulder, as though he was protecting the sword more than he was himself. And the moment Ariel moved, he'd bring his left hand back into his right armpit. He couldn't afford to drop those blades. He'd need them both to get into any kind of opening. He wasn't sure he'd find the nerve for a finishing blow. But he'd still fight like he meant it.
Emel Inelvis

Training Grounds of Fort Black
His name was called by the wolf girl harshly. He sighed after he put his bow down and turned around to face Ariel. Once he did he found out she had already left before he could say a word. He looked at the shot he had made and was relieved to see it wasn't a complete failure. What did she challenge him for anyway if she was just going to use a farther off area of the training grounds. This should be interesting at least. He saw a slime in humanoid form, a face he hadn't seen before. Why was someone as cold as Ariel being so nice to this trainee? Curious, he put down his bow and left his arrows as they were. He would pick them up later. But before he walked over he noticed something and sighed again. This annoyed him so. He was only near the damn sparring area. One reason was to maximize distance and the other was so he could wait.

Whatever the reason she had ordered him off of the grounds he was standing on, the archery area. He sat down by the sparring area they were in and watched. Now he had a bone to pick and he was curious to see how an intelligent slime fought. He thought about the several ways this battle could end and then smiled as he raised his hands to his mouth for amplifying his voice and said,
"Yeah, don't freeze him. It is nice though you decided to teach him how cold you are, Ice Queen. Better he learn early." "I'm going to pay for this later aren't I?"

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Graystone713 Graystone713

Jaylis Relenus

"Aye. It might be fun to follow Ariel around. Seems like she's taking this job. I'll get plenty of financial revenue from the dragon's parts. Some dragon poop can sell for a lot too. Great price for alchemists and apothecaries," He said to whoever was talking to him. He turned around to see Ashlynn, one of the members he didn't know much about. He didn't know why though, maybe she just never imposed on him much. That did happen a lot. He looked at Ashlynn again and gave a nice smile saying, "Morning Ashlynn. What business do you have with a book-worm like me?"

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny

Leyla Relenus

Outside Fort Black

It was one of those days. She had created another unnecessarily dangerous artifact. She thought she could use alumentum to make a tool that could generate fires easier, but no. It created explosions instead. Of all things...maybe she used too much black powder to create it, no she was spot on, but it didn't matter anyway. She had created something that could be used for destruction. At least she was mostly unharmed aside from a bruise on her forehead caused by a flying piece of wood. The item was meant to bypass the tinder process and could only be made by mages, and it was relatively cheap too. Her only flaw was failing to recognize the unstable energy of alumentum which could explode when thrown, the birth of explosives. Probably one of the oldest explosives out there. All that was left was to deliver this dangerous little tool to the Hero's guild for safe keeping. It would be disastrous if she tried to destroy it. At least it gave her an excuse to visit.

She noticed someone outside the fort, no a group of people outside it. Mostly young kids. They were playing a flute, and it was quite soothing really. She hadn't heard such tones since she was in elf territory. This drew her closer when the kids dispersed and one bumped into her. He fell on the ground and his hand hit a rather more gravel-like consistency in the dirt and his hand was cut open. He began to cry when she knelt down and whispered a few magic incantations so the wound would heal up. The child looked at her for a moment and then ran away after thanking her. The crowd of children were gone from the tree revealing a lone lunarian elf. How exciting, another elf. Too many humans lived around here, it would be nice to see what she has to say.

"It's rare to see a fellow elf in these parts. I'm Leyla Relenus. What brings you to Fort Black?"

RazingCatfish RazingCatfish
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Robert Black
Fort Black - Training Ground


The sound of a sword clashing against sword heard twice before one of them managed to get past the opponent's defense and deliver a blow to his armor. The two of them stopped the exercise, shared a bow, and did it all over again.

Having been done with bureaucracy for today, he walked out to one of the balconies to oversee training. From afar, some of the trainees could spot the young man in delicately woven robes, with an impressive display of mithril armor under them. It could have been no one else than Robert Black himself. Seeing the guildmaster, many of the members picked their pace up and gave the fights their best. As he watched, he... saw a memory...


