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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

Nil looks up at the empty space above his head where a nametag should be, before looking back. "... I'm Nil." He says simply, sitting on a fallen tree and taking out some Veal for himself and eating.
"Well seeing as though this is a death game is going to take years to beat, there really isnt a point to lying about stuff." He caught her sarcasm quite easily "Plus, I don't see that floor still holding you down, after all you didn't even take any damage so relax, at any rate we may need some more people to take down the boss, its got 4400 health, that's not a lot for higher level people but it can bean issue for others like Kandy over there, noobie probably not even level 6 or so, even so, im sure there are others that would like the XP and Cor from this boss, so, I say we clear out the maze of creatures and then wait to see if we get any others that show up for the boss, the more there are the easier it will be."

(I'm keeping them stalled for a bit so that Nil and Solace and any others can catch up to us)
Reaper lats out a laugh at Chikara's last words. "Since when was a wall a 'supportive friend?'" She asked, knowing god and well what walls were used for in her home life, which was something she'd not tell a soul about.
Chikara sighs and shakes her head at Dragon, "I get wanting to help other players get the XP... But why would you want to wait any longer than absolutely necessary to fight the boss..? You said yourself that it'd be easy for higher level players, and there's two Beta here... Since, like you said, it'll already probably take years to beat, why would you want to make it take even longer?" She frowns a bit. Was he maybe in on all this..? Was he working with the GM to keep us all in this living hell?
Assailant said:
Nil looks up at the empty space above his head where a nametag should be, before looking back. "... I'm Nil." He says simply, sitting on a fallen tree and taking out some Veal for himself and eating.
"Nice to meet you Nil." Solace said as he kept eating. "So, what level are you?" If you stay in the forest so much, you must be pretty powerful, or at least at a solid level." He said to him.
Nil sighs of relief, thankful that Solace didn't press his lack of a nametag, most characters show theirs. "I, uh... I'm level 5." That was actually a pretty good level. He had this forest mostly to himself, so he could level well. He could hold his own on the front lines, but only for this floor or maybe the next. However, if he continues to spend all his time here, as he plans to, he won't be able to level a lot. However, he was stuck in this forest. He looks back up to where his name-tag should be, thankful for the option to hide it in the forest... but in a city, it wouldn't be hidden. He can't have that.
Solace eats casually and smiles. "Hm, pretty good. The forest in level 5." Just one question though." He said smiling at Nil. "If your level is so low, why doesn't it show on your tag?" He said as his smile dropped, pointing above his head suspiciously. He clasped Fate in one hand just in case something happened. "I have the slightest feeling your hiding something. It might just be a glitch or something, but I'd still like to know." He said curiously.
Nil panicked. Crap! No getting out of this! He looks at Solace and sighs. "Do you trust me?"
John wakes up, and felt terrible, hitting his head on a... tree. How did he get there? Damn glitches...
Solace looked to his blade and back."Sure, why not? I just met you, but I'll trust you for now..." He said curiously and cautiously. "Why?"
He sighs and looks at Solace. "J-just don't panic." He goes into his options and turns on his gamertag. At first glance, nothing seems wrong. Just a name. But if one looks a bit higher, they would notice something. That green cursor wasn't green...

it was orange.
Solace looked at his gamer tag. "I don''t really see the pro-..." He pauses mid sentence as he sees the orange cursor. "You...you're an orange player?" Solace says to him.
Nil looks down, squeezing his eyes shut. "I... b-before Kayaba announced it, I decided to head into this forest, become 'the voice of the forest' and kill any intruders. Just a fun roleplaying thing... later, Kayaba announced that deaths were real... but by then it was too late. I had already killed people." He lunges onto the ground, prostrate in front of Solace. "I thought it was just a game, see! I didn't know people would die!"
Solace looks down to him and sighs, putting away Fate and instead offering a hand to him. "Come on, get up. It's alright. You didn't have any killing intent, you just thought it was a joke. Everyone has some secrets after all." He says, looking to Nil.
Nil looks up and grabs his hands and pulls himself up. He nods in thanks. "The forest has granted you safe passage." He says with a light smile. He then hears growls and sees monsters surrounding him and Solace. "You take care of the ground forces, I'll get them from the sky." He hurriedly whispers to Solace before vaulting over a wolf and stabbing it in the neck as he does before climbing up a tree. "FIGHT!!"
When he hear the words fight, Solace's eyes go narrow. He whips out fate and lunges at the monsters with speed, slicing at them left and right, killing two and waiting for more to come at him.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Reaper lats out a laugh at Chikara's last words. "Since when was a wall a 'supportive friend?'" She asked, knowing god and well what walls were used for in her home life, which was something she'd not tell a soul about.
Firetail606 said:
Chikara sighs and shakes her head at Dragon, "I get wanting to help other players get the XP... But why would you want to wait any longer than absolutely necessary to fight the boss..? You said yourself that it'd be easy for higher level players, and there's two Beta here... Since, like you said, it'll already probably take years to beat, why would you want to make it take even longer?" She frowns a bit. Was he maybe in on all this..? Was he working with the GM to keep us all in this living hell?
"Because is it really going to matter if it takes four years and half of us die, or, six or seven years and only a quarter of us die, that's why I'm not in any big hurry, the more of us that live the better." I should've said that differently, now I'm sure someone is on to me about being in assistance with the GM, no matter what I must convince them that I'm not and gain their trust, then later on it will be easier to turn them against each other when the 'nice and friendly Dragon' ends up attacking one of them, no one will believe them at all because how nice I am.

