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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

Reaper looks up at the GM, noticing he was huge and covered with a dark brown hooded cloak, making it impossible to see his face.

The GM holds up both of his hands, writing appearing in front of him that said: 'Welcome to Sword Art Online.' Then he clapped his hands together and the words disappeared. Then he spoke. "Welcome players from all around the world! As you know this is Sword Art Online's official releasing globally." He said, his voice deep and obviously disguised, making it impossible to know who he was. "First and for most I was to tall you all thank you for buying the game and NerveGear, secondly I am here to relay to you information that is quite..dire." He said, a smirk forming across his hooded face, though no one could see it. "As on the cover of the game, it asked, 'Are you prepared to fight for your life?' Well I certainly hope so, because you're all now stuck in this game, meaning you cannot log out and escape. Along with this all of you will be turned into your real genders, height and so on. Oh! And before I forget, I'd advise against you dying; because, if you die here, you die in real life, and the only way out is to clear all 100 floors. So the question truly is, Are you prepared to fight for your life?" He asked then disappeared, leaving the players all silent, panic rushing though all of their bodies, then someone screamed 'There's not log out button!' and the chaos started.

Reaper clenched her fists tightly. "D*mn you.." She said, then to test the theory herself, she pulled do her menu and tried to log out, but to no avail was there a button. Instantly her mind went to home, but not to herself, to her brother. She was so glad he didn't have access to the game..as she couldn't tale losing him, but the real question was..Would she live to see him again? Reaper snapped back to reality, or virtual reality and set her lip into a hard line. "I'm getting out of this area Dragon." She said, her voice calm and emotionless as she turned on her heel and started making her way though the crowd.
'Are you serious, I won't get to see my wife again, how can you do this, its inhumane, let's get this game over with then.' He looked over to Reaper and then realized that he was his actual body height of 6'3" and his outfit had changed entirely to what he had worn that day and looked at his chest that was entirely exposed with his nicely chiseled abs "Well this was unexpected, let's go." He hooked on one finger to her shirt to keep up with her as his purple long spiked hair with bells on the ends started to jingle with every step as he looked around at everyone freaking out at the news of not being able to log out.

Reaper looks back at him, the only thing changing about her was her eye color, it was now a deep grey with white and blue flecks. "If i were you I' put armor back on, this may be a safe place, but still I'd do it just in case." She advised, as she was still in her very light weight armor that looked sort of like a Greek toga, but was still really good armor. Reaper turned her head forward and kept moving, pushing people aside as she made her way through.
"Probably a good idea." He went through his inventory and put on all the armor and his sword and shield, at this point he looked like a walking juggernaut, heavy armor, tower shield, and sword. "And what about yourself, aren't you going to equip your weapon, its not like anyone is going to see you, plus your in my party."

Reaper shakes her head. "Not focused on that right now. What I'm focused on is getting to the Arena, away from all these people." She said as she finally burst though the crowd and lets out a small sigh. "Well the worst-ish part if over." She said then started walking again, her mind dead set on getting to the Arena so she could at least think this through.
"Fair enough, random question, what floor did you get to during beta." He had leaned in to her ear so that no one else could hear what he said to her "I've 'been' to every floor, but I worked my way to floor 33, I heard it was one of the highest that people went." He looked around at the arena the currently empty of people except for the two of them. "What do you mean the worstish part."
Kandy jumped up in excrement "Yes, freedom from reality!!" He put his sword on his shoulder and smiled. "Now all I need to do is find a smithing shop to fix my sword." Kandy walked around looking to find a smithing shop to fix his sword. After a bit he found a smithing shop and fixed his sword then went to find find the floor one boss again "Well I'm going to go find the floor one boss, again, but I wish I knew what way it was."
Reaper gains a smirk on her face as she leans into his ear. "You obviously never heard then...because I and my old party made it to floor 80." She whispered, her worlds being one hundred percent true as she pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "And by worst-ish part I mean exactly that. Right now everyone is in a panic, but once everyone isn't parties will start forming and people will be after the boss, also there's murder guilds to look out for, as I'm sure they'll have a hay day now that they know that can actually kill people." She said, her voice hard and emotionless, as within seconds she'd already worked this out.
"Yea, I guess your right on that part, so, then what's our plan, we are already a step ahead of them, we are already in a party, so, want to go to the next town or the one after." The two towns he was referencing was Tolbana Town, the one located closest to the boss entrance, but it was the second town, the other one he was referring to was Horunka Village, it was a little out of the way but still on the way to the boss. While he was talking to Reaper he didn't notice that a bunch of people had started piling into the arena.
Reaper looks at the people, slightly confused as she leaned over and whispered to him, "Why are all these people here?" She asked. Her brows creased in confusion as she looked at all the little noobies. Did they all come here cause they did? She wondered to herself.
He leaned back towards her and accidentally bumped into her head "Whoops, but no I don't think that's why there here, who knows why there here." He sat back up and waited on one of them to speak up

(I'm free the rest of the day)
John stood in a small shop, looking over some of the food. He was hungry... hasn't eaten in a while... He spawned some money and traded it to the keeper, just for a small sandwich. He walked out, pulling his hood over, and began to run.
Once people began to slowly calm down, there began murmurs about battling, to discover the strongest of those present. Elizabeth bites her bottom lip. Should I? She wonders within her mind, debating whether or not it'd be a good idea to go about showing off her skills. She didn't want anyone to know about her being from the Beta... Oh, no... That's the last thing she wants, honestly. But, at the same time, it may be nice to join a guild, hmm? No. You will be a loner. Just like the first time, it worked then, and it'll work now. Just like the real world, no one will give a damn.

