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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

Chikara's pout deepens as Dragon comes out and teases her. "The beta sounds great." She says with a slight huff then sighs and slumps back against the nearby wall, screaming as she falls through it. She gasps in pain as she hits the floor, the wall's image swaying for a moment before steadying again, making it look as though she were cut in half. "It... IT'S A FUCKING HOLOGRAM!" She shouts angerly, though breathlessly as her fall and knocked the breath out of her. She slowly sits up, wincing as she does but then pouts up at the two Betas there, "That was not fun..."
John started to follow, a bit cautious. He hatedall this, and just wanted to leave. But something was interfering with his systems... the game maybe.
Reaper busts out laughing at her. "Oh my god! That was great!" She said then lightly pushed Dragon off her was walked though the wall. "Oh..ohmy stomach." She said as she was calming down from laughing at the poor girl.

Lvl 40

HP 7,500/7,500

XP 0/325,000,000

He couldnt help but laugh at the girl who had just fallen through the hologram "See, I told you it was this way didn't I." He stepped though the wall and held out his hand to help Chickara "Would you like a bit of help up miss clumsy." He still had to tease Chickara for being so foolish and not thinking ahead and guessing that there would be traps or diversions of some sort. "Well anyways, lets get going, we still have a little ways to go."
John simply stared, and laughed a little. "I'm guessing I chose the careless people to follow..." He stepped through slowly, just in case something was there. "How can you relax in a dungeon? I know I can't"
Chikara mutters profanities under her breath as she gets up on her own, glaring halfly at her three companions before crossing her arms over her chest and huffing out a breath, "Well excuse me for not thinking the GM would be jerk enough to make fake walls..." She furrows her eyebrows and sighs, "Actually, he stuck us in a game to kill each other.. Of course he'd make fake walls."
Reaper looks back at John, the smile still blessing her features. "Because its how you get rid of the worry." She said simply. "I look at it this way. If I'm going to die, I want to be happy before it happens. I want to see smiles, not tears and sorrow. I want people to remember me smiling as well. So ya see, you just gotta let loose and let the good things happen." She said, her smile growing as she gave him a thumbs up, though she had just sounded way older than her actual age.
"I can remain calm simply because I know all of the floors like the back of my hand, after all I am the one that designed the floors, bosses, weapons, armor, and well, everything you see was me." He wasn't trying to brag or anything but it was the truth, anything that was visual was designed by him, after all he was employed by the SAO company specifically to do that."
John backed away slowly, taking step after step. "What is there to be happy about..." He accidentally put his stats up, which he put back down after a few seconds. "There is nothing I can really do..."

Sunshine radiates through the leaves, casting a beautiful ghastly light upon the forest floor.


The wind lightly blows, but makes no noise.


The crack of a branch, as a deer steps on a stick.


The crunch of berries and leaves.


The snap of a string and a whir.


The cry of wounded animal, and an explosion.


A digital ring, and a light hiss.


The grinning face of the Phantom of the Forest, named Nil.


Nil leaves nothing behind, that's how he's earned his nickname.


Always silence.
As Solace took a look around this world, he knew that his level wasn't all that high. He pulled down his stats and looked at them before putting them away and looking at his sword. "Fate..we can't make it big in this game if we don't get stronger. We have to be able to hold our own, always ready for a fight." He said as a smile grew on his face. "But an adventure awaits us when we do, and we'll be right there waiting for it! We should probably train first thoug...Let's go to the forest, we'll train there." He said as he looked at the sword and it gave a bright glimmer before being sheathed again. He headed to the forest, and eventually reached there in a couple of minutes.

