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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Cracks spread all over the egg and it started to glow. The egg shattered, revealing a giant figure.


"ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" It roared. It brandished its blade and sheathed it. All around it, buildings fell as if they were cut to pieces.
Lara and kero looked for a far and their eyes widened "... you have your work cut out for you...." lara sighed and took out her katana. She jumped down from the building and started walking towards the knight like figure.

Dusty heard the roar from far away and looked at the door, smiling. "Now THAT sounds like fun." Without another word, Dusty bursts through the doors out into the street, sprinting down the road towards the giant creature. When he got to its location, he noticed that Lara and Kero were there as well. He smiled, knowing he would have help. He cracked his knuckles, then felt his body ripple, and scales formed on his entire body, brown and gray. "Let's go!" He ran forward, jumping at the things leg and grabbing on, starting to crawl up it. If it was like a golem, then it's weakness was the head.
Arch saw the gargantuan creature "Interesting creature once we defeat it I'd like to study it!" He told himself, if he could learn more about the beast's species he could be able to find out where In the world the species could live and maybe tame them and use them for a good cause but that'll have to wait for this thing needs to go down quickly if they would have to minimize civilian casualties. He drew his blade and summoned his Aura shield and rushed towards it. He saw Dusty start to climb it with.... Scales?!?!?! Arch had so many things to research and discover it was unbelievable. He saw Lara and Kero but he looked up at the creature and said "What an extraordinary creature!" He said.
Kaito grinned when he saw the creature "now this this is a challenge" he said. The lighting aura around hi body started to get larger he clicked hi fingers and a bolt of lighting hit him and his vanished and reappeared near everyone else on the battle field debris started to rise and the ground started to crack where Kaito was standing 'i think it might be time to use my lightening dragon slayer cannon' he thought to himself as he gazed upon the giant creature 'just what else do they have in store for us? he asked himself...
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Rae heard the roar of the creature and smiled a wicked twisted smile "Hermes" he said wing's sprouting on his feet. He flew high into the air and flipped "ares" he said transforming again his body's heaver and more powerful. HE shot a leg out kicking the creature dead in the chest breaking the armor. "goddamit not a scratch on this thing" he growled

  • *Crash* There was a huge commotion in the Guild Hall behind Carrie, but before she had a chance to turn around and look, a huge egg-shaped mass, dropped gently from the sky, landing onto city below. Cracks began to from around the sides of the egg, until a knight, clad in a bluish-gray, brushed metal-armor, came walking out, sword at ready. One slash from the blade cut multiple buildings into pieces, sending them crashing down on mages and civilians alike. "Oh boy. This is definitely not good."

    Arch saw the gargantuan creature. "Interesting creature, once we defeat it, I'd like to study it!" He told himself, if he could learn more about the beast's species, he could be able to find out where in the world, the species could live, and maybe tame them and use them for a good cause; but that'll have to wait, for this thing needs to go down quickly, if they would have to minimize civilian casualties. He drew his blade, and summoned his Aura shield rushing towards it. He saw Dusty start to climb it with.... Scales?!?!?! Arch had so many things to research and discover, it was unbelievable. He saw Lara and Kero, but he looked up at the creature and said "What an extraordinary creature!" He said.

    What the heck were they doing!? Carrie saw what she thought looked like mages, trying to take the darn thing head-on. One of them was even trying to climb up it's leg! No, no, no! Have to do something or they're all going to get killed! While frantically looking around, and breaking into a light sweat, Carrie breathed a sigh of relief as she found what she was looking for. The mage that fell by her side hard, just a few minutes prior. "HEY!" she yelled. "You use fire right? How about we team up to take this thing down?"

    Arch turned towards the water Mage, and he nodded, "Of course this gargantuan beast must surely fall, and if we combine our powers, we may achieve victory!" He summoned two aura shields, one for himself and for Carrie. "Here, this Aura shield can protect you from any hit, be it fatal or not, but once your hit it's gone." He told her as he faced the creature.

    Haha. This guy talks a little funny. But hey, I won't complain. He seems like he's strong enough. I think we may be able to do something. Carrie gaped in awe, as the shield of energy enveloped her. "I hope this thing does what you say it'll do. I'm very fragile mister!" With a grin and turning towards the gigantic knight, she wondered what spell would be able to take it down. I don't know anything yet that can take something that big down...I don't even think I'm strong enough yet. Hmm.

    "Okay fire-man, do you think"
    ---at that moment, the blade gripped in the Knight's hand, came slamming down on the ground, cleaving the town in two; leaving a gaping chasm between Carrie and the new teammate. She was stunned! How could one single strike do so much damage in one blow? "Hey, I don't think it would be a good idea to get so close to that thing...seeing what happened...maybe we could attack it from far way and see if that'll work?" "Sea Dragon's Spit!" Bullets of water spiraled out of the Dragon-Slayers mouth, hurtling towards the menacing creature.