It passed through his mind. The images of training with his father on the same ring that a werewolf girl and a slime were now sparring. He remembered a lot of that right, it was when he first earned his right to wield a real sword and the battle where he earned the honor and duty to bear wounds. The ring had healing properties, so his father -- one and one only time in his childhood -- let him wield a real sword so he could see how it feels. To get a grasp of the weight, but also the stress of real combat against a superior opponent who isn't holding back. The fear of being wounded and all the anxiety that came with a single thought: 'what if I just run away?!'

He smiled, although, it wasn't a fully complete smile. Just a smirk of something that was good, but could have been better. And as he realized where his racing thoughts took him, he also realized he completely phased out. Going back into reality, he observed the fight with a less clouded and aloof expression, paying attention this time. Haha, what a good term. Paying attention this time.

The slime was clearly intelligent for his species. He knew not to attack first against an opponent. First, it is more opportune to collect as much information as possible. Play on the defense for a while, form a strategy, and then try to realize it. Of course, Robert, with his training, always took this philosophy to another level. If he didn't have at least one backup plan for his main battle strategy, he rarely engaged in combat. And that applied to roughly 80% of his combat encounters. He was the type who constantly surprised and baffled seasoned foes and veteran warriors with bizarre, unexpected turns of events he planned beforehand just... in... case...

Even now, he had three possible plans for a course of action to take should an assassin suddenly try to stab him in the back while he oversees the training grounds. It wasn't paranoia, at least he hoped not. It was just... worry. An insecurity, one could call it. He couldn't afford to fail, to put it most simply.

In the light of that, he related and admired the slime's rather unexpected choice of analyzing his opponent first instead of rushing in, which would be either the move of a novice or a master so powerful his victory was assured from the start out of raw power.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Vern the Cat
Guild Hall

"Well, you're not wrong actually." He said to the cat man as he mused thoughtfully. "Still, it'll take a long time for one of the eggs to grow to an appropriate size. Bah, whatever, I'm sure there's a potion or magic or something to shrink that beast down. And come along if you want, just don't touch my quarry." He reminded him.

"You two can come along too!" He called out to two more person whom he recalled wanted to join the quest. Though it was quite weird how almost everyone just wanted something related to the dragon but not the reward for the quest itself. Heck, they're practically giving it to Vern at this point! Thank gods for morons.

Then all of a sudden, well not really but it sounds more dramatic that way, a bitch entered the room. Ah yes, this bitch. In all honesty Vern found her far more tolerable than that Leech, but she is still annoying as hell. He listened as she subtly, well not that subtle, about her quest and even managed to sneak in an insult or two. Oh wow, she really is laying it thick right now. Man, this is almost too embarrassing! And she's bragging over stopping some humans?! Oh this is golden!

"Wow, truly, a winner is you." The cat said with fake awe as it clapped mockingly. "Bagging and tagging a few humans? Oh wow, surely no one else could do that! I am truly in awe! Well, I did managed to slaughter a few thousand invading soldiers once, but damn, I forgot to capture some as trophies!" He said, looking as if that tiny flaw was his greatest regret in life.

"Anyway, we should probably get going. Hey! Those interested in the dragon quest gather up!" He called out, giving no second thought to that bitch Melaina

Alteras Alteras Hanarei Hanarei Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny (Not sure if I missed anyone)
Location: Guild reception --------> Fort Black training grounds

After shaking hands with the adorable slime, Nalnux smiled. He got up and collected his reward, a nice big sack of gold which when weighed seemed like the correct amount. He then grabbed the two potions, Nalnux was glad because both of these potions were very useful. One was to heal Nalnux from his injuries, the other was more or less for resisting magic. He then started Carting the Large body away as Melaina arrived and commented on how smelly the beast was.

"Ha! You think this smells bad? This is like Fragrant Purfume compared to all the other monsters I've faced. Remember the Sewer Beast of Bowerstone? The stretch was so bad that I even puked! Course had I been anything else but a Lizardman I think I'd be knocked out by the smell alone."

Nalnux was laughing as he carted the beast away. He then went into the trophy room were all legendary monsters that were killed had their stuff placed. There were weapons that were used but aren't extremely powerful enough to destroy say a whole city. They were memories of good fights against powerful opponents. Each creature had a name plaque telling people who they were and who killed them. The Lizardman spoke with a few people and then it was agreed how the beast would be presented. Its head would be mounted on the wall, as soon people were carting off the body towards a place were the scales and alchemical would be removed for various purposes.

