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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Sky chuckled when Dusty was cut off by a golem, hitting him from behind, "rule number one: don't turn your back on an enemy!" She was grinning and watch him. She did see any golems close to her so she pay attention to Dusty's fight. "Oh and these things won't end, until we beat the crap out of whoever control these thing." She told him and look at the golems that Dusty were facing now, "hey! You sure you can do this? You got hit pretty bad!" She was being cheeky, but there were a little hint of worry inside her. If he can't fight anymore, I'll have to fly him back to the guild, or someplace safe, she thought to herself.

Dusty waved off the offer. "Listen, you caught my attention. Isn't there a rule about not distracting a fighter?" He jumped and brought a chop against a golems neck, creating a crack in it. He flicked it off, seeing it roll off. He then turned and managed to just catch the fist of the second golem. He gritted his teeth, then flipped the thing over his shoulder. He landed on its head, breaking. He turned and swept the third golem out from under its feet, it landing on it's back as the second golem crumbled. He cracked its head with a punch, then huffed in annoyance. "I know, which means we have to get into the Echidna base and defeat each member left." He sidestepped a punch from another golem, swiftly taking care of it and clapping the dust off his hands. He looked up at Sky, giving her a thumbs-up and a reassuring smile. He had seen Michael give almost the same smile to Yami, when he had overheard them talking about Echidna. Sky shouldn't worry about him. He wasn't that important to the team anyways. "I can do it. The only way I'll stop is if these guys kill me, or pull each of my limbs off of my body so I can't bash their skulls in except with a headbutt." He laughed.

Lara coated her hand in thunder magic, a magic cirlce appeared above her. She punched it and lightenning started raining down on the mages on the rooftops. " that should take care of them..." she blocked andattack from the golem and kero shot it's week points and destroyed it. Lara then coated her feet in wind magic and jumped in the air and got behind another golem and quickly shot it's joints down. Kero shot a mage that was about to attack lara with her light magic.
"What rule? I have never heard of it!" She replied as Dusty destroy the golems. "But we can't just rock up there, we need all of the people that came to the meeting, hopefully none of them are spies," she mumbled the last part to herself. Dusty punched the golems and destroy it. "Yeah right, like that's going to happen," Sky told him, "that's not gonna happen on my watch. The—" she stopped talking when she saw lightning and she shivers, I hate lightning! She thought. Sky shakes her head and continue, "the old man won't even let us go anyway."

@Refaulted @Evergreen98
Kaito smiled and gave Carrie a seductive wink "oh! I'm good! he exclaimed excitedly, the aura around his body grew as lightning bolts hit the ground and Kaito vanished and reappeared near several golems all he did was hit them, the sheer force of his fist broke the the golems rocky body. After several seconds of fighting 4 golems fell to the floor. What happened was Kaito vanished a reappeared to kill them so fast no one saw him. He reappeared next to Carrie who looked tired "awww is little girlie tired? he said in a sad voice.

Dusty noticed the lightening magic and laughed when he saw Sky shiver. "I didn't know you were scared of lightening, Sky. Isn't lightening a PART of the sky? And I'm sure Sergei would allow me to go. And if he didn't, then I would go anyways. Don't worry about it." He laughed. "Hey, if I die, then its just one less person in the world. Nothing too bad, right? There are millions of people out there." He laughed. He took out another golem, then pulled off his shirt to wipe his face clean of sweat. He put it back on, looking around at the remaining forces. They were thinning out, so he would have to move on to another section of the city to get rid of them soon. He yawned, ripping a rock free of a larger slab that had been lifted up, and chewed on it, waiting for one of his foes to make a move. 'Maybe these things are smart and know when to give up.' He swallowed the last bit of rock and arched his back, stretching. "If there are more of these inside the Echidna base, then it's gonna take two of me to dispose of them all. These guys are a giant nuisance." He frowned at the golems, crossing his arms.