Dragon let out a sigh "Look, you have to realize that were all on the same page here, we all want to get out of here with our lives. But for the first twenty or so floors just us two betas can handle it, that doesn't mean your not helping, but anywhere after about floor thirty or so I should be able to get back in touch with all of the KOB troops, then it will be easier to clear the floors." He started walking back down the path getting closer to the boss entrance little by little.
Nil lunges across branches and shoots a wolf between the head and neck, causing it to explode in light. He then jumps down and lands on top of a wolf that was about to attack Solace, stabbing it with his light sword he keeps. He then jumps off it and turns to an approaching wold and thrusts his sword behind him as it glows red, indicating a sword skill. He then begins it, slashing diagonally at the wolf, knocking it upright so its stomach showed. He followed through and did a 360, crating an x with his second slash. He did another 360 and stabbed it through its exposed stomach, killing it. All this was done in one fluid motion.
Solace kept silence as he slashed through some of the wolves that came, taking a few scratches, but not many. His sword glows Purple, indicating a sword skill and slashing at a wolf in a kanji form, the slices on its face making a japanese character that read "disappear". As soon as the kanji was fully formed, he sheathed his glowing sword in the beasts' head. The beast exploded in light and he jumped back, still clasping Fate close to him.
Nil turns and shoots one nearing them before being tackled and pinned by a wolf as it tears into him, his health bar quickly plummeting. "HELP!!!"

@Son of Crota
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John entered some code, and appeared next to Dragon, bored out of his mind. "I'll follow you guys. But just so you know..." He pulls up his stats, and sighs as he did so. "Look why."

HP: 1/1

XP: 0/0

Skills: None

"You see why I am damn terrified of this?" John put it away, and kept on walking.
[QUOTE="The Last One]John entered some code, and appeared next to Dragon, bored out of his mind. "I'll follow you guys. But just so you know..." He pulls up his stats, and sighs as he did so. "Look why."
HP: 1/1

XP: 0/0

Skills: None

"You see why I am damn terrified of this?" John put it away, and kept on walking.

Dragon heard the normal rendering noise and looked around for a second and grabbed one of the pollygons that was around him and felt what direction that it was pulling so he turned and saw the guy from earlier "Alright, so you get to help us......" he stopped what he was saying and flicked the polygon he was holding back into place on his forehead and looked at his stats "So, doesn't look like your going to be doing much fighting, one hit from anything and your dead, soooo, either way I'm glad to have you around, makes the journey more enjoyable with more people around, and I can understand you being terrified of this game, but no matter, were going to be getting out of this game eventually." He said with a smile across his face just to see if it would help John feel better.
Assailant said:
Nil turns and shoots one nearing them before being tackled and pinned by a wolf as it tears into him, his health bar quickly plummeting. "HELP!!!"
Solace looks back and charges at the wolf, cutting its head off and letting the head explode into light in his hand.
Nil gets up as a wolf tackles Solace and quickly kills it, but not before it lowers Solace's health. He pants, looking around at the area to see that it's clear, but leaving him and Solace in yellow health. He sees a window pop up stating he gained 45 exp. He looks at Solace and groans, putting his hands on his knees. "Sorry, not a great impression. This place is normally quite peaceful. I mean, sure wolves attack, but normally not in those numbers. I've only once before dealt with wolves in those numbers, and... well, let's say I'm glad to have someone else with me this time around... I have a little encampment set up that I stay at... why don't you come on back with me? I'll heal you up. I've got food there, as well as some medicinal supplies." He decides to keep out the mention of how he got said supplies.
Solace's eyes go back to normal, out of his tranced fighting state. "Huh? What?" He groans. "And we got attacked. Um what was that? You said you had a camp? Sure, We can go there." He said shaking his head and getting up.

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