    Arch chuckled as he summoned a spell.
    "ArchFire!" And he created a powerful fire spell, it's a bigger, more powerful, and more awesome looking upgrade to a fireball spell. It came hurling at the creature, and it hits the creature in its sword, and Arch hoped the sword would heat up to extreme temperatures, to the point that it might melt. "If we can get rid of his sword, it will cause less damage to the city!" he explained. Hoping that Carrie could use her water magic to cool the sword quickly, it will crack and will be able to be broken.

    The sword was glowing a bright crimson hue. It literally looked like the shining metal was on fire.
    "Ah! I get it," Carrie exclaimed with arms flailing wildly. "Good thinking man!" This was going to be the last spell she could muster, before tiring out from exhaustion; this one had to be the one that did it. This time it was all or nothing.


    Lamia Scale Master: Good! Good! That was good young Dragon-Slayer. You need to be able to generate a large amount of water if you're ever in a pinch. You won't be by water all the time you know. How do you feel?

    Carrie: I feel like a whale that just gave birth. I'm so exhausted Master!

    Lamia Scale Master: There, there child. What you've accomplished in our short time together is astounding. I'll admit, we havent even begun to scratch the surface of what you can do....but I promise, after this Echidna threat is dealt with..I'll get you into tip-top shape. Nobody will recognize you when I'm through. You can bet on it.

    Carrie: You really think so master?..Then in that case..I can't wait.

    -- --

    Placing her open right hand over a closed left fist, Carrie widened her stance preparing for the last spell she learned. "Sea..Dragon's..Tsunami.." Directing it towards the tip of the blade, a magic circle appeared, shimmering for a moment, before expanding and releasing, trillions of gallons of water from its depths. Oh no, here it comes..I don't feel so good..Carrie fell backwards with vision fading, not even having the chance to glimpse, whether the plan was even a success at all.

    The sword cooled too quickly as it began to crack.
    "Yes! It's working!" He turned to Carrie and saw that she fainted. He turned towards the knight, and started to do some wind magic using his Dogin. "Excaliber!" Sickle like slashes in the color purple, slashed the sword into two. The knight dropped it and roared, but he couldn't destroy many buildings with a slash.

    Arch ran towards Carrie. "Damn, she wasted all her energy, maybe I should give her some of mine!" He then casted a Spell,
    "Energa," that gave her half of his available energy. 'There, she should wake up!" He told himself, as he grew tired. He waited for her to wake up. He remembered all of the spells he learned from his foster dad, and he was able to remember those spells and be able to use them thanks to his Dogin magic. Of course, they're weaker than the real deal, but it can help in any situation, and he thought that was more important. He waited for Carrie to wake up.

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Dusty dropped down from pummeling on the giant creature. He laughed, his scales rippling as air flew past him when the blade hit the ground. "Yeah! Take that, you giant freak!" He looked over to where the man who had tried to stop him before was next to a passed out Cassie. He smiled, giving them a thumbs-up. "Nice going! You just made this a thousand times easier!" He ran and jumped, sand forming under him and lifting him up. It shot him into the air, so he was able to grab onto the things arm. He reached out and dug his hands into the armor, creating cracks in it. It roared, and moved its hand to swat Dusty. "Uh-oh." He raised one hand, sand swirling around it. "Sand Arrow!" An bolt of sand flew at the monsters hand, hitting it with enough force to push it away. Dusty started to climb again, his fingers digging into the hard material. He reached the shoulder, and clapped his hands together. "Alright, buddy. Time for a sur-" His words were cut off as a huge hand came and descended on Dusty. He lifted his hands up, hoping that he could keep it from crushing him. As he felt the armored palm touch his hands, he could already feel an incredible amount of pressure. As it increased, his arms started to bend. Sweat began to pour down his face, and he gritted his teeth. It felt like he was trying to hold up a whale. The force kept going up, and his knees started to bend. Even if though he was strong, and his Scales of stone added to that, he was starting to lose faith he could stop it. It's hand had clasped down over him, so he was in pitch black. He gritted his teeth harder, feeling like his head was about to explode. He was sure a few veins had popped by now. He had to get out of there. If he stayed like this, he would die. He fell to his knees, now slouching from the strain. Was it the end? His mind started to get fuzzy, all his thoughts were getting jumbled. He was going to lose, and worse, die. And he hadn't defeated Echidna yet...

Suddenly, something clear popped into his head. It took as much effort as he could possibly muster at that moment to summon his magic. "
S...Sand...Burst..." Sand formed around him in massive amounts, forcing the monsters hand open.
Sky had heard about Yami losing control and getting into a fight. She told herself that she would go to her once this is all over. She just hoped that Michael and Sergei was with her, knowing that they're all really close. For now, her attention was on the creature that was in front of her. The creature that had Dusty under its hand. "I knew this would happened," Sky sighed, "at least he got out of there." She flew around the monster, looking for the weak spot. Where is it? She thought to herself, it's gotta have a weak spot! At least one!

