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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

"Why should I fight? It's hard enough to survive. I can't even attack..." John sighs, and looks around, thinking about leaving.
Nil notices the trance he was in. Uh oh, not good. As a red player, it's likely other players will attack me. If he's with me, and he goes into a rager state... that isn't good. "S-sure." Nil walks along, but notices Solace walking faster. His speed stat is higher than mine... figures, most of my work is in the trees. Nil quickly jumps into the trees. "Your speed stat is higher than mine! But my agility is much higher than yours, probably! If I stay in the trees, and you stay on the ground, I'll be faster than you, judging by your walk speed. That can help me scout more enemies! I won't go too fast though! Try to keep up!" Nil immediately starts jumping through the trees, faster than even Solace's run speed. If he stays in these woods, that won't last long. His speed skill will grow over time. All the while he is on the lookout for monsters.
"I'm not a god damn cheerleader. And you think I can't kill?" John entered some code, which spawned two wolves, which attack the closest person. They eyed Dragon, but sensing that John was weaker, went after him. When he realized, John made them disappear. "Not like I control them..."
Assailant said:
Nil notices the trance he was in. Uh oh, not good. As a red player, it's likely other players will attack me. If he's with me, and he goes into a rager state... that isn't good. "S-sure." Nil walks along, but notices Solace walking faster. His speed stat is higher than mine... figures, most of my work is in the trees. Nil quickly jumps into the trees. "Your speed stat is higher than mine! But my agility is much higher than yours, probably! If I stay in the trees, and you stay on the ground, I'll be faster than you, judging by your walk speed. That can help me scout more enemies! I won't go too fast though! Try to keep up!" Nil immediately starts jumping through the trees, faster than even Solace's run speed. If he stays in these woods, that won't last long. His speed skill will grow over time. All the while he is on the lookout for monsters.
Solace goes faster, trying to keep up with Nil. "Yeah, sure." He says as he keeps going, gradually gaining speed, but only able to keep up with Nil so much. All the while, Solace thinks about what happened. My trance state, it keeps going out of control...I gotta keep it under wraps. He thought to himself.
Nil looks down and sees Solace tiring out. He jumps down when they reach a clearing and stops Solace. "Being in the forest has leveled many of my movement skills, such as agility and stamina, quite a lot, so don't feel bad if you aren't as quick as me. If it's any solace, you have a greater speed skill than me." He then realizes he just used the word solace while conversing with a man named Solace, earning a light chuckle. He then walks over to a box, opening it for a few seconds, then closing it, and sitting down on a fallen log, leaving Solace a seat on a fallen log across for him, or next to him.
Chikara quirks an eyebrow at John, "Why are you coming with us, to fight the Boss, if you don't want to fight? We'll just have to protect you." She wasn't normally one to seem so heartless, but it's true... As Dragon says, he'd be dead after only one hit. As the boy spawns the wolves, she shakes her head, "Exactly, you don't control them. So during any fight they, to, would come after you..." She sighs a bit, It's going to be too hard trying to protect the guy from himself as well as the boss... But it's really not fair to just leave him out of it. "Why can't you just transport when you get to the next floor..?" She felt quite bad asking him to do such a thing, but... She has to think about the fact, now, that it truly is a life-or-death situation. And she had to do whatever she could to keep people alive, even if she couldn't stand being around them.

She jumps as Dragon falls to the ground, "D-Dragon..?" She sees the 'offline' symbol and furrows her eyebrows, leaning down and poking his back, "Draaaaagoooooon~" She crouches down right beside him and just stares at his unconscious avatar, "What happened?" It's as if he'd heard her when he stands back up and explains. "Well.. Weird, but okay...?" She shakes her head and stands up again, as well. "Should we go forward, then?"
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Assailant said:
Nil looks down and sees Solace tiring out. He jumps down when they reach a clearing and stops Solace. "Being in the forest has leveled many of my movement skills, such as agility and stamina, quite a lot, so don't feel bad if you aren't as quick as me. If it's any solace, you have a greater speed skill than me." He then realizes he just used the word solace while conversing with a man named Solace, earning a light chuckle. He then walks over to a box, opening it for a few seconds, then closing it, and sitting down on a fallen log, leaving Solace a seat on a fallen log across for him, or next to him.
Solace looked up at him. "The more you say don't feel bad, the more it angers me..." He says to him. Solace sits on the fallen log.
Max hands him more veal. "Sorry, I know you probably won't want more of the same thing, but veal is abundant out here, and it's better than nothing." He then takes out some wolf pelts and looks at them. "I'll have to find time to make these into things..." He puts them back in his inventory. He looks up to the sky. "How long do you think we'll be here?"
Firetail606 said:
Chikara quirks an eyebrow at John, "Why are you coming with us, to fight the Boss, if you don't want to fight? We'll just have to protect you." She wasn't normally one to seem so heartless, but it's true... As Dragon says, he'd be dead after only one hit. As the boy spawns the wolves, she shakes her head, "Exactly, you don't control them. So during any fight they, to, would come after you..." She sighs a bit, It's going to be too hard trying to protect the guy from himself as well as the boss... But it's really not fair to just leave him out of it. "Why can't you just transport when you get to the next floor..?" She felt quite bad asking him to do such a thing, but... She has to think about the fact, now, that it truly is a life-or-death situation. And she had to do whatever she could to keep people alive, even if she couldn't stand being around them.
She jumps as Dragon falls to the ground, "D-Dragon..?" She sees the 'offline' symbol and furrows her eyebrows, leaning down and poking his back, "Draaaaagoooooon~" She crouches down right beside him and just stares at his unconscious avatar, "What happened?" It's as if he'd heard her when he stands back up and explains. "Well.. Weird, but okay...?" She shakes her head and stands up again, as well. "Should we go forward, then?"
"Well we could keep going and finish this one since were already here anyways and get to the next floor" He kept walking forward and turned the corner and dissapeared for a little bit and then came back around the corner "Wrong way....." he goes down the other hall and dissapears for just a moment again before coming back around "Wrong way again..... and if I were you I would get ready to fight off two tons of frogs...." and just as he said that massive swarms of frogs contianing about 200 frogs each came around both corners that he walked down. "And here they are, damn frogs, we have to kill all of these frogs to get the door to show up, then kill a whole bunch of the little Kobold Troopers, and the door will open."
"It's alright, I don't mind." He said to Nil. "How long we'll be here? However long it takes. I just wanna get to a good enough level for a boss, then I'm heading into town to the boss fight." He said.
Solace looked at him, then back to his veal as he took a bite. Till someone clears the game. That's the rules." He said to Nil.
Reapers raises a brow at him as she follows behind Dragon. "Fight..don't fight.. at this point I'm done trying to inspire people." She said with a sigh, her voice showing she was utterly bored. "Anyways. Once we get to the next town, I was thinking we could perhaps celebrate, all of us."She said with a smile, as she liked the idea of making new friends.