Chikara quirks an eyebrow at Dragon, "Are you really gonna sit here and brag about helping to make the game that stuck us all here like some sort of virtual dog fight?" She shudders at her analogy, having always hated the mere idea of dog fights, cock fights, or anything of the like. She then sighs and gives him a soft smile, "It is pretty cool, though... But, why didn't you wan me about the hologram walls? That sucked!" She says, her pout resurfacing as she reaches behind her and rubs her bottom, "Like.. I thought stuff wasn't supposed to actually hurt in-game.. But that felt real..!"
Reaper shakes her head. "That's not true. No matter how big or little the force is, it helps in some way. Everyone has a weakness and everyone has a strength." She said with a small giggle. "Like me for example. I may seem strong on the outside, but inside is a whole other story." She said, not caring that she'd openly admitted to not being as strong as she looked. As long as it helped someone realize that even someone who looks strong isn't as strong as they seem, she could careless.
Nil watches from the branches as a new person enters the forest. Let's make an entrance. Nil shoots two arrows to either side of him. While his archery skill may be QUITE good compared to others, by the game standards it was pretty bad, so he was careful where he shot. He then leapt off the treetops and landed behind Solace and rose to his feet, still looking away. "Who disturbs the voice of the forest?" He says in his most dramatic voice, keeping his gamertag hidden. Hah! Voice of the forest...

@Son of Crota
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Solace notices the two arrows, then hears a voice behind him. Alarmed a bit, he turns around and whips out Fate, quick as can be. He holds his sword close, looking to see it is only another player. Or at least,he thinks he is. He was being a bit flashy, so he thought it was a part of the game. He slowly lowered his sword. "I dare. Solace, the loner. Care to meet Fate, voice of the forest?" He said raising his sword again.

Nil smiles. So, he's one for theatrics too? Okay, let's see who breaks character first. "Well then, Solace the loner, wielder of the blade Fate." He looks up at Solace's nametag. Okay, he's a green player. Thank goodness mine is hidden... it adds an air of mystery. "What is it you seek? You look hungry, perhaps food? Safety from the harshness of the outside world? That, I can grant upon you." Still facing away, but turning his head back as if acknowledging Solace's existence.

@Son of Crota
"Well swing as though I'm not bragging, I'm just saying what all I did in this game is all." He crossed his arms and looked at her funny for not telling her about the hologram walls "Now hold on a second, I told you it was the other way and watch out for the enemies around the corner, if you turned around and saw a dead end would you think that it would be a real wall, plus why would the level designer lie to you about where to go when I'm as nice as I am."
Assailant said:
Nil smiles. So, he's one for theatrics too? Okay, let's see who breaks character first. "Well then, Solace the loner, wielder of the blade Fate." He looks up at Solace's nametag. Okay, he's a green player. Thank goodness mine is hidden... it adds an air of mystery. "What is it you seek? You look hungry, perhaps food? Safety from the harshness of the outside world? That, I can grant upon you." Still facing away, but turning his head back as if acknowledging Solace's existence.
He looks back at the stranger and turns around. I'm trying to train. If you aren't strong, you'll die, I refuse to let that be me." He says as he rubs a hand over Fate. "This sword..this blade of mine, my friend, has been with me for a good while now, since the very beginning. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't have been such a good swordsman. Now, the time nears to prove our strength in a boss raid, I long for training before that, so that I may be ready for the challenge we face."
Nil nods. He spent most of his time in the woods for...


reasons, so he didn't know much about the news. The voice of the forest turns around. "Are you worthy of maintaining this forest's beauty, and living in its harmony?"
Solace takes a deep breath and turns around to the voice of the forest. "I am. Are you worthy to be in the presence of the blade that protects this sacred haven?" He says as Fate gives off a bright glimmer.
Nil shakes his head. "You may be a savior out there, but this forest is mine, and I am its guardian. And I shall continue to protect this forest from malevolent forces until the day I perish."
Solace sighs. "Jeez dude, let it go. First off, you're a player. Second off, you have nature issues. Third, is there a training ground around here or what? Cause Fate and I are getting impatient." He says while relaxing. "You sound like an NPC by the way/" He said as he sat down with Fate in his hands.
Nil groans. "You broke character, I win... no real training grounds. I mostly level by killing animals and monsters." Nil opens his inventory before pulling out some Veal. "Want some?"
Chikara gives an unamused look, "Hmm... Why would a random stranger within a game possibly lie about something? Gaah, I must be oh so daft to not believe every word he says!" She quirks an eyebrow, hoping he caught her sarcasm before she looks and her in disbelief, "Besides... A fake wall isn't exactly an enemy. Its the floor which hurt me in the end... The wall was more like an unsupportive friend."
Solace graciously takes the veal. "Yeah, thanks." He said as he started eatung. "Anyway, I'm Solace, who're you?" He said curiously.

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