Dusty flew out from between the monsters palm and shoulder. He slammed into a building close by, his back connecting with the wall. He fell to the ground, sand falling near him. He wiped some blood that was oozing out of his mouth, then smiled slightly. "I guess...we need...a bit more...strength..." He stood up on shaky legs, and looked at the monster. A part of a building the monster had cut in half was in front of him. He slowly walked over to it and ran his hand over where it had been cut. It was completely smooth. He scowled at the thought of getting cut with that thing. At least it was out of the way now. He gripped the fallen building hard and tore a chunk of stone from it. He felt it in his hand, then bit into it. It wasn't pure rock, like what he was used to, but it would do. He continued to consume the material, his strength returning to him.

When he was done, he wiped the his chin, then looked back up to the monster. He noticed Sky flying around it, and growled. The thing was going to take her out if she wasn't careful. They needed to destroy this thing soon. He cracked his knuckles, then stretched his arms and neck. He looked up at Sky. "
Sky! Help me by looking for an opening in the armor!" He then started to sprint towards the monster, sand and dust condensing behind him. "Flight of the Earth Dragon!" The pressure unwound behind him, launching him up in the air. He quickly looked over the monster's torso, trying to see if there was an opening. He noticed the monster swing at him. "Hey, that's not nice." He turned and started to suck in air. "Roar of the Earth Dragon!" The force of the impact pushed against the gigantic palm of the creature, holding it in place. As he slowly descended, he ended the Roar and ducked as the hand barely hit him as it flew over his head.
Rae watched them fight "hmm nobody's attacks are getting through,everybody's attacking blindly and it isn't even scratching the thing. They're all waisting their energy " Rae thought to himself "He looked up at the eart dragin sayer anf shouted "Hey,could you coger me here while i come up with a way to defeat this thing oh and any other intelligent mages send them my way,Athena" he whispered transforming. He then sat down on the ground closing his eyes and began thinking numbers and theories soaring through his mind

"Okay," Sky look carefully at the armor, "hm...it's going to be hard to destroy that armor...and it's probably have one or two opening." She looked carefully, focus on looking for a way to get inside. "If it doesn't have any opening then we'll have to take out the mages," she mumbled to herself as she hover near its head. She needed more time to figure it out, but she can't let this creature destroying the town while she tries to figure it out. "I can't see it!" She shouted to Dusty, "Have you try destroying its legs?"
Millions of possibilities flooded Kaito's mind he thought hard about a weakness on this giant creature. It stood above everyone like a god, no one could escape it's magnitude and immense power, all they could do was think about how to stop it. Kaito searched his head for the perfect plan to at least slow it down so it wouldn't attack any more, Kaito smiled as the perfect plan flew into his mind, to slow it down.

Kaito charged up his power as he held several cards in his hand 'they don't call me the lightning dragon magician for nothing' he smiled cockily, after several seconds of charging his power he looked over at the others "move away from it, I'm going to subdue it for a short period of time, so you can breath easily and think of a plan" he shouted to them to move out of the way so he didn't get them as well.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted @Angel Evans
Sky saw Kaito, "about time." She then moved away as he asked, "I'm leaving it to you!" She flew back, creating quiet a distance from the creature. She looked at the cards in his hands. Cards? Against that thing? She thought but she hope that he knew what he was doing. If he can't slow the creature down then she'll have to create the wind wall so that it can move anywhere else.
Dusty looked back at Kaito, noticing the cards in his hands. Apparently, so did the giant monster. It turned it's gaze towards him. "Oh no, buddy. You're opponents down here!" He used his Flight to rocket himself up and slam his fist into it's gut. It roared and looked back at him, swinging. He dodged it, landing and jumping back. He sucked in air and proceeded to use his Roar on it to keep its attention on him. If Kaito could hit this thing and slow it down, Dusty could wail on it until it was down. He stopped Roaring and looked at Kaito. "I'll keep him busy! You focus on doing whatever you're doing!" He leapt out of the way of a punch from the thing, then Roared again. It was using a lot of his magic, so he hoped Kaito would hurry it with his magic. He stopped roaring and clapped his hands together. "Sand Penta Arrow!" Five bolts of sand flew at the creature, which only aggravated it more.
Kaito just grinned as he kept charging more and more power. He dropped the cards 'it is time' he thought as the cards formed a circle around the giant creature's feet "Lightning Tomb! he said as lightning bolts shot out of the sky and hit the cards nothing could go in or come out without his consent. Then the lightning aura around his body became stronger, he formed a lightning ball in his hands it gradually got bigger and bigger blood started to trickle down his face from his nose "power... he mumbled "39% power! he shouted as the lightning ball became small and black he stepped one foot forward "Lightning dragon slayer: One million volt cannon" he shouted as he fired an almighty lightning bolt at the creature....