He then decided to go Watch the slimes progress, see if he has survived against Ariel. He walked to the training ground and saw that the fight had sort of started. Nalnux saw that the kid was trying to be more tactical, what a slimy way to his heart! The kid certainly had the right idea, but it's just waiting for the first attack and dodging isn't much of a plan. But he will watch the Kid but if he has a certain tactical nature to him, he might be a good apprentice towards the large Lizardman.

Nalnux walked up to Robert, who seemed somewhat happy. He stood right next to him watching the engagement as well.

"Good morning Boss! Here to watch the fight as well? What's your take on the kid so far?"
Birdsie Birdsie Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Graystone713 Graystone713 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Hanarei Hanarei
Swift Thundercloud
Guild Hall
Current Obsession: Dragons

Swift's tail flicked in excitement at the man's agreement to hear his story, and he quickly played a few ominous notes on his lute to set the mood. "You are in for a treat, my friend! Our story starts on a large mountain..." he began, music accompanying his words and helping to set the mood as he described the setting, his allies, the mission of defeating the malicious dragon, so on and so forth. "...We had been hiking through this mountain for days, searching endlessly for the beast! It seemed like we would have to turn back empty handed, when suddenly, the mountain itself moved underneath our feet! For, it was not a mountain, but the very dragon we had been searching for!..." the story continued, dramatic music filling the room to emphasize his words. He went on to tell of an epic battle, of the loss of his comrades, of the dragon's evil intents. "...Finally, it was only me facing the beast, standing between it and the city it was intending to destroy! My allies fallen, I began to talk to the dragon. I said--" just as the feline man was getting to the climax of his story, he was cut off by Vern calling out for everyone going along on the dragon quest to line up. Swift sighed and stopped playing his lute, the epic music fading out. "My apologies, my friend, it seems that I will have to finish this story another time, yes?" he apologized. "Ah, Vivi! Why don't you get this man another drink, on me," he called out to the demon girl, setting coins on the counter for payment before turning away and heading over to the old cat. Though he didn't get to finish the story, the epic tale would have left a feeling of daring in those who had listened in, giving those who had paid attention the temporary benefit of Bardic Inspiration.

"Were we not waiting for the wolf-man, old man?"
Swift mentioned as he approached Vern, noticing the lack of Ariel in the vicinity. "Well, no matter. Let us be on our way, then!"

Sir Basilisk Sir Basilisk CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area/Bar

Really?! You choose now to tease me? When i can't fire back at you?! Viviette's smile of pain and suffer said to the Melaina. "I'll let you know when a there's a quest that would put you on the edge of your seat." Viviette said, maintaining her smile. She turned to her waiting guest, who had been silent the who time. "Now, how can I help you?"
Hanarei Hanarei Bishop Bishop
Alex stepped forward as the horned lady started to to talk to him. He let her go about her duty's first before finally introducing himself.
"Alexander Bishop mam. i'm here to join the guild of heroes." he stated shifting his backpack around on his back. He has never seen so many interesting and new individuals. He had never seen so many different races before. Back at his home town one could see a dwarf every now and then and the occasional elf but nothing like this. He looked nervously at the girl who was poking at the horned lady before returning his attention back to the reception desk
Alteras Alteras
Moriana Sorendel
: Outside Fort Black

Moriana was taken from her daydreaming state by the voice she heard in front of her. Is peace too much to ask for in this city? She thought. Shifting her focus upwards, she was surprised to be faced with fellow elf. Putting her flute back into the leather bag slung on her shoulder, she stood.

“Indeed, this city is nothing like those in the eastern lands,” the lunarian responded as she dusted herself off. She held out her hand, introducing herself. “Moriana Sorendel. I am… seeking a place to build my strength.” She was hesitant, unsure as to how much information she should give Leyla, even if there wasn’t much she was able to say. If the fellow elf was a member of the Guild, she was giving the impression that she was much less annoying than most of those whom Moriana had encountered on her journey.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Robert Black
Fort Black - Training Ground


The sound of a sword clashing against sword heard twice before one of them managed to get past the opponent's defense and deliver a blow to his armor. The two of them stopped the exercise, shared a bow, and did it all over again.

Having been done with bureaucracy for today, he walked out to one of the balconies to oversee training. From afar, some of the trainees could spot the young man in delicately woven robes, with an impressive display of mithril armor under them. It could have been no one else than Robert Black himself. Seeing the guildmaster, many of the members picked their pace up and gave the fights their best. As he watched, he... saw a memory...