((Just fyi, I'm getting the final kill on this boss. Next boss will be decided when we get there.))
"That's not how long." Nil says, staring at the ground. "People hate me, people are afraid of me, all because of a stupid color. Until this game is cleared, I'll have no one to talk to, no one to meet. Not unless one of us will end up dead. How long until it's cleared? A year? Two? What if it's never cleared? What if I have to live out my days alone, my only companions the monsters I slaughter...?"
"I don't blame you on that Reaper, inspiring people is a tricky task, you have to know what they want." Dragon waited on a few attacks from the swarm of frogs before he bolted forward and killed off about 30 of them before he jumped back avoiding the mass attack "Am I the only one that is going to be killing the frogs or what." he was waiting on some more support to kill the 400 frogs that were still in the way of the door.

((fine by me but what are you going to do with the cloak of midnight (eta 2000 Cor)))
Solace sighed and looked over at Nil. "First off, you need to chill out. Being in a death game is bad, but you should still try to make the most of it.." He said, taking another bite of the veal. "Second of all, yes, that color does make people think you're dangerous, but everything should be fine with at least some explanation why you have the color itself. You'll be fine, just stick with me." He said with a sigh.
Nil nodded. "Maybe, but they may think I tricked you. And that's if they even listen to us. Most will just kill, or try to kill us off the bat." Nil sighs. "But I'm glad you listened. I've revealed my identity to only two other people. Neither ended well... luckily, they ran before I was forced to kill them, but that led to a manhunt for me. Luckily, few people spend time leveling their agility skill, so I could hide in the trees and be safe. But it was close."

@Son of Crota
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Kandy looked at Dragon while drawing his two handed sword then charged swing his sword sideways killing four frogs and took out the majority of another frogs health. "How did you??" He was wondering how Dragon had managed to take out as many frogs as once as he did the shrugged. "Oh well , your probably just a higher level that's all." The sword was lifted into the air and swung down on a frog approaching at him then twirled and split the frog that he had wounded earlier and watched as it had dissapeared from the game. "Like I said I'm a good warrior, I just want to be the best."

John thought to himself as he waited, and actually smiled. He was good at tactics... and he did have a few grunts right in front of him. Strong ones too. I'll be nice... for now.

He started to type in some code, giving them small 10% speed buffs. "Just so you get things done faster... I guess I have a use after all..."
He looked over to Kandy and laughed "Its called using multiple sword skills back to back, one of them I dealt just over a thousand, way more than enough to kill one or five for that matter, its all in how you time them is all." He felt the speed boost kick in "Alright, watch this." He blocked a bunch that just attacked and jumped above them "Lightning fall!" and just like that all the frogs in a ten foot area were killed "Sonic leap" he lunged forward towards another frog with an upper cut and then jumped in the air "Serration wave" he stabbed the skull of another frog and sent out a shock wave stunning everything within 30 ft "Vorpal strike" his sword length doubled and swung entirely around him killing another handful of frogs but they were starting to become mobile again "Divine sword" and now all the frogs were temporally blind "Deadly sins" and in the blink of an eye seven more were dead "Howling Octave" His sword heated up and he slashed through eight more "Nova Ascension" and lastly ten more were dead and he jumped back out of being in the middle of the swarm.

"See, it's all in your timing with sword skills Kandy." in that run thanks to the speed boost he was able to actually get off all the sword skills without taking damage and all in all he killed off 60 more.

(( >.> ........ whoops.... i got a bit carried away))

@The Last One @Firetail606
Assailant said:
Nil nodded. "Maybe, but they may think I tricked you. And that's if they even listen to us. Most will just kill, or try to kill us off the bat." Nil sighs. "But I'm glad you listened. I've revealed my identity to only two other people. Neither ended well... luckily, they ran before I was forced to kill them, but that led to a manhunt for me. Luckily, few people spend time leveling their agility skill, so I could hide in the trees and be safe. But it was close."
@Son of Crota
Solace sighs and finishes his veal. He stretches and looks back at Nil. "Well I can't say you should stay here forever." He says, trying to think of a way out.
Nil looks down at the ground. "Y...- you could." He says in a hopeful murmer, but still loud enough to hear. He's silent for a few seconds before sighing. "Who am I kidding? You have to leave. Heck, you probably WANT to leave... it just gets really lonely around here..." He tries to speak up but remains silent.

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