((Guys please stop posting I think mostly everybody is sleeping including me and I don't wanna read all this in the morning....))
"Shield the golems!" One of Echidna's mages shouted. As one, barriers forme around the mages and the golems. "Fireballs!" Multiple magic circles appeared thay started to shoot fire.
Sky frowned then she saw fireballs calming at them, "shoot!" She quickly used air to lift Dusty up and move him out of the way. Sky dodge the fireballs then puts Dusty down. Then she answered him, "it is part of the sky, but I don't like it" When Dusty said that it was nothing too bad of he died. Just one less people? Sky thought, yeah right! She used air and trip Dusty over. "Fine! Do whatever you want!" She said, not meaning it but the words just came out of her mouth, then she flew off.


((I'm going to sleep so this way you don't have to wait for my reply))
Dusty watched her fly off then at the giant shield the mages had made for the golems. They seemed to be preparing to attack again. "Well, I guess I made her mad. But I was only being truthful. I better head back to the guild." He turned and jumped off the building before another wave of fire rained down on where he had just been standing. He ran down the streets, looking for any of the other mages. He noticed another giant fireball flying towards him in his peripheral vision, so he jumped out of the way into one of the alleys. It crashed into the ground, exploding and sending a wave of heat down the alleyway his was running through. He burst out into the other side, and kept running. He kept checking around him to see if they had launched another attack on him. When he assumed he was in the clear, he slowed down to a walk, looking around at his surroundings. He had ended up by the edge of the city. He stood there, stunned at how far he had ran from them. He shook his head and started the trek back to the Sabertooth guild, but he never let his guard down.
Yami just sat down, drinking as much as she can. She just drank and drank... Hiccuping and giving goofy smiles to everyone. She wanted to have fun. So.. Yup.. Here she is.
After hearing from Yami that she wanted to have a drink, Michael went down the stairs by himself. He patiently waited for the meeting, quietly. But there wasn't a meeting anymore. The sound of golems falling down from the sky chilled his blood. Not again. Michael prepared himself, making the static run around his body. He jumped over the counter to catch several bullets inside it, using magnetism to make them float and shoot them at the oncoming golems. But there were mages from Echidna mouting them, using shields to protect the creatures beneath them. Michael was desperate at the sight of this. Dammit, where's Yami?

After finishing his meditation, Sergei walked inside. He had finished his training and mastered his new technique as fast as he could. He hoped that it would do some good against those people from Echidna. Golems were attacking again, and this time, there were soldiers riding them. A gigantic rage crossed the nevers from the guild master. The pain of war went through his skin once more. He took the bone spear that he had retrived from a golem's body and hung over the wall, to use as a chanelizer to his nullification magi. He started to walk towards the upcoming army, with the spear on his hands and blood on his eyes. As the golems got closer, he began to slash the spear against the golems bodies, filled with nullfication magic, making their bodies fall apart. He then proceeded to pierce the spear through any of the vitals from the mages that he could find, always making sure that they were dead. Dozens and dozens of golems started to charge against him and his guild, and he kept slaying them, in a solemn rhytm, as if he was dancing.

"I've been through two great wars! I've looked death in the eyes and smiled at her desire to take my soul! You stupid secondhand guild mages think you're taking me and my guild down today?! Think again! You'll need more than clay dumpsters to take a Zentopian priest down!"

Some of the soldiers started to fall back, using portals to get back to their fortress. The few that remained went towards the down, to cause more doom and suffering. Sergei hoped there was someone there to protect the townsfolk.
Yami decided to come back to guild, she unsteadily went to the guild and saw Michael she smiled and kissed him. "W-What's u-up?" She smiled.

( sorry for the short post! xD )

There were explosions occurring all over the place. It seems as if Echidna decided to make their move again. "This is getting old!" Sara roared. She pulled out her daggers about to rush out, but was stopped by the sight of a young girl walking back into the Guild Hall, and kissing another boy..It was the same boy she saw earlier, when confronting the Earth Dragon-Slayer. The electric one. "Kissing boys! Now? You should be fighting!" Sara looked at the space between the two and teleported there, pushing them apart. "Excuse me. What am I seeing here?"