She shakes herself from her thoughts, narrowing her eyes as a short breeze blows, her Avatar's white hair not being what blows before her eyes, but rather her own black hair. However, from the looks of things that's the only part of her changed. "Thank goodness for honesty." She mutters to herself before shaking her head once more and running along with the crowd in the direction of the Arena.

"Let's do this."
Dragon looked around to see that more and more people were showing up, he could pick out all the beta testers but had a gut feeling not to say anything at any of them, nor associate himself and Reaper as one, he had a hunch being a beta tester was about become really dangerous and really fast too.

Reaper sighs deeply. "Great..maybe..we could ask some of them why they are here..or maybe we should leave?" She asked him, being very unsure of what to do herself, as this was the Arena..and people woild most likely know she was a Beta tester if she fought anyone.
"I'm not doing either." He quickly unequipped everything and put on some basic armor that was given to him from the server launch "but, I have a feeling that being a beta tester is going to turn sour really quick, so I'm going to look like a noobie for now, I recommend you do the same."
Kandy came across a pack of boars and took them one by one with his sword, knowing he would survive the attack, "Well I suppose it won't hurt to ask someone where the boss is." He went back to the beginners town and came across Dragon again then sheethed his sword in his back "Oh hello again, um I was wondering if you could show me where the floor one boss is, I'm sort of lost here, if you don't mind I mean." He slightly stuttered but kept a light smile in his face. He opened his menue then took out two teleportation crystals and some boar meat. "Sorry I don't have much, all I have from killing boars all day he he." Chuckling nervously he offered the two teleportation crystals and boar meat Dragon hoping he would take it.

Reaper shakes her head. "I could careless who knows. Like the quote goes: 'It tis far better to be feared than loved.'" She said, a small smirk forming on her face as she didn't notice Kandy addressing Dragon.
"True enough, true enough." He turned around to see the guy from earlier holding out a couple teleportation crystals to them "Nah, don't worry about it, its just past the third village, follow the road out of here and it will split in two, take the left path and it will take you to the village I'm talking about, once your there just look for the big tower, bu for now just have a seat and find out what all is going on here." He leaned back against the steps and looked down at the person who had just walked into the center of attention and began complaining about this being a death game and trying to blame it all on the beta testers assuming that there were some among the people that was here, well, he was right, there were about ten or so beta testers around in that arena. He got up and began making his way down the stairs to the person that was complaining.

@xEmoBunnehx @y0k9o
Chikara reaches the Arena just in time to hear a man complaining about the beta testers, saying it's all their fault that this happened. "I'll show you a fucking beta tester." She mutters to herself before running up to him and smacking him upside the head, "Yo! You think it's the betas' fault?! It's the idiotic GM's fault!"

Geez, Lizzy... What are you doing!? Notice everything, but don't get noticed. That's how you live, that's how it should be! She does not, however, listen to the little voice inside her head as she puts her hands on her hips, cocking out her left one as she quirks an eyebrow and smirks, looking the guy up and down, "Or is it that you're just weak? Weak and scared to die?"
Reaper stands from where she was seated and trots down to the girl and male, her white hair flowing out behind her as she looked much like a Greek goddess, this getting her lots of looks. "Beta testers fault huh?" She said, a smirk growning across her elegant features.

Lvl 40

HP 7,500/7,500

XP 0/325,000,000

He was almost to the bottom until someone beat him to the guy, after seeing that two others were confronting him Dragon decided to join them "So, looks like I don't have to say anything to you to make you understand that not only are the players but the beta testers are all on the same page you moron." After he said that he slowly put on his elite Level forty armor "If you want to keep complaining about it being the betas fault, then why don't you duel me, if you win then its our fault, if I win then you must remove any thought that its our fault, what do you say." Dragons health had never dropped below half, even in the beta or alpha for that matter, his defense was always five levels higher than was the average was.
Chikara smirks, her excitement rising at the idea of a duel. While in the real world Elizabeth is completely against fights all any kind, wincing at the mere mention of even a scratch, Chikara is out for blood. She tilts her head to the side ever so slightly, her black hair contrasting heavily against her icy eyes as she pouts her lips and drops her head forward a bit, now looking at the accusing man through her lashes, a great 'puppy-dog face' in effect as she furrows her eyebrows together. "Whatcha say? Wanna take on the Big Bad Beta?"
Reaper reaches the bottom and equips Angiush, the sword beig huge for such a small girl. "How about three big bad Betas. I won't hesitate on you big boy." She teased as she picked up Anguish and put it on she shoulder, the great sword looking quite nice there.

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