It passed through his mind. The images of training with his father on the same ring that a werewolf girl and a slime were now sparring. He remembered a lot of that right, it was when he first earned his right to wield a real sword and the battle where he earned the honor and duty to bear wounds. The ring had healing properties, so his father -- one and one only time in his childhood -- let him wield a real sword so he could see how it feels. To get a grasp of the weight, but also the stress of real combat against a superior opponent who isn't holding back. The fear of being wounded and all the anxiety that came with a single thought: 'what if I just run away?!'

He smiled, although, it wasn't a fully complete smile. Just a smirk of something that was good, but could have been better. And as he realized where his racing thoughts took him, he also realized he completely phased out. Going back into reality, he observed the fight with a less clouded and aloof expression, paying attention this time. Haha, what a good term. Paying attention this time.

The slime was clearly intelligent for his species. He knew not to attack first against an opponent. First, it is more opportune to collect as much information as possible. Play on the defense for a while, form a strategy, and then try to realize it. Of course, Robert, with his training, always took this philosophy to another level. If he didn't have at least one backup plan for his main battle strategy, he rarely engaged in combat. And that applied to roughly 80% of his combat encounters. He was the type who constantly surprised and baffled seasoned foes and veteran warriors with bizarre, unexpected turns of events he planned beforehand just... in... case...

Even now, he had three possible plans for a course of action to take should an assassin suddenly try to stab him in the back while he oversees the training grounds. It wasn't paranoia, at least he hoped not. It was just... worry. An insecurity, one could call it. He couldn't afford to fail, to put it most simply.

In the light of that, he related and admired the slime's rather unexpected choice of analyzing his opponent first instead of rushing in, which would be either the move of a novice or a master so powerful his victory was assured from the start out of raw power.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
The training ground
Slime! Versus! Wolf! Round, one: FIGHT!

Wobb had only been in a few real fights before now. Against street toughs, drunkards, and one overzealous teenager. He'd won, but it was no feat of heroism. It was just random brawls he didn't mean to start. Moving up from that to a fight to the finish with Ariel was a massive step up. He'd never fought with the intent to kill before. And-... He had time to think about it? Ariel wasn't rushing him. Right. Making the first move was always a risky proposal against an unfamiliar foe. So he drew his blades and crouched down low, holding out his hand and extending his middle and index fingers before curling them in twice, a clear beckoning gesture. His stance suggested that he was ready to dart in any direction, and do it fast. It was a very evasive pose, and his right hand was behind his shoulder, as though he was protecting the sword more than he was himself. And the moment Ariel moved, he'd bring his left hand back into his right armpit. He couldn't afford to drop those blades. He'd need them both to get into any kind of opening. He wasn't sure he'd find the nerve for a finishing blow. But he'd still fight like he meant it.

Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Sparring Grounds
"Smart slime. Let's see how much of a dancer you are." She got on all fours, and looked more like a wolf than ever. Her bell around her neck started vibrating. Swinging her head around, she barked, and a sonic blast flew out of her mouth. A large circle only made visible by the sound distorting around it

This was condensed sound and would blast his slime body apart completely if it hit, giving her the opening she needed to finish this fight in about 5 seconds. That move, however, was only to get him moving. She didn't need to charge him. Slashing wouldn't be that effective against a slime anyways.

She then slammed her hands on the ground and large ice spikes shot out of the ground towards his left and right sides, to prevent him from moving that easily. Being a slime going against an ice wolf should put him at a disadvantage, unless he was a water, fire, or Ice Slime. Freezing a slime would make it incredibly hard to move and very easy to shatter, exposing that core. The added fact that he was a slime and comprised mostly of water made it dangerous to even touch the condensed ice crystals. It'd start to freeze his body if touched for too long
Graystone713 Graystone713
Location: Guild Hall​

Melaina shrugged a bit to the lizardman in response to his comment back about the smell. She had no reason to question him about the stench, she had to admit she had the misfortune of coming upon worst smelling things in her life. She tended to typically avoid jobs that might involve things that were very far from pleasant smelling. She tended to avoid jobs with the term 'sewer' mentioned in it. It wasn't worth the effort no matter how much they might be offering to pay. She would happily take half the pay for a more boring job then to bother diving into any type of sewage system.