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As lara was fighting the golems. A fireball was ahout to hit her from behind, until kero moved herbout of the way. " god dammit..." kero got on the rooftop and shot a huge laser at the mages knocking them of them unconscious. As she was dealing with the mages. Lara was surrounded by the golem. 'Crap... ok need to time this right....' when all 4 of them were about to attack. Lara coated her feet in wind magic and jumped up in the air to dodge the attack. She land on the rooftop. 5 mages surrounded her and shot fireball at her. She jumped up again and re-equiped to her dual guns and coated the bullets in lightening magic and shot it at each of the mages which knocked them out and paralyzed them.
Michael didn't had to deal with any of the golems., since Sergei was dealing with them all outside. Michael drew his sword to kill the soldiers that were stil alive after the stabs from Sergei's spear. After that whole frenzy, his katana was covered in blood. Sergei looked like he was emotionless. After looking towards the golems that were left, the master walked back to the guild, hoping that Dusty and Sky would take care of the other golems, impassive. He didn't said a word to Michael.

The thunder mage looked at his clothes. There was few drops of blood on it, but nothing too much. His hands though, were spilling with the red fluid. He went inside and washed them in the guild's bathroom. The fact that his magic was not more than useless against the rock monsters was upsetting him. He was feeling a burden to everybody else. At least the guild is looking better. Before locking himself inside a room, Sergei had restored some things. Michael walked to the counter and leaned his back against it, feeling tired. Yami walked inside, and he frowned, a bit shocked by her presence. She kissed him and his shock vanished. He kissed her back, for a long time. Afterwards, his concernment returned. "Where were you?". Before she could answer it, the guild master from mermaid heel split them apart. Michael was embarrassed. "Erm... We were just.... My magic is kinda useless against the golems that's why I'm here. I couldn't think of a good battle tactic. But I'll be back on the field as soon as I do!". Trying to get off the subject about him and Yami, he said: "Master Sergei is inside that room, if you want to talk with him".

@Sandra @GreenMoss

"Erm... We were just.... My magic is kinda useless against the golems that's why I'm here. I couldn't think of a good battle tactic. But I'll be back on the field as soon as I do!". Trying to get off the subject about him and Yami, he said: "Master Sergei is inside that room, if you want to talk with him". Sara's mouth dropped as she squinted her eyes at the boy. She replied, irate, "Did you really just try to change the subject in front of my face? What I asked about, was what you two are doing here kissing. I did not ask you where Sergei was." She stepped closer to the boy so that their faces were barely in inch apart. "Ah," she cackled, "I know that look. I know it very well." Sara was an extremely beautiful lady; back when she was a teenager, she always the one being stared at and getting asked out by the neighborhood boys. Because of this, a look of love came out as clear as day; so when Micheal's eyes twinkled while he was next to Yami, the meaning was apparent. Smiling, the Guildmaster said: "You LIKE her don't you? Yes! That's what it is! Hahaha! Unbelievable! A relationship, right under Sergei's nose! Who would have thought!"

In a puff she moved from standing between the couple, to materializing behind Yami's back. "She does look pretty you know. Nice features, long hair, soft skin. Very nice choice Michael..So tell me, when did you fall for her? Was it when you saved her from a man-eating monster..or was it the first time you saw her face?" Sara pulled out a dagger and eyed it. "Or maybe it was her magic, that caught your attention was it?" The dagger was spinning up in the air as a result from the Mage's throw, but she deftly caught it again with one hand. She continued taunting Michael. "You know what's funny? I actually recognize this girl. I brushed it off at first, but now that I'm getting a closer look, I am sure this is the cold-blooded killer so many people are looking for." Turning to Yami, she smiled a wide grin. "Isn't that right you little demon spawn. Or is it Yami you go by nowadays? Or should I just call you..hmm..The Dark Killer?"

