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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

((I noticed))

Kandy stood in awe from his attacks, "Well I have two special abilities, ' Avalanche'and 'Cyclone', there not very good, but better that nothing I suppose." He sheethed his sword and looked around, "Looks like we done got all 'em frogs ya." He chuckled still in awe from Dragon then smiled happily.

Assailant said:
Nil looks down at the ground. "Y...- you could." He says in a hopeful murmer, but still loud enough to hear. He's silent for a few seconds before sighing. "Who am I kidding? You have to leave. Heck, you probably WANT to leave... it just gets really lonely around here..." He tries to speak up but remains silent.
Solace turns to him and shakes his head no."That wouldn't be right, now would it?" He said to him. "I can't and don't want to leave you here, it's just not right.
"Are you sure?" Nil says, secretly glad to have someone else with him, but knowing that it's not a good idea. "Being around a red player is dangerous."
Assailant said:
"Are you sure?" Nil says, secretly glad to have someone else with him, but knowing that it's not a good idea. "Being around a red player is dangerous."
He chuckled a bit. "So is being around a beater, but you don't see me complaining about that, do you?" he said to him.
Nil remains silent for a bit. "Uh... what's a beater?" Nil hasn't been able to go into any towns since the beginning of the game, so he doesn't know what that means.
Solace facepalmed. "A beater is what they call a beta tester and a cheater, but they're not that bad to me. Although to others, they are really dangerous." He said to him.
"Well, I'm not a beater, so I don't see why you would complain about it... but thanks for the company." Nil says with a smile. He waits for a moment before continuing. "Why do people hate beaters?"
"Oh, cause they believe they keep all the info to themselves, or so people think. I mean w-they totally don't though, beaters are pretty cool once you get to know them." He said to Nil.
John started to fool around, reanimating the frogs, and making them disappear, just for fun. He stopped when one of them almost lunged st him, and sighed. "Why am I even here..."
In his mind, Solace was freaking out. Outside, he was completely calm. "No, I said they, not we. Dude, you gotta get your hearing checked or something." He says to him as he stretches again.
"No, you were definitely about to say we, then changed to they. It wasn't even subtle man." Nil says, raising a questioning eyebrow.
Nil gets up and pulls out his bow, scanning the area around the clearing. "Dude, I'm a red player. I couldn't give a crap about beaters. I didn't even know they existed until moments ago." He says, still keeping his focus.
As soon as Solace was about to reply, a wolf jumped out, seemingly running for Nil. "Whoa! Watch out! It's coming for you!"
Nil turns and rolls out of the way, the wolf narrowly missing him. The wolf then pounces on him. He takes his dagger out and manages to block the wolf, pushing it away from his body, but just barely holding it back.

@Son of Crota
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Dragon looked around at the others that were still standing around "Well let's get going, its not much further this way." He opened his inventory and looked at all the new 'lovely' frog legs he had "Any one want some frog legs, I've got plenty of them to go around."

((Don't let this die, its got so much potential to last forever))

@The Last One @xEmoBunnehx @Firetail606
Assailant said:
Nil turns and rolls out of the way, the wolf narrowly missing him. The wolf then pounces on him. He takes his dagger out and manages to block the wolf, pushing it away from his body, but just barely holding it back.
@Son of Crota
Solace takes out his sword and slashes at the wolfs head, killing it. "Hey, you alright?" He said as he held his hand down to Nil.
"Yes I am... beater." Nil says, pulling himself up with Solace's hand. "Look, just admit it. I don't mind. I couldn't care less even. I just don't like people hiding things from me." Nil looks up at his red cursor. "Hypocritical I guess..."

@Son of Crota
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Nil shakes his head. "I don't need a high perception skill to see you're lying. But fine, whatever floats your boat." Nil grabs some berries from a bush and puts them in his bag. "The wolves are strangely active today. It's weird. I have never seen them this active."

@Son of Crota
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John woke up, in fear, and found himself in a... forest. How did he get there?! He got up, and started to walk, being careful, just in case.
Kandy snapped out of being in awe, "Umm no thanks I have to much meat to cook anyways." He looked around for a second then started to whistle in boredom
((Sorry, I'm preparing for a big test.))

Reaper chuckles at him. "I'd say we should cook em up, but my cooking skill sucks." She said with another chuckles before she started walking, Anguish on her right shoulder, and her snow white hair simply blowing in the slight breeze of the dungeon.
"I agree, we should cook them up later." Dragon got distracted with Reaper walking past him, so pretty, as he thought to himself 'wouldn't it be nice to have a bit of that later as well, ah, what am I thinking, but still.' He shook his head a bit and walked with Reaper down the walkway with her and tugged on her wrist almost grabbing her hand "This way." He let go of her wrist realizing what he had done and kept walking.

(Its all good so long as you have a reason)

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