She heard Vern's voice, turning her head to look at him with a warm smile... as warm as an empty smile might actually be. To say they were on the most friendly terms would be quite an understatement. Perhaps it was almost a sense of rivalry she saw from him... not so much directly to herself but related to her mother that had helped to create that sort of tension. Either way she seemed to take his words in keeping the smile on her lips. She knew of course what he was doing was sheer sarcasm and attempting demean her efforts but it was all part of the game.

"Ah I know! I can't even compare with you, fur-real! I mean I brought back what... was it 4....5.... 6?" She spoke as she held her hand out, moving each individual digit right in front of the cat wizard. It was pretty obvious knowing Melaina was intelligent enough she wouldn't need to use her fingers to count such a trivial amount as much as the fact she was making it a point to show her fingers off to the wizard trapped in a cat body.

"Yes, only 6 of them. I really need to work on doing more impressive feats, I mean for me it should be more paw-sible for me to do so much more I'd say." She spoke purposely emphasizing the word 'feat' and uttering the word paw in her use of the word possible to toy further with him.

"Oh well, I guess really I don't have any great heroic deeds for my name worth-wild of any praise. I suppose I'll just have to try my best to be content with my delicate skin, my long flowing hair, and my great human figure." She spoke up as if playing the part as if in defeat though naturally it was all her attacking back at Vern's dismissive comments and mocking him. She was the type who wasn't below downplaying herself (albeit sarcastically) in an effort to get back at someone.

She looked to Viviette noticing that expression as she smiled a bit, able to tell from her response what she was thinking. She nodded a bit as she twisted the umbrella once again spinning it behind her back. She looked over noticing the man who proclaimed he was looking to join the guild. She smirked a bit looking over at him. As warm of a smile as it may be, it was almost haunting as if sinister intentions were behind it. The expression softened a bit as she looked over to Vivi.

"Well hello there Alex, quite a cutie you are." She spoke with a wink in a very playful tone. She looked over to Vivietter as she tilted her head to the side. "Well, just offering it out there but if you need a break.... in particular for any reason to test a new potential recruit my dear, feel free to ask me and I can handle the whole assigning mission bit for you to get a breather." She offered as a kind gesture to her after her bit of teasing.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Bishop Bishop Alteras Alteras Archdemon Archdemon
Viviette Arbeider
"Alright then," Viviette pulled out a form and a pen, handed over to him, before beginning to examine Alex. "Fill this out for me please." Before she could go on, Melaina came back. Chills went down her spine just as all the possible ways Melaina could really screw over the guildmembers came to mind. That was until she mentioned taking a break. Alright, I'll bite. Her sneaky grin smiled back at Melaina. I'll make some trouble.

"In that case, I'll be your proctor, Alex." Viviette grabbed her stuff and walked around the counter. Handing over the key to Melaina, she said, "Oh, I'm Viviette Arbeider by the way." She remained cordial, not wanting to spook the new recruit. "We'll be taking the East Training Grounds, I don't want my bar being damaged."

On the way out of the Reception Area, she saw some people coming in with a cart and hauling off the frozen fools from the floor. "So, what's your style?" Viviette pondered, as she walked pretty joyfully. One of the few chances she's allowed to actually fight people. Soon they reached the training ground, a flat area with several trees and obstacles.
Hanarei Hanarei Bishop Bishop
Alexander Bishop
Alex tucked the pen and paper into his bag and made a nod at the young girl who just took Viviette's spot before chasing after her.
"Ranger mam" he said pulling his hood down "I specialize in hunting and trapping. I'm proficient in crossbow archery and sword play as well as trap making and beast tracking"
He looked back to the girl Viviette had left at her desk, she seemed nice enough, if not a little forward.

Alteras Alteras
Hanarei Hanarei
Viviette Arbeider
East Training Grounds

"Well then, we came to the right training area. You're gonna need all the cover, you can." She stepped onto the field and waved to one of the nearby towers. Silouhettes of figures moved and came down, revealing themselves to be 2 healers and an alchemist. "So in initiate trials, we test them like it's a real life or death situation. Usually we have the ground blessed with holy magic but I'm a demon, so that never goes over well. Don't worry, our friends here will heal us straight out of anything lethal."

Viviette began walking to the other side of the field, ducking and weaving in and out of trees. "Whenever you're ready!"
Bishop Bishop
(At dinner, will reply later)

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