More explosions and magic attacks could be heard nearby, but the happenings of the outside world had to take a backseat to what was happening now. "There seems to be a lot of things she hasn't told you boy. Things about when she was a kid. I would tell you myself but that would take the fun out of everything. Besides, wouldn't you want to hear it from her own precious lips?" With a look of disgust, Sara turned to look at Yami once more. "Like I said before. A lot of people are looking for you. Even a few of my own guild members. They tell me they lost some of their best friends that day. But no one really knows the details of what happened..." Two daggers were now on either side of Yami's neck. "I want to know what you did to them deary. Show me your magic."

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Yami raised a brow and hiccuped. "S-Sorry, just a girl and her boyfriend. That's all." Yami had a annoyed look but then she started talking about her and her magic and now the incident. She called her Dark killer. Yami's face turned pale. "N-no. S-stop!" She stuttered and was in fear as two daggers were on both of the sides of her neck. "Michael... A little help.."
Dusty jumped over another fallen golem. He had taken out any that he has seen on his way back to Sabertooth, trying to thin them out for the rest of the mages. One landed in front of him, but he easily knocked its head off. He ran faster. He saw a mage launch an ice spell at him, which he countered with a Sand Spear. He turned onto the road that the Guild Hall was on, and ran to the entrance. He slowed down as he approached, catching his breath. When he was caught up, he opened the door and examined it. His gaze fell on the Guild Master lady pointing two knives at Yami's neck, and Michael standing a bit to the side. He froze, staring at what was happening. He looked to Michael, then Yami, then to the woman. He fists clenched, and his eyes narrowed. "What do you think you're doing?!" He spoke through gritted teeth. "If you're threatening my friends, then you're making a big mistake." He started to walk menacingly towards the lady, his arms hardening more. "Get those butter knives away from my friend's neck, or else."

Upon hearing the words from the guild master, Michael stopped smiling awkwardly, and his face was serious. He looked deep inside the eyes of the woman. When she made the move with the two daggers towards the neck of Yamia, his eyes shined white and the eletricity started to ran across his body. He wanted to become a thunder and carry the woman outside towards the cloud, even if that would crush his body once again. He wanted her to leave Yami alone. He held one of the knives, making a deep cut on his palms and letting a huge lightning bolt cross his arm, hand and run across the steel blade of the knife, eletrocuting the guild master. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!"

"What a nuisance!" She growled. Hundreds of volts of electricity were streaming into her body, coming from the arm of the thunder mage. Then, there was the problem of the other person. The Earth Dragon-Slayer. "Understand, I don't want to hurt any of you. I simply want to see what this girl can do." Sara kneed Yami hard in the back, while keeping both daggers firm to her neck. "Come on, little girl. Show me and your friends what you can really do. It's time to stop hiding." A knee went into Yami's back again, as Sara was trying to force her to release the magic. "You know what. I'll leave the decision up to you. Either you show me willingly, or I'll kill your friends."

Looking at Michael and the Earth-Slayer, she said: "One wrong move and I'll end her life. I'll slit her throat faster than you can blink. And as for you mister thunder..electrocute me one more time and I'll make sure you fry her too. These daggers are made of metal..and I have two. I can always stab one right into her leg to make sure she shares my pain."

The atmosphere was tense; those moments were so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "So what you say now, will determine what happens next Demon. Choose wisely."


Yami stood very still. What should she do?! She looked at Michael with desperate eyes but scared of showing her true potential to him. "Fine.. I'll show you.." She winced a couple times when she kneed her. "Let me go and I'll show you." She closed her eyes tightly.

"Good decision," she cooed, patting Yami on the head. Sara let her go and teleported to the other side of the Guild Hall. However, even though she was far away, she kept a steady eye on the young magician.

"What spell should I use.." She said loudly but mostly to herself. She hoped not the most destructive. "Please, can't I just do one weak spell and get it over with???" She said standing still and watching Michael.
"This is getting old really fast" Rae said frustrated as another storm of the lightning took out more of the golem's "Can we please go in there,I can get there myself who's with me" he roared

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