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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

Assailant said:
Nil shakes his head. "I don't need a high perception skill to see you're lying. But fine, whatever floats your boat." Nil grabs some berries from a bush and puts them in his bag. "The wolves are strangely active today. It's weird. I have never seen them this active."
@Son of Crota
"Maybe the servers are acting up or something? Could be a bug that needs to be fixed." He said to him.
"I don't know." Nil thinks for a moment before opening his inventory and looking through it before frowning. "What's your stealth skill?"
Nil closes his inventory and glares at him. "How high?!" He says, anger quickly creeping into his voice.
Nil checks his skills before his frown somewhat lessens. "Your stealth skill shouldn't be high enough... shouldn't." He then goes into his inventory and pulls out what seems to be a chunk of meat with a paste on it and shoves it in Solace's face. "Does this look familiar to you!"
Nil groans angrily and chucks the meat as far as he can. "Someone snuck that into my inventory! The wolves are attracted to that! Someone was trying to kill me and make it look like an accident!"
"That's it?! We almost died from those things! Someone's trying to KILL ME! If you have forgotten, death in here is real." Nil then looks around for a few seconds. "And whoever it is is still here." Nil pulls out his bow for a second and looks around before shooting at a bush. A gasp sound and a player falls out of the bush with an arrow in his shoulder.

"H-how did you know?" The player says.

"My perception skill. In the forest you gain that skill a lot." Nil walk over to him and kneels down. "And right now, you're in my domain." The player jumps up and slices at Nil with a broadsword, as Nil jumps back and pulls out his sword. "Look, I don't want to kill you!"

"It wouldn't be the first time red!" Nil glares at the player.

"Solace, some help here?"
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Chikara blinks several times. She wasn't sure what had just happened, but for some reason her Avatar froze. She couldn't think, couldn't hear, her vision was blurry, and everything was just a complete mess. She takes several deep breaths, carefully working to stretch out her muscles slowly. "What the hezmana just happened?" She mutters to herself as she tilts her head from side to side, wincing as she can just imagine the popping that would've sounded in her real body. She lets out a slight sigh before running after Dragon ,Kandy, and Reaper. After finding them, the lets out a breath and quirks an eyebrow, "So, what'd I miss..?"
Dragon turned around and pulled a frog leg out of his inventory and threw it at her "You missed a chance to get a bunch of those, and some experience as well as Cor, but don't worry there is still one more big swarm of creatures before the door opens so you will still get your chance."
Assailant said:
"That's it?! We almost died from those things! Someone's trying to KILL ME! If you have forgotten, death in here is real." Nil then looks around for a few seconds. "And whoever it is is still here." Nil pulls out his bow for a second and looks around before shooting at a bush. A gasp sound and a player falls out of the bush with an arrow in his shoulder.
"H-how did you know?" The player says.

"My perception skill. In the forest you gain that skill a lot." Nil walk over to him and kneels down. "And right now, you're in my domain." The player jumps up and slices at Nil with a broadsword, as Nil jumps back and pulls out his sword. "Look, I don't want to kill you!"

"It wouldn't be the first time red!" Nil glares at the player.

"Solace, some help here?"
Solace sighs and takes out his sword, pointing it at the player. "I don't wanna do this, but as you can see, he's not letting it go." Solace said as he shrugged his shoulders.
The player looks over at Solace. "Don't think I didn't hear everything. You're a beater! You're as bad as him!"

"Ok, now how is that fair. At least I actually killed people, he did nothing!" Nil says.

"Yes, you killed people." The player says, before dashing at Nil. Nil sidesteps, and runs up into a tree while the player is stunned. the player then runs after him as the run deeper into the forest.
"Did you just call me a beater? DID YOU JUST CALL ME A BEATER?!?!?!?" Solace says as he goes into a rage trance once more, pulling out Fate and chasing after the player.
Nil jumps across the branches as the player runs under him. "STAY OUT OF THIS SOLACE!!" He yells back. I may have to kill another player... Nil stops his running as the player overshoots him before Nil sinks an arrow into the back of his neck before he turns and runs the other way.

@Son of Crota
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Chikara quirks an eyebrow but nods anyway as she sticks the frog leg into her own inventory. "Alright, then.." She looks around, hating how high the walls go... She's always been one a bit claustrophobic, and this... This wasn't too good for her. "We should just hurry and go..."
"Don't worry I have plenty more of those for you if you want them later." He looked around a bit "if your in such a hurry why not tell the others to come along as well, that is if you know your way around as well as I do." He noticed Chickara starting to seem a bit uncomfortable or it at least appeared that way to Dragon "Something bothering you Chickara?"
Reaper sighs a bit as she looks to Chikara with a raised eye brow. "You seemed quite fearless before, what's stopping you now?" She asked, noticing the girl's rather nervous demeanor. Then she looked to Dragon and rolled her eyes at him. "it seems we'll be eating frog legs later then?" She asked with a small chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood, as it kind of seemed a little sketchy to her.
Running from a group of high level player killers that have been going around taking out other players for there gear and rare loot "Damn!! Why can't you guys just back the hell off" trying my best to get away but is stopped from more PKers flanking me and surrounding me.
Fending off the few player killers left with a standard curved sword being toyed with as the knock bits of my health away "AAAGH!...... d-damn I'm only have a few HP pots left" blocking and evading more attacks but is stuck in the back and falls to my knees.
"Yep, we will have a frog feast of them later Reaper, but for now we don't have much further to go anyways, so let's get going you three." He kept walking taking what seemed like random turns and really not getting anywhere but even more so seeming to backtrack.

@xEmoBunnehx @Firetail606 @y0k9o
Reaper raises a brow at him as she followed. "I think we're back tracking Dragon.." She said with a small sigh, inwardly remembering why she hated mazes and puzzles now.
"I know it seems that way but we're not I promise, just a couple more corners then were at the door, then we will have a good hand full of oversized imps to kill, oh and if your wondering they only get easier as we go up in floors." It was obvious be was being sarcastic about it being easier with the floors, after all he did single handedly make everything in the entire realm of SAO.
Reaper rolls her eyes. "You're talking to the female who cleared up 80 floors. I got this." She said rather bluntly, at this point she could careless who knew her as a beta tester, that was a title she held highly. It was something she was quite proud of, so hiding it was not something she was about to do. Regardless of her own personal safety.

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