"Knights Kills Dragon!" The Knight announced as it disappeared and left behind an afterimage. It appeared behind the Lightning Dragon Slayer and brought down it's blade wreathed with black lightning, making him smash into the ground.
Kaito purposely let the creature hit him into the ground "thanks" he said on one knee "for the power, any form of lightning or electricity will do me" he said grinning he jumped up into the air and clenched his fist "Lightning dragon fist" he said as he punched the creature in the face with his lightning fist. 'damn he got me good' he thought as he felt the blood trickle down his face 'but i must keep going as an ace of Sabertooth' he thought.

The Knight absorbed the lightning the lightning. The after image suddenly darted behind the dragonslayer and kicked him, causing him to fly. "Fake Dragon Slayer: One Million Nega Volt Cannon" It announced before launching an immitation of his earlier attack at him, only it felt...wrong. As if it was twisted. The concussive force knocked him further into the sky.
Kaito felt the full force of the attack. he gritted his teeth angrily there was blood all on his clothes, his hat vanished showing his spiky hair. 'my magic is so low and my body doesn't feel too good either' he thought as he slowly fell from the sky. "better take a card" eh said as he slowly pulled a card from his pocket "what does the future have in store for me? he asked himself as he looked at the card and grinned "i guess this is a good day after all" he said as he hit the ground with a loud thud. He had broken a few ribs but he still found a way to stand "i don't know who or what you are, but you've messed with the wrong dragon slayer" he said as cloud began to form and loud thunder could be heard "where there's thunder..." he turned the card around to show the creature it showed a picture of a man being struck by lightning. "there's me" he said before vanishing and the card slowly floated to the ground...
Lara watched everyone's attacks ' maybe I need to use my strongest magic too....' she thought as she moved out of the way from the magic attack that send the guy in the white hat flying ' but it's a last resort....' lara ran iver to the man and was abiut to heal him when his body disappeared. She then heard lightenning hitting something and turned around and saw him again.

She got up and looked back at the creature ' hmm....fire magic mixed wind magic...' she re-equiped her guns and she coated one hand in wind maguc and her other hand in fire magic. A huge red magic circle appeared below and a green circle appeared in front of her. She pounched the red circle with her fire magic coated hand and hit the green one with her wind magic coated hand. A few seconds later fire erupted from the ground right below the creature and a tornado came out of the magic and was blasted toward the creature.

Lara coated her feet in wind magic and bullets in her gun in fire and wind and ran around the creature at great speed, shooting 3 bullets at it's joints from different angles.
Sergei walked outside the guild. The massive giant was starting to crush all of the guild mages. Kaito was fighting it restless, trying probably to find a weak spot. Michael was on the other side, trying hurt the lower parts of the knight, making cuts on his legs, but it was no use because his katana wasn't able to pierce through the thick armor of the knight. The knight stomped over Michael and kicked him away, making him crash against a building. It was time for them to develop a battle tactic. Sergei noticed how big the knight was and thought it was best to make it fall and attack it while it would be laying in the ground. But how do we drop something this big and heavy to the ground? He remembered the static that Michael and Kaito could use to make things levitate. But they would need a lot of power to lift something that heavy. All of the mages should be working on that. Sergei jumped towards the top of the guild hall and shouted to the mages.

"KAITO, MICHAEL, SKY, YAMI! Use your magic to knock him down, make him fall to the ground! Michael and Kaito, use the static to try to unbalance him, make him levitate even that it is for a few inches! Sky, use your wind to push him when he's unbalanced! Yami... Total power over that thing, make him drop!"

"Yes Master!" Yami yelled and started to preform Heavenly body Sema.

"True Heavenly Body: Sema!"

A large golden meteor struck the figure, hard, it's impact was sever but not enough. She started to perform it again, thinking about that she had destroy the thing.

Sergei was yelling like a fool. What could a few Saber-tooth mages possibly do? Even with the demon at their side? Sara walked out of the guild Hall following his voice. "I wonder if there's anything I can do," she wondered aloud. "I doubt my teleportation would be able to do anything against it...I just might have to copy someone else magic...we will see." The Guildmaster looked at the monster's should and instantly teleported to it, resting herself on its armor covering. "No..no weak spot here." She then transported back down to the road in front of the Guild Hall, making her way to Sergei. "It's nice to see you not crying over your destroyed guild. With just teleportation, I'm no good against something that big. So for now, I'll just help your students get away if they get in a pinch." Sara then turned her eyes towards the sky, contemplating